Showing posts with label Considering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Considering. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Jay Gruden "Skins Considering Signing Kaepernick ... But Likely Won"t

Breaking News
Good news, Colin Kaepernick fans: Jay Gruden says the Redskins are seriously considering signing the QB!!!
Bad news, Colin Kaepernick fans: Jay Gruden says they likely won’t.
Just a day after losing their SECOND starting QB in less than a month … Washington’s...
Jay Gruden "Skins Considering Signing Kaepernick ... But Likely Won"t

Jay Gruden "Skins Considering Signing Kaepernick ... But Likely Won"t

Breaking News
Good news, Colin Kaepernick fans: Jay Gruden says the Redskins are seriously considering signing the QB!!!
Bad news, Colin Kaepernick fans: Jay Gruden says they likely won’t.
Just a day after losing their SECOND starting QB in less than a month … Washington’s...
Jay Gruden "Skins Considering Signing Kaepernick ... But Likely Won"t

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Monday, October 29, 2018

Alabama Rabbi Considering Armed Protection for Synagogue

A rabbi in the deep South says he and his congregation are seriously considering taking President Trump’s advice — in the wake of the mass shooting in Pittsburgh — and arm themselves during worship.  Rabbi Moshe Rube — who heads up the…


Monday, September 10, 2018

Oscar De La Hoya Considering Running for President!!!

President Oscar De La Hoya?!?! Don’t scoff — the boxing legend says he’s “very seriously” considering running for the highest office in the land … and he’s already putting together an exploratory team. “I am actually very, very serious and I…


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Pacman Jones Considering Lawsuit Against Airport Attacker

Pacman Jones’ airport attacker has already lost his job, his pride and hurt his leg … and now he could be facing a SERIOUS LAWSUIT … so says Pacman himself. TMZ Sports broke the story … the NFL star was attacked by Frank Ragin in Atlanta…


Pacman Jones Considering Lawsuit Against Airport Attacker

Pacman Jones’ airport attacker has already lost his job, his pride and hurt his leg … and now he could be facing a SERIOUS LAWSUIT … so says Pacman himself. TMZ Sports broke the story … the NFL star was attacked by Frank Ragin in Atlanta…


Tuesday, January 2, 2018

2 Chainz Still Considering Suing Walmart Over Dabbin" Santa Sweaters

2 Chainz says he’s still on the fence over taking Walmart to court for allegedly ripping off his Dabbin’ Santa sweaters … but sounds like he’s leaning toward a phone call to his lawyers. We got the rapper at LAX and asked if he was following…


Monday, November 27, 2017

Floyd Mayweather Considering One More Fight, But No Conor Rematch Talks Yet

Floyd Mayweather has been telling people close to him that he’s considering a 51st fight — and he’s been training like a maniac in the gym … but we’re told there has been NO official movement … yet.  Here’s the deal … people close…


Monday, October 30, 2017

L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti Seriously Considering 2020 Presidential Run

Eric Garcetti, the enormously popular Mayor of Los Angeles, is “seriously considering” throwing his hat in the ring for the 2020 Presidential race … multiple sources connected to Garcetti tell TMZ. Garcetti just announced he’s not going to run for…


Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Amber Rose: Considering a Breast Reduction, Asks Fans for Feedback!

Amber Rose is known for being body-positive, unashamed about nudity, and for countering slut-shaming with frank discussions about sex and about women’s rights.

She’s also known for her modeling work and her incredible body.

But Amber Rose took to Instagram to share with followers that she’s seriously considering saying goodbye to part of her legendary figure: her breasts.

Amber posted a message to her followers:

“I’m thinking about getting a breast reduction this year.”

A lot of people get breast reduction procedures, though reasons for them can vary.

Amber Rose’s breasts are huge, by any standard, so she really doesn’t have to explain.

“My boobs are stupid heavy, my back hurts and I can’t wear cute lil shirts without a grandma bra.”

Back pain due to large, cumbersome breasts can be a serious problem, especially over time.

That pain is real and it doesn’t get better with age.

Wardrobe issues are not at all uncommon for women with large breasts.

Many find shopping for shirts difficult, not to mention finding a bra that fits them and looks nice.

A lot of larger bras are those beige ones, folks.

“I’m really scared of the lollipop scars tho…. any advice?”

Lollipop scars, called this for their shape, are scars that follow a straight line up the bottom of the breast and then encircle the entire nipple of both breasts, as this is where the incision is made so that breast tissue can be removed.

Cosmetic surgery can often do away with scars, but that means having yet another procedure, and not all scarring can be wiped away.

What really matters is being happy after the procedure, and it looks like Amber knows that:

“Are there any ladies out there that are much happier even though you have breast reduction scars?”

We do hear that they fade over time, but everyone’s skin is different.

A lot of women worry about facing rejection if their breasts look disfigured.

(Men can be terrible, folks)

“And no I don’t have implants so they can’t just cut around the nipples.”

Sometimes breast implants can be inserted or removed through a 180 degree incision around the areola, though that’s usually in patients with larger nipples after they’ve given birth.

(Someone should tell Rob Kardashian that, since his revenge porn meltdown last month betrayed his total ignorance about how nipples naturally change size)

Amber Rose really wanted feedback from her followers in ways that many people would not.

“Tell me about [your] experiences.”

Some celebrities leave their Instagram comments closed as a matter of course. They just want to share photos and their lives but they don’t need to see the hate or a dozen people comment “first!” like this is YouTube in 2008.

Amber Rose, however, was literally asking for responses.

As you can imagine, the comments that she got were varied.

A lot of people expressed sympathy.

Some were medical professionals (or, at least, they claimed to be) who warned of things like scarring (though, as we mentioned before, scarring isn’t always permanent).

Others had undergone breast reductions or knew people who had.

Other celebrities, such as Ariel Winter, have undergone breast reduction surgery to address physical discomfort as well as wardrobe problems.

(In Ariel’s case, it was also to reclaim a bit of her identity and to take control of her image)

So Amber Rose, if she decides to do this, will be in good company.

We’re not saying that crowdsourcing your medical advice is any substitute for consulting with qualified surgeons.

But we do think that it’s neat that Amber Rose reached out to her fans 

Not just as a treat for some of them, but because she’s using her fame as a resource in a kind of unusual way.

We don’t know if she’ll go through with it.

Amber Rose would be beautiful with no breasts of any size or no breasts whatsoever.

What’s important is what she chooses for herself.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Celtics Considering Lonzo Ball with #1 Pick, Co-Owner Says (VIDEO)

Could Lonzo Ball be a Boston Celtic??  It’s possible … because Celtics co-owner Wyc Grousbeck tells TMZ Sports the team is definitely considering drafting the former UCLA stud with the #1 overall pick.  Grousbeck was leaving the NBA…


Friday, March 10, 2017

Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner: Still Considering Divorce?!

Just last week, several media outlets reported that Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner had decided to reconcile after 18 months of separation.

The news didn’t come as a total shock, as neither Affleck nor Garner filed for divorce during the year and a half they were apart.

Now, however, it seems the tabloid press may have jumped the gun by reporting that Bennifer 2.0 was officially back on.

According to Us Weekly, despite rumors to the contrary, Garner is still very much considering calling it quits on her marriage.

The magazine claims that Garner is now open to the possibility of giving Ben another chance, but as of right now, the couple remains separated.

“They could always get back together,” a source tells Us.

“There is a lot of love and support there, and they have worked out a way to have their family that works for them.”

Sounds like Ben and Jen remain mired in a limbo of indecision, unwilling to officially pull the plug and file for divorce, but afraid of giving the man-and-wife thing another go only to have it blow up in their faces.

It seems that for much of their time apart, Jen has been hoping for Ben to change his ways (He’s been accused of heavy drinking, excessive gambling, and nanny-banging Christine Ouzounian.) and now he’s finally beginning to show progress.

Sources say Jen is currently dithering over whether it’s too little, too late.

The tipster tells Us that Affleck and Garner’s issues go back several years, and Ben has had to talk Jen into sticking it out on several occasions:

“They were going to divorce when Sam was born, but you know how it is — baby comes and solves the issues for a bit, but it’s just a Band-Aid. It hasn’t been working for ages,” a source said at the time.

“Ben truly wanted his idea of family life and the idea of family he had growing up in Boston, so he stayed in it longer than he wanted to because of the kids and the idea of family. But he couldn’t save it.”

During their separation, Ben and Jen attended marriage counseling, but sources say they quit after a couple sessions.

These days it sounds like there’s a remote possibility of a reconciliation …

… but the smart money is still on Affleck and Garner going their separate ways.


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

WWE Star Paige Considering MMA Fighting Career (VIDEO)

WWE superstar Paige could go from sports entertainment to REAL DEAL FIGHTING … telling TMZ Sports she’s seriously considering a move to MMA. We spoke with 2 time WWE Divas champ and her boyfriend, Alberto Del Rio — who happens to be running…


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Mike Vick Already Considering NFL Comeback ... Tom Brady Inspired Me (VIDEO)

He’s only been “officially retired” for a few days, but Mike Vick says he’s already thinking about an NFL comeback … all thanks to Tom Brady. Vick joined the guys on the “TMZ Sports” TV show (airs Monday night on FS1) and said he’s “leaving the…


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Drew Brees Considering Political Career ... Shoots Down Sean Payton Trade Rumors (VIDEO)

Peyton Manning might not be the only superstar NFL quarterback in Washington … Drew Brees tells TMZ Sports he’s also open to the idea of running for office after he hangs up the cleats.  The 38-year-old QB is like a living God in New Orleans…


Drew Brees Considering Political Career ... Shoots Down Sean Payton Trade Rumors (VIDEO)

Peyton Manning might not be the only superstar NFL quarterback in Washington … Drew Brees tells TMZ Sports he’s also open to the idea of running for office after he hangs up the cleats.  The 38-year-old QB is like a living God in New Orleans…


Thursday, December 22, 2016

Manny Ramirez Considering Pro Baseball Comeback (VIDEO)

Manny might not be done being Manny … at least not yet … because the 44-year-old legend is considering an offer to play pro baseball overseas … TMZ Sports has learned. Manny Ramirez last played for the Cubs AAA affiliate back in 2014 — and…
