Friday, August 31, 2018

Big Brother Recap: Who Won the Battle Back?!

Big Brother brought a former player back to the game Thursday night. 

Yes, we’re at the stage of the game in which the players are dwindling, so a returnee is just what the producers ordered to keep the Big Brother train going for a little while longer. 

But before that, it was time to split up the showmance that consisted of Faysal and Haleigh. 


The episode kicked off with Kaycee deciding against using the power of veto. It was an unsurprising move because Kaycee was working with HOH Angela. 

JC, who has been one of the more controversial houseguests this summer recognized that it was time to start distancing himself from Tyler. 

This came to him after he told Tyler they needed to target Angela and Kaycee for eviction because both will be taking each other to the finale night. 

Tyler shut this thought down, and it only made JC realize that he needed to find new allies. That’s why he turned to Brett, and the duo concluded that they needed to work together and make plans for the future. 

The live eviction consisted of Faysal throwing Angela under the bus. He was mad that he was on the block next to Haleigh, and boy did he make Angela aware of it. 

It was the first time Faysal spoke his mind to the whole house, and it made for an awkward eviction ceremony. Poor Haleigh was out of words for Julie’s outfit when it came to her turn to address the house. 

  • Tyler votes to evict: Faysal 

  • Brett votes to evict: Faysal 

  • Sam votes to evict: Haleigh

  • JC votes to evict: Faysal 

  • Kaycee votes to evict: Faysal

Faysal was evicted by a vote of 4-1.

Julie pulled no punches during her eviction interview with him, wondering why he gave up the game to Level Six. It got worse when he didn’t know whether he would have used the veto on himself or his girlfriend. 

Yes, we can call Haleigh his girlfriend because they are officially an item!

As for the Battle Back, it will go down as one of the easiest competitions in Big Brother history. Hell, even Rockstar had a chance!

When we caught up with the jury house, Bayleigh opened up about her target if she returned to the game. She knew Tyer was causing all of the problems, so he was her number one. 

Scottie said that he was going after Angela and his aim was to get into an alliance with Tyler. He stopped short of saying he would make a final two deal with him, but Tyler has those with everyone in the house anyway. 

Scottie won the Battle Back, and everyone seemed happy to have him back in the game. We wonder how long that will last. 

What are your thoughts on the latest twist and turns? 

Who do you want to win HOH?

Hit the comments below. 
