Friday, June 30, 2017

Internet Comes to Rescue of Bullied 9-Year Old: Read the Moving Birthday Tweets!

Twitter can be a wonderful place.

Unfortunately, there"s no place safe from bullies, and Twitter is just as full of vicious trolls as everywhere else. (And no, we don"t just mean the current President of the United States and his infamous tweets)

That"s why it is so, so nice to see Twitter used as a powerful force for good — even if the only person being directly helped is a British 9-year-old.

See, Ollie has one of those almost over-the-top bullies, as many 9-year-olds do, who wants to impress upon him that nothing that he does for his birthday could possibly measure up to the bully"s own celebrations.

We all know how that goes — some little kid wants to make another little kid feel like he can"t measure up. It"s the exact same motivation behind why adults are nasty to each other, basically.

So, Ollie"s dad Christopher took to Twitter to ask for people to ask any celebrities, major or minor, to send a pleasant birthday message in Ollie"s direction to give the 9-year-old a much-needed boost.

That"s not unreasonable — there are grown-ass adults who tweet at celebrities to ask for a birthday shout-out. This seems a great deal worthier, you know?

But Christopher and his wife Natalie clearly never expected the kind of response that they received. Take a look at these tweets, and know that we saved the best — or, at least, the most famous — for last.



1. Christopher’s tweets

Christophers tweet

These tweets by Ollie’s father, Christopher, are what started it all.

2. Stormzy’s tweet

Gsaps tweet

Rapper Stormzy tweeted this out. The guy whose first album is “Gang Signs and Prayer” might not sound like the person you imagine would fight childhood bullying, but you’d clearly be wrong.

3. Regina Looby’s tweet

Regina loobys tweet

Regina Looby is a radio and television producer.

4. England’s tweet

Englands tweet

To be clear, this is England the sportsball team, not England the entire country.

5. Chase Masterson’s tweet

Chase mastersons tweet

Chase Masterson is a fairly well-known actress whose credits include The Flash, Star Trek, and the UK’s favorite timey-wimey nonsense, Doctor Who. Also she’s worked to combat bullying, so this is really no surprise.

6. Tom Bosworth’s first tweet

Tom bosworths first tweet

Tom Bosworth is clearly humble, but he’s a British racewalker who holds records for a ridiculous number of different lengths of race. And, you know, he’s an Olympian.

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