Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Anna Duggar Actually Tweets, Sends Note to Brother-in-Law

Anna Duggar Tweets less often than family members of hers have babies.

That’s barely even a joke.

The Duggars have A LOT of babies and Anna sends very few messages on Twitter.

But the woman who is stuck sharing a bed each night with Josh Duggar took to her social media account on Tuesday night in order to address her brother-in-law, John David Duggar.

Anna did so in light of the bombshell news that John David is courting.

He’s officially googly eyes (and nothing more!) at someone named Abbie Burnett, having confirmed the development yesterday to Us Weekly and then on the official Duggar website.

“Abbie and I are just so excited, we’ve known of each other for several years,” the 28-year-old explained simply, adding that the two “fell in love quickly.”

Burnett, meanwhile, says she and her beau really connected at a church event in Oklahoma, which is where she resides and works as a nurse.

The relationship is taking a segment of the Internet by storm, prompting even someone as shy as Anna to chime in.

“Congratulations! So happy for you both!” she wrote in response to John David and Abbie praising the goodness of God on their joint Twitter account.


Oh, yes, things are serious enough for this new couple to already have a Twitter handle, @johnandabbie.

The message you see above is the first they’ve sent from it.

And the message penned by Anna above is the first she has personally sent since May 1, at which time she asked if anyone else was going to watch some film titled “Like Arrow.”

Aside from that, her Twitter page over the past two months has just been filled with re-Tweets of posts from the official Duggar account.

The mother of five has stayed very quiet on all forms of social media ever since her husband was accused of molesting two of his sisters, along with the family’s babysitter, in 2015.

Josh eventually admitted to this digusting actions, and also later admitted to cheating on Anna through the hook-up website Ashley Madison.

The guy totally sucks, but that isn’t the point right now.

The point, instead, is that John David may have at last found the woman of his dreams.

At 28 years old, in the view of his controversial parents, he’s waiting long enoughm that’s for certain.

This is what Jim Bob and Michelle had to say in the wake of their son’s courtship confirmation:

We are so excited to announce the courtship of John David and Abbie!

John David brings our hearts so much joy and we’ve watched him faithfully pray, wait, and trust God for the right girl to come along!

Now, a beautiful relationship has blossomed between the two of them.

We can’t wait to see what the Lord will do in the future.
