Showing posts with label Tweets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tweets. Show all posts

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Deer Whisperer Brother Nature"s Old Tweets Resurface, Reveal Rampant Racism

Viral sensation and self-proclaimed deer whisperer, “Brother Nature,” started trending this weekend for all the wrong reasons — old and incredibly vile tweets … which invoked names like Jay-Z and Chris Brown.  20-year-old…


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Macaulay Culkin Presents at AMAs, Prompts Tweets of Shock and Joy

Beloved actor Macaulay Culkin doesn"t make that many public appearances these days. When he does, fans take notice.

On Tuesday night, Macaulay appeared at the American Music Awards as a presenter.

He handed Post Malone the award for Favorite Male Artist: Pop/Rock, which Post Malone somehow won.

Fans of Macaulay"s were thrilled to see him, and they let their voices be heard on Twitter.

Some were astonished at the reminder that he"s, like, an actual adult these days.

Others were happy to see him looking so happy and healthy.

And others, of course, were a little thirsty for him.

1. This is how Macaulay looked on stage

Macaulay culkin presents at the 2018 american music awards

He looks great! And a lot of these tweeters agreed. Some were horny about it. Others vehemently disagreed.

2. A very specific image came to mind

Macaulay culkin amas appearance twitter reaction 01

This is so hilariously specific that it may say more about the tweeter than about Macaulay. That said, we don’t dispute the characterization.

3. Others were just surprised to see him

Macaulay culkin amas appearance twitter reaction 02

Alyssa Edwards is one of the world’s most beloved drag performers in part because of reaction images like this one.

4. His most famous role still comes to people’s minds

Macaulay culkin amas appearance twitter reaction 04

Some will always see him as The Kid From Home Alone

5. Some were shocked that he’s still relevant

Macaulay culkin amas appearance twitter reaction 05

This from a person using a Jumanji gif

6. Okay, this one is cute

Macaulay culkin amas appearance twitter reaction 07

Macaulay’s probably seen this, and every other reference, before

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Friday, September 14, 2018

Jenelle Evans Responds to Uproar Over Hurricane Florence Tweets: You Haters Can All Suck It!

On Wednesday, Jenelle Evans tweeted about Hurricane Florence numerous times.

We can certainly see why the topic is at the forefront of her mind, as that"s probably the case with just about every coastal Carolinian at the moment.

But Jenelle"s tweets were different from those of the other folks offering live updates from her region.

While many expressed concerns, Jenelle posted rain-drenched bikini selfies.

While others detailed their evacuation plans, Jenelle announced her intention to stay put … along with her three young children.

Obviously, she took a lot of flak for downplaying this potentially deadly storm, but don"t worry, today she offered a detailed explanation:

It seems those who criticized her were all just jealous haters who can suck it.

Jump into the gallery below for her full response, which is 100 percent, uncut classic Jenelle:


1. Jenell-fie

Jenelle evans hearts hurricanes

Jenelle kicked things off with this selfie. Many of her followers rightly felt that the lighthearted, exuberant tone of the pic didn’t jibe with the seriousness of the situation.

2. Get This Girl Off Twitter

Jenelle evans dude shirt

Jenelle was stunned by the negative reaction to her tweet, but instead of deleting it and offering up a sincere apology, she decided to make things much worse.

3. Mad Mom

Jenelle evans fake boobs

Jenelle, as you may know, is an angry person. Like, you’d have a hard time finding an angrier person who’s not currently behind bars for a violent crime. And she likes to let the hate flow through her on Twitter.

4. Jenelle Evans: Confused, As Always

Jenelle evans confused as always

Jenelle doesn’t understand. But to be fair, the girl’s not feigning ignorance. She genuinely doesn’t understand the situation.

5. Explain It Like She’s 5

Jenelle evans weird bikini pic

When many, many people attempted to make it clear to Jenelle that using an impending natural disaster to call attention to your thirst trap bikini pics is horrendously inappropriate, she got even more upset.

6. Still Missing the Point

Still missing the point

Jenelle can’t see how people could possibly view her bikini pics as obnoxiously narcissistic. And because this is Jenelle we’re talking about, she’s been getting angrier and angrier as the day goes on …

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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Laura Lee: Beauty Guru Loses Sponsorships Over Racist Tweets

Are you familiar with Laura Lee?

If not, then you just need to know that she’s a YouTuber known for doing makeup reviews and tutorials, and she also has her own makeup line.

Laura Lee

And she’s in a whole, whole bunch of hot water right now.

To give a little bit of background, Laura was recently on a trip with some other beauty gurus, and they all posed for a photo together with their middle fingers up.

The person who shared the photo on Twitter captioned it “Bitch is bitter because without him, we’re better.”

Most people took it as a dig at Jeffree Star, a former friend of all the people in the photo, including Laura.

But the thing is that Jeffree’s fanbase is really, really intense, so even though none of those people went after him directly, his fans still took it upon themselves to dig up any dirt they could on them.

Laura Lee photo

They succeeded.

Some screenshots of tweets that Laura made several years ago have been going around, and they’re pretty awful.

And by “pretty awful,” we mean super racist.

“Tip for all black people,” one of the tweets reads, “if you pull ur pants up you can run from the police faster.. #yourwelcome.”

In another, she wrote “Ni**as in Paris? Whaaaaat I thought they couldn’t afford to leave Compton! LOL!”

Laura Lee selfie

In one last tweet, just in case you weren’t disgusted enough, she asked “How do you blindfold a Chinese person? Put floss over their eyes!”

If you can even believe it, she actually added “#dumbgook” to the end of that one.

Because she is garbage.

When it became clear that her old tweets were becoming a big deal, Laura deactivated her Twitter, then came back after deleting several tweets.

She also posted a lengthy apology, explaining that “the girl who tweeted that isn’t who I am today.”

Laura Lee picture

Her story was that she’s just “a small town girl from Alabama” so she didn’t know any better, but she was 24 years old when she wrote all of those tweets.

Most 24 year olds, even ones from small towns in Alabama, understand racism.

Laura also said in her apology that she planned on “getting involved with foundations that focus on educating the importance of equality and social justice.”

To wrap things up, she said that she hoped she’d be able to earn her fans’ respect back.

Laura Lee pic

It did not work out like that.

Her followers weren’t happy with the apology because it didn’t feel sincere, and also how dumb is it that she tried to act like she didn’t know any better because she’s from the south?

So Laura took a few days and then posted an apology video on her YouTube account.

And it is insane:

It doesn’t really matter what she said, because it’s mostly the same stuff she said in her written apology — that she’s way sorry and she’s not really a racist.

Interestingly though, she said several times in the video that she retweeted those racist things, when the screenshots clearly show that she wrote them herself.

But it’s strange because even though she’s sobbing through the whole thing, there aren’t any tears, and even though she’s clearly very emotional, she made a lot of edits to what’s supposed to be a raw video.

So yeah, most people think she’s being fake here, too, and that she’s not actually sorry for tweeting those awful things, she’s just sorry she got caught.

She’s probably extremely sorry now, since it’s starting to look like her career is over.

Laura Lee again

A few weeks ago, Laura celebrated reaching five million subscribers on YouTube, but now she’s down to about 4.5 million, which is a pretty extreme drop.

Her cosmetics company is also suffering — Ulta recently announced that they’d be carrying her products on their site and in stores, but it doesn’t look like that’s happening anymore.

A spokesperson for Ulta spoke with The Blast, saying “We have decided not to move forward with the launch of Laura Lee Los Angeles. Ulta Beauty values equality and inclusivity in all that we do.”

In addition to Ulta cutting ties with her, Laura has also been cut loose by Boxycharm, a beauty subscription service that carried her products, and Morphe and Colourpop, cosmetics companies that have worked with her in the past.

Things really, really aren’t looking good for her right now.

And that’s one of the many, many reasons why you don’t want to be a racist!


Friday, August 10, 2018

NFL"s Cam Jordan Rips Donald Trump"s Anthem Tweets, "What a Goober!!"

Donald Trump’s most recent rant on the NFL’s anthem controversy has Cam Jordan PISSED OFF … with the superstar calling POTUS an “overly insecure prepubescent child.” Trump lashed out on NFL players who continued to take a knee during the…


NFL"s Cam Jordan Rips Donald Trump"s Anthem Tweets, "What a Goober!!"

Donald Trump’s most recent rant on the NFL’s anthem controversy has Cam Jordan PISSED OFF … with the superstar calling POTUS an “overly insecure prepubescent child.” Trump lashed out on NFL players who continued to take a knee during the…


Monday, July 30, 2018

Corey Feldman Calls in Cops After "Gang Rape" Tweets

Corey Feldman’s the victim of an online attack that he feels goes beyond typical social media bullying — people talking about him getting raped — and now LAPD’s on the case. There are 4 different Twitter accounts that Corey says have been…


Corey Feldman Calls in Cops After "Gang Rape" Tweets

Corey Feldman’s the victim of an online attack that he feels goes beyond typical social media bullying — people talking about him getting raped — and now LAPD’s on the case. There are 4 different Twitter accounts that Corey says have been…


Rudy Giuliani Tweets the Word, "You" Gets Roasted By All of Twitter

Rudy Giuliani has a lot on his mind these days.

After all, he’s working for a guy whose employees keep getting fired and/or going to jail.

At this point, America’s Mayor is probably feeling like he has about the same job security as a defense against the dark arts teacher.

Paul Manafort is in jail; Michael Cohen has officially jumped ship; and at this very moment, Don Jr. is probably considering starting over in Moscow and dropping Kimberly Guilfoyle from some young Ruskie state propaganda mouthpiece.

That leaves old Rudy to swoop in and save the day, not unlike that time he came off the bench sacked the QB in his final game at Notre Dame.

We should probably fact-check that one, but who has the time?

Anyway, it looks like the pressure is starting to get to Rude Boy, who got mercilessly dragged over the weekend after experiencing his own “covfefe” moment on Twitter.

As you can see, Rudy tweeted simply the word “you.”

Now, as far as we can tell this isn’t some sort of profound statement about the importance of the ego in 21st century America.

In all likelihood, Rudy simply hit “send” when he didn’t mean to.

We like to think he was about to launch into a Seinfeld-ian “you ever notice”-type rant about the plastic things on the end of shoelaces. 

But that might just be an association we’re making because like the show, Giuliani should have stayed in 1990s New York.

This being 2018, Rudy was roasted within an inch of his life for his Twitter ineptitude.

Now, many of Ru-Giu’s defenders have pointed out that this is the sort of mistake that could happen to anyone.

And they’re absolutely right.

It’s easy to mess up on social media.

People tweet out the wrong thing all the time … just ask Anthony Weiner.

Which is a very good argument for politicians staying off of social media or at least being much more careful about the content that they post.

Sure, it’s not like Rudy threatened the president of Iran or anything, but it’s only a matter of time before someone in the Trump administration sparks an international incident, and it’s gonna be so embarrassing when future generations find out World War III started over an emoji.


"Will & Grace" Star Says Give Josh Hader a Break For "Silly" Homophobic Tweets

“Will & Grace” star Leslie Jordan is calling for people to FORGIVE Brewers pitcher Josh Hader for his homophobic and racist tweets … saying everyone’s guilty of saying dumb things when they’re young. Hader was booed in San Francisco this…


Farrah Abraham: Dad Body-Shames Kailyn Lowry in Disgusting Tweets!

Farrah Abraham is so awful, right?

The kind of awful that you’re not just born with — nope, that kind of awfulness has to be learned.

And over the years, as Farrah and her family were featured more and more on reality television, it became painfully clear where she learned it.

Guys, her parents are THE WORST.

We usually talk about her mother, Debra Danielsen, because she’s so much more actively bad.

Remember the time she slapped Farrah on an early season of Teen Mom OG?

Or the time she got arrested for abusing her (and answered the door with knives in her hands when police came)?

Or when she wasn’t allowed to see Farrah or Sophia after the arrest and she acted like she had no idea why that was?

Or, to go forward a few years, that time she got into an argument with Farrah in front of Sophia and started crying about how she wanted to die, because that’s appropriate talk for a child to hear?

There are so, so many instances of Debra being manipulative and weird and just totally inappropriate, but you know who else is just as terrible, but in a different way?

Her father, Michael Abraham.

He’s pretty much the opposite of Debra: instead of arguing with Farrah over everything to the point where she got cut out of her life, Michael agrees with everything she says, and she and Sophia have been living with him.

He seems to be on Twitter pretty much constantly, defending his daughter to anyone and everyone who has anything negative to say about her.

And that’s what he’s been doing over the weekend.

So you know how Farrah always goes on and on about bullies, about how she’s the victim of bullies and she’s so against bullying, even though we’ve seen her be a bully to countless people over the years?

OK, and you know she’s getting into those celebrity boxing matches, and even hopes to do one and donate the proceeds to an anti-bullying organization?

Lindsey Nicholson, who you might remember from 16 and Pregnant, took notice of all of that, and she decided to call Farrah out on Instagram.

“Really,” she asked, “you think you’re not a bully? Have you watched any of your episodes? You bully your mom dad, producers, cast members, & anyone you think is less than you.”

“Why don’t you get in the ring with me & try to bully me around and see how that goes.”

She hilariously referenced Farrah’s amazing feud with Drita D’Avanzo, saying that if Farrah wasn’t interested in fighting her, then she’s sure Drita “won’t have any issues doing this for all of America.”

Lindsey even offered to train Drita, because she’s sweet like that.

The Ashley’s Reality Roundup reached out to her, and she told the site that she really does mean what she wrote.

“I would never call someone out if I wasn’t [serious],” she said. “I don’t really play games.”

“It’s just strange she’s fighting to raise money for anti-bullying when she bullies everyone!”

She explained “I want to fight her because of the way she’s treated every single person I know who’s come in contact with her. She needs to be put in her place.”

Ideally, she said that she’d do an MMA fight with Farrah, “but I highly doubt she’d agree to it.”

Can you imagine? Can you even imagine how amazing that would be?

Hold on tight, because this is about to get even better.

Drita responded to all of this, directing a message to Farrah on Instagram that began with “Listen up #horseface I called u out … n u called a lawyer!!”

“Are u gonna have a cop as the referee 2???????????? I don’t want u wearing headgear!..i don’t want a referee stopping anything!…I rather be on the streets.”

She actually said that she told Farrah that she’d pay for her to come meet her for a fight, “since u are so desperate to use my name to make a dollar.”

“Howeva,” she continued, “I have a better idea…i love boxing but when it comes to u I rather fight in a cage #ufcstyle.”

Yes. Yes, please.

“Wanna do it legit,” Drita added, “no problem.. in a #cage where u belong u filthy #animal. Give me the date and time!!! I’m here! I’m ready!”

This story started getting some attention, and Lindsey tweeted about it, and she also asked Kailyn Lowry, one of her friends from the Teen Mom franchise, if she wanted in on the action.

“I’m in,” Kailyn responded.

And that’s when Michael decided to get involved in the cattiest way possible.

“To bad we won’t see Drita fight she is like me… way to old ‘age group’ and she is not one to promote anti hate,” he tweeted.

“And Kail is in a lot higher weight class so that won’t happen either lol!”

So rude, right? And Kailyn’s Teen Mom bestie, Chelsea Houska, called him out on it.

“Yikes,” she told him. “Horrible and low blow thing to say about Kail. Please don’t comment on a woman’s weight in any way.”

She’s completely right, obviously, and Michael had to know what he wrote was wrong — but of course he denied that.

“Chelsea I have the highest respect for you and your entire family,” he wrote. “No it was not meant as low blow towards Kail…”

“It’s a realistic statement backed by fact that in any fighting event weight classes are real and used as competitive classes.”

He meant that so much that he gave similar responses to several other people upset that he went after Kailyn like that — 34 times so far, if we’re being exact.

As for Kailyn, she thanked Chelsea for defending her, then wrote this gem of a tweet:

“Y’all coming for Michael for talking about my weight, thank you. But I’d be willing to drop weight for that fight so it’s not a problem.”

Can dreams really come true?

Guess we’ll have to wait until Farrah’s big match on November 3rd to see!


Friday, July 27, 2018

Brewers Pitcher Josh Hader Booed Loudly In First Road Game Since Racist Tweets

Brewers pitcher Josh Hader got BOOED for several minutes in his first road game since his racist and homophobic tweets from seven years ago surfaced. Hader took the long walk from the bullpen to the mound Thursday night in San Francisco … and…


Sunday, July 22, 2018

Milwaukee Brewers Fans Cheer Josh Hader after Racist, Homophobic Tweets

Josh Hader — the MLB All-Star pitcher who just apologized for racist and homophobic tweets — got a heroes welcome Saturday night in Milwaukee. Hader hit the mound for the Brewers, pitching against the L.A. Dodgers when people in the stands erupted…


Saturday, July 21, 2018

James Gunn: Dropped from Guardians of the Galaxy Franchise Over Old, Controversial Tweets

James Gunn has been fired as director of Guardians of the Galaxy 3.

The decision to remove Gunn from the project arrived on Friday after conservative uncovered old tweets by Gunn in which the filmmaker joked about controversial topics such as pedophilia and rape. 

Gunn has been an outspoken critic of President Donald Trump over the past several months and, some believe, had been targeted by Republicans such as Jack Posobiec.

But that doesn’t change the fact that Gunn did write the Tweets in question.

“The offensive attitudes and statements discovered on James’ Twitter feed are indefensible and inconsistent with our studio’s values, and we have severed our business relationship with him,” Walt Disney Studios chairman Alan Horn said in a statement announcing Gunn’s departure.

Gunn directed Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 and was hired awhile back to helm its follow-up.

The very old Tweets at the center of this scandal have since been deleted, but Internet users posted screenshots that appear to show the director had written jokes about assault and other subjects.

A sample: “Laughter is the best medicine. That’s why I laugh at people with AIDS.”

Another: “The best thing about being raped is when you’re done being raped and it’s like ‘whew this feels great, not being raped!"”

gunn samples

On Thursday, in response to this growing scandal, Gunn Tweeted:

“Many people who have followed my career know, when I started, I viewed myself as a provocateur, making movies and telling jokes that were outrageous and taboo.

“As I have discussed publicly many times, as I’ve developed as a person, so has my work and my humor.”

He continued:

“It’s not to say I’m better, but I am very, very different than I was a few years ago; today I try to root my work in love and connection and less in anger.

“My days saying something just because it’s shocking and trying to get a reaction are over.”

Most of the inappropriate messages were sent in 2008 and 2009.

They were dug up by conservative outlet The Daily Caller.

Gunn issued a statement on Friday afternoon, saying that he “regretted” the tweets in question and stressed that “they don’t reflect the person I am today.”

gunn apology

The director added in his lengthy response to the flap:

Regardless of how much time has passed, I understand and accept the business decisions taken today.

Even these many years later, I take full responsibility for the way I conducted myself then.

All I can do now, beyond offering my sincere and heartfelt regret, is to be the best human being I can be: accepting, understanding, committed to equality, and far more thoughtful about my public statements and my obligations to our public discourse.

To everyone inside my industry and beyond, I again offer my deepest apologies. Love to all.

Gunn has been penning the script for Guardians 3, and the film was expected to begin shooting in Atlanta in the fall for an expected 2020 release date.

He had been keeping fans apprised of his progress via social media messages such as the following:

gunn script

Marvel has not yet announced a replacement for Gunn.

Do you think he deserved to be fired for these Tweets?


Friday, July 20, 2018

Disney Fires "Guardians of the Galaxy" Writer James Gunn Over Offensive Tweets

The “Guardians of the Galaxy” series needs a new writer … Disney just fired James Gunn over a bunch of horrifically offensive tweets from years ago. Gunn made comments about 911, AIDS, the Holocaust and rape. In one of the since deleted tweets he…


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

MLB"s Josh Hader Apologizes For N-Word, Anti-Gay Tweets, "I Was Immature"

MLB All Star pitcher Josh Hader has apologized for all of the insanely offensive tweets on his timeline — including multiple attacks on gay people and use of the N-word — explaining, “I was immature.” Back in 2011 and 2012, the…


Friday, July 6, 2018

Woman Tweets Airline Meet-Cute, Sparks #PlaneBae Controversy

Twitter has erupted in controversy, folks.

Not over the color of a dress or the sound of a word this time, but over the right to one"s privacy while on board an airplane.

Earlier this month, a Twitter user named Rosey Blair was flying to Dallas when she asked a young woman if he would switch seats with her so that she could sit next to her boyfriend.

The woman obliged, moving just one row up, right in front of Blair, and paving the way for a viral meet-cute.

Indeed, Blair proceeded to live-Tweet the interactions and the exchanges between this man and the man who took the window next along her side, sparking an unexpected controversy across social media.

Was Blair just being funny, providing a few chuckles for her followers by chronicling a pretty cool turn of events?

Or was she being way creepy for invading the privacy of these individuals?

Scroll down, learn more and decide for yourself.

1. Here We Do…


First, Blair explained what had just transpired and what she HOPED would subequently transpire. She got followers ready for what was to come.

2. Total Flirts!


It’s happening! It’s really happening! These fitness buffs hit it off before the plane even took off.

3. Vegetarians Unite!


They share the same taste in food and in working out and their arms are SO close to touching. This is true love!

4. Oh, It Is TOTALLY On Now


Trust us, fellas: when a woman puts her hair down, she is getting down to business.

5. So. Much. Closer.


Let me just zoom in here and make a diagram so you fully understand the proximity of arms here. They are very close to each other!

6. We’re Gonna Need ALL-CAPS for This


A protein board, people! They’ve zoomed past drinks and are already sharing a meal together!

View Slideshow

Friday, June 29, 2018

Capital Gazette Reporter Tweets Horror of Latest Mass Shooting

Another mass shooting has taken place in America.

On Thursday afternoon, a gunman broke into the offices of The Capital Gazette in Maryland, opening fire and killing at least five individuals and wounding many others.

Capital Gazette scene

According to law enforcement officials, an unnamed suspect is in custody, but very little is known about him at the moment.

We can confirm, however, that the suspect was found hiding under a desk inside the building and that a package (or carrying device of some kind), which contained a flammable liquid, was discovered near him on the ground.

Police have also said the suspect was an adult male and that he used a “long gun” to carry out his massacre.

More than 170 people were in the building during the shooting; those who did not suffer any injuries were evacuated and taken to a reunification area.

Among those unharmed was reporter Phil Davis, who has made headlines for Tweeting a few details from the awful incident.

“There is nothing more terrifying than hearing multiple people get shot while you’re under your desk and then hear the gunman reload,” Davis Tweeted at one point on Thursday, adding:

“Gunman shot through the glass door to the office and opened fire on multiple employees. Can’t say much more and don’t want to declare anyone dead, but it’s bad.

“A single shooter shot multiple people at my office, some of whom are dead.”

davis tweets

In a later interview posted on the newspaper’s website, Davis said the scene inside the newspaper’s office “was like a war zone,” expounding:

“I’m a police reporter.

“I write about this stuff – not necessarily to this extent, but shootings and death – all the time. But as much as I’m going to try to articulate how traumatizing it is to be hiding under your desk, you don’t know until you’re there and you feel helpless.”

Elsewhere, Jimmy DeButts, an editor at the Capital Gazette, Tweeted that he was “devastated & heartbroken,” explaining why it is he and his co-workers do the jobs they do:

We keep doing more with less. We find ways to cover high school sports, breaking news, tax hikes, school budgets & local entertainment.. We are there in times of tragedy.

“We do our best to share the stories of people, those who make our community better. Please understand, we do all this to serve our community.”

debutts tweet

Along these lines, the newspaper has said it has no plans of going on hiatus or taking any sort of break.

“I can tell you this: We are putting out a damn paper tomorrow,” reporter Chase Cook Tweeted.

President Donald Trump, has has often referred to the press as the “enemy of the people,” something he reiterated two days ago at a rally in South Carolina, chimed in as follows on social media:

“Prior to departing Wisconsin, I was briefed on the shooting at Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland.

“My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. Thank you to all of the First Responders who are currently on the scene.”

djt shooting tweet

Added the First Lady on Twitter:

“Today’s violence at the Capital Gazette was tragic & evil.

“My heart goes out to all affected in this brutal & senseless attack, & I send thoughts & prayers for comfort to the friends, family & colleagues of those killed & injured.”

Anne Arundel County Police spokesman Lt. Ryan Frashure said that officers were on the scene “very, very quickly, I think it was around 60 seconds or a minute-and-a-half” after receiving the call about the active shooter.

As of this writing, the suspect is said to not be cooperating with police.

Here is a look at the building where the shooting took place:

the building

Maryland Governor Larry Hogan has also released a statement about this shooting at the Capital Gazette in Annapolis, saying at a press conference:

“We are terribly saddened by the loss of five members of our community in today’s heinous shooting.

“The Capital Gazette is my hometown paper, and I have the greatest respect for the fine journalists, and all the men and women, who work there.

“They serve each day to shine light on the world around us so that we might see with more clarity and greater understanding.

“There is no place in our society for this kind of hatred and violence, and the individual responsible for this horrendous crime must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”


Anne Arundel Police Deputy Chief Bill Krampf has now confirmed this was a “targeted attack” against the newspaper.


Thursday, June 28, 2018

"Survivor: David vs. Goliath" White Contestant"s N-Word Tweets Surface

One of the ‘Survivor’ contestants from the upcoming season is catching heat before the show even airs … for using the n-word so much on Twitter, you’d think she was Jay-Z. 19-year-old Jessica Peet is a cast member on “Survivor: David vs.…


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Anna Duggar Actually Tweets, Sends Note to Brother-in-Law

Anna Duggar Tweets less often than family members of hers have babies.

That’s barely even a joke.

The Duggars have A LOT of babies and Anna sends very few messages on Twitter.

But the woman who is stuck sharing a bed each night with Josh Duggar took to her social media account on Tuesday night in order to address her brother-in-law, John David Duggar.

Anna did so in light of the bombshell news that John David is courting.

He’s officially googly eyes (and nothing more!) at someone named Abbie Burnett, having confirmed the development yesterday to Us Weekly and then on the official Duggar website.

“Abbie and I are just so excited, we’ve known of each other for several years,” the 28-year-old explained simply, adding that the two “fell in love quickly.”

Burnett, meanwhile, says she and her beau really connected at a church event in Oklahoma, which is where she resides and works as a nurse.

The relationship is taking a segment of the Internet by storm, prompting even someone as shy as Anna to chime in.

“Congratulations! So happy for you both!” she wrote in response to John David and Abbie praising the goodness of God on their joint Twitter account.


Oh, yes, things are serious enough for this new couple to already have a Twitter handle, @johnandabbie.

The message you see above is the first they’ve sent from it.

And the message penned by Anna above is the first she has personally sent since May 1, at which time she asked if anyone else was going to watch some film titled “Like Arrow.”

Aside from that, her Twitter page over the past two months has just been filled with re-Tweets of posts from the official Duggar account.

The mother of five has stayed very quiet on all forms of social media ever since her husband was accused of molesting two of his sisters, along with the family’s babysitter, in 2015.

Josh eventually admitted to this digusting actions, and also later admitted to cheating on Anna through the hook-up website Ashley Madison.

The guy totally sucks, but that isn’t the point right now.

The point, instead, is that John David may have at last found the woman of his dreams.

At 28 years old, in the view of his controversial parents, he’s waiting long enoughm that’s for certain.

This is what Jim Bob and Michelle had to say in the wake of their son’s courtship confirmation:

We are so excited to announce the courtship of John David and Abbie!

John David brings our hearts so much joy and we’ve watched him faithfully pray, wait, and trust God for the right girl to come along!

Now, a beautiful relationship has blossomed between the two of them.

We can’t wait to see what the Lord will do in the future.
