Thursday, August 30, 2018

Alexis Bellino: How Much Is She Getting in the Divorce?

Divorce tends to be a painfully slow process, but since we learned of Alexis Bellino’s divorce in June, she and her husband, Jim Bellino, have already reached a settlement.

Despite Alexis’ tearful divorce confession, it looks like things worked out alright for both parties — and for their kids.

We now know the details on how much the former Real Housewife is getting. 

RadarOnline gots their hands on the Bellino divorce documents.

In addition to child support and spousal support payments, the court has ordered a one-time payout from Jim to Alexis to the tune of $ 250,000.

Per the documents, the overall agreement is effective “upon the signing of the Judgment by both parties.”

While a quarter of a million dollars is definitely a lot of money, it’s only about one-sixth of Jim Bellino’s net worth, and would only support someone (even someone living modesty) for a matter of years, not decades.

Don’t worry — Alexis is getting a lot more than that.

According to the documents obtained by RadarOnline, though the couple is sharing custody, Alexis will receive child-support.

“Petitioner shall pay to Respondent as and for child support the sum of $ 2,000.00 per month per child for a total of $ 6,000.00 per month,” the court documents read.

It says that this amount is “payable one-half (1/2) on the first and one-half (1/2) on the fifteenth days of each month, commencing August 1,2018.”

Naturally, “This duty of support continues as to an unmarried child who has attained the age of 18 years, is a full-time high school student, and who is not self-supporting.”

And it must continue “until the time the child completes the 12th grade or attains the age of 19 years, whichever occurs first.”

That’s just what’s mandated by the court, of course; Jim and Alexis love their children and we’re sure that they’ll make sure to provide for their children through college and beyond.

Alexis is also getting spousal support, on top of the one-time payment of $ 250,000.

“Petitioner shall pay to Respondent, as and for spousal support,” the documents read. “The sum of $ 10,000.00 per month.”

This amount is “due and payable one-half on the first and one-half on the fifteenth days of each month commencing August 1,2018.”

As is fair for spousal support, the document continues: “and continuing thereafter until the death of either party, or further order of the Court, whichever first occurs.”

So Alexis gets ten grand a month, forever.

“Everything we do is about the kids,” Jim Bellino has assured those concerned about their divorce. “Everybody’s getting along great.”

As we mentioned when we brought up that Jim is suing Shannon Beador and Tamra Judge, Jim and Alexis released a statement.

“We would like to thank the many individuals who have expressed support for us as we worked through one of the most difficult times of our personal lives,” the statement began.

“To those who have shown that they truly care, we are happy to report that we have reached an amicable resolution of our divorce proceedings, which we expect to keep confidential in order to protect our privacy,” they continued.

“And,” they added, they intend to “keep the most sensitive and intimate details of our lives from becoming grist for a malicious ‘rumor mill.’”

The statement continued, pointing out that the couple had heard rumors about them … and were not amused.

“We have been unfairly and viciously targeted by certain individuals in recent weeks,” the couple said.

They then blasted those “who have severely aggravated the pain we have had to endure through false, defamatory, and highly objectionable statements to the media.”

“We look forward to holding those individuals fully accountable,” the statement added. “Through the legal process for the substantial damages that they have caused and continue to cause to our family.”

It’s good that they were able to reach a reasonably fair-sounding arrangement. Some divorces end with one party reduced to abject poverty. That should never happen.
