Showing posts with label Jennifer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jennifer. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Jennifer Lopez Goes Pole Dancing A-Rod Shoots Clutch Video

Breaking News

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Jennifer Lopez Goes Pole Dancing A-Rod Shoots Clutch Video

Friday, December 14, 2018

Jennifer Lopez Pretty (Long Ass Dress) in Pink ... For New Movie Premiere

Jennifer Lopez was front and center for the world premiere of her new movie … and, eventually, the rest of her dress caught up with her.
J Lo showed out in an extravagant pink tulle high-low gown Wednesday night in NYC for the debut of her flick, “Second Act.” As you can tell,...
Jennifer Lopez Pretty (Long Ass Dress) in Pink ... For New Movie Premiere

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Friday, November 16, 2018

Jennifer Lopez"s Flaunts Thong, Nearly Breaks DJ Khaled"s Neck

DJ Khaled – and lots of other people on a music video set — could probably need a neck brace after eyeing Jennifer Lopez’s wardrobe. Khaled and J Lo were shooting Thursday in Miami, where she was rocking a highly visible thong. Her…


Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Jennifer Lopez Making Crazy Money For Short Performances At Qatar Events

It turns out Jennifer Lopez’s love does cost a thing, MILLIONS in fact, because we’ve learned the singer is raking in an insane amount of cash for quick appearances at private Qatar-related events. Sources with knowledge of the deals…


Thursday, November 8, 2018

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner Finalize Divorce After 3-YEAR Separation!

Well, it’s never pleasant when a couple gets divorced, but in this case, the news might be cause for celebration.

After three years of ups, downs, rehabs, relapses, marriage counseling, and accusations of nanny-banging, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner have finalized their divorce.

Radar Online is reporting today that a judgment in Affleck and Garner’s court case was entered in Los Angeles Superior Court today.

Which means that for the first time since 2005, Ben and Jen are both legally single.

The emphasis here is on “legally.” 

Garner is dating businessman John Miller these days, and Ben may or may not still be involved with 22-year-old Playboy model Shauna Sexton.

Not only does the selection of current partners speak volumes about the difference in personalities and priorities that likely contributed to the couple’s decision to split it also serves as a reminder of how long it’s been since these two parted ways.

When Ben and Jen separated, Obama was in office and Batman was most recently portrayed on screen by Christian Bale.

Hell, Affleck had a whole long-term relationship with Lindsay Shookus — complete with marriage rumors — between his relationships with Garner and Sexton.

Affleck has been to rehab at least twice in the time since he parted ways with Garner.

We say this not to shame the guy, but to point out that it has been a really long time since he moved out of the home he once shared with Garner.

To be fair, the process didn’t take so long simply due to indecisiveness on Ben and Jen’s parts (though there was certainly some of that.)

In fact, it had a bit to do with Affleck’s multiple rehab stints and Garner’s desire to do right by her kids.

Sources close to the former couple say Jen wanted to work out an amicable custody arrangement before finalizing the divorce but couldn’t bring herself to trust Affleck alone with the kids until he got serious about getting sober.

At some point in the past few months, he was apparently able to convince her that all is well, as Affleck filed divorce papers while still in rehab

And so ends one of the great love stories of the 21st Century.

At least Ben still has Matt Damon.


Thursday, November 1, 2018

Jennifer Lopez for InStyle Magazine

Jennifer Lopez for InStyle Magazine


Friday, October 26, 2018

Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez: Engaged?!

For ages, fans have longed to know if a Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez wedding is on the way.

They’ve been official for more than a year and a half.

Now, fans believe that they’ve spotted J Lo sporting a massive diamind ring. Take a look, below:

The ring made its debut on Alex Rodriguez’s Instagram in a video set in the stands of a baseball stadium.

“Alright, here we are at Fenway,” Alex says.

“After four and a half… two to one, Dodgers!” he says.

Then he asks: “Jennifer, what’s the sign?”

She gestures, as you’re about to see, as if making a ruling on the game.

“Alright, there you have it,” he says. “Looks like a hit and run, back to you, Joe!”

Fans and followers were less interested in his pretend sports commentary than they were in that whopper of a diamond ring.

“Yoooooo did somebody get their ring?!” asked a fan.

That fan continued: “Forget the finals, tell me this is real!”

“That’s a big rock for Jenny from the block!” quipped another commenter.

“What is that bling @jlo,” another asked. “Are you love birds engaged?”

After more than a year and a half of officially dating, it would not be a surprise.

Now, some folks very wisely pointed out that this may have been bait or that these hopeful fans may have been jumping the gun.

After all, the ring appears to be on J Lo’s right hand — not, traditionally speaking, where one wears a ring.

But some very observant followers noticed that, in comparison to other phtoos, she and Alex’s positions seemed to be reversed.

In other words, that the video was mirrored.

“She’s actually on opposite side,” a commenter writes. “Watch her video, it’s on her left and she’s sitting to the right of him.”

If that comment is correct, she’s wearing a huge diamond ring on her left ring finger.

Jennifer Lopez shows her ring on IG

A pal of Alex made a very blunt comment.

The comment reads: “The sign I see is engagement!”

Those words were followed by three diamond emojis.

Curiously, Alex chose to respond.

“Hi Kimberly!” he wrote back. “Miss you guys!”

He followed his words with a thumbs up emoji.

Out of everything, Alex’s comment-without-commenting seems like the strongest indicator.

Sometimes, celebrities leak their own news in a way that gives them plausible deniability about it.

They drop hints and build up hype before they’re ready to make things official.

In the mean time, sometimes celebrities play pranks on their fans when those fans are hoping for something. 

It’s weird, we know.

Finally, sometimes people don’t even think about their jewelry or what it might signify. Yes, even public figures.

These two didn’t go public until March of 2017, but were believed to be dating before that.

It may be that they have now taken the next step and are simply engaged in plain sight.

No matter what fans may hope to hear, it is perfectly alright for them to simply enjoy their time as a couple.

Sometimes, you want to try things out before you make a big announcement. Just to be sure.


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Jennifer Garner: New Boyfriend"s Abusive Past Revealed?

After a rocky few years, Jennifer Garner’s life appears to be on the upswing these days.

Garner recently finalized her divorce from Ben Affleck following a three-year separation, and both her career and her love life seem to be progressing swimmingly.

But there are complications to Garner’s recent run of success.

Yes, she’s once again acting in something other than Capital One commercials, but her two most high-profile projects of late — the action thriller Peppermint and the HBO series Camping — were both panned by critics and ignored by audiences.

These days, Garner is dating John Miller, a California businessman who’s rumored to be the mother of three’s first serious love interest since she separated from Affleck.

Now, however, the relationship is being tainted by scandal, as Radar Online has unearthed some seriously unflattering court documents from Miller’s 2011 divorce from Caroline Campbell.

Campbell alleges that Miller behaved in a controlling and manipulative fashion throughout their marriage.

After the divorce, she claims, he used the couple’s kids as a pawn in his ongoing mind games:

“He takes the children when I am out of town working, but he does not allow me to have them when he is working in town and has others caring for our children,” reads one filing by Campbell.

“That serves his purpose, bolstering his position regarding child support issues and giving him the satisfaction of controlling me and punishing me for ending our marriage,” Campbell continues.

“It puts me in a position of begging him for the time back so I can care for our children the same amount of time that he (or more accurately, his family) does.

“I feel pressure to avoid doing anything that might upset him, and pressure to comply with whatever terms he imposes.”

People are rarely depicted in a positive light in divorce documents, but word that Miller might be a world-class douche is particularly troubling in this case, as Garner is fresh from a relationship that’s often been described as deeply unhealthy.

Here’s hoping that going forward Jen will have an easier time finding both the men and the acting projects that she deserves.


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

John Miller: Who is This Dude Dating Jennifer Garner?!?

Jennifer Garner stars in the new HBO series Camping.

According to most television critics, it is awful.

But here’s a piece of good news for the actress…

… she is reportedly in a very happy and healthy relationship!

According to Us Weekly sources, the beloved star is dating a 40-year old businessman named John Miller.

What his lacks in originality, his personality more than makes up for with how much he apparently cares about Garner.

“They’ve been together six months – and it’s getting pretty serious,” one insider tells the aforementioned tabloid, while another chimes in as follows:

“Jen brings out the best in John, and he is the happiest he has probably ever been. It’s a loving, healthy relationship.”

Garner, of course, has been romantically linked to Ben Affleck and Ben Affleck only for over a decade.

The stars were married and they share three kids together and, finally, after many years of going back and forth, the famous couple’s divorce was just finalized this fall.

Affleck, as you likely know, moved on a long time ago, having semi-recently dated both Lindsay Shookus and Shauna Sexton.

But Miller is the first lucky gentleman to be associated with Garner since she became single.

Just who is John Miller, you are likely wondering?

He is the CEO of CaliGroup, a company that owns Miso Robotics and a chain of about 50 CaliBurger restaurants.

Like Garner, he was previously married. And he’s very well off.

Garner and Affleck got married in 2005 and went on to welcome three kids: Violet, 12, Seraphina, 9, and Samuel, 6.

They announced their separation one day before their 10th wedding anniversary, and both filed for divorce in April of 2017. The case was finalized on October 4.

At last.

Affleck has publicly struggled with an addiction to alcohol.

He checked into to rehab for the third time just a few weeks ago, with Garner earning universal praise and acclaim for sticking by his side throughout this difficult time.

She has never bad-mouthed Ben to the press and has never threatened to take his children away or anything of that nature.

She is clearly a great person.

Heck, just this past Father’s Day, while Affleck was off sleeping with some other woman, Garner wrote the following online:

Our kids are lucky to have a dad who looks at them the way you look at them and loves them the way you love them, @benaffleck. #happyfathersday #threeluckykids #haveagreatday.

She’s the best.

Treat her well, John Miller.


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Ben Affleck Closely Monitored in Custody Agreement with Jennifer Garner

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner have reached a custody agreement, but it is vague for an obvious reason … Ben’s issue with alcohol. As we have already reported, the couple long ago agreed to joint custody of their 3 kids. There are 2 elements to…


Sunday, September 23, 2018

Jennifer Lopez Falls On Stage During Vegas Residency Performance

Everyone tends to fall for Jennifer Lopez — just ask A-Rod — but this weekend was different, ‘cause she was actually in Vegas falling for us … and bouncing back gracefully. J. Lo was performing Saturday at her Vegas residency show when…


Justin Theroux Finally Speaks on "Gentle" Jennifer Aniston Split

No one told Justin Theroux his life was gonna be this way.

His job isn’t a joke. The guy definitely isn’t broke. And his love life, when it comes to Jennifer Aniston, was not DOA.

But the marriage was put to sleep back in February of this year, as the famous couple ended their union after two and a half years.

Did it die a slow and painful death, though?

The former Leftover lead has said next to nothing about his split from America’s Sweetheart, remaining almost entirely mum on the topic until speaking to The New York Times for an article that went viral on Saturday.

“The good news is that was probably the most – I’m choosing my words really carefully – it was kind of the most gentle separation, in that there was no animosity,” the 47-year old told the publication.

He added:

“In a weird way, just sort of navigating the inevitable perception of it is the exhausting part.”

That perception, of course, is that someone cheated.

Or there was some huge and ugly falling out.

Or, of course, that Aniston just wants to get back together with Brad Pitt and this romance was destined to fail.

Theroux and Aniston must have known that this is the sort of stuff people would say once they announced their divorce, so at least they were prepared to deal with the fallout.

In reality, however, Theroux says here that the break-up did not come about due to any one significant issue.

Rather, there were many small cracks that eventually led to an unfixable fissure.

“These are actually in reality small events that take place,” he said, explaining as best he could to The Times:

“But everything can feel like 10 on the Richter scale if you make the headline big enough and salacious enough.”

Sources at the time mostly blamed the split on different lifestyles and different visions of the future.

Aniston wanted to live full-time in Los Angeles, for example, while Theroux preferred New York.

Now, seven months later, Theroux says he’s adjusting well, noting that breakups in Hollywood are different because of what he refers to as a “kind of carny lifestyle” with frequent scenery changes.

“[It] doesn’t have that seismic shift of an ordinary couple, where everything is, like, you have to tear a baby in half,” he said.

“Neither one of us is dead, neither one of us is looking to throw hatchets at each other. It’s more like, it’s amicable. It’s boring, but, you know, we respected each other enough that it was as painless as it could be.”

That really is pretty boring.

Yet it also makes sense.

It must be challening to keep a spark lit when each half of the couple has such a busy schedule and is traveling so often.

“It was heartbreaking only in the sense that the friendship would not be the same, as far as just the day to day,” he concluded.

“But the friendship is shifting and changing, you know, so that part is something that we’re both very proud of.”

For her part, Aniston has clapped back against most of the BS out there.

“It’s pretty crazy,” she said in August. “The misconceptions are ‘Jen can’t keep a man,’ and ‘Jen refuses to have a baby because she’s selfish and committed to her career.

“Or that I’m sad and heartbroken.”

Having dealth with rumors about her womb and her love life forever and ever, Aniston rightfully went off this summer as follows:

First, with all due respect, I’m not heartbroken.

And second, those are reckless assumptions. No one knows what’s going on behind closed doors. No one considers how sensitive that might be for my partner and me.

They don’t know what I’ve been through medically or emotionally.


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Jennifer Lawrence"s Nude Photo Hacker Sentenced to 8 Months in Prison

A hacker who exposed nude photos of Jennifer Lawrence and other celebs is the one getting nailed now … by the judge who sentenced him to 8 months in federal prison.  George Garofano illegally hacked the private Apple iCloud accounts of…


Monday, August 27, 2018

Ben Affleck Finalizes Divorce From Jennifer Garner ... From Rehab

As you’ve likely heard by now, Ben Affleck is back in rehab to receive further treatment for the alcohol addiction that’s plagued him throughout his adult life.

Interestingly, the decision to seek further help was prompted by Ben’s estranged wife, Jennifer Garner, who staged an intervention with the help of a professional sobriety coach.

Jennifer Garner-Ben Affleck

Though Ben is set to remain in treatment for at least the next 30 days, major developments have taken place in his life in the meantime.

E! News is reporting today that Affleck and Garner have finally finalized their divorce more than two years after they separated.

The timing, of course, is no coincidence.

Jen has been hoping to work out a mutually amicable custody agreement for years.

She held off on taking Ben to court until she felt he could be trusted to properly care for his kids.

Yes, Jen put her kids’ relationship with their dad above whatever selfish impulses she may have felt.

Despite allegations that Affleck cheated on her and was generally not the greatest partner, Jen knew that if she went nuclear, it would mean essentially taking her kids away from their father.

And so, even when Ben wasn’t willing to put work into his sobriety, Jen was.

It’s official folks — no one is allowed to make a joke at Jennifer Garner’s expense ever again, no matter how many cheesy crossover Capital One ads she stars in alongside Captain Obvious from

As for Ben’s treatment, there’s no way of knowing how he’s progressed during the notoriously difficult first week, but those who know the actor best say that he checked in with every intention of getting sober.

“Ben was doing well for the last few months and very committed to his sobriety,” said one source when discussing Affleck’s latest relapse.

“But recently he started to slip up and began drinking again.”

The source revealed that Ben’s fall from the wagon was the result of many things, including an influx of downtime and his recent breakup with Lindsay Shookus.

But the biggest factor was Ben’s relationship with Shauna Sexton, a 22-year-old Playboy model with a penchant for hard partying.

“He wrapped his movie and had some downtime,” the source claimed.

“This week, he was heavily drinking alone at home and with the Playboy model.”

We wish Ben all the best with his treatment — and we applaud Jen for her commitment to her kids’ happiness.


Saturday, August 25, 2018

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner Have Settled Their Divorce Case

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner have settled their divorce case and the final settlement will be filed with the court after Ben gets out of rehab … TMZ has learned. Sources connected with the couple tell TMZ, Ben and Jen have reached a property…


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Jennifer Lopez Auctioning "Shades of Blue" Wardrobe for Puerto Rico Relief

Jennifer Lopez’s TV turn as dirty cop Harlee Santos might technically be over, but she’s about to do a lot of good in the real world … particularly for Puerto Rico. J Lo is partnering up with the Hispanic Federation and the UNIDOS Disaster Relief…


Ben Affleck Sought Addiction Help Before Jennifer Garner"s Intervention

Ben Affleck wanted to get back on the sober train — badly — days before his estranged wife staged an intervention and drove him to a rehab facility … TMZ has learned.  Turns out, Ben had been attending wellness classes at a Los Angeles…


Ben Affleck Intervention: Why Did Jennifer Garner Need a Bodyguard?

As you may have heard, Ben Affleck has checked into rehab to seek help for his ongoing issues with alcohol.

It’s the third time that the actor has sought treatment at an in-patient facility, and this time, he reportedly did so at the behest of his estranged wife, Jennifer Garner.

Jennifer Garner-Ben Affleck

Insiders close to the situation say Garner was eventually able to usher Ben to the realization that he needs to get sober for the sake of his three children.

But apparently, it was not easy getting him to that point.

In the days leading up to Wednesday’s intervention, Affleck was spending time with Shauna Sexton, a Playboy model who has made no secret of her love of booze.

In interviews, Sexton has been effusive in her praise for whiskey, which would be perfectly fine — she’s young, and we have no reason to believe she has an issue with addiction — were it not for the fact that she’s dating an alcoholic.

Shortly after news of Affleck and Sexton’s relationship went public, Ben was spotted paying for a delivery from a liquor store near his home,

Sources close to the Oscar winner assured the press that the alcohol was for Shauna and friend, and Ben would not be partaking.

Still, the sight of a recovering drunk shouldering a box full of booze understandably raised some red flags for those who were already concerned for Ben.

The mother of Ben’s children was so upset by the reports of his relapse that she decided to stage an emergency intervention

“Garner was very emotional but decided to take the situation into her own hands,” an insider tells Entertainment Tonight.

The source adds that Garner “looked distraught” as she arrived at Ben’s home on Wednesday afternoon.

At one point, Garner left the residence and returned with a bodyguard, leading many to the conclusion that Ben became irate, possibly while intoxicated.

She later appeared frustrated and exhausted while making a stop at a nearby Jack In the Box drive-thru before driving Ben to the rehab facility.

“Jen is proud of the strides he’s made, but some of his friends were worried he might be taking some steps backward and could be on a slippery slope,” the source says.

“Ben wants nothing more than to get sober for his kids, for Jen and also for his career.”

For his part, Ben reportedly “realizes the dangers of what he could lose in life if he doesn’t stick to the program, and dedicate himself to these big changes.”

“Sadly, he also seemed to be putting himself in some unhealthy situations for someone who has plans to sustain a sober life,” the insider continues.

“Ben was back to staying out late and hanging with his old crowd.”

The tipster claims Jen had real reason to be concerned:

“Just the other night he was out late with a group of old friends and lots of women, all who were partying up a storm,” the source says.

“It’s truly worrisome for those who have seen him fall off the wagon in the past. The bottom line is he was going out again and hanging with drinkers, and it seems to have all happened too quickly.”

The insider says those closest to Ben became particularly concerned after his recent breakup with Lindsay Shookus, due to the fact that the SNL producer had been a stabilizing influence in his life.

“Lindsay was a huge support to Ben and he was doing really well. She truly helped him with his sobriety and Jen loved that he had a steady situation,” the source claims.

“Lindsay thought they had a future together, and she was a positive influence on him, but he felt tied down.”

Garner reportedly feels that this may be Ben’s last chance to kick his habit if he wants to continue to have a relationship with his children.

She’s reportedly held off on finalizing her divorce from Ben in hopes that he’ll get and stay sober so that an amicable custody deal can be arranged.

Another incentive may be the fact that Garner’s career is on the upswing, and she can no longer afford that negative press attention that her ex’s hard-partying lifestyle attracts.

We’ll have further updates on Ben’s latest struggle with sobriety as more information becomes available.
