Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Amanda Stanton Talks Robby Hayes, Josh Murray, & Becoming the Bachelorette!

Amanda Stanton finished her latest tour of Bachelor in Paradise last fall, but fans have questions.

Has she spoken to that cheater Robby Hayes? For that matter, is she in touch with Josh Murray? Will she answer the hopes and dreams of countless fans by becoming the next leading lady of The Bachelorette?

Finally, Amanda is speaking out and, believe it or not, answering all of those questions.

Amanda Stanton won a lot of fans on the 20th season of The Bachelor, but it was Lauren Bushnell who won the heart of Ben Higgins.

You know, for a while.

Amanda then went on to Bachelor in Paradise, where she and Josh Murray became a couple. Unfortunately, their breakup was so dramatically unpleasant that police were called.


This last season of Bachelor on Paradise didn’t do her much good, either.

Not only did she have to defend herself against mom-shamers for appearing on the show, she didn’t exactly get a happy ending.

She became romantically entangled with Robby Hayes.

Unfortunately, he allegedly became “entangled” with someone else.

Amanda Stanton tweeted a photo of Robby’s cheating to prove it to the world.

A lot of nonsense goes on in Paradise; that’s basically the point of the show. But we should all be able to agree that Amanda deserves better.

Well, Amanda Stanton opened up to Us Weekly about the many topics that have aroused the curiosity of fans.

For starters, she is so not talking to Robby Hayes.

Josh Murray, despite the drama in their past, is another story.

“I talk to Josh here and there.”

She is, at first, cautious about talking about this. She doesn’t want to give false hope to shippers.

“I mean nothing more than a friendly conversation.”

But Amanda and Josh are on what we’d call unusually good terms for a pair of exes.

She acknowledges that things were bad when they ended things, but emphasizes that things are so much better, now.

“We had such a bad breakup, and so it’s nice to just not have that drama anymore and just be cool with each other.”

Gwen Stefani wrote a whole dang song about that. (“Cool” is, in fact, my favorite song of hers)

“Because he was around my kids and we did have a good relationship for the most part. So it’s good to be on good terms.”

In fact, she and said children (Kinsley and Charlie) apparently FaceTimed Josh Murray after her return from this past season in Paradise.

But then comes the big question. The one that matters.

Those men are in her past, but what lies in her future? Might she be The Bachelorette?

Amanda shatters the hearts of fans as she sounds very certain that she’ll no longer be looking for love on camera.

“I’m done for sure.”

Heartbreaking. But she makes it clear that this isn’t sour grapes speaking.

“I’m so grateful for the opportunity, and like overall I had such a good experience and don’t regret anything.”

Still, her air of finality remains.

“But I think I’m done.”

“I’ve had my fair share of chances.”

Does she really believe that she missed her chance to find love on screen? Or is she just sick of having her heartbreak broadcast to the world?

For the record, she spoke to Us Weekly at a speed dating event, so her brand is at least still tied to the quest for love.

But it sounds to us like Amanda was mostly just being dismissive of returning for yet another season of Bachelor in Paradise.

If she got an offer to become the Bachelorette … would she really turn that down?

We’re not so sure.
