Showing posts with label Part. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Part. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Damon Dash Sued Dear Damon ... You"re Not Part of "Dear Frank"!!!

Damon Dash is duping the general public about an upcoming movie he claims to have ties to when he really had nothing to do with it at all … according to a new lawsuit.
The legendary hip-hop mogul is being sued by director Josh Webber and Muddy Water Pictures for allegedly trying...
Damon Dash Sued Dear Damon ... You"re Not Part of "Dear Frank"!!!

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

DC Young Fly Bummed Method Man and Redman Not Part of "How High 2"

DC Young Fly has nothing but high praise for Method Man and Redman – and says he was highly disappointed when the OG stars didn’t pop up on set of the latest “How High” sequel. We got DC Monday in the Big Apple,…


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Jimbo Fisher"s Violent Facemask Grab All Part Of Coaching, Says Ex-A&M Coach

Ex-Texas A&M coach Dennis Franchione is going to bat for Jimbo Fisher … saying the Aggies coach was just trying to teach his player when he violently grabbed his facemask Saturday. In the third quarter of TAMU’s win over Arkansas … cameras…


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Emmy Rossum Reveals Her Weight as Part of "I Weigh" Movement

Emmy Rossum is beautiful and talented, and has starred on television and in films.

In the past, she has used her voice to scold anti-Semitic Trump supporters. Now, she is lending her fame and platform to a very powerful movement.

She is sharing her weight, and the answer may surprise you.

Emmy took to Instagram to ask her fans and followers: “Want to know what I weigh?”

In case you’re thinking no thanks, I’m not that intrusive, know that she’s posting this herself.

And that second of all, there’s much more to this than a number on the scale. In fact, that is the whole point.

“Click on my stories,” Emmy encourages her followers. “@i_weigh BECAUSE YOU AE SO MUCH MORE THAN A NUMBER”

She tags I Weigh, which is a powerful campaign. And as you see her posts, you understand what the campaign is all about.

Emmy tells her followers that the scale, though a useful tool, does not reveal the be all and end all of a person’s value.

“During my life,” Emmy writes. “The scale has told me that I’ve gained and lost and gained and lost.”

It is, for everyone, an endless cycle of both gains and losses.

Emmy reveals that she has oscillated “somewhere in the range of 20 pounds. But that piece of metal doesn’t really know.”

“Here,” Emmy writes. “Is what I ACTUALLY WEIGH.”

Emmy then shares an image that lists her qualities — the substance of wh she is.

“3 best friends since kindergarten, drive, kindness, empathy,” Emmy lists.

“Makes friends with strangers, Jewish and proud, Daughter,” Emmy adds. “100+ hours of television.”

That’s not about watching TV — that means that she has appeared on 100 hours of television, which is true — honestly, her role on Shameless covered almost that much.

“The courage it takes everyday to overcome ptsd, one happy marriage, 3 episodes of television directed,” Emmy continues.

Emmy adds: “countless hours of therapy, one finished screenplay, and animal rescuer.”

She then shares an image that adds to that.

“See,” Emmy writes. “When you add up everything you are??”

You’re a lot more than how hard this planet’s gravity pulls you towards its center, that’s for sure.

Emmy writes: “The size of your thighs don’t really matter anymore do they?!”

“So join me in this,” Emmy says. “Show people what you are actually made of. Because you are so much more than a f–king number.”

Obviously, it is normal for weight to go up and down — but several pounds.

Factors like when you last ate, when you last went to the bathroom, how hydrated you are, and even the weather that day can change what the scale says about you.

Emmy and the I Weigh campaign are exactly right — that number on the scale does not tell you your value.

Some may cynically point out that Emmy Rossum is a famously gorgeous woman who has never in her life weighed anything outside of what society considers “extremely good” or “perfect.”

But she is lending her voice to a very good campaign, and her voice matters. Some people would sadly refuse to hear this from a woman twice her size.


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Kumiko in "The Karate Kid Part II" "Memba Her?!

Tamlyn Tomita is best known for playing the dance-crazy love interest, Kumiko — opposite Ralph Macchio as the village-saving Daniel — in the 1986 follow-up film “The Karate Kid Part II.” Guess what she looks like now!


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Teddy in "The Hangover Part II" "Memba Him?!

Mason Lee (son of Ang Lee) is best known for playing the studious little brother, Teddy — who gets lost and loses a finger while on a wild bender in Bangkok — in the 2011 follow-up film “The Hangover Part II.” Guess what he looks like…


Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Real Housewives of New York Season 10 Episode 3 Recap: Til Brunch Do Us Part

The ladies took to the Hamptons on The Real Housewives New York Season 10 Episode 3, and it became clearer than ever that the ladies are not able to stay friends for too long. 

When the episode got underway, Dorinda was driving Carole and Tinsley, and the ladies continued to drag Sonja for all of her crazy antics. 

If you watch The Real Housewives of New York City online, you will know that Sonja has been accused of snitching to the press, and just doing things that friends should not do. 

Tinsley was mad Sonja was running her mouth and saying that she gets men to pay for things for her. That’s a horrid thing to say about a supposed friend. 

The action kicked into high gear during bunch at Luann’s home when Sonja made one of the pettiest digs at Ramona yet. 

She said that Ramona “loves them hard and leaves them easy.” While that might seem like a fun comment, it was anything but that. 

Ramona may have her moments, but Sonja drew a line and crossed it. This gave Dorinda the opportunity she needed to drag Sonja. 

In Dorinda’s defense, she wanted to make Sonja stop holding grudges and whining about the past. Sonja is the Queen of making people take pity on her.

Dorinda Medley Picture

But Dorinda is one of those people who says precisely what she’s feeling to your face, and Sonja was on the receiving end of that version of her. 

“Oh stop with this bologna! I buried a husband, okay?” Medley said when Sonja acted like she had a worse life.

“Meanwhile you got divorced how many years ago? Almost two decades ago! 15 years? And we talk about Mr. Morgan like he was just having tea in your house!”

“Oh, we’ve heard that a thousand times too!” Sonja fired back. “You talk about Richard every day, too!”

“Your husband left you, and my husband died,” Dorinda responded before saying the following: “People were f—— around. So don’t you dare compare your f—— marriage to me burying my husband. Because you were f—— around on the South of France. … You a–.”

The episode ended before we got to see what happened next, and we’re sure we’ll get all the details on an upcoming episode. 

Elsewhere, there was a beautiful scene between Bethenny and Luann in which the latter admitted that Bethenny was right all along about Tom. 

These two work better as friends than enemies, and it sure looks like they are ready to put the past behind them. 

While Bethenny ended a feud, she kicked one off with Carole, and it was all a result of her apparently not replying to her well wishes for the marathon. 

It turned into a thing, and the two women were not giving up. There will be a full-on fight down the line, but we will have to wait a while to get it. 

What did you think of all the developments?

Hit the comments below. 

The Real Housewives of New York continues Wednesdays on Bravo. 


Thursday, January 4, 2018

Ellen DeGeneres Slams Eric Trump for Suggesting She"s Part of "Deep State"

Ellen DeGeneres skewered Eric Trump for insinuating she’s part of a cabal to undermine his dad. Ellen’s reacting to E.T.’s tweet, in which he suggests the “who to follow” feature of Twitter is somehow part of the “Deep State,” and he singles out…


Ellen DeGeneres Slams Eric Trump for Suggesting She"s Part of "Deep State"

Ellen DeGeneres skewered Eric Trump for insinuating she’s part of a cabal to undermine his dad. Ellen’s reacting to E.T.’s tweet, in which he suggests the “who to follow” feature of Twitter is somehow part of the “Deep State,” and he singles out…


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Eric Trump Thinks Ellen DeGeneres is Part of "The Deep State"

Eric Trump is totally on to Ellen DeGeneres.

She may play all calm and cool and funny and happy and peaceful and loving on television, but the President’s son knows what’s really going on here.

And he’s finally come out and revealing his truth to the world…

… Ellen DeGeneres is a key member of The Deep State!

This is a term often thrown around by Sean Hannity and other like-minded conservatives.

It gained momentum during the 2016 Presidential campaign after being trumpeted by ex-White House strategist Steve Bannon and it refers to an alleged shadowy entity of civil servants.

This shadowy entity of civil servants purportedly coordinates efforts and policies behind-the-scenes to delegitimize the Donald Trump administration.

Many members of the mainstream press, someone like Eric Trump would argue, are working with The Deep State to bring down the commander-in-chief.

How does Ellen fit in?

What has she done to earn this reputation?

It’s unclear.

But consider the following Tweet by Eric Trump, which has gone viral for its hilarious accusation:

“Shocking… once again, here are the @Twitter “suggestions” of who I should follow. #DeepState,” wrote Eric as a caption to the screen capture of who Twitter thinks he may want to follow.

One person listed there is the previous President of the United States.

Another person listed there is the candidate Donald Trump defeated to become President.

(If either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton are members of the supposed Deep State, well, they aren’t very deep undercover.)

And the third person is beloved talk show host, comedian and former American Idol judge, Ellen DeGeneres.

Ellen is very likely a Democrat, but she actually isn’t very outspoken when it comes to politics.

Yes, she once sent a message to Donald Trump that was based around Finding Dory.

But she mostly talks on her show about love and respect and hope, which… okay, nevermind. We get it now.

These aren’t exactly Donald Trump-espoused values, are they?

As you might expect, Eric Trump’s Tweet has become quite a source of ridicule on social media.

Some folks are trying to teach him how Twitter works (“I know you’re not the smart one, but Twitter’s algorithm looks at who you searched for most recently when making suggestions. It looks like you might have recently searched for a Democrat, buddy.”) …

… while others are just openly mocking him.

To wit:

Said another user, pretty much summing up Eric’s statement:

This is the most unintentionally hilarious tweet of the very very new year!

Fast forward 362 days and we have a feeling it may remain the most unintentionally hilarious Tweet of the year.

Good luck, trying to top it, everyone else on the planet.

This is gonna be a challenge.


Thursday, December 14, 2017

Morgan Spurlock Admits He"s Part of Sexual Harassment Problem, Cites Past Rape Allegation

Morgan Spurlock is coming clean about his history … regarding sexual harassment, sexual abuse, and even an accusation of rape. The famed documentary filmmaker posted a shocking list of confessions Wednesday, including a detailed description of a…


Monday, December 11, 2017

Claudia Jordan Says Stuffing Bra on "Deal or No Deal" Part of the Job

Claudia Jordan said models are a lot like boxers — making weight and looking the part is totally part of the job. We got Claudia outside Delilah Sunday night in WeHo and asked her about claims her former “Deal or No Deal” co-star…


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Kate Middleton: Taking NO Part in Meghan Markle & Prince Harry"s Wedding?!

Half a year from now, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will get married! It’s going to be a huge ceremony, obviously — because it’s going to be a royal wedding.

We can’t help but think back to when Prince William married Kate Middleton. The world collectively lost its mind over that union. Now that Meghan is joining the family, what role will Kate play at the ceremony that welcomes her?

A surprisingly small one, it turns out. But why?

After months of leaked reports, speculation, and rumors, Kensington Palace finally made the announcement to the world:

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are engaged!

Meghan Markle is a gorgeous actress. She and Harry are clearly in love, no matter what Wendy Williams says about the future Duchess.

Markle’s status as a divorced, biracial American makes her upcoming marriage into the British Royal Family a groundbreaking one and a sign of progress for the monarchy.

Harry has spent years and years as one of the most desired men in the world.

He’s also been a source of frustration for those who see him, Harry Styles, and Harry Potter and find themselves wishing that the UK would come up with some new names for their heartthrobs.

Their upcoming nuptials will be a welcome distraction from the endless hellscape that 2018 is bound to be, if 2016 and 2017 are any indication.

But what role will Duchess Kate play?

She and Meghan Markle are about to be in-laws.

And, not for nothing, but Harry and William are known to be very close brothers.

William and Kate have to be positively glowing with excitement about the wedding … right?

So, how big of a role will Kate play in her brother-in-law’s wedding? Will she be Meghan Markle’s maid of honor?

According to Cosmopolitan and to royals expert Marlene Koenig, probably not.

Koenig explains, a little bluntly, one good reason why Kate wouldn’t have a major presence in the bridal party.

“The Duchess of Cambridge barely knows Meghan.”

Well, that could apply to just about any family’s wedding, royal or not.

Koenig also describes a much more specific reason why Kate Middleton is very unlikely, in her estimation, to be a bridesmaid for Meghan Markle — or any other bride.

“For another, she is the future queen consort when William becomes king after his father, and would unlikely be an attending person to another royal bride.”

The translation?

The woman who’s slated to become queen can’t be seen playing second fiddle to a woman who, barring some tragedy, will never be queen.

So … is Kate being a snob?

Probably not.

Following certain royal protocols remains part of life for the royal family. That means all sorts of things, including avoiding things that are “unseemly” for a future queen consort.

A huge part of being a member of the royal family is keeping up appearances, which is why the royals can’t dress or act like normal people in the way that most other celebrities can.

While this sucks for people like William and Harry who were born into this very luxurious prison, Kate and Meghan both chose to enter this life.

So we don’t imagine that Meghan Markle’s feelings are going to be hurt.

Kate Middleton didn’t take part in her own sister’s wedding because she would have completely upstaged her (and, again, protocol). This doesn’t sound like it’s personal in the slightest.


Jeremy Piven Accuser Says Kevin Dillon Was Part of Sexual Harassment Culture

One of Jeremy Piven’s accusers says she’s not surprised Kevin Dillon came to his “Entourage” buddy’s defense … because he was privy to the culture of sexual harassment on the set.  Ariane Bellamar, who accused Piven of sexual…


Jeremy Piven Accuser Says Kevin Dillon Was Part of Sexual Harassment Culture

One of Jeremy Piven’s accusers says she’s not surprised Kevin Dillon came to his “Entourage” buddy’s defense … because he was privy to the culture of sexual harassment on the set.  Ariane Bellamar, who accused Piven of sexual…


Saturday, November 4, 2017

Halsey and G-Eazy Kiss on Stage After She Covers Cardi B"s Part on "No Limit"

Halsey and G-Eazy don’t seem to care much about keeping things professional … they’ll make out in the middle of a show if they damn well please. Halsey was joined by her rapper boyfriend mid-set of her concert Friday night at the Forum in L.A.…


Friday, November 3, 2017

Deshaun Watson Says ACL Injury Is Part of God"s Plan

Deshaun Watson has broken his silence about his devastating season-ending knee injury — but says he knows it’s all part of God’s plan.  The Houston Texans rookie QB phenom tore his ACL during Thursday’s team practice — which SUUUUUCKKKK for…


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 5 Recap: Who is Part of the Cult?

The scares were back in full force on American Horror Story Season 7 Episode 5 as the cult put its next mission in play. 

When the episode got underway, the group met up to run down their next plan. Beverly was put on the spot because her boss would not air the Serena murder video, so Kai put a sick plan in action to kill Bob. 

But, before that all happened we got the reveal that Ivy has been in the cult all along and has been pretty much causing a lot of Ally’s episodes. It was not exactly surprising, and it made the whole thing make sense. 

When it came to killing Bob, all of them dressed up in their clown costumes. When they got to his house, he had a gimp in the attic. After back and forth, Kai killed the man who was strung up. 

Beverly took the final hit on Bob, and it was all caught on camera to leak to the news. The reason behind the whole thing was that it would allow Kai to move up the ranks of the council to secure the votes. 

Meanwhile, Ally struggled to come to terms with being alone and turned to the therapist to help her change her stance on things. She did not want to be the crazy mother any longer and thought it would be best to fix herself for her son. 

Back at the house, the curiosity got the better of her when she caught Harrison getting up close and personal with the detective. When she crossed over to the house, she found out that Meadow was alive and about to be killed. 

Ally ran home and called Ivy, but Meadow appeared at the window, screaming all the details about the cult and revealed that Ivy was part of it all along. This vindicated Ally because she knew she was no longer mad.

The biggest twist of all, however, came in the form of a flashback. Kai revealed that the therapist is his brother and that they covered up the murder-suicide of their parents so that they could continue with their lives. 

Oh, and Winter was the whiney sister who eventually played along with all of it to continue her time at college. 

The big finish involved Kai realizing that RJ needed to be taken out before he opened his mouth to the cops. This put Ivy in a tough position as she was forced to use a nail gun to hit him in the head. 

The cult took turns and killed RJ. 

Now, that’s how you shock the audience, American Horror Story. All of the twists were crazy!

What did you think of them?

Sound off below!


Sunday, September 10, 2017

DeRay Davis Denies Only Part of His On-Set Beef with Tamar Braxton

DeRay Davis has a funny way of explaining his on-set blow up with Tamar Braxton last week … which involves board games, family, and only a partial denial. We got the comedian Saturday night at Bootsy Bellows in WeHo, where we asked about his beef…
