Showing posts with label Coke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coke. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

U.S. Open Fan Who Dunks Chicken Tenders in Coke Sees Dipping Sauce Potential

The U.S. Open tennis fan who disgusted viewers by dunking chicken tenders in soda says her quirky, acquired taste will become socially acceptable … if someone would just invent a new condiment!! Alexa Greenfield tells TMZ … she’s been dunking…


Monday, May 7, 2018

G-Eazy: I Learned My Lesson! Don"t Brawl When You Have Coke On You!

In certain circles, G-Eazy is known for many things.

He’s a rapper; he’s the boyfriend of singer Halsey; and he’s got a Charlie Sheen-like reputation for raising hell and getting into trouble.

The emcee – real name Gerald Gillum – suffered the consequences of his wild ways in Stockholm last week when he was arrested for assault and possession after getting into a fight with a nightclub bouncer.

Gillum was taken into custody and held for 24 hours before being released on bail.

Onlookers who witnessed the incident say that Gillum lunged at a fan who took his photo in the club’s VIP area.

He reportedly missed his target and struck the club’s security detail by accident.

Of course, the old “whoops, wrong guy!” excuse doesn’t really fly when you clock a bouncer in the head, so G-Eazy was arrested on the scene.

And his situation quickly went from bad to worse when police discovered 1.5 grams of cocaine and a rolled up dollar bill on the rapper’s person.

It’s been several days since Gillum was released from prison several days ago, but until today he’s remained silent on the scandal/

This morning, Gillum addressed his arrest on social media, and not surprisingly, it seems he’s contrite and deeply ashamed.

“Embarrassed & apologetic beyond words about the incident, but above all I’m so f–king grateful they let me go, craziest experience of my life, awful night with a lot of bad luck and some even worse decisions,” he wrote on Instagram. 

“But like I said I’m grateful as f–k to be a free man, back on tour performing for the fans,” he added.

“Thank you to everyone who’s held me down along the way and supported this journey,” Gillum continued.

“I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know.”

Gillum was forced to pay a $ 9,000 fine and about $ 850 in restitution to the victim of the assault, a Stockholm nightclub bouncer

We’re sure Gillum is deeply embarrassed by the incident, but there’s a silver lining here:

He’ll no longer be best-known in the press for trying to kiss Britney Spears and getting shot down at the VMAs!


Friday, May 4, 2018

Cops Reveal G-Eazy"s Alleged Victim and $100 Coke Bill

The bouncer G-Eazy got busted for punching has been revealed, along with the rapper’s favorite Benjamin — as in the $ 100 bill he used to snort cocaine … allegedly. Cops in Sweden released pics showing the nightclub bouncer. They’ve focused on…


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Johnny Depp Sued By Bodyguards: He Made Us Wipe the Coke Off His Face!

In case you haven’t been keeping up with the sad downward spiral of Johnny Depp in recent months, allow us to quickly fill you in:

Basically, over the course of the past year, the once-beloved actor has gone from brooding weirdo with mystique, a la Edward Scissorhands, to perennially-inebriated shyster who you wouldn’t trust to look after your houseplants, a la some unsettling combo of Captain Jack Sparrow and Depp’s Hunter S. Thompson caricature from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

We won’t even get into Depp’s truly ugly divorce from Amber Heard, with its myriad allegations of physical and psychological abuse.

Instead, we’ll focus on the other legal entanglements that should keep Johnny occupied for his remaining years.

It all started when Depp sued his management team for allegedly allowing him to spend himself to the brink of bankruptcy.

(At a certain level of wealth, you’re literally not accountable for anything you do.)

The management group countersued, claiming that Depp is a habitual liar who spends $ 30,000 a month on wine (seriously).

As we’ve seen time and again in 2018, once a rich and powerful person gets called out in a legal setting, people begin to realize that they’re not actually invincible/

And – taking a cue from his management team – Depp’s security guards are getting in on the act and suing the actor for the astonishing sum of $ 25 million.

Does their case have any merit?

That remains to be seen – but in the meantime, the disgruntled guards are doing a number on Depp’s already battered reputation with some shocking tales of misbehavior.

The bodyguards claim they were initially paid by a private security firm, but when Depp fell on hard times, they agreed to a deal where he would pay them directly – and they were immediately punished for their loyalty.

“Depp began making sudden and drastic changes to his staff and management team, causing a significant financial crunch for everyone surrounding Depp, except for Depp himself,” read court documents obtained by Page Six.

“Plaintiffs were loyal to Depp and his family and understanding of the financial hurricane Depp was in.”

The papers go on to allege:

“Plaintiffs found themselves in situations that required more than what a bodyguard would be expected to do.”

And what were they asked to do? 

Basically act as Depp’s personal chauffeurs/babysitters/drug mules/personal assistants.

Lawyers claim the guards “were asked repeatedly to drive vehicles that contained illegal substances” and “open containers” and “were asked to monitor unstable individuals in [Depp’s] life and entourage.”

Their duties were eventually expanded to include serving as the “primary caretakers” of Depp’s children, and occasionally removing the cocaine from his immaculately-manicured mustache.

“Often times Plaintiffs were forced to protect [Depp] from himself and his vices while in public, becoming caretakers for him,” the suit claims.

“A[n] incident at a local nightclub involved Plaintiffs alerting Depp of illegal substances visible on his face and person while preventing onlookers from noticing Depp’s condition.”

The guards go on to claim that Depp created a “toxic and unsafe work environment” that eventually forced them to quit.

As evidence, they cite an incident in which the actor’s head of security shot himself in the leg “while playing with his weapon in a small control room on Johnny Depp’s property.”

Hey, if “playing” with guns while coked out of your guard makes us toxic and unsafe, we don’t want to be whatever the opposite of toxic and unsafe is!

Anyway, you can stop researching that Fear and Loathing role any time now, Johnny.


Friday, October 27, 2017

Scott Disick & Sofia Richie: Drinking, Doing Coke in NYC?

It’s been three months since we first learned that Scott Disick is dating Sofia Richie, and the situation only seems to get more creepy with time.

While the idea of Scott using Sofia as a pawn to help him get revenge on his ex was undeniably skeevy, somehow, the realization that Disick might be taking this relationship seriously is somehow even worse.

Scott is 34 and Sofia is 19, but it’s not even the age difference that’s disturbing here.

No, it’s the fact Disick’s been on a non-stop bender for the past year, shirking his responsibilities as a father of three in order to focus on boozing and bedding young starlets.

Not exactly an ideal situation for a teenager to step into.

Those who know the couple best say that while Scott may have been using Sofia to make Kourtney Kardashian jealous at first, these days, his feelings for the young model are genuine.

Unfortunately, it seems that just as Scott has fallen for Sofia, she’s fallen into his lifestyle of late nights and hard partying.

According to Radar Online, Scott and Sofia were spotted turning up until 3 am at the Common Cround bar in Manhattan earlier this week.

Witnesses tell the site that Disick was knocking back shots of what appeared to be whiskey and taking suspicious trips to the men’s room.

“I saw him have around four of them and he took several bathroom trips with his friends and came out wiping his nose,” a snitch at the scene said.

“Scott and Sofia kissed a couple times, but mainly just sort of sat around and watched the crowd party, it was sort of strange.”

The source says he never saw Sofia do any drinking, but he believes she was under the influence, as “her eyes were glazed over” and “she seemed out of it.”

There’s no official word yet on how Sofia’s sister, Nicole Richie, or her father, Lionel Richie, feel about her latest relationship, but not surprisingly, it’s been rumored that they’re less than thrilled.

We’re guessing reports of the teenager partying until 3 am with an sucidally alcoholic reality star probably won’t improve their assessment of the situation.

As for Scott, his family and friends are reportedly still concerened that Disick is actively drinking himself to death.

Here’s hoping the Lord can eventually find the help he needs–and that he’ll in the meantime, he’ll stop taking naïve teenagers down with him.


Friday, October 20, 2017

NFL"s Brandon Browner Was Secretly Busted for Coke In May

Ex-Seattle Seahawks star Brandon Browner was arrested for cocaine in L.A. back in May and was hauled to the station for a shirtless mug shot … TMZ Sports has learned.  The La Verne Police Dept. has confirmed 33-year-old Browner was arrested…


NFL"s Brandon Browner Was Secretly Busted for Coke In May

Ex-Seattle Seahawks star Brandon Browner was arrested for cocaine in L.A. back in May and was hauled to the station for a shirtless mug shot … TMZ Sports has learned.  The La Verne Police Dept. has confirmed 33-year-old Browner was arrested…


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Lamar Odom: Khloe Kardashian Caught Me Doing Coke With Another Girl

To say that Lamar Odom has struggled in recent years would be a massive understatement.

The former NBA star and ex-husband of Khloe Kardashian has come up against just about every kind of adversity one can imagine.

Granted, many of his difficulties have been self-created, but to his credit, Odom has been surprisingly candid about the extent to which he’s responsible for his own suffering.

Back in October of 2015, Odom overdosed during a bender at a brothel in Nevada.

For a while, it looked as though Odom would never emerge from his coma, but miraculously he managed a near-total recovery.

The 37-year-old says he’s sober these days, but his road to a healthier life hasn’t been an easy one.

Odom was spotted drinking and behaving erratically on multiple occasions after his overdose, and it was his stubborn refusal to change his ways that reportedly led Khloe to cut ties with her ex completely.

In a new piece he penned for The Player’s Tribune, Lamar opens up about the ways he self-destructed, revealing that his personal rock bottom came when Khloe walked on him doing coke with a girl he’d been cheating on her with.

“At that point in my life, I was doing coke every day. Pretty much every second of free time that I had, I was doing coke. I couldn’t control it,” Odom writes.

“Cocaine is a hell of a drug,” he adds, quoting the music icon and fellow addict Rick James.

“One of the darkest places I’ve ever been was when I was in a motel room, getting high with this chick, and my wife (at the time) walked in. That probably was like rock bottom,” Odom writes.

“My d-ck and my habit took me down all the roads that you don’t ever wanna go down.”

For a brief period after he emerged from his coma, it looked as though Lamar and Khloe would get back together, but Odom seems to have come to terms with the fact that that ship has now sailed.

These days, he says his motivation to stay sober is his family, and he looks forward to being a better father to his kids.

He adds that he plans to continue speaking honestly about his darkest times in an effort to inspire others.

We wish him all the best.


Lamar Odom: Khloe Busted Me Doing Coke In Drug Den

Lamar Odom says he knew he hit rock bottom with his coke addiction when his wife, Khloe Kardashian, walked in on him getting high with a random chick in a motel … calling it “one of the darkest places I’ve ever been.” The ex-NBA star opened up on…


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Jon Jones: Bigger Athletes Than Me Do Coke, "You"d Be Surprised"

Jon Jones says he’s not the only superstar with a taste for cocaine — saying he knows for a fact that “some of the greatest athletes in the country” like to ride the blow train to snooter town.  The UFC superstar opened up about his…


Jon Jones: Bigger Athletes Than Me Do Coke, "You"d Be Surprised"

Jon Jones says he’s not the only superstar with a taste for cocaine — saying he knows for a fact that “some of the greatest athletes in the country” like to ride the blow train to snooter town.  The UFC superstar opened up about his…


Friday, June 23, 2017

Adam Lind: New Details of Coke, Meth, Steroid Use Revealed By Ex

Allegations regarding dangerous drug use by Chelsea Houska’s derelict baby daddy Adam Lind are seemingly unending these days. 

Not that he was a prize to begin with, but it’s becoming increasingly obvious and worrisome given that this man spends time with children.

Lind is the father of Teen Mom 2 star Houska’s daughter Aubree, and also has another daughter, Paislee, with ex-girlfriend Taylor Halbur.

His drug abuse has long been rumored, even assumed.

After Adam Lind tested positive for meth this month, though, the alarm bells sounded, and bad news has been cascading across the web.

The father of two is also accused of abusing cocaine, according to court papers obtained from the Circuit Court of Minnehaha County.

Halbur, his second baby mama, accuses him of using the drug and wants him to only see their daughter, 3, during supervised visits.

As of right now, Lind has not lost custody of Paislee, but things are trending in that direction after a stunning sequence of revelations.

“As part of Plaintiff’s legal troubles, he was required to be on alcohol monitoring,” the court filing says, referring to Lind’s drinking problem.

“He was on alcohol monitoring when [he] was more stable,” but now, Halbur is “increasingly concerned regarding Plaintiff’s behavior.”

“Recently, he has had a significant change in his appearance,” the court papers continue, bringing his first baby mama into the situation:

“Chelsea Houska was contacted by [an ex-girlfriend] regarding concerns she has regarding Plaintiff’s drug usage, alcohol and erratic behavior.”

Lind’s ex-girlfriend, whose identity is being protected, also alleges in court papers that he “showed her cocaine that he has in his possession.”

“She also confirmed that he does engage in steroid use.”

“I understand that Plaintiff will use steroids for muscle growth but will then use methamphetamines to cut weight,” the documents say.

To wit, Halbur alleges that Lind recently tested positive for meth during a routine drug test as part of their custody battle over Paislee.

Court papers claim he had a “substantial” amount of meth in his system “just over 24 hours before he was to have the parties’ minor child.”

Halbur then expressed fears over his erratic behavior.

When she picked their daughter up after New Year’s holiday, she claimed Lind was acting “very odd,” “overly happy” and “paranoid.”

“[Adam Lind] cannot get off the drugs,” she wrote, adding, “This would be consistent with his appearance. He is remarkably thin.”

Astonishingly, court documents also state that when the two were living together, a steroid-using Lind killed two of her puppies. Puppies.

Lind, 27, reportedly denied his ex-girlfriend’s claims.

“I deny using steroids or other drugs,” he responded, adding specifically that, “I deny a significant change in my appearance.”

“The only thing about my appearance that has changed,” he says, “is I have a beard and no longer have a shaved haircut.”

Yup, that’s totally all that’s changed. Nothing more.

He also denied showing anyone cocaine, and as for New Year’s, he claimed he was just happy because his birthday is January 1.

Lind’s birthday was July 16 the last time we checked.


Wednesday, May 17, 2017

UFC"s Cowboy Cerrone: Who Cares If Jon Jones Does Coke?!

UFC bad ass Donald “Cowboy” Cerrone says he doesn’t give a DAMN if Jon Jones blows an entire Swiss Alps ski slope of cocaine … as long he beats the hell outta people in the octagon.  Cowboy and Jones train together — so, we asked how the…


Monday, November 7, 2016

Greg Hardy -- Charged with Felony Coke Possession ... Faces Jail

Greg Hardy is learning the hard way … don’t mess (with cocaine) in Texas — ‘cause the ex-NFL star was just charged with felony drug possession and faces serious jail time. Hardy was arrested on Sept. 25th when cops pulled over a 2010 Dodge…


Monday, October 10, 2016

Deontay Wilder -- I Don"t Want Tyson Fury to Die ... Coke Problem"s No Joke (VIDEO)

They’ve trashed each other for YEARS — but boxing superstar Deontay Wilder is putting his feud with Tyson Fury on hold … saying he truly wants Fury to get help for his cocaine problem so he doesn’t die.  TMZ Sports spoke with Wilder — who…


Saturday, October 8, 2016

Oscar De La Hoya -- Tyson Fury Can Beat Coke Problem ... "I Believe In Him" (VIDEO)

Oscar De La Hoya says battling cocaine addiction is the toughest fight there is — but he’s confident heavyweight champ Tyson Fury can beat his blow problem … as long as he gets help.


Monday, June 27, 2016

Man Bathes in 1,500 Gallons of Coke, Tons of Mentos

Some people have way too much time on their hands.

Thankfully for the rest of us.

Last Friday, a YouTube user named Taras Maksimuk shared a four-minute video online that features him jumping in for a dip in a backyard, above-ground swimming pool.

It is capable of holding up to 1,500 gallons of water.

But Maksimuk did not fill the pool with water.

He filled it with Coca-Cola, 200 pounds of ice and a whole lot of Mentos.

“This is something that you wouldn’t even see in the movies,” says the man who goes by “TechRax” in the video.

That is true. That is a fact. We"ve never seen anyone swim in a Coke-and-Mentos-filled pool on the big screen before.

Maksimuk enlisted a human guinea pig named Ryan to splash around in the murky mix and even pop open a 24-ounce bottle of Coke while doing so.

“Ryan stayed in the pool for roughly 20 minutes and didn’t notice any significant changes to his skin or hair other than feeling really sticky,” Maksimuk told The Huffington Post in an email, adding:

“But he said his skin felt very smooth in the pool.”

Might we have stumbled upon a new form of skin care?

Probably not.

Make sure you keep watching to see what happens when a drone gets tossed into the pool.

Man bathes in 1500 gallons of coke tons of mentos

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Son Pumped Up With Coke, Throws MAJOR Fit!

Jenelle, Jenelle, Jenelle. If you want to regain custody of your son Jace, you should probably start acting a little more responsible.

While she’s come a long way since her days of drug addiction, there are certain rules most moms just know, like, don’t let your kid have Coke before bedtime.

(Coca-Cola, to be clear. Not, ya know, the other coke. But don’t give your kid that, either.)

In a preview clip for Teen Mom 2, Jenelle’s mom Barbara comes to pick up six-year-old Jace and finds Jenelle in a state of exhaustion.

“I’m not going to be able to do this,” she tells her mom. “I had like, four hours of sleep because everyone had caffeine all night and didn’t go to sleep until like 2 a.m.”

She explained that she and boyfriend David Eason went to dinner, and when they came home they discovered Jace had gotten into the soda.

“We came back home and they were still awake,” Jenelle continued. “I ordered pizza for them and I had Coke in the refrigerator that was mine and Jace was drinking it.”

This send Babs over the edge. 

“When Jace comes you’ve got to hide the Coke!” she tells her daughter.

Barbara then takes a very cranky Jace and struggles to get him in his car seat. The boy kicks the car and screams at his grandmother.

“I’m tired!!” he yells from the back seat.

“Every time you come from Mommy’s house you’re mean,” she tells him.

Jenelle is in the middle of a custody battle with Barbara, who is currently Jace’s legal guardian.

Giving your son caffeine isn’t the worst offense ever, but the girl’s gotta step it up if she’s going to convince the courts she can handle her son.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Chris Rock to Lamar Odom: Nice Use of Coke and Hookers!

If the following is an example of the kind of jokes Chris Rock will tell as host of the 2016 Academy Awards, we’re in for quite the controversial ceremony.

In light of the Lamar Odom health scare and scandal last week, the comedian jumped on Twitter Thursday evening and shared the following photo:

LOL? Or… what the Hell, dude?

A quick bit of background for anyone out of the loop:

Odom spent multiple days partying at Dennis Hof’s Love Ranch in Nevada, using cocaine and an herbal sexual stimulant before falling unconscious on Tuesday, October 13.

He was rushed to the hospital and remained in a coma, with sources saying Odom’s prognosis was so grim that he barely had a 50% chance of survival.

Estranged wife Khloe Kardashian remained by Odom’s side throughout this ordeal, making medical decisions on the star’s behalf before he awoke over the weekend and even starting communicating with those around him.

Once Odom’s condition improved, Khloe’s attorney actually went to a judge and asked to withdraw his client’s divorce papers.

Yup, Lamar and Khloe are giving their marriage another chance.

So that brings us back to Rock’s Twitter message.

Was it out of line, considering Odom just underwent two medical procedures and is still fighting for his life?

Or is it pretty hilarious, considering he’s sort of right: Within a week of going on a hardcore drug binge and sleeping with (legal) prostitutes, Odom managed to win back the woman of his dreams?

Sound off below with your opinion!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Tom Hanks" Son Chet Opens Up About His Cocaine Addiction & Stint In Rehab — "I Was Selling Coke & Doing Coke Until I Couldn"t Even Snort It Up My Nose"

Chet Hanks says he’s cleaning up his act — for real this time!

The youngest son of Oscar-winner Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson opened up about his past drug abuse and time in rehab in a series of 11 videos posted to Instagram on Wednesday.

Related: Celebrity Scandals We Never Saw Coming!

The 25-year-old wanted to clear up recent reports that he had gone missing, admitting that he was in fact in rehab:

“I’ve been in rehab. I’ve been trying to get my sh*t together, and I’m doing pretty damn good … I just really had to take a look at myself and my life and the way sh*t was going and all the crazy stupid sh*t I was doing and just finally admit to myself that it wasn’t working.”

Good for him!!

The musician, who used to go by Chet Haze, revealed last year that he has been battling a cocaine addiction since he was 16 years old. Over the summer, it got worse than it’s ever been:

“A couple months ago I was selling coke and doing coke until I couldn’t even snort it up my nose anymore because it was so clogged. I even smoked crack. If I can change, you can change. There is a solution.”

So, so sad! But we are happy to see him facing his demons once and for all — we hope it works this time!

In one of his confessions, he shared that his past has caused major challenges for him:

“It’s been a long journey discovering who I am. Because all the pressures that I’ve dealt with in my life – you know, being the son of my dad and everything. Just trying to find where I fit in.”

Chet also brought up the controversy over his use of the N-word, that even caused Instagram to temporarily shut down his account:

“I know a lot of y’all kinda understood the point I was trying to make, but the truth is it’s not my place to speak on that. And I’m genuinely sorry for the people I offended.”

In a final message thanking his friends and family for their support, he wrote:

“I only say this to show y’all how real it is, not to glorify anything I’ve done. There’s nothing glorious about bringing yourself closer to death and prison with each day of active addiction. I’m just giving y’all the raw realness to let y’all know that this shit here really is not a game. It’s life or death. And the solution is Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and the surrendering of your will and your life over to a Higher Power of your own understanding.”

Ch-ch-check out his most telling admissions (below)!

I only say this to show y’all how real it is, not to glorify anything I’ve done. There’s nothing glorious about bringing yourself closer to death and prison with each day of active addiction. I’m just giving y’all the raw realness to let y’all know that this shit here really is not a game. It’s life or death. And the solution is Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and the surrendering of your will and your life over to a Higher Power of your own understanding.A video posted by 🌴LA / WORLD WIDE 🌍 (@chethanx) on Sep 30, 2015 at 9:31pm PDT

Wow! Sounds like Chet is on the right path to recovery, and we wish him the best!!

[Image via Instagram.]