Showing posts with label GEazy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GEazy. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

G-Eazy Gets Handsy with Hot Blonde Model at Lakers-Timberwolves Game

G-Eazy did what the Lakers couldn’t do in Minnesota — score a win … with a hot blonde, or so it seems. The rapper hit up the Lakers-T’Wolves game Monday night in the Gopher State. His presence there wasn’t unusual … he’s boys with…


Saturday, October 27, 2018

Halsey Hosts Halloween Party With Gotham City Villains Theme Post Breakup With G-Eazy

Halsey looks like she’s doing just fine post-breakup with G-Eazy … having the time of her life at her annual Halloween bash.  As you can see, Halsey went with a Gotham City villains theme … dressing as Poison Ivy. She danced the…


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Halsey"s So Chill in Bra and Jeans After G-Eazy Split

Halsey’s most recent split with G-Eazy is no skin off her back — but it is clearly a shirt off her back.  The pop singer was out Wednesday in L.A. rocking nothin’ but a beret, a bra, jeans and combat boots. Halsey did seem to be wearing one…


Halsey and G-Eazy: It"s Over ... Again!

In early July, Halsey dumped G-Eazy after a year of dating, and there were even hints that she had caught him cheating.

The split didn’t last, however, and they ended up back together … until the last couple of days.

Now, they’ve split again, and you’ll never guess the reason.

E! News reports that Halsey and G-Eazy have broken up again.

“G-Eazy and Halsey were doing well until a couple of days ago,” an insider reveals.

According to the source, things turned sour “when G-Eazy performed at the Karma International party in Los Angeles on Saturday.”

Apparently, G-Eazy was a little too friendly with his fans.

“And,” the insider explains, he “was flirting with several girls in public.”

You’d think that fans hardcore enough to actually attend a G-Eazy show would know that he’s in a relationship.

But he was ready for that.

“G-Eazy was telling everyone that he was single,” the source shares.

The insider adds that he claimed this “and that he and Halsey are always ‘on-and-off’ but they are currently split.”

You know how a lot of self-help advice talks about mantras and speaking what you want to come true so that you can manifest it?

Well, it sounds like G-Eazy was so convincing that he manifested a very real breakup.

G-Eazy and Halsey are no longer following each other on Instagram.

As we have mentioned with past breakups, this could mean serious bad blood — or simply that nobody wants to see their ex’s face all over social media.

However, it looks like there was more to their breakup than G-Eazy’s public display of horniness.

They’re both busy professionals whose careers take them all over, and that has exacted its toll on their rekindled romance — just as it did in July.

The insider reveals: “They have been having issues with the distance again.”

You know what? It happens.

That pesky distance may have been what drove G-Eazy to be so flirty — though that’s obviously not an excuse.

The two made it official that they were back together in September.

At G-Eazy’s New Jersey show, the two locked lips in a public kiss.

“Make some noise for the most beautiful woman on this planet right now,” G-Eazy instructed the audience.

He also said at the time: “Make some mother f–king noise for the queen, Halsey.”

As we mentioned, it was in early July when Halsey and G-Eazy last broke up.

“I normally keep this kind of thing private,” Halsey wrote at the time.

“But,” she continued. “Provided our public nature I feel I need to inform my fans.”

Halsey then announced: “G-Eazy and I are taking some apart.”

A little over a week later, and G-Eazy was seen partying with Demi Lovato as fans worried that she had relapsed.

Famously, later that month, Demi was hospitalized for a suspected overdose.

While G-Eazy and Halsey are on the outs, it may be that G-Eazy indulges himself.

Whether it’s with other former Disney stars or with groupies remains to be seen.

But even though their careers are likely to keep them on different schedules and G-Eazy is unlikely to change his spots … they might get back together.

Some people get hooked on their exes and keep going back for more.


G-Eazy And Halsey Breakup Again

G-Eazy and Halsey are calling it quits on their relationship … again.  The on-again, off-again couple are breaking up for the second time in just over 3 months. The breakup is social media official … they stopped following eachother on IG.…


Monday, September 3, 2018

G-Eazy Spends $30k on New Grill After Reunion With Ex-GF Halsey

G-Eazy just plunked down a bunch of cash to ensure his mouth will always look clean. The rapper — who recently got back with his ex, Halsey — dropped $ 30,000 on a new grill adorned with 500 diamonds. We’re told the 14k rose gold piece was…


Friday, August 31, 2018

G-Eazy Fires Back at Machine Guy Kelly with Diss Track, Threatens Him Over Halsey

G-Eazy didn’t take long to fire a huge shot back at Machine Gun Kelly, responding with an all-out diss track after MGK freestyled about banging Halsey. The freshly heated beef started roasting Thursday, when MGK went on HOT 97 with Funkmaster Flex…


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

G-Eazy & Halsey Back Together After Leaving VMAs After-Party Holding Hands

Well that didn’t take long. G-Eazy and Halsey are BACK TOGETHER nearly 2 months after announcing they had broken up … and TMZ has the pic to prove it. The rapper started his post-VMAs night with reservations for 1 at Beauty &…


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

G-Eazy Says He Wants to Be an Actor

G-Eazy is putting music on the back burner, because he’s determined to become an actor. The rapper tells TMZ he moved to L.A. specifically for the purpose of breaking into acting. He says he’s signed with UTA — a super big talent agency — and has…


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Chloe Kim Crushes Cardi B Rap with G-Eazy at ESPYs Party

Chloe Kim’s rapping skills have no limit … ‘cause the U.S. Olympic hero grabbed the mic with G-Eazy at an ESPYs after-party … and we gotta admit, she KILLED it!!! The snowboarding gold medalist hit up the official awards after-party at L.A.…


Monday, July 16, 2018

G-Eazy Dodges Questions About Halsey Breakup

G-Eazy is taking the silent route when it comes to his failed relationship with singer Halsey. We got Gerald at LAX Sunday where he looked like he was in a chipper mood until our camera guy started asking about his ex. The two broke up abruptly a…


G-Eazy Dodges Questions About Halsey Breakup

G-Eazy is taking the silent route when it comes to his failed relationship with singer Halsey. We got Gerald at LAX Sunday where he looked like he was in a chipper mood until our camera guy started asking about his ex. The two broke up abruptly a…


Demi Lovato Parties with G-Eazy After Relapse

Just days ago, Demi Lovato fired her manager and temporarily shuttered her website amidst stories of continuous drinking after her recent relapse.

Fans are worried that, this time, her fall from sobriety may be permanent.

The news that she was spotted out clubbing with questionable influence G-Eazy has not done much to ease people’s concerns.

RadarOnline reports that Demi Lovato went clubbing, which is not ideal for someone with her history of substance abuse.

Demi and rapper G-Eazy arrived at club Warwick in Hollywood at about 1am on Saturday morning.

An eyewitness reported seeing the two leave around 2:30am.

Honestly, spending an hour and a half at a club on a Saturday wouldn’t normally be a red flag or cause for concern.

But … considering what we know about Demi’s relapse, fans are deeply concerned.

According to eyewitnesses, Demi was sporting a casual look, including a jean jacket and black pants.

No one seemed sure if Demi and G-Eazy were just hanging out or if there’s something more going on between the two of them.

They were seen holding hands, but it was while they were walking — which can be a very practical idea when you’re clubbing or walking quickly through a crowd.

In American culture, which is often physically isolating except when romance is involved, hand-holding can also be an indicator that things are more than just platonic.

It was only a couple of weeks ago that Halsey announced that she and G-Eazy had split after dating for about a year.

So he’s single — and potentially ready to mingle.

But … there may be some very legitimate concerns that, as a friend or a boyfriend, G-Eazy is the last person with whom Demi should be spending time at the moment.

Earlier this year, G-Eazy was involved in a nightclub brawl and a drug arrest in Sweden. He apparently had a lot of cocaine on his person.

While drug possession or use should certainly not be criminalized, it probably doesn’t make him the best associate for someone who has recently fallen off of the wagon.

Fans who have heard of Demi’s struggles with alcohol and with cocaine in the past don’t really like seeing these two in each other’s orbits.

As we mentioned, Demi has fired a number of people who have worked with her and even temporarily shuttered her website.

Reports say that, though she admitted her relapse in a song called “Sober,” she is not actually willing to listen to anyone or to get help.

In fact, many fear that she is simply severing professional ties with anyone who tries to push her to get help.

The reality of the situation is that people who struggle with substance abuse and addiction issues won’t seek help until they’re ready to.

Tragically, some of them are never ready.

But Demi just celebrated a year of sobriety last March.

If she did it before, fans hope that she can do it again after this new relapse.

Demi’s story of recovery is inspirational to so many fans, and they believe that she can recover.

But can doesn’t mean will.

We’re all rooting for Demi. We hope that G-Eazy, whatever the nature of their relationship, also wants what’s really best for her.


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

G-Eazy Denied Entry into Canada for Headlining Concert

G-Eazy was just turned away at the Canadian border … and had to cancel a huge show because of it. Sources tell us G-Eazy and crew ran into issues with Canadian customs agents when they touched down in Calgary Monday. The rapper was set to be a…


Saturday, July 7, 2018

Halsey Breaks Down During Concert After Breakup with G-Eazy

Halsey broke down — sort of — during a performance Friday night, and given the song it has all the markings of an emotional toll taken by her breakup with G-Eazy. Halsey performed at the Common Ground Music Festival in Lansing, Michigan, and…


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Halsey Dumps G-Eazy, Hints That She Caught Him Cheating

Well, it’s official.

After a year of dating, singer Halsey and rapper G-Eazy have officially called it quits.

Halsey stunned fans by making the announcement on Instagram earlier this week.

“I normally keep this kind of thing private but provided our public nature I feel the need to inform my fans,” the 23-year-old wrote.

“G-Eazy and I are taking some time apart. I’m eager to continue the upcoming passage of time dedicating myself to my art and career, and the duration of my tour.”

She added:

“I wish him the best. Thanks for respecting our privacy at this time.”

It was a typical boilerplate amicable breakup announcement — but it wasn’t along before Halsey complicated the situation with a cryptic tweet:

Halsey Tweet

As fans were quick to point out, “pumpkin eater” is generally preceded by the words “Peter, Peter” or “cheater, cheater,” and unless Halsey was watching Family Guy or dreaming of Dinklage at the time of the tweet, the former doesn’t really make sense.

The singer didn’t speak up to set the record straight when fans started speculating that this was her way of suggesting G-Eazy had been unfaithful.

And this seems to be a situation in which her silence speaks volumes.

Whatever the case, Halsey wasted no time before posting a “revenge body” bikini pic on the ‘Gram.

Of course, her followers might be reading into this one too deeply.

It’s hotter than Satan’s taint in most of the US right now, and really, anyone who’s outdoors wearing anything more than swimwear this week is clinically insane.

So it’s possible Halsey simply decided to post a photo in which she’s wearing a bikini, and there’s no vengeful motive behind it.

It’s also possible that we’ve devoted entirely too much thought to a Halsey bikini photo.

Anyway, despite the fact that the couple enjoyed collaborative success with the hit single “Him & I,” members of Halsey’s inner circle are reportedly thrilled about the split.

It seems some were opposed to the relationship from the start, and their feelings only intensified after G-Eazy was arrested for assault and possession following an altercation in a bar back in May.

Besides, couple duets are great, but we all know the real money is in breakup songs.


Wednesday, July 4, 2018

G-Eazy and Halsey Showed Signs of Relationship Trouble Last Week

Halsey and G-Eazy’s breakup could be seen coming a mile away … according to sources close to the exes at a concert last week. We’re told the 2 attended Post Malone’s show at the Hollywood Bowl last Thursday — G-Eazy performed a song with Posty –…


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

G-Eazy and Halsey Split

G-Eazy and Halsey have officially called it quits on their relationship. Halsey just announced the split, saying, “I feel the need to inform my fans. G-Eazy and I are taking some time apart. I’m eager to continue the upcoming passage of time…


Monday, May 7, 2018

G-Eazy: I Learned My Lesson! Don"t Brawl When You Have Coke On You!

In certain circles, G-Eazy is known for many things.

He’s a rapper; he’s the boyfriend of singer Halsey; and he’s got a Charlie Sheen-like reputation for raising hell and getting into trouble.

The emcee – real name Gerald Gillum – suffered the consequences of his wild ways in Stockholm last week when he was arrested for assault and possession after getting into a fight with a nightclub bouncer.

Gillum was taken into custody and held for 24 hours before being released on bail.

Onlookers who witnessed the incident say that Gillum lunged at a fan who took his photo in the club’s VIP area.

He reportedly missed his target and struck the club’s security detail by accident.

Of course, the old “whoops, wrong guy!” excuse doesn’t really fly when you clock a bouncer in the head, so G-Eazy was arrested on the scene.

And his situation quickly went from bad to worse when police discovered 1.5 grams of cocaine and a rolled up dollar bill on the rapper’s person.

It’s been several days since Gillum was released from prison several days ago, but until today he’s remained silent on the scandal/

This morning, Gillum addressed his arrest on social media, and not surprisingly, it seems he’s contrite and deeply ashamed.

“Embarrassed & apologetic beyond words about the incident, but above all I’m so f–king grateful they let me go, craziest experience of my life, awful night with a lot of bad luck and some even worse decisions,” he wrote on Instagram. 

“But like I said I’m grateful as f–k to be a free man, back on tour performing for the fans,” he added.

“Thank you to everyone who’s held me down along the way and supported this journey,” Gillum continued.

“I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know.”

Gillum was forced to pay a $ 9,000 fine and about $ 850 in restitution to the victim of the assault, a Stockholm nightclub bouncer

We’re sure Gillum is deeply embarrassed by the incident, but there’s a silver lining here:

He’ll no longer be best-known in the press for trying to kiss Britney Spears and getting shot down at the VMAs!


Friday, May 4, 2018

G-Eazy Arrest Triggered by Fan Seeking Photos

G-Eazy got busted because he threw a punch at the wrong guy after getting totally pissed off at a pesky fan who wanted a pic.  Sources at Stockholm’s Solidaritet nightclub tell us … G-Eazy and his crew were partying in the VIP room after…
