Showing posts with label AntiGay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AntiGay. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

MLB"s Josh Hader Apologizes For N-Word, Anti-Gay Tweets, "I Was Immature"

MLB All Star pitcher Josh Hader has apologized for all of the insanely offensive tweets on his timeline — including multiple attacks on gay people and use of the N-word — explaining, “I was immature.” Back in 2011 and 2012, the…


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Floyd Mayweather Vouches for Anti-Gay Alleged Warlord

Floyd Mayweather has a new member of The Money Team — Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov … an alleged violent warlord who unapologetically hates gay people.  Floyd met up with Kadyrov during a recent trip to Chechnya — buddying up with…


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Jessa Duggar Reaffirms Anti-Gay Views, Angers Fans

It’s been a while since we’ve had a Duggar-related homophobia controversy, but it just wouldn’t be Christmas without a member of reality TV’s largest and most obnoxious family saying or doing something that alienates a large segment of the population.

This year, it’s Jessa Duggar’s turn.

Jessa, as you may know, has already shown a real talent in terms of pissing off people who aren’t exactly like her or who dare to have differing views.

Take the time Jessa compared abortion to the holocaust, for example.

With one social media tirade, the 24-year-old managed to offend countless groups. Impressive, in a terrible way.

You can’t teach that sort of thing, and Jessa’s parents no doubt beamed with pride over their daughter’s ability to use her religious beliefs to denigrate others.

Now, Jessa is proving once again that she’s the LeBron James of cultural insensitivity, coming through in the clutch to drain a pre-holiday buzzer beater of hate.

Jessa knows that she’s at a stage in her “career” where she’s vulnerable to being canned by TLC if she’s too outspoken in her ultra-right-wing views.

After all, the Duggars have been canceled once already for being atrocious, and their new series has consistently pulled in lackluster ratings.

Plus, she probably learned a thing or two about keeping her prejudices relatively low-key after Phil Robertson got fired from Duck Dynasty for his disgusting comments about the gay community.

That brings us to Jessa’s newest Instagram video, in which she subtly passes her bigotry on to the next generation:

The above video shows Jessa watching the HGTV home improvement series Fixer Upper.

That may seem innocent enough (and who knows? Maybe it is.), but fans have read a lot into this post.

The show’s stars, Chip and Joanna Gaines, were recently criticized for their alleged anti-gay views, and many are taking Jessa’s video as her way of throwing her support behind them.

This could be a case of social media users overreacting, but it does seem strange that Jessa never posted anything about the Gaines before they were involved in their current controversy.

If it were anyone else, perhaps we’d give them the benefit of the doubt.

But when the Duggars are involved, if it looks like their expressing some old-fashioned, ass-backwards prejudice, they probably are.


Monday, June 13, 2016

Jessa Duggar, Ben Seewald React to Orlando Shooting By Quoting Anti-Gay Leaders

Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald are speaking out against the Orlando shooting this weekend, and as always, their response is under scrutiny.

The two quoted anti-gay religious leaders in their responses to the mass shooting in Orlando‘s Pulse nightclub, the deadliest in U.S. history.

The gunman, 29-year-old American citizen Omar Mateen, killed at least 50 people and wounded 53 before being shot dead by police.

Mateen’s father claimed his son deliberately targeted LGBT Americans – Pulse being a prominent nightspot for that community – Sunday.

After seeing two gay men kissing in public, the mass murderer was allegedly angry because this happened in front of his wife and son.

There are also reports that Mateen called 911 and pledged allegiance to the Islamic state (ISIS) shortly before opening fire on the crowd.

Like everyone else, Jessa Duggar was horrified by these tragic events, and spoke out in mourning on social media shortly thereafter.

Still, she’s facing some criticism for quoting Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky:

“This is when we show that Christians mourn with those who mourn. May the Gospel of Jesus Christ be evident as the only power greater than a broken heart.”

A moving quote, but one that isn’t sitting well with some.

Critics of the Duggars have been quick to point out that Mohler once called for Christians to boycott the weddings of gay men and women.

Even for friends and relatives, attendance signals “moral approval” of same-sex unions, Mohler said, among other controversial views.

In his response, Jessa’s husband decided to quote Calvinist Baptist preacher John Piper. He posted on Facebook: “Let it be said again.”

“Through tears. Followers of Jesus lay down their lives to save others, not to slaughter.’ – John Piper #‎Orlando #‎shooting #‎tragedy.”

Piper, the founder of desiringgod (dot) org, has also been very outspoken in his belief that Christians should not attend gay weddings.

Not mincing words, he claims that those who do are being “false” because “there is no such thing as a so-called same-sex marriage.”

Piper compares attending a gay wedding to attending a gathering to celebrate “theft,” “drunkenness,” “swindling,” “greed,” or “adultery.”

Jessa and Ben, of course, did not and have not said that.

The Duggars’ and Seewalds’ anti-gay marriage views are not new, nor do they translate to a condoning of violence in any way whatsoever.

Still, given the nature of the attacks and what looks to be a deliberate targeting of the LGBT community, their source material is interesting.

Should they have been more sensitive in choosing quotes, or simply issued their own statements in response to this historic tragedy?

Or are we reading too much into this? Discuss below …

Monday, September 21, 2015

Bagpipe Hero -- Shuts Down Anti-Gay Preacher (VIDEO)


St Andrews, Scotland was the scene of a crazy battle over the weekend — Bagpipes vs. a Gasbag.

People who were present say the man was yelling out bible verses in the middle of the street while preaching an anti-gay message … saying “gays to hell … we’re all sinners.” 

His barely audible hate-filled screaming was soon drowned out by a guy playing “Scotland the Brave” on the bagpipes to the delight of onlookers before the police arrived.

Bagpipes have never sounded as good as they do in this clip.