Showing posts with label Reduction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reduction. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Amber Rose Shares Results of Breast Reduction, Cellulite Treatment

Amber Rose is nothing if not if not supremely confident, but she’s also a human being with an audience of millions scrutinizing her every selfie.

So it should come as no surprise that Amber is occasionally willing to go the surgical route in her efforts to fine-tune her appearance.

And because she’s far more forthcoming with her fan base than most celebrities, Amber is happy to discuss the details of her cosmetic procedures on social media.

In a candid Instagram live stream, Rose recently revealed to her millions of followers that she’s at home recovering from a breast reduction surgery:

“I’m still in the house recovering from my breast reduction surgery, and I just wanted to give you a little [update],” said the model and activist.

“So I’m really just letting my hair grow, letting my eyebrows grow out, and just trying to rest and relax and recover. And also of course, I wanted to give you an update on my new boobs.”

Rose first announced that she was considering a breast reduction back in August, but she didn’t say much about the decision process in the months since.

(Though at one point, she revealed that she was afraid of the possibility of “lollipop scars.”)

Discussing the possibility of going under the knife on Loveline, Rose stated:

“My boobs are stupid heavy, my back hurts and I can’t wear cute lil’ shirts without a grandma bra.”

And now that she’s gone through with it seems, she’s more than happy with the results:

“I really went down a lot. So I don’t know if you guys know, but I was like a 36H, I was really, really big, and I think now I might just be a D-cup, which is really small for me,” she said on Instagram.

“I’ve been online shopping, and getting my cute little shirts, and little strapless things, and I’m just so excited to be actually be able to wear an outfit without a huge bra,”

Rose also spoke of undergoing treatment to remove cellulite, which she says has had some painful after-effects.

“My legs are still really, really sore,” she told her followers.

Hopefully, she’ll be back on her feet for this year’s Slut Walk!

Get well soon, Amber!


Amber Rose Steps Out After Breast Reduction Surgery

Amber Rose’s Chick-fil-A craving got her out and about Monday in Bev Hills after she underwent an intense breast reduction surgery a little over week ago.  Amber went from a size H to a size D cup. She said she went through with the surgery…


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Stassi Schroeder Strips Down on Instagram, Reveals Breast Reduction Surgery Scars

A new season of Vanderpump Rules is almost upon us.

It’s been seven months since we last checked in with the men and women of SUR, and a whole lot has changed in their lives in the interim.

For one thing, it seems barely a week went by without a new breakup rumor wending its way around social media.

Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright split shortly after their spinoff series, Jax and Brittany Take Kentucky, publicly exposed the many flaws in their relationship.

It’s been reported that Tom Schwartz and Katie Maloney have called it quits after less than a year of marriage, but that news didn’t come as much of a shock.

Those two have been exposing their flaws from day one.

Even Scheana Marie and Robert Valletta have broken up, despite maintaining the outward appearance of happiness until the very end.

But for all the Vanderpump romances that have gone south in the past year, perhaps none comes as a greater surprise than the breakup between Stassi Schroeder and Patrick Meagher.

Sure, they’d broken up in the past, but Stassi and Patrick really seemed to be in it for the long haul.

In fact, after several years as the show’s resident mystery man, Meagher finally agreed to appear on camera for Vanderpump Season 6.

The move was taken by many as a sign of commitment, the long-running reality show equivalent of putting a ring on it.

Sadly, Stassi and Patrick’s relationship melted under the glare of the spotlight, and he broke up with her on what would have been their thrid anniversary.

But don’t cry for SUR’s answer to Regina George–Stassi survived with the breakup with both her sharp sense of humor and her bangin’ body intact:

Stassi posted the above photo Instagram yesterday, along with a caption reading:

“That Kardashian ass tho.”

Stassi’s not afraid of a little self-deprecation, not does she have any qualms about showing off the faint scars from her breast reduction surgery.

It’s that attitude that’s made her the standout figure on a show that’s loaded with big personalities.

And we’re sure Ms. Schroeder has a similarly seductive effect on her Tinder matches.

Watch Vanderpump Rules online to get caught up in time for what promises to be the show’s most dramatic season to date.


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Amber Rose: Considering a Breast Reduction, Asks Fans for Feedback!

Amber Rose is known for being body-positive, unashamed about nudity, and for countering slut-shaming with frank discussions about sex and about women’s rights.

She’s also known for her modeling work and her incredible body.

But Amber Rose took to Instagram to share with followers that she’s seriously considering saying goodbye to part of her legendary figure: her breasts.

Amber posted a message to her followers:

“I’m thinking about getting a breast reduction this year.”

A lot of people get breast reduction procedures, though reasons for them can vary.

Amber Rose’s breasts are huge, by any standard, so she really doesn’t have to explain.

“My boobs are stupid heavy, my back hurts and I can’t wear cute lil shirts without a grandma bra.”

Back pain due to large, cumbersome breasts can be a serious problem, especially over time.

That pain is real and it doesn’t get better with age.

Wardrobe issues are not at all uncommon for women with large breasts.

Many find shopping for shirts difficult, not to mention finding a bra that fits them and looks nice.

A lot of larger bras are those beige ones, folks.

“I’m really scared of the lollipop scars tho…. any advice?”

Lollipop scars, called this for their shape, are scars that follow a straight line up the bottom of the breast and then encircle the entire nipple of both breasts, as this is where the incision is made so that breast tissue can be removed.

Cosmetic surgery can often do away with scars, but that means having yet another procedure, and not all scarring can be wiped away.

What really matters is being happy after the procedure, and it looks like Amber knows that:

“Are there any ladies out there that are much happier even though you have breast reduction scars?”

We do hear that they fade over time, but everyone’s skin is different.

A lot of women worry about facing rejection if their breasts look disfigured.

(Men can be terrible, folks)

“And no I don’t have implants so they can’t just cut around the nipples.”

Sometimes breast implants can be inserted or removed through a 180 degree incision around the areola, though that’s usually in patients with larger nipples after they’ve given birth.

(Someone should tell Rob Kardashian that, since his revenge porn meltdown last month betrayed his total ignorance about how nipples naturally change size)

Amber Rose really wanted feedback from her followers in ways that many people would not.

“Tell me about [your] experiences.”

Some celebrities leave their Instagram comments closed as a matter of course. They just want to share photos and their lives but they don’t need to see the hate or a dozen people comment “first!” like this is YouTube in 2008.

Amber Rose, however, was literally asking for responses.

As you can imagine, the comments that she got were varied.

A lot of people expressed sympathy.

Some were medical professionals (or, at least, they claimed to be) who warned of things like scarring (though, as we mentioned before, scarring isn’t always permanent).

Others had undergone breast reductions or knew people who had.

Other celebrities, such as Ariel Winter, have undergone breast reduction surgery to address physical discomfort as well as wardrobe problems.

(In Ariel’s case, it was also to reclaim a bit of her identity and to take control of her image)

So Amber Rose, if she decides to do this, will be in good company.

We’re not saying that crowdsourcing your medical advice is any substitute for consulting with qualified surgeons.

But we do think that it’s neat that Amber Rose reached out to her fans 

Not just as a treat for some of them, but because she’s using her fame as a resource in a kind of unusual way.

We don’t know if she’ll go through with it.

Amber Rose would be beautiful with no breasts of any size or no breasts whatsoever.

What’s important is what she chooses for herself.


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Charlotte McKinney Considers Breast Reduction; World Weeps

If you’re familiar with Charlotte McKinney, it’s probably because of her giant, awesome boobs.

We’re sure the 23-year-old model has many other fine qualities as well, but we’ve never sat down over tea and scones to discuss her thoughts on the global poitical climate.

We have, however, seen Charlotte nude on several occasions, and each time it was glorious.

Sadly, the Charlotte we know and lust after may soon be undergoing a major transformation, and it’s all because people on social media are jackasses.

This is why we can’t have nice things, Internet!

In a surprisingly candid interview with Ocean Drive magazine, Charlotte opened up about being bullied as a teen, and the ways in which the mistreatment at the hands of haters has continued into her adulthood:

“I didn’t have any girlfriends,” McKinney says of her childhood.

“A lot of my friends were guys, and I was called a slut by a lot of people. I was just growing these large breasts at such a young age, not really knowing what to do with them or how to wear them. So it was definitely awkward.”

McKinney adds that the treatment she received from her classmates has left her with lasting psychological scars:

“I also left school because of all of the bullying. Girls would yell at me and call me a slut,” she continued.

“I would go to parties and get beer thrown on my head — there was so much bullying.”

She added:

“It was just so awful, and that’s why now I kind of use my platform to promote anti-bullying.”

Usually, these stories conclude with a happy ending about how adults are so much less hateful and antagonistic.

Unfortunately, this is 2017, a time in which the sort of bullying usually associated with children and teens is still practiced by adults:

“I try to use what I went through to be a voice for it, because it’s still happening and getting even worse now with social media,” McKinney says, adding that she’s considered getting a breast reduction due in part to all the slut-shaming she’s endured online:

“I’ve been thinking about it. They’ve definitely gotten smaller from my diet and over time. So I can see myself getting a reduction or a lift in the future.”

But fear not:

Charlotte says she has no intention of covering up and letting the haters win any time soon.

“I’m always going to be sexy,” McKinney said.

“I’m always going to have those photo shoots, but I’m really looking for different roles that aren’t so commercial and are a bit cooler.”

We look forward to seeing it.


Friday, January 20, 2017

Ariel Winter Poses Topless, Flaunts Breast Reduction Scars, Remains a Boss

Back in 2015, Modern Family actress and rising social media celebrity Ariel Winter underwent breast reduction surgery.

She opens up about this topic, and bares all – literally and otherwise – in a revealing new interview with Self magazine.

“Growing up in the spotlight was quite possibly the worst for my self-esteem,” the 18-year-old star told the publication.

“I had a hard time finding confidence within myself.”

“When I started [Modern Family], I had a completely different body than what happened overnight at 12 years old.”

“I was stick thin,” she adds. “I had no chest, I had no butt … I had nothing. I was totally flat, and I was so sad about it.”

“Then automatically, overnight, my body changed.”

“I was a D cup and had a bigger butt, and my waist was expanding. Everything was getting bigger. I automatically got this hate and judgment online.”

Accepting her body transformation wasn’t easy.

Fortunately, “I had a great role model in Sofia [Vergara] growing up, with her being a curvy woman that was super proud of who she was.”

“[Sofia] could see that I was struggling a little bit with how to deal with my body, and was always trying to give me advice.”

“Like, ‘Here are some brands that would look good on our body type,’ or just ‘Wear whatever you want, and feel good about yourself."”

Winter also credits her older sister, Shanelle Workman, whom she lives with, for encouraging her to be comfortable in her own skin.

“I look up to her so much,” she gushes. “I would listen to her talk to me, saying, ‘It doesn’t matter what other people think. You are who you are.”

“It’s not going to change. Love yourself.”

Her older sister told her to focus her love inward:

“People are going to hate regardless of what you do. You could conform to everything they say, and they’re still going to find something.”

“It was hard for me in the beginning to deal with people’s comments and deal with everybody having an opinion on absolutely everything,” she says.

“It was hard for me to not fall prey to wanting to change the way I felt and the way I did things and the way I looked because of other people.”

But as Winter got older, she got better at realizing:

“As long as I’m positive in my life and feel good about my decisions and stick to how I feel and the things I want to do, that’s what’s most important.”

“And that’s what’s going to get me through in life.”

One of the things she wanted to do, regardless of what others thought, was have breast reduction surgery at the young age of just 17.

The scars from having her 32F breasts are visible in the photos above, and Winter calls it “honestly the greatest choice I made.”

Winter made some headlines for wearing a dress to last year’s SAG awards that showed off the scars from her breast reduction procedure.

Explaining her decision, she tweeted: “Guys there is a reason I didn’t make an effort to cover up my scars! They are part of me!”

“I’m not ashamed of them at all. :)”

These days, Winter – who trolls often call “fat, and ugly, and a slut” on Instagram – says she’s done listening to the haters these days.

Still, she has her moments.

She says the worst comment she ever received was on a photo of herself and her nieces wearing bathing suits on a family vacation.

Someone said she was “asking for it.”

Yes, as in asking to be sexualized for daring to show any sort of skin … while on a vacation with her family members. It was disheartening.

She remembers being truly shocked.

“It made me super disappointed in our world, and in the internet and the people who were writing things on the Internet,” she says.

“That really disturbed me, and made me incredibly upset,” Ariel adds, and “I really had to stand up and make it a point to fight back.”

To her, people were “body shaming, but also slut-shaming” her, and “taking aim at people that weren’t doing anything wrong.”

And that, she says, is what has to stop. Now.

“Making comments that were so harmful and distressing for absolutely no purpose,” she says, drove Winter to take action that day.

We don’t suspect it will be the last time she gets trolled – or that she stands up and fires back at those sending such horrible messages.

Even the simple act of defiance and calling out the trolls for who they are sends a powerful message in this day and age.

And for that, and everything else, we thank her.


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Kim Kardashian: I Want a Breast Reduction, But Kanye Says NO!

A quick search on this site would reveal that the terms “Kim Kardashian” and “boobs” come up in the same headline at least 20 times.

That’s because Kim is almost as known for her tremendous ta-tas as she is her bodacious booty.

But after having two babies, the mom’s mammaries have reportedly become a nuisance, and she’s talking about undergoing a breast reduction, according to Radar Online.

“Lately, Kim’s breasts have been giving her a lot of problems,” a source tells the site. “When Kim was young and her boobs were these perky things, it was different.”

“But after having two kids and breast feeding with the both of them, Kim really feels like her boobs have gotten out of hand,” the source continued.

And by “out of hand,” they mean her weighty chesticles are causing her pain and aren’t as smooth as they once were.

“Kim says that her boobs hurt her back and she cannot live with the fact that she is starting to get stretch marks on her breasts,” said the source.

Apparently, the selfie queen wants to do something about it surgically, but there’s one thing that’s stopping her.

Kanye West.

Kim’s husband has forbidden her to go under the knife for major surgery because that’s how he lost his beloved mother Donda.

“He told her ‘absolutely not,"” said the source. 

Kanye’s mom died of complications following breast reduction surgery and liposuction in 2009, and Kanye has spoken openly about his heartbreaking grief.

“Not only does Kanye worship Kim’s boobs, but having a boob job is the one thing that is completely off limits because that is how Donda died,” explained the insider.

“His biggest fear is something like that happening to his wife and the mother of his kids too.”

There’s no telling whether Kim will heed her husband’s warning or tell him it’s her decision and she can do what she wants, but we do know she hasn’t shied away from flaunting her gazongas on Instagram of late.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Ariel Winter: Breast Reduction Surgery Changed My Life!

“My surgery got a lot of criticism from some people, but I’m happier for it.”

These are the words put on paper by Ariel Winter, who opted to undergo breast reduction surgery last year after suffering from physical and emotional limitations.

“My life changed over the course of a summer,” Winter wrote in an essay on Motto.

“I came back to film season 3 of Modern Family, and I knew that I looked totally different than when we’d wrapped season 2.”

Winter’s height (just over 5 feet) and cup size weren’t proportionate, which she found to be excruciatingly difficult.

“You physically hurt,” she wrote.  “You can’t find clothes that fit right.I couldn’t find a cute bathing suit.  

“Women are already over-sexualized, and I grew into my body so young. I was 13, 14 years old, and I looked 19,” Winter continued.

“Suddenly, people didn’t want to talk about my job—they just wanted to talk about my cleavage.   I’d go to awards shows and the next day see everyone on the Internet telling me I shouldn’t look like this and dress like that. 

“The conversation became about my looks instead of my talent and work—everything that I didn’t want. I even started getting messages from older male fans, and let’s just say they were gross.”

Others accused Winter of trying to look sexy, but she had no control over her chest size.  So, the star opted for surgery because of how she felt, not “because of what anyone else thought.”

“Having so much weight on my frame was affecting me psychologically,” she added.  “I was uncomfortable and unhappy.”

Post-surgery, Winter felt the effects immediately.  The pain in her neck and back subsided, and she felt better in her own skin.

“The first thing I wanted to do was go clothing shopping because I was so excited to be able to find things that fit properly instead of hiding in a baggy sweater,” Winter wrote.  “That meant the world to me.”

“Don’t get me wrong: I don’t think women should ever change themselves based on anyone else’s standards,” Winter explained.  “In the end, I think it’s all about how you feel—not what other people think.”

Monday, February 1, 2016

Ariel Winter Proudly Displays Breast Reduction Scars on Red Carpet

The 2016 Screen Actors Guild Awards were held in LA on Saturday night, and while the cast of Modern Family may have gone home empty-handed, one of the show’s young stars won big on the red carpet:

Obviously, Ariel Winter looks stunning in a form-fitting black dress, but the outfit is getting a lot of attention online for reasons that go beyond her savvy style choices.

Last June, Winter underwent breast reduction surgery, taking her from a 32F to a 34D.

She’s spoken openly about the procedure and how it’s made her feel more comfortable in her own skin.

At this year’s SAG Awards, she went a step further, sporting a dress that revealed the faint scars from the operation.

Winter explained her decision to fans later that evening:

“Guys there is a reason I didn’t make an effort to cover up my scars!” she tweeted after the ceremony. “They are part of me and I’m not ashamed of them at all. :)”

Ariel has slammed body-shaming trolls in the past, and she’s generally served as a positive role model for young people who might be struggling with their self-esteem.

We applaud her for using her platform to send such a powerful message to her fans.