Showing posts with label Bellino. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bellino. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Jim Bellino to Tamra Judge: Turn Over Those Secret Text Messages or You"re GONNA PAY!

The newly divorced Jim Bellino is suing Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador to the tune of $ 1 million.

He clames that they deiiberately and maliciously spread lies about him in a diabolical plot to ruin his reputation and his business.

Now, he’s insisting that Tamra surrender her text messages to the court, which he says will expose this alleged scheme.

According to new court documents that The Blast obtained this week, Jim Bellino believes that he can prove malicious forethought.

How? Because Tamra and Shannon’s interview that launched this whole thing featured a visual aid.

“The premeditated nature of the Defendants vicious personal attack is reflected in the visual backdrop of the videotaped interview,” his attorneys argue.

The backdrop is one “which consists of a photo of Mr. Bellino and his ex-wife Alexis Bellino edited into two pieces, with a rip between them.”

The suggestion here is that Tamra and Shannon had planned in advance to roast him, and that the edited photo is proof of that.

More to the point, Jim’s team argues that Tamra’s body language betrays her allegedly sinister intent.

Tamra, his attorneys note, “grins and pumps her shoulders” when the Bellino divorce comes up.

They write in court documents that she is “unable to contain her excitement and eagerness to tear into Mr. Bellino and his reputation.”

That sounds like a bit of a stretch.

Being excited to discuss a topic isn’t the same thing as being eager to defame someone.

It’s hard for attorneys to claim to know exactly what someone was thinking.

Speculation about Tamra’s intentions will be moot, however, if her text messaging history contains what Jim thinks that it contains.

In court documents, Jim’s team demands that Tamra surrender her text messaging history.

It is their belief that this will yield “substantial direct or circumstantial evidence” of malicious forethought.

So, in other words, he believes that Tamra and Shannon plotted to ruin his good name, and that they texted about it beforehand.

That is quite a claim. And text messages are very personal.

This whole thing got started this summer when Tamra and Shannon sat down to talk about the Bellino divorce.

Alexis Bellino was, of course, their co-star. For a time, she was even friends with Tamra.

Shannon and Tamra discussed — we’ll be a little careful when we talk about this, but one might say that they gossiped — about Jim’s business.

At one point, they discussed the allegation that someone had been seriously injured at one of his trampoline parks.

It is normal to discuss things that you have heard. But when you’re a public figure, your words carry more weight.

Did Tamra and Shannon really conspire to drag Jim’s name through the mud and destroy his business? That … could be hard to prove.

Even if it’s true, it’s not clear if he’ll be awarded the $ 1 million that he is seeking.

Tamra’s attorneys have already hit back at some of Jim’s claims, saying that her characterization that Jim Bellino is “shady’ is demonstrably true.

Her team mentions that Jim agreed to a deal with the FBI over counterfeit sports memorabilia.sales.

They also note that he’s been sued for fraud, deceit, wrongful foreclosure, and breach of written contract over his company’s activities.

In other words, she stands by her assertion that he is a “shady motherf–ker” and says that it’s not slander because it’s true.

The lawsuit has another hearing schedules in December.

If Tamra really does have to turn over her text messages, well, that will be unpleasant. Text messages are very private.

If these were medical records, they mgiht be turned over to a Special Master for review so that only the relevant materials, if any, would be entered into evidence.

We’re no legal experts, but text messages probably won’t get the same sacrosanct treatment.

So even if there’s no merit to Jim’s claims, Tamra might not want to air her personal business, especially when celebrity court documents have a habit of leaking.

This whole lawsuit is a messy affair.


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Alexis Bellino: How Much Is She Getting in the Divorce?

Divorce tends to be a painfully slow process, but since we learned of Alexis Bellino’s divorce in June, she and her husband, Jim Bellino, have already reached a settlement.

Despite Alexis’ tearful divorce confession, it looks like things worked out alright for both parties — and for their kids.

We now know the details on how much the former Real Housewife is getting. 

RadarOnline gots their hands on the Bellino divorce documents.

In addition to child support and spousal support payments, the court has ordered a one-time payout from Jim to Alexis to the tune of $ 250,000.

Per the documents, the overall agreement is effective “upon the signing of the Judgment by both parties.”

While a quarter of a million dollars is definitely a lot of money, it’s only about one-sixth of Jim Bellino’s net worth, and would only support someone (even someone living modesty) for a matter of years, not decades.

Don’t worry — Alexis is getting a lot more than that.

According to the documents obtained by RadarOnline, though the couple is sharing custody, Alexis will receive child-support.

“Petitioner shall pay to Respondent as and for child support the sum of $ 2,000.00 per month per child for a total of $ 6,000.00 per month,” the court documents read.

It says that this amount is “payable one-half (1/2) on the first and one-half (1/2) on the fifteenth days of each month, commencing August 1,2018.”

Naturally, “This duty of support continues as to an unmarried child who has attained the age of 18 years, is a full-time high school student, and who is not self-supporting.”

And it must continue “until the time the child completes the 12th grade or attains the age of 19 years, whichever occurs first.”

That’s just what’s mandated by the court, of course; Jim and Alexis love their children and we’re sure that they’ll make sure to provide for their children through college and beyond.

Alexis is also getting spousal support, on top of the one-time payment of $ 250,000.

“Petitioner shall pay to Respondent, as and for spousal support,” the documents read. “The sum of $ 10,000.00 per month.”

This amount is “due and payable one-half on the first and one-half on the fifteenth days of each month commencing August 1,2018.”

As is fair for spousal support, the document continues: “and continuing thereafter until the death of either party, or further order of the Court, whichever first occurs.”

So Alexis gets ten grand a month, forever.

“Everything we do is about the kids,” Jim Bellino has assured those concerned about their divorce. “Everybody’s getting along great.”

As we mentioned when we brought up that Jim is suing Shannon Beador and Tamra Judge, Jim and Alexis released a statement.

“We would like to thank the many individuals who have expressed support for us as we worked through one of the most difficult times of our personal lives,” the statement began.

“To those who have shown that they truly care, we are happy to report that we have reached an amicable resolution of our divorce proceedings, which we expect to keep confidential in order to protect our privacy,” they continued.

“And,” they added, they intend to “keep the most sensitive and intimate details of our lives from becoming grist for a malicious ‘rumor mill.’”

The statement continued, pointing out that the couple had heard rumors about them … and were not amused.

“We have been unfairly and viciously targeted by certain individuals in recent weeks,” the couple said.

They then blasted those “who have severely aggravated the pain we have had to endure through false, defamatory, and highly objectionable statements to the media.”

“We look forward to holding those individuals fully accountable,” the statement added. “Through the legal process for the substantial damages that they have caused and continue to cause to our family.”

It’s good that they were able to reach a reasonably fair-sounding arrangement. Some divorces end with one party reduced to abject poverty. That should never happen.


Monday, July 30, 2018

Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador: SUED for $1 Million by Jim Bellino!

Former RHOC star Alexis Bellino is getting divorced, and that divorce seems poised to impact the lives of two current Real Housewives.

Specifically, Alexis’ ex is suing Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador to the tune of $ 1 million.

Jim Bellino sounds pissed. What on earth did they do?

RadarOnline reports that Jim Bellino is suing Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador for $ 1 million, and the tabloid got that news right from the horse’s mouth.

“I am filing a lawsuit over certain defamatory, highly intrusive, and damaging statements made about me, my family, and business,” Jim Bellino announces.

Jim goes on to say that these statements have been made “by Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador in recent media interviews.”

By which he is clearly referring to Tamra Judge referring to Jim Bellino as a “shady motherf–ker” who is “going to jail” on Heather McDonald’s podcast.

“Those interviews — given by Judge and Beador as part of a desperate campaign to extend their ’15 minutes of fame,"” Jim writes, not understand what the 15 minutes phrase means.

Jim says that their statements “were filled with malicious lies and outrageous and highly offensive comments about me, my family and business.”

“Among other lies,” Jim claims. “Judge and Beador claimed that I was ‘going to jail,’ that my divorce from Alexis was a ‘sham’ and that my trampoline business is closed as a result of lawsuits and that ‘people get paralyzed there."”

A woman did sue the Bellinos in 2015, claiming that she had been injured at their Anaheim trampline park.

“I understand Judge and Beador have begun ‘spinning’ that they were merely repeating rumors,” Jim says. “And that they were merely “poking fun” at certain individuals during their interviews, including me.”

But he’s decided to make a fuss anyway.

“I am not amused,” Jim says. “And will be seeking full compensation for the damages to my reputation and my business and all of the pain and suffering that Judge  and Beador have put me and my family through during a very personally difficult time in my life.”

Jim Bellino’s legal representation also had something to say.

“Plaintiffs are not amused,” his attorney’s statement reads. “By and through this action they seek compensation for the existing and continuing damages resulting from defendants defamatory and outrageous statements.”

The statement claims that the expected victory will be “in an amount to be proven at trial but believed to be well be in excess of $ 1 million.”

One wonders how a statement made on a podcast in June could rack up millions in damages.

“Plaintiffs also seek an award of substantial punitive damages to make an example of Ms. Judge and Ms. Beador,” the attorney threatens.

They hope to exact retribution “and to deter them from similarly oppressive, fraudulent, and malicious conduct in the future.”

A source close to Shannon and to Tamra says that, well, Jim shouldn’t hold his breath.

Tamra and Shannon are “definitely not going to apologize,” the insider says.

“They were just talking about allegations that are already public,” the source explains.

But Jim Bellino had more to say than just to threaten two women for gossiping.

“We would like to thank the many individuals who have expressed support for us,” Jim says. “As we worked through one of the most difficult times of our personal lives.”

Jim is referring of course to his divorce from Alexis Bellino.

“To those who have shown that they truly care,” Jim says. “We are happy to report that we have reached an amicable resolution of our divorce proceedings.”

Amicable, maybe, but it doesn’t sound like the results were especially good. And, perhaps, they weren’t even fair.

But Jim says that we’ll never get to know, because “we expect to keep confidential in order to protect our privacy and keep the most sensitive and intimate details of our lives from becoming grist for a malicious ‘rumor mill."”

Considering that Alexis Bellino was recently tearful on social media, in part because of her new budget and new lifestyle, it sounds like Jim got a bigger piece of the pie.

“We have been unfairly and viciously targeted by certain individuals in recent weeks,” Jim claims.

His language comes on really strong.

Jim has no love for those “who have severely aggravated the pain we have had to endure through false, defamatory, and highly objectionable statements to the media.”

Time will tell if a court agrees that Shannon and Tamra’s offhand gossip did that much damage. if this suit even makes it that far.

“We look forward,” Jim says. “To holding those individuals fully accountable through the legal process for the substantial damages that they have caused and continue to cause to our family.”

Whether you think that Jim’s crusade against Tamra and Shannon is justified or silly, it definitely isn’t the most ridiculous lawsuit in Real Housewives history.

That, folks, would be Joanna Krupa suing Brandi Glanville for saying that her vagina smelled bad. But let us remind you that Joanna won that case.


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Alexis Bellino Delivers Tearful Divorce Confession: I"m NOT Okay!

Former Real Housewife Alexis Bellino is finally getting divorced from Jim Bellino. She even shaded her ex in an Independence Day post.

But not everything is happy in divorce-land.

In a tearful confession, Alexis makes it clear to her followers that she is riding an emotional rollercoaster.

Accompanying a view of her tearful face, Alexis Bellino makes a confession to fans.

“My best friend thinks I need to document my life right now,” admits in the lengthy captions of her post.

Sometimes, keeping a record is smart. At the very least, her followes want to know how she’s doing.

Alexis continues, saying: “My life truly is a range of emotions that I have never experienced.”

When things really change, that’s when you can experience negative emotions that you haven’t really felt since adolescence.

Alexis describes her mood: “I am always exhausted, never hungry, happy one minute, sad the next, excited the next, devastated the next, numb always, and then repeat.”

“I don’t know who else has been through this,” Alexis admits.

She might find that she’s not nearly as alone as she thinks.

“But I try to be strong every minute,” Alexis says, before confessing: “And that isn’t the REAL.”

Sometimes, you put on a brave face. But that’s your face — not your heart.

“I’m broken. I’m sad,” Alexis says. “Sometimes I zone off like in this video.”

A lot of what she describes sounds like situational depression. A lot of it just sounds like having a rough time because you’re getting divorced.

Alexis writes: “I don’t think anyone can go through a divorce and not feel all of the above emotions.”

She might be surprised. There are some people who feel nothing but hate when they get divorced. Others feel nothing but relief.

“All I know is that God is with me through this,” Alexis writes. “HE is getting me through this.”

If you’re a person of faith, falling back on your religious beliefs to see you through can be a great source of comfort in times of turmoil.

By the end of her post, it appears that Alexis has grown more confident.

“I will get through this storm,” Alexis writes. “This season, this extremely painful time, and I will be stronger on the other side.”

At the very least, she is writing affirming words. That’s a good start.

“It’s so difficult going through the rain to get to the rainbow,” Alexis writes.

Obviously, she is speaking in metaphor. Literal rainbows and rain do not quite work like that.

At the end, Alexis writes: “At least my bestie knows how to make laugh when I’m about to cry…”

That’s bordering on Taylor Swift lyrics. We’re here for that.

In addition to the usual emotional difficulty of divorce, Alexis was dealing with other concerns.

For one, she was moving in to a new house. That is one of the biggest stressors in the world. (So is divorce!)

Another is that her kids were visiting her ex. Visitation can be difficult.

Also, it sounds like she’s been stressing about finances. Divorce is often necessary, but rarely fun.


Friday, July 6, 2018

Alexis Bellino Shades Ex-Husband in Independence Day Post!

Former The Real Housewives of Orange County star Alexis Bellino is getting divorced from her husband of 13 years, Jim.

Wednesday was the Fourth of July, and while Alexis wore her most patriotic bikini to celebrate the United States’ independence from Great Britain.

And she made it clear that she was celebrating her own independence, as well.

In the captions of this photo of her showing off her incredible body in this American flag bikini, Alexis is not subtle with her double-meaning.

Alexis writes: “Happy INDEPENDENCE Day friends!”

Yes, she wrote independence in all caps. Like we said … this is not subtle.

In case anyone managed to miss it, however, she included some tags.

She wrote “#independent” followed by “#woman,” and then “#letfreedomring.”

Dressed in a little more … well, clothing, Alexis also posed in a photo with her three children.

Her son James is wearing blue and white — a nice understated way to celebrate the Fourth of July.

Her twin daughters, Melania and Mackenna, are wearing American flag dresses.

Alexis herself is wearing a white dress in this photo.

While white is certainly one of the colors on the U.S. flag, some of her followers joked that she was “wearing the wrong flag.”

A white flag, of course, is a symbol of surrender. Not the message that she intends to send during her divorce.

Of course, when Alexis and Jim Bellino confirmed their divorce, the two made it very clear that they do not intend for this divorce to become contentious.

“It is with heavy hearts that we inform the public of our mutual decision to end our marriage,” their joint statement began.

They acknowledged that they are divorcing, “but it’s important to us that you know we made this choice together, with love, and as the best decision for our children’s future.”

“We hold one another in the highest regards as spouses, and especially as parents,” they announced. “We have agreed on 50/50 custody of the children, and we ask that you respect our privacy by not theorizing about the reasons for our divorce.”

“In recent days and weeks,” they explained. “There has been a lot of negative discussion about our marriage and why it is ending.”

“Outside of the news of our decision to part ways, there is nothing provocative, alluring, or sordid about the dissolution of our marriage,” Jim and Alexis insisted.

“Quite to the contrary,” they said. “We strongly support each other just as we have since the beginning of our relationship.”

Should fans take Alexis’ declaration of independence as a sign that things are a little less amicable now?

“Our marriage was a good one, but we were never perfect people or spouses,” they said. “No one is, and in this respect, we were a lot like millions of other married people.”

They continued: “And, just like millions of other married people, we simply grew apart over time — there is no ill will or bad blood between us.”

“And maybe,” their statement continued. “That’s why absurd rumors about our marriage and future together began when we filed for divorce.”

“We ultimately want you to feel happy for us,” Alexis and Jim said.

They asked fans to “respect our privacy during this difficult time, and pray for our mutual benefit as we weather this storm.”

“To the fans who have supported us since the beginning,” they continued.

“We’re grateful for how you cheers us on,” they told fans. “We ask that you continue to cheer as our lives and the lives of our children change and ultimately improve as a result of this difficult decision.”

So … we should probably assume that Alexis is not trying to “start something” with Jim. They’re just happier apart and she’s not afraid to be honest about that.


Friday, June 29, 2018

Alexis Bellino and Jim Bellino: YES, We"re Getting Divorced!

The Real Housewives of Orange County alum Alexis Bellino is getting a divorce after 13 years of marriage.

Though it has been a few years since she was on RHOC, the news about Alexis and Jim took a number of fans by surprise. People wondered where they went wrong.

In a joint statement, the divorcing couple is confirming their divorce — and explaining it.

In a joint statement to Us Weekly, Alexis and Jim Bellino hope to clear the air.

“It is with heavy hearts,” the statement begins. “That we inform the public of our mutual decision to end our marriage.”

That can be a difficult choice to make, and sometimes it is just as difficult to announce.

The statement continues: “But it’s important to us that you know we made this choice together, with love.”

That sounds amicable! That’s very promising.

She says they see it as right for them, “and as the best decision for our children’s future.”

The statement from Alexis and Jim, who just last year enjoyed a romantic getaway in Venice, Italy, continues.

“We hold one another in the highest regards as spouses, and especially as parents,” the statement reads.

So they want it clear that this isn’t a situation of spite or hatred.

“We have agreed,’ they announce. “On 50/50 custody of the children,”

So it doesn’t sound like they plan on waging a custody battle.

They’re telling fans this “and we ask that you respect our privacy by not theorizing about the reasons for our divorce.”

So we’re not meant to believe that they’re both assassins from rival organizations and have only just learned of this. Gotcha.

“In recent days and weeks,” the statement continues. “There has been a lot of negative discussion about our marriage and why it is ending.”

“Outside of the news of our decision to part ways,” Alexis and Jim say. “There is nothing provocative, alluring, or sordid about the dissolution of our marriage.”

That is often the case. Marriages can begin and end for very mundane reasons.

“Quite to the contrary,” the statement says. “We strongly support each other just as we have since the beginning of our relationship.”

It sounds like they’re just no longer compatible as partners.

“Our marriage was a good one,” Alexis and Jim say. “But we were never perfect people or spouses.”

The statement then goes on to claim that “no one is” perfect. If that’s true, how do they explain Janelle Monae?

“And in this respect,” the statement says. “We were a lot like millions of other married people.”

In other words: flawed.

“And,” the statement says. “Just like millions of other married people, we simply grew apart over times.”

Hey, it happens.

“There is no ill will or bad blood between us,” they reiterate.

“And maybe that’s why,” they say. “Absurd rumors about our marriage and future together began when we filed for divorce.”

Their argument, here, is that if they’d really been having problems, then there would have been rumors before their divorce.

(We don’t know if we necessarily buy that logic)

“We ultimately want you to feel happy for us,” the statement reads. “Respect our privacy during this difficult time, and pray for our mutual benefit as we weather this storm.”

Alexis and Jim give a shoutout to those lending them emotional support.

“To the fans who have supported us since the beginning, we’re grateful for how you cheers us on,” they write.

“We ask that you continue to cheer,” the statement concludes. “As our lives and the lives of our children change and ultimately improve as a result of this difficult decision.”

That is a very reasonable request.

Let’s hope that their divorce remains as amicable and thoughtful as it appears in this joint statement.


Friday, June 22, 2018

Alexis Bellino: RHOC Alum is Getting a Divorce

If you’ve been following Shannon and David Beador’s divorce, you know that stars on The Real Housewives of Orange County are no strangers to ending long marriages.

That grim fact is just as true for former stars of the series.

Former RHOC Housewife Alexis Bellino and her husband, Jim, are parting ways after 13 years of marriage.

It’s been years, but Alexis Bellino was part of the main cast of The Real Housewives of Orange County.

She was one of the leading ladies for seasons 5, 6, 7, and 8 before she departed from the series in 2013. Since then, fans have mostly just kept up with her on social media.

TMZ reports that Alexis’ husband, Jim Bellino, filed for divorce from her, citing irreconcilable differences.

He filed the documents on Thursday, so this sounds very fresh.

He listed the date of separations as “TBD,” so we guess that they’ll figure out when exactly they parted ways. Divorces can be complicated.

Jim is seeking joint legal custody of their children. He will also be asking for spousal support payments from Alexis.

Alexis and Jimgot married on April 16, 2005. As we said, it has been over 13 years since that wedding.

They have three children — a son, James, and twin daughters, Melania and Mckenna.

This beautiful family is changing forever. Sometimes, there’s no other option.

“Irreconcilable differences” is basically divorce court lingo for “we don’t want to be married anymore,” so that doesn’t really give us any insight into what drove these two apart.

This is Alexis’ second divorce.

In 2002, she married her college sweetheart.

In 2004, the year before she married Jim, she and her first husband divorced.

We can at least speculate a little about when the date of separation may have been.

Alexis has never been shy about sharing family photos from vacations or home life or holidays.

But she has not shared a photo that features Jim since April.

On Mother’s Day, she shared a photo of a beautiful bouquet of flowers — and revealed that it was a gift from her children.

So … it looks like these two have been on the outs to some degree for a couple of months.

It’s worth noting that, during their marriage, the Bellino household was noted for being “traditional.”

Jim is a self-made entrepreneur.

Alexis wasn’t just a Housewife — she was also very much a housewife. She managed the household and watched after her children and prepared elaborate meals for her husband when he got home.

While some of that may have been played up for the cameras, some viewers found the Bellino house’s gender roles to be a little antiquated.

Alexis was also known for devoting a few hours a day, every day, to fitness.

She also opened up a few years ago about her personal struggles with bullimia.

Alexis and Jim made friend with Tamra Judge — back when she was Tamra Barney — and her then-husband, Simon Barney when Simon sold them a luxury car.

They formed a fast friendship at the time.

However, though Alexis jumped ship from RHOC before Season 9, she did not enjoy the Season 10 episode in which Tamra got baptised on camera.

Alexis wrote an email to Andy Cohen, which he shared, saying that she felt that Tamra had “made a mockery” of her faith.

The two reportedly reconciled later.

It will be interesting to see how Alexis’ divorce works out. Hopefully, it will be more pleasant for her children than Tamra and Simon’s divorce was for theirs.
