Showing posts with label You're. Show all posts
Showing posts with label You're. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Damon Dash Sued Dear Damon ... You"re Not Part of "Dear Frank"!!!

Damon Dash is duping the general public about an upcoming movie he claims to have ties to when he really had nothing to do with it at all … according to a new lawsuit.
The legendary hip-hop mogul is being sued by director Josh Webber and Muddy Water Pictures for allegedly trying...
Damon Dash Sued Dear Damon ... You"re Not Part of "Dear Frank"!!!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Cardi B to Tomi Lahren You"re Nothing But a Trump Sheep!!! ... Oh, and I"ll Dog Walk You

A new political feud is quickly emerging online and it’s between a couple of the most unlikely people you ever thought would get into it … Cardi B and one Tomi Lahren.
It all started with Tomi commenting on Cardi’s political rants last week about the government shutdown, with...
Cardi B to Tomi Lahren You"re Nothing But a Trump Sheep!!! ... Oh, and I"ll Dog Walk You

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Antonio Brown Axed from "Masked Singer" ... You"re No Bobby Brown!

Breaking News

Antonio Brown finally got cut Wednesday night … but it wasn’t by the Pittsburgh Steelers. 
The superstar WR was one of the celebrity performers on “The Masked Singer” — and while the show was taped months ago, his song choice proved insanely rel...
Antonio Brown Axed from "Masked Singer" ... You"re No Bobby Brown!

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Tuesday, November 27, 2018



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Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Kailyn Lowry to Jenelle Evans: God, You"re Homophobic!

This not exactly just in:

Kailyn Lowry will not be inviting Jenelle Evans over for Christmas this year.

Or any year after this, either, we can safely say.

The Teen Mom stars have gone back and forth on Twitter over the topic of Kailyn"s sexuality, with Jenelle making what certainly seems like a very insensitive and inappropriate comment.

That"s so unlike her, right?!?

Scroll down to see what we mean and to take a side in this ongoing feud…

1. Kailyn and Jenelle Were Once Close Friends

Jenelle and kailyn

It’s true! We actually documented a little while ago how their friendship turned into a rivalry.

2. Happier Times…

The cast of teen mom 2 photo

Heck, Kailyn once helped Jenelle post bond and get out of jail. But the relationship appeared to sour for good when Evans told the world Lowry was pregnant with her third child… before Kailyn wanted that news out there.

3. I’m Coming for You, Kailyn…

Im coming for you kailyn

In early October, sort of out of nowhere, Jenelle addressed Kailyn on social media, asked why Lowry is always talking about her kids (Editor’s Note: She’s not) and made it clear that she was prepared to go after her former friend online.

4. The Attack Commences

Jenelle evans a car selfie

“I really hope you’re reconnecting with your mom because you f-cking need it,” Evans ranted at Lowry shortly afterward, adding: “You need someone to love you so you can stop fantasizing about other’s lives and putting others down because you don’t have the life you want. Sorry. Hope you find some peace and happiness.”

5. Whatever, Jenelle…

Kailyn lowry for good american

“I’m flattered she’s so bothered by me,” Lowry said to Radar Online in response. “She’s gotta calm down. Out of everyone she’s only bothered by me… and I’m not even writing about her.”

6. Passive Aggressive Shade Thrown

Kailyn lowry signs

Considering Jenelle started going off on her around the same time as allegations of domestic abuse against David Eason, Lowry added in this Radar Online chat: “Jenelle only makes a big deal about me when something else is going on underneath it all.”

View Slideshow

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Cardi B to Nicki Minaj: You"re a F-ckin Liar!


It is once again on between Cardi B and Nicki Minaj.

Back in September, of course, the rapper threw down at a New York City Fashion Week party, with one side allegedly hurling a shoe at the other.

Fast forward about six weeks and Nicki went on record as saying that her close friend, Rah Ali, "beat Cardi"s ass real bad" in a separate confrontation.

“The punches were so hard in your head," Minaj said to Cardi during her radio show on Monday, adding:

"Rah beat you so bad that I was mad at Rah. She punched her eight, nine times. Now you got your sister calling me a crackhead."

In response to this allegation?

Well, Cardi B said it didn"t happen. And then she said a whole lot more.

"You lie so much you can’t keep up with your f-ckin’ lies,” Cardi said in a lengthy Instagram rant a few hours later.

“First you say you’ve got the footage, but then you say you wanna pay somebody $ 100,000 if they give you the footage? Yo, make sense when you’re talking!"

(On her radio show, Minaj had offered this amount of money for surveillance footage to prove Rah"s beatdown of Cardi.)

At one point in the hilarious rant featured here, Cardi threatened to sue her rival because Minaj had previously claimed Cardi"s team paid radio stations to play her music, a practice known as "payola."

Says Cardi in this video reply:

"Maybe I should sue you for defamation of character since you wanna claim that I’m using something called payola, because you don’t understand why I’m so f-ckin’ successful.”

Cardi concluded her response by telling Minaj to “pick a side” and “make sense” because she previously portrayed victim… and now she’s asking to pay for footage she claimed she already had.

"How you say that I was a wild animal, that I attacked you that you was mortified that you was humiliated playing the victim but now y"all the gangster," she said.

"Pick a side. Do you wanna be the victim or do you wanna be the gangster? You lie so much you can"t even keep up with your f-cking lies.

It"s all somewhat confusing, but very entertaining.

Especially as the back-and-forth continued for hours on social media. To wit:

"I’m tired of talking about [this]," Cardi said on Twitter at last, adding of the ongoing feud and its coverage:

“I’m tired of the f-cking whole internet shit, I’m tired of the interview sh-t. If you really wanna talk about it, you know where to link me. … We can talk about it, or we can fight it out.

"I’m with whatever.”

Check out the video here to see Cardi B sounding far less resigned about the whole thing, though.

Cardi b to nicki minaj youre a f ckin liar

Friday, October 19, 2018

Floyd Mayweather Blasts Canelo, You"re a Cheater and You Suck!

Floyd Mayweather is lashing back at Canelo Alvarez — saying beating Canelo’s ass in 2013 was the easiest fight of his career … and that includes the Conor McGregor fight.  Remember, Canelo told TMZ Sports that Floyd is hurting the sport of…


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Nikki Bella Rips Ronda Rousey, You"re An Entitled "Do Nothing Bitch"

Nikki Bella is going off on Ronda Rousey — claiming she’s done more for women’s wrestling than Ronda EVER has … and says when it comes to the sport, Ronda’s the real “Do Nothing Bitch.” The two have been feuding ever since Nikki betrayed Ronda on…


Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Astros" Ryan Pressly Confronts Roberto Osuna Heckler, "You"re Being a Dickhead"

Houston Astros pitcher Ryan Pressly tried to play the role of peacemaker with a heckler who was going after Roberto Osuna … but Pressly ended up calling the guy a “dickhead” and walking away. It all went down on Monday when the Astros were taking…


Jim Bellino to Tamra Judge: Turn Over Those Secret Text Messages or You"re GONNA PAY!

The newly divorced Jim Bellino is suing Tamra Judge and Shannon Beador to the tune of $ 1 million.

He clames that they deiiberately and maliciously spread lies about him in a diabolical plot to ruin his reputation and his business.

Now, he’s insisting that Tamra surrender her text messages to the court, which he says will expose this alleged scheme.

According to new court documents that The Blast obtained this week, Jim Bellino believes that he can prove malicious forethought.

How? Because Tamra and Shannon’s interview that launched this whole thing featured a visual aid.

“The premeditated nature of the Defendants vicious personal attack is reflected in the visual backdrop of the videotaped interview,” his attorneys argue.

The backdrop is one “which consists of a photo of Mr. Bellino and his ex-wife Alexis Bellino edited into two pieces, with a rip between them.”

The suggestion here is that Tamra and Shannon had planned in advance to roast him, and that the edited photo is proof of that.

More to the point, Jim’s team argues that Tamra’s body language betrays her allegedly sinister intent.

Tamra, his attorneys note, “grins and pumps her shoulders” when the Bellino divorce comes up.

They write in court documents that she is “unable to contain her excitement and eagerness to tear into Mr. Bellino and his reputation.”

That sounds like a bit of a stretch.

Being excited to discuss a topic isn’t the same thing as being eager to defame someone.

It’s hard for attorneys to claim to know exactly what someone was thinking.

Speculation about Tamra’s intentions will be moot, however, if her text messaging history contains what Jim thinks that it contains.

In court documents, Jim’s team demands that Tamra surrender her text messaging history.

It is their belief that this will yield “substantial direct or circumstantial evidence” of malicious forethought.

So, in other words, he believes that Tamra and Shannon plotted to ruin his good name, and that they texted about it beforehand.

That is quite a claim. And text messages are very personal.

This whole thing got started this summer when Tamra and Shannon sat down to talk about the Bellino divorce.

Alexis Bellino was, of course, their co-star. For a time, she was even friends with Tamra.

Shannon and Tamra discussed — we’ll be a little careful when we talk about this, but one might say that they gossiped — about Jim’s business.

At one point, they discussed the allegation that someone had been seriously injured at one of his trampoline parks.

It is normal to discuss things that you have heard. But when you’re a public figure, your words carry more weight.

Did Tamra and Shannon really conspire to drag Jim’s name through the mud and destroy his business? That … could be hard to prove.

Even if it’s true, it’s not clear if he’ll be awarded the $ 1 million that he is seeking.

Tamra’s attorneys have already hit back at some of Jim’s claims, saying that her characterization that Jim Bellino is “shady’ is demonstrably true.

Her team mentions that Jim agreed to a deal with the FBI over counterfeit sports memorabilia.sales.

They also note that he’s been sued for fraud, deceit, wrongful foreclosure, and breach of written contract over his company’s activities.

In other words, she stands by her assertion that he is a “shady motherf–ker” and says that it’s not slander because it’s true.

The lawsuit has another hearing schedules in December.

If Tamra really does have to turn over her text messages, well, that will be unpleasant. Text messages are very private.

If these were medical records, they mgiht be turned over to a Special Master for review so that only the relevant materials, if any, would be entered into evidence.

We’re no legal experts, but text messages probably won’t get the same sacrosanct treatment.

So even if there’s no merit to Jim’s claims, Tamra might not want to air her personal business, especially when celebrity court documents have a habit of leaking.

This whole lawsuit is a messy affair.


Monday, October 1, 2018

90 Day Fiance Recap: You"re an Alcoholic!

An Uber was used to take one couple to a certain destination on 90 Day Fiancé: Before 90 Days this week.

But a fight between this same couple in this same car left us unsure just where their future was headed.

Allow us to explain…

On the latest installment of this oddly popular reality show, Jesse traveled to New York because he thought it was time to end things with Darcey… for good.

However, the latter was optimistic about meeting her man and thought he was only coming to America in the name of eternal love and happiness.

“The way this relationship has been going, I don’t know exactly why he’s here. I just hope it’s to work things out,” Darcey said. “He wouldn’t come all this way if he didn’t truly love me.”

What an adorable and unfortunate way to look at things, right?

Once the two got in a the aforementioned Uber to head to the hotel, though, hell broke loose; chaos reigned; and accusations flew.

The reality stars started yelling at one another because Jesse discovered that Darcey was arrested for hitting her sister and never told him.

He also added that she needed to “get therapy for (her) alcoholism,” prompting Darcey to storm out of the car.

“You don’t love me. You never did, you liar,” she screamed. “Get out of my life.”

Elsewhere on this explosive episode:

Rachel and her child headed to Great Britain to be with Jon before their wedding day.

What should have been a glorious occasion, however, turned sour after she learned that Jon was corresponding with one of his exes over social media and voiced her very understandable concerns.

Evidently, Jon told his former girlfriend that he had loved her in the past, which is what really hurt Rachel the most.

Makes sense, right?

“It was like I was stabbed with a knife, and when I saw the world ‘love,’ the knife twisted,” she said sadly.

Jon tried to clear things up by explaining he was telling his ex about his great relationship and needed to apologize for breaking her heart. But this didn’t smooth things over much.

“I am ashamed of the person I was,” Jon said.

As for the other couples? A quick rundown:

– Angela gave Michael an engagement ring AND an American flag — and he reciprocated! It was a double proposal!

“It’s the best day of my life,” Michael said. “Donald Trump, I’m coming to see you.”

– Ximena was willing to forgive Ricky for coming to Columbia for another woman, as long as he leaped into a freezing cold lake.

“For Ricky to regain my trust if he wants, he will have to show me,” she said.

Ricky obeyed, the crew rushed in to help him — and then he proposed and she accepted!

– Karine decided NOT to divorce Paul so they could raise their kid in a loving home, leaving Paul very excited, yet also a tad bit nervous about being a dad.

Tragically, Karine then learned she had suffered a miscarriage.

“I was praying for him to be OK but it wasn’t like that,” she said. “It was unexpected for me to find out he wasn’t OK.”

– Finally, despite family members not approving of their romane, Tarik and Hazel pushed on.

“I definitely love you and I don’t care what anybody says,” the former said.

On the final day, the pair reconciled and Tarik proposed to Hazel by playing her a rap he wrote about her. A very awkward silence followed.

“She took a long time,” he said, and then turned to Hazel. “Why did you take so long?”

90 Day Fiance: Before 90 Days airs Sundays on TLC at 8/7c.


Friday, September 28, 2018

Daniel Cormier Slams Jon Jones, You"re a Coked Out Snitch!

Daniel Cormier just went OFF on Jon Jones — the latest in their nasty rivalry — this time, DC’s labeling Jones a cheating, coke-abusing “snitch” who rolled on one of his teammates.  Jon started the latest round this week … taunting Cormier…


Friday, August 31, 2018

Azealia Banks to Elon Musk: Sorry! You"re Not Really a Balding Drug Addict!

One of the most amusing gossip items of August had to do with the highly unexpected feud between Azealia Banks and Elon Musk.

In case you’re unfamiliar with those names, they perfectly represent the two main archetypes of American egomania:

Banks is the gifted artist whose rage over the fact that she still has to ride the subway like a plebe has driven her to repeatedly sabotage her own career.

Conversely, Musk is quite successful financially but is consistently driven mad over the world’s unwillingness to recognize him as the heir to Einstein, Edison, Henry Ford, and Jesus H. Christ.

In other words, they may not seem to have much in common — Banks is a self-made creative, whereas Mush is a left-brain cyborg who could’ve spent his entire life blowing his family’s emerald mine fortune.

But at the end of the day, Banks and Musk are just two sides of the same narcissistic coin.

Perhaps that’s why they clashed upon first meeting, then later realized they were destined to join forces.

Allow us to explain:

Earlier this month, NYC-based Banks spent some time in LA with the intention of collaborating on a song with Musk’s girlfriend, Grimes.

So she paid a visit to Musk’s sprawling mansion and found it to have less of a “Tony Stark” vibe and more of an “Allison Williams’ parent’s house in Get Out” feel.

In addition to comparing her experience to Jordan Peele’s horror classic, Banks says she witnessed a wealth of appallingly self-destructive behavior from both Musk and Grimes.

Banks referred to Musk as a “giant d–k” and a “beta male who took steroids and hair plugs to convince himself he’s alpha.”

She also accused Musk of conducting business while tripping on LSD, and Grimes of being a meth addict.

She later alleged that Musk had stolen her phone so that he could “delete evidence” of their encounter.

Needless to say, after all that it was quite a surprise to see that Banks had issued a public apology to Musk:

“I feel terrible about everything,” reads the now-deleted open letter that was posted to Banks’ Instagram page.

“Over the time spent liaising said collaborations [with Grimes], I was welcomed to a lot of personal information about you,” Banks wrote.

“The stuff made me feel awkward and uncomfortable about being privy to you, yet I never had the intentions of ever using the information against you.

She added:

“What started off as a cat-fight lead to some seriously unexpected consequences and I seriously apologize.”

Interestingly, Banks’ refused to use Grimes name throughout the letter, referring to her would-be collaborator only with a pair of empty quotation marks.

After posting the letter, Banks deleted her Instagram account, but now appears to have re-instated her account.

We’ll continue to monitor this weird-ass situation and let you know if it gets any weirder.


Jersey Shore Recap: "You"re a F-cking Psychopath. You"re a F-cking Loser. You"re a Piece of Sh-t!"

If you’re a fan of Jersey Shore, you had likely read all about it by this point.

But still.

Simply having knowledge of what went down this summer between Ronnie and his girlfriend/baby mama, Jen Harley, probably did not prepare you for what transpired on Thursday night.

Because… holy Hell. Things got ugly.

On the latest installment of this MTV hit, we witnessed Harley and Ronnie go at it after Ronnie threatened to leave the show because Jen was keeping his daughter, Ariana, away from him.

He was convinced to stick around by Pauly D and by a producer who actually appeared on camera, but he realized that something in this ugly back-and-forth with Harley had to give.

“I have to make a change for my daughter. We need some kind of guidelines and foundation to make sure that she’s all right at the end of the day,” he told his co-stars about heading to meet with a lawyer.

Ronnie’s friends obviously understood where he was coming from.

“Jen is controlling him and baiting him,” Snooki said at one point. “You can’t take someone’s baby away, like, that’s not okay.”

Ronnie agrees, that’s sort of the whole point here.

But he also remarks that he could see himself getting back together with Jen, prompting an all-time response by Pauly.

“You gotta be nuts! She was just holding a baby from you, that’s the beginning. You gotta stay away from this girl for a while,” The DJ yelled to his pal, adding:

“That’s crazy. You can’t reconcile with her, you can’t. At this point, you can’t anymore. Why would you want to be with somebody that would hold a baby from you and not tell you where it is?

“That’s unsafe. God forbid something happened to her, you wouldn’t know where the baby was. … You can’t be with someone like that. You’re better than that.”

(Is he, though? Discuss.)

While Ronnie’s gone, Jen comes knocking… with a friend by her side.

She demands to know where Ronnie is and doesn’t believe the cast when they claim to have no idea.

Harley alleges that last night, he went “on a f-cking rampage, texting me every name in the book” in over 300 messages.

(Yes, this did really happen. Click below for proof.)

“Obviously someone’s with him, a producer or …” Jen says, looking around the room.

At this mention, a producer actually interrupts, reminding Jen that they’d told her he’d be back at a specific time later and suggesting that she leave and return then.

This appears to blows up her ruse: Jen knew he wasn’t home when she traveled to the hotel. Busted!

“You guys are f-cked up! You guys are f-cking liars!” she cries out as she departs.

“That girl came to this room with an agenda, to tell her side of the story and paint this picture that Ronnie’s this animal,” Pauly says.

“Jen is gangster. She’s trying to play everybody. She’s not going to play me.”

But then $ hit REALLY gets crazy…

After Ronnie comes home and says he feels better after talking with an attorney, the group goes out to dinner — but he remains at the hotel, bracing himself for a confrontation with Jen.

As soon as she walks in… BOOM! It’s on.

“Ron! You’re texting me I’m a f-cking whore, I’m a liar, I’m a f-ckng cheater?” she screams.

“Calm down,” he replies.

“No. I’m not gonna calm down. I don’t want to hear your whole f-cking bullsh-t story. … You’re calling me a f-cking whore? Motherf-cker?”

And then it was Ronnie’s turn to lose it:

“You’re driving me crazy! All you do is use that kid as a f-cking pawn!””

Your response, Jen?

“You’re a f-cking psychopath. You’re a f-cking loser. You’re a piece of sh-t,” she yells… and then spits in his face.

(This is where we remind people that Jen and Ronnie were parents to a newborn girl at the time this was filmed.)

A security guard intervenes at this juncture, only for Jen to lunge at Ronnie and the picture to fade to black.

We’re left with the prophetic word: “I don’t give a f-ck. I’ll go to jail.”

And then, for the record, Harley did go to jail.

What do you think, viewers?

Was this the most explosive fight in the history of Jersey Shore?

Heck, in the history of reality television?

You can click on the video below and relive every vicious second now:


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Kailyn Lowry SLAMS Jenelle Evans: You"re Too Dumb to Homeschool Your Kids!

We"ve known for years that Kailyn Lowry and Jenelle Evans aren"t exactly besties.

But lately, their mutual dislike for one another has escalated to the level of an all-out war.

Earlier this week, Lowry blasted Evans on Twitter, calling her co-star out for much of the scandalous behavior that"s made Jenelle so unpopular with fans.

She also revealed that Jenelle had blocked her, which led many to believe that was the end of the feud.

Of course, we should have known better …

Jenelle can"t resist talking trash, and today she fired more shots at Kail — and was swiftly put in her place.

Jump into the gallery below for one of the ugliest Teen Mom exchanges to date:

1. Back At It

Kail jenelle split 2

Jenelle and Kail have been at one another’s throats lately, and many now believe Evans is badly outmatched in this battle of wits.

2. The Podmother

Kailyn lowry on podcast

It seems Jenelle has taken issue with the fact that she’s occasionally a topic of conversation on Kail’s Coffee Convos podcast.

3. Jenelle Goes Off

Jenelle goes off

“Soooo it’s OK to constantly talk about me on their podcast tho? Don’t you have any other topics than me?!”

4. Just Don’t Listen?

Jenelle evans dude shirt

When fans pointed out that it’s actually quite easy to avoid a podcast that one doesn’t care to listen to, Jenelle argued that the problem goes beyond Coffee Convos.

5. Talking Smack

Jenelle evans best picture

“Nah, articles are always written talking s–t about me,” Jenelle tweeted, adding of Kail: “Don’t blame her though… she’s just always trying to remain relevant.”

6. The Coward’s Way Out

The cowards way out

It was then that we learned Jenelle was hurling insults at someone she had blocked. It looked like kail would have the final word this tweet, but today, Evans fired back …

View Slideshow

Scott Disick to Kourtney Kardashian: You"re Totally Nuts!

Kourtney Kardashian is about to get a break.

But it will be a short-lived one.

Due to Labor Day, there will not be a new episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians on E! this Sunday night, which means Kpurtney won"t need to play the role of human pinata for one evening.

As any veteran viewer of this series knows well, Kourtney has been picked up throughout Season 15 by sisters Kim and Khloe.

The trio has been at odds over Kourtney seemingly NOT making them a priority, while allegedly not understanding how hard they work at their jobs.

At one point last episode, Khloe and Kim worried that Kourtney was turning into Rob, pretty much the biggest insult possible.

At another point in another episode, Khloe said she wanted to punch Kourtney in the path.

Things have gotten so ugly that a new rumor claims Kourtney will peace out ot California after her E! contract is up next year, move to New York and leave her siblings behind.

We don"t exactly believe this chatter.

We"re not sure if we believe anything about this feud is real; and, even if it were, Season 15 was filmed way back in December.

It"s all water way down deep under the bridge at this juncture.

In the sneak peek at the September 9 installment featured here, however, Kourtney does not get into an argument with Kim or Khloe, but with another old foe instead:

Scott Disick.

It looks as if the exes, who share three adorable kids together and try to remain calm in public for the sake of their health and happiness, will have it out over Kourtney being "controlling."

Disick will even question her sanity at one point.

What is this fight about? One never knows when it comes to Scott and Kourtney.

But you can click PLAY to see parts of it play out and then tune into E! at 9/8c on September 9 to see A LOT more.

Scott disick to kourtney kardashian youre totally nuts

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Jersey Shore Family Vacation Teaser: "You"re a F-ckin Psychopath!"

I"ve never, in the history of this earth, done Vegas like this.

When this beat drops, I wanna see that fist pump.

I feel like I’m in The Matrix right now, dodging all the thotties.

Well, you act like a f-ckin whore.

You"re a f-ckin psychopath.

All these hilarious/explosive lines are featured in the Jersey Shore: Family Vacation Season 2 posted here, as the footage gives fans a look at all the craziness to come on this revived reality show.

But there"s really just one storyline that really stands out above all…

… the drama between Ronnie Ortiz-Magro and his girlfriend Jen Harley.

We"ve documented the highs and lows of this romance over the past couple months, which started with the tandem"s daughter being born in early April.

Since then, however, Ronnie and Jen have broken up and gotten back together numerous times, while also hurling seriously vicious insults at each other and even getting into physical fights.

In the clips published here, we see Ronnie actually break down while talking about custody of his child.

We also see Harley lay into Ronnie as a "psychopath."

Elsewhere on Season 2, we"ll see the return of Angelina Pivarnick, who shocks the cast by showing up in Sin City.

During an evening out, she gets into an argument with Jen Farley, who she calls out for "acting like a f–king whore."

We also witness some unexpected tension between JWOWW and Snooki.

Later on, the veteran cast returns to the Seaside Heights, New Jersey, house where it all began.

"We’ve totally not grown up,” Farley says. “Living our best lives in our 30s – as 12-year-olds.”

Finally, just when it seems like the season can’t get any nuttier and outrageous, the preview concludes with Polizzi and Farley telling Pivarnick that she “should bang Vinny again."

Oh God.

Jersey Shore: Family Vacation returns on MTV on Thursday, August 23, at 8/7c.

Jersey shore family vacation teaser youre a f ckin psychopath