Friday, June 30, 2017

Jersey Shore Revival Series: Actually Happening?

Once upon a time, MTV’s Jersey Shore was garnering higher ratings than some of the biggest shows on broadcast TV. 

Nowadays, the network rarely charts in the ratings and is returning to old formats in an attempt to bring the network back to its former ratings glory.

With the return of Fear Factor being a moderate success, it looks like the network is ready to bring back Jersey Shore from the grave, and we’re not quite sure how the heck it would work.

Still, would we really say no to a return trip to the Jersey Shore? Um, no. 

Jenni ‘Jwoww’ Farley has revealed she is in active negotiations with producer SallyAnn Salsano about ways in which the series could return for another season of drama.

“I’ve actually been texting the creator of Jersey Shore,” she revealed to E! News.

The 31-year-old said she’s said to the creator, “How do we make this happen? But I need to be in bed by 9 p.m. I have to take my family and don’t let me get white-girl wasted so I can’t find where my family is. So if you can help me out with those, I’d be down.”

If you watch Jersey Shore online, you will likely remember how boring Jersey Shore became when the stars began growing out of their partying ways. 

Snooki was even moved to another house while she was pregnant with her first child. If the stars are going to be reserved this time around, is it really worth bringing it back?

With regards to commitments, Jenni thinks it would be best to film for around ten days on an island somewhere as opposed to a huge season. 

The possibility of a reunion does seem relatively high when you consider the dire straits over at MTV. Heck, maybe this reunion will pave the way for a new iteration of the series with a new cast. 

It seems like Snooki also has the reunion bug since she posted a picture of herself posing with former female costars, Jwoww, Sammy Giancola and Deena Nicole Cortese. 

The rest of the cast even revealed to In Touch recently that they would be game for a reunion, so something tells us this is something that will be happening in the very near future. 

Obviously, the new series would not include any of the crazy antics of the original series, but it could be interesting to get the details on what they’ve all been up to since the show concluded in 2012. 

We would pay to watch the show if it included the return of Angelina Pivarnick. That would guarantee at least a bunch of fights. 

Over to you, Jersey Shore fans! Do you think it’s a good idea to bring the series back?

Sound off below!
