Friday, June 30, 2017

Johnny Galecki Thanks Firefighters on Ruins of Destroyed Home

Remember when Johnny Galecki’s home was consumed by a raging wildfire

It blazed through Galecki’s primary residence and has destroyed countless other homes and firefighters continue to combat the blaze — one all too common in Southern California’s dry climate.

He’s gone out of his way to thank firefighters, and now he’s shared a photo of what little remains of his home.

You may remember that Galecki vowed to only return to where his home once was when it was safe to do so and not before.

You’d think that this would be common sense.

Unfortunately, some people don’t have a lot of that.

They’ll go into condemned buildings and, yes, try to sneak around within a blazing wildfire or immediately in its wake.

The charred ruins of a house are not a safe place to be.

Unless the site has been cleared by experts.

In the photo below, you can see that it was definitely safe, as he’s hugging a firefighter. …

While standing on all that remains of his former home.

It’s hard to imagine losing your home like that.

You can barely tell that a house once stood there.

Yes, he’s rich, but this is his primary residence

He captioned the photo: 

“Thank you to the brothers and sisters of @calfire It is the profound risks that you accept and the sacrifices you and your families make that keep us safe.”

But he didn’t just thank the brave firefighters.

“Thanks also to the many of you who have reached out in support. It is far from lost on us here. #muchlove #movingforwardstronger”

Remember, celebrities are always conscious of the fact that they have innumerable fans.

Countless fans have reached out with their sympathies and support.

Galecki, of course, says that he is less concerned with his own losses.

(Again, he has a lot of money)

He’s more concerned about others in the area who’ve lost their homes to this same devastating fire.

Even for people whose homes are insured for fire, money matters.

Not every insurance policy pays enough.

Plus there are other expenses.

You can replace the home and perhaps even most of the things in it.

But you also need a place to live in the mean time — home construction can take months.

That’s especially challenging when a wildfire is still blazing, you know?

To say nothing of the priceless and irreplaceable items — like art, photographs, or other things of sentimental value.

Johnny Galecki acknowledges that a lot of people might think that he’s crazy for living in what some would describe as a desert hellscape.

(Me — I’m the one who would describe it that way)

But he loves living there.

Not just the climate, but living in the country, surrounded by nature.

(That part, I get … though don’t you wonder how he gets food delivered out there?)

And we guess that the others who lost their homes feel the same way.

The fact that he cares more about their losses than his own really speaks volumes about his character, you know?

No wonder Kaley Cuoco’s still crazy about him.
