Friday, June 23, 2017

Adam Lind: New Details of Coke, Meth, Steroid Use Revealed By Ex

Allegations regarding dangerous drug use by Chelsea Houska’s derelict baby daddy Adam Lind are seemingly unending these days. 

Not that he was a prize to begin with, but it’s becoming increasingly obvious and worrisome given that this man spends time with children.

Lind is the father of Teen Mom 2 star Houska’s daughter Aubree, and also has another daughter, Paislee, with ex-girlfriend Taylor Halbur.

His drug abuse has long been rumored, even assumed.

After Adam Lind tested positive for meth this month, though, the alarm bells sounded, and bad news has been cascading across the web.

The father of two is also accused of abusing cocaine, according to court papers obtained from the Circuit Court of Minnehaha County.

Halbur, his second baby mama, accuses him of using the drug and wants him to only see their daughter, 3, during supervised visits.

As of right now, Lind has not lost custody of Paislee, but things are trending in that direction after a stunning sequence of revelations.

“As part of Plaintiff’s legal troubles, he was required to be on alcohol monitoring,” the court filing says, referring to Lind’s drinking problem.

“He was on alcohol monitoring when [he] was more stable,” but now, Halbur is “increasingly concerned regarding Plaintiff’s behavior.”

“Recently, he has had a significant change in his appearance,” the court papers continue, bringing his first baby mama into the situation:

“Chelsea Houska was contacted by [an ex-girlfriend] regarding concerns she has regarding Plaintiff’s drug usage, alcohol and erratic behavior.”

Lind’s ex-girlfriend, whose identity is being protected, also alleges in court papers that he “showed her cocaine that he has in his possession.”

“She also confirmed that he does engage in steroid use.”

“I understand that Plaintiff will use steroids for muscle growth but will then use methamphetamines to cut weight,” the documents say.

To wit, Halbur alleges that Lind recently tested positive for meth during a routine drug test as part of their custody battle over Paislee.

Court papers claim he had a “substantial” amount of meth in his system “just over 24 hours before he was to have the parties’ minor child.”

Halbur then expressed fears over his erratic behavior.

When she picked their daughter up after New Year’s holiday, she claimed Lind was acting “very odd,” “overly happy” and “paranoid.”

“[Adam Lind] cannot get off the drugs,” she wrote, adding, “This would be consistent with his appearance. He is remarkably thin.”

Astonishingly, court documents also state that when the two were living together, a steroid-using Lind killed two of her puppies. Puppies.

Lind, 27, reportedly denied his ex-girlfriend’s claims.

“I deny using steroids or other drugs,” he responded, adding specifically that, “I deny a significant change in my appearance.”

“The only thing about my appearance that has changed,” he says, “is I have a beard and no longer have a shaved haircut.”

Yup, that’s totally all that’s changed. Nothing more.

He also denied showing anyone cocaine, and as for New Year’s, he claimed he was just happy because his birthday is January 1.

Lind’s birthday was July 16 the last time we checked.
