Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Amber Rose Shares Results of Breast Reduction, Cellulite Treatment

Amber Rose is nothing if not if not supremely confident, but she’s also a human being with an audience of millions scrutinizing her every selfie.

So it should come as no surprise that Amber is occasionally willing to go the surgical route in her efforts to fine-tune her appearance.

And because she’s far more forthcoming with her fan base than most celebrities, Amber is happy to discuss the details of her cosmetic procedures on social media.

In a candid Instagram live stream, Rose recently revealed to her millions of followers that she’s at home recovering from a breast reduction surgery:

“I’m still in the house recovering from my breast reduction surgery, and I just wanted to give you a little [update],” said the model and activist.

“So I’m really just letting my hair grow, letting my eyebrows grow out, and just trying to rest and relax and recover. And also of course, I wanted to give you an update on my new boobs.”

Rose first announced that she was considering a breast reduction back in August, but she didn’t say much about the decision process in the months since.

(Though at one point, she revealed that she was afraid of the possibility of “lollipop scars.”)

Discussing the possibility of going under the knife on Loveline, Rose stated:

“My boobs are stupid heavy, my back hurts and I can’t wear cute lil’ shirts without a grandma bra.”

And now that she’s gone through with it seems, she’s more than happy with the results:

“I really went down a lot. So I don’t know if you guys know, but I was like a 36H, I was really, really big, and I think now I might just be a D-cup, which is really small for me,” she said on Instagram.

“I’ve been online shopping, and getting my cute little shirts, and little strapless things, and I’m just so excited to be actually be able to wear an outfit without a huge bra,”

Rose also spoke of undergoing treatment to remove cellulite, which she says has had some painful after-effects.

“My legs are still really, really sore,” she told her followers.

Hopefully, she’ll be back on her feet for this year’s Slut Walk!

Get well soon, Amber!
