Monday, August 27, 2018

Ben Affleck Finalizes Divorce From Jennifer Garner ... From Rehab

As you’ve likely heard by now, Ben Affleck is back in rehab to receive further treatment for the alcohol addiction that’s plagued him throughout his adult life.

Interestingly, the decision to seek further help was prompted by Ben’s estranged wife, Jennifer Garner, who staged an intervention with the help of a professional sobriety coach.

Jennifer Garner-Ben Affleck

Though Ben is set to remain in treatment for at least the next 30 days, major developments have taken place in his life in the meantime.

E! News is reporting today that Affleck and Garner have finally finalized their divorce more than two years after they separated.

The timing, of course, is no coincidence.

Jen has been hoping to work out a mutually amicable custody agreement for years.

She held off on taking Ben to court until she felt he could be trusted to properly care for his kids.

Yes, Jen put her kids’ relationship with their dad above whatever selfish impulses she may have felt.

Despite allegations that Affleck cheated on her and was generally not the greatest partner, Jen knew that if she went nuclear, it would mean essentially taking her kids away from their father.

And so, even when Ben wasn’t willing to put work into his sobriety, Jen was.

It’s official folks — no one is allowed to make a joke at Jennifer Garner’s expense ever again, no matter how many cheesy crossover Capital One ads she stars in alongside Captain Obvious from

As for Ben’s treatment, there’s no way of knowing how he’s progressed during the notoriously difficult first week, but those who know the actor best say that he checked in with every intention of getting sober.

“Ben was doing well for the last few months and very committed to his sobriety,” said one source when discussing Affleck’s latest relapse.

“But recently he started to slip up and began drinking again.”

The source revealed that Ben’s fall from the wagon was the result of many things, including an influx of downtime and his recent breakup with Lindsay Shookus.

But the biggest factor was Ben’s relationship with Shauna Sexton, a 22-year-old Playboy model with a penchant for hard partying.

“He wrapped his movie and had some downtime,” the source claimed.

“This week, he was heavily drinking alone at home and with the Playboy model.”

We wish Ben all the best with his treatment — and we applaud Jen for her commitment to her kids’ happiness.
