Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Nicole Eggert Laid Out Scott Baio Accusations to Dr. Oz in Shelved Episode

We’ve heard Nicole Eggert’s accusations that Scott Baio molested her for years during her teens.

it turns out that Twitter wasn’t Nicole’s first choice as a platform to air her accusations — because she apparently told it all to Dr. Oz earlier this month.

There’s just one problem: Scott Baio is trying to shut down the episode, so it might never air.

Over the weekend, Nicole Eggert aired her accusation by quoting a tweet mentioning Scott Baio.

In it, she called him a “creep” and implied that he had in some way sexually mistreated her.

In subsequent tweets, as (obviously) people tweeted to her to ask exactly what she was accusing Scott Baio of doing, she accused him of having molested her, starting at the age of 14, when he digitally penetrated her.

This allegedly went on until she was 17. She says that it was at 17 when Scott Baio had sex with her.

(While 17 is a fine time for most folks to have sex, let us remind you that Scott Baio is a decade older than she is and also that we’re talking about, based upon her allegations, a situation in which he groomed and molested her for years leading up to that)

Scott Baio denies those allegations, and claims that his sexual relationship with her was consensual and happened only when she was 18. He also claims that she “seduced” him.

Part of Scott Baio’s denial itself was kind of creepy, but we’ll get to that in a moment.

It turns out that it wasn’t just some social media whim that caused Nicole Eggert, the former Baywatch actress, to share her #MeToo story with the world.

TMZ reports that Nicole Eggert told Dr. Oz everything about Scott Baio earlier this month. During that session, she revealed more details about what Scott said to her during her alleged years of molestation.

So why didn’t that episode, which was filmed on January 10th, air?

Scott Baio’s team sent threatening letters to Dr. Oz, denying the accusations and claiming that Nicole’s timeline doesn’t add up. We’re sure that it was all in legalese, but that was the gist of it.

It seems like Nicole felt like she had to take matters into her own hands — specifically, her thumbs, with which she presumably types her tweets — if she wanted to get her story out there.

As for the new, grim details?

Per TMZ‘s report, Nicole accuses Scott Baio of having spoken to her as if he were going to “prepare” her to have sex with boys her own age.

Remember that this allegedly started when she was 14, when Scott would have been 24 or 25.

A lot of sexual misconduct acts under a guise of something else. We’ve heard so many #MeToo stories about “massages” and “medical treatments.”

Plenty of consensual, healthy sexual intercourse happens under a guise, too. Euphemisms like Netflix and chill exist for a reason.

But not between a 14-year-old and a man ten years her senior, folks.

Nicole Eggert’s accusations go on:

Some of these alleged conversations happened at her house, while her parents were not home.

She describes what he allegedly said to her in order to convince her to agree to sex:

“How much he loved me and, hopefully one day when I was of age, we could be together, and that he understood I needed to go be with boys my own age and it was sort of like a goodbye action.”

Some sexual predators are obsessed with the build-up to sex and then lose interest. Nicole’s allegations seem to match that description.

Scott Baio strongly denies Nicole’s claims and says that other accusations have surfaced in the past but “gone away.” He seems frustrated that this one will not.

“I remember her calling me and asking me to come over and coming in my house one time, and seducing me,” Baio admitted during a 16-minute video that he made to deny the allegations.

“[For] any normal, heterosexual, red-blooded, American guy, the outcome would have been the same.”

He claims that this was when she was 18, but that denial is so creepy and really speaks to Baio’s cultural mindset.

It seems that he believes that any man who would turn down an invitation of sex (as he claims that Nicole made) must be gay. Or abnormal. Or maybe he just uses those words as synonyms. Oh, and he’d have to be un-American?

It’s always worrisome when even someone’s denial of sexual allegations reveals alarming things about how they view women and sex.
