Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Mackenzie Standifer: Is She Losing Custody of Her Son?!

Look, we all know that Mackenzie Standifer isn’t the most likable person on reality TV.

She might actually be the most hated person in recent Teen Mom OG history, which is really saying something.

After all, that’s the show that introduced us to Matt Baier.

(And no, we won’t ever forgive MTV for that.)

The hate for Mackenzie has been building and building for a while now, ever since she had what seemed to be a heartfelt conversation with Maci only to turn around and trash her in a conversation with Ryan and his parents.

That was bad, but things just kept getting worse and worse until the season finale, when Ryan thought it would be an OK idea to drive to his wedding while high.

It was his choice to do heroin and then get behind the wheel, obviously, but the issue that many took with Mackenzie was that once she realized something was wrong, she didn’t take charge of the situation.

Instead of insisting that Ryan pull over, she concerned herself with turning off the cameras in the car, and although she later claimed that that was the first time she noticed anything about his drug use, she was heard asking if he’d taken xanax “again.”

Then when they managed to make it to the wedding, she smiled throughout the ceremony, even while her new mother-in-law was crying and Ryan was nodding off behind his sunglasses.

It was pretty weird, to say the least.

But when she blamed every single thing on Maci during the reunion show, essentially telling her that it would have been her fault if anything had happened to him … that’s when the tides really began to turn against her.

During this new season of Teen Mom OG, Mackenzie’s been getting an awful lot of airtime, and frankly, none of it has made her look any better.

We saw her commit an extreme act of pettiness when she failed to invite Maci’s family to her second wedding to Ryan — and also when she addressed the invitation to Maci Bookout instead of Maci McKinney.

We saw her bash Maci time and time again, and for no real reason.

And then, in an add moment that didn’t have anything to do with Maci, we saw that she stayed at an apartment in Texas while Ryan spent three weeks there in rehab.

It seemed a little weird, because she wouldn’t be able to spend a whole lot of time with him anyway, and also because she has a young son, Hudson, back home in Chattanooga.

Why wouldn’t she stay with her son? And now that we’re talking about her son, why would she move her son in with a heroin addict she’d known for just a few months?

And what’s the deal with her custody agreement? She keeps insisting that she has full custody, but there was that change in the child support payments that got a lot of us confused.

There are a whole, whole lot of questions about Mackenzie, but it seems like today we have a couple of answers.

And they sure are interesting.

According to a source who spoke with Radar Online, Mackenzie’s first husband and the father of Hudson, Zach Stephens, is looking into getting full custody himself.

“He wants to take Hudson from her,” the source claims. “She never has Hudson. It’s her mom, Ryan’s mom Jen or Zach watching him.”

“Zach doesn’t feel with her is where Hudson needs to be.”

The insider even says that the boy “screams” when he has to go back to Mackenzie and Ryan’s house, because “he can’t stand being there.”

So that’s not great.

It’s hard to say if that last part is true — and if it is, then the situation at the Edwards’ home is even more upsetting than we imagined — but it’s easy to believe that Mackenzie’s ex would want to get custody of their son.

It’s pretty clear that she doesn’t make the most responsible choices, and if Ryan drove high once, it’s not a stretch to think that he could have done it with Hudson in the car.

And even if Hudson was never in the car with Ryan, he still lived with him. It makes sense that Zach could have an issue with everything.

What a mess, right?

Cue a meltdown from Mackenzie in 3, 2 …
