Showing posts with label Angers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angers. Show all posts

Monday, June 11, 2018

IHOP Reveals Name Change, Angers the Internet

For once, IHOP is not here to give you an immediate heart attack from a menu that occasionally mixes in some breakfast food underneath gobs of whipped cream and chocolate.

Instead, IHOP is here to rock your world.

The long-running franchise has announced on Twitter that it is changing its name to IHOb on June 11, stunning Internet users and causing them two ask two basic questions:

  1. What does the b stand for?

  2. What the heck is wrong with you, IHOP?!?!?

The restaurant says it won"t answer that first question for a few days, while social media folks continue to ask the second one.

Scroll down for a look at IHOP"s shocking Tweet, the poll it is running in relation to it — and to read what people are saying about this impending change.

(UPDATE: Scroll to the end of this gallery to find out what IHOb actually stands for!)

1. This is Happening, People


All this uproar started after a single Tweet from the official IHOP account, which has 320,000 followers.

2. So… What Will It Be?

Ihop poll

Biscuits? Bacon? Butternut Squad? Barnacles? Will the “B” stand for any of these things?

3. Burritos, Definitely!


We doubt this is it, but we would absolutely eat at the International House of Burritos.

4. Gotta Be Burgers, Right?


Go run and hide, Five Guys. You’ve got some major competition coming… some people think.

5. No Way: It’s Bacon!


Bacon may be the most universally beloved foot on the planet, this much is true.

6. This is a Bad Idea

No ihop

It doesn’t matter if you love burgers or bacon, this is just a dumb example of re-branding… some are saying.

View Slideshow

Friday, April 6, 2018

Alaskan Bush People: Billy Brown Buys 435 Acres, Angers Locals

Despite Ami Brown’s emergency hospitalization, it looks like the Brown family is still making plans for the future.

Specifically, Billy Brown has paid cash for a sizable plot of land. It may be the site of the family’s next mansion … and of the next Browntown.

Some fans — and a lot of the locals — aren’t too thrilled about this major purchase.

RadarOnline reports that Billy Brown paid $ 415,000 for land in Washington State.

They were able to confirm with the Okanogan County tax assessor that the 64-year-old reality star purchased approximately 435 acres across four parcels of land.

He obtained this land from Wilbur and Teresa Hallnuer in February.

According to the tax insider who dished to RadarOnline, there are no homes on that land … at the moment.

“Billy Brown bought four separate large properties near where the family is currently filming at the Lodge on Palmer Lake.”

The tax insider breaks down the purchases.

“One property is 65 acres. One is 190 acres. One is 40 acres and the last one is 140 acres. The total land mass bought by Mr. Brown is roughly 435 acres.”

Based upon those numbers, yes, RadarOnline‘s math adds up. It never hurts to double-check.

“And yes, he paid cash.”

Then, the tax insider says something new and vaguely ominous.

“The residents of Okanogan County are well aware of who Mr. Brown is and what his intentions are.”

If you’re wondering what the ever-loving f–k that’s supposed to mean, you’re not alone. But that source decided to clam up.

“I’m sorry but that is all that I can say.”

The good folks over at Inquisitr suggest that, based upon that massive land-grab, it’s likely that Billy Brown has bought the land on which he’ll eventually build a mega-mansion for his family.

And they point out that it seems very likely that some part of that extensive spread of land will be the family’s new homestead — their new Browntown.

Some fans are frustrated with what they perceive 

Alaskan Bush People is a show about people roughing it and surviving outside of society.

In real life, the Brown family are millionaires who just bought up almost enough land area as there is in all of Monaco.

And, not for nothing, but fans are very aware that Alaskan Bush People is no longer being filmed in Alaska.

Recently, a fan very politely asked a question of Rain Brown, the family’s 15-year-old daughter and their unofficial spokesperson.

“Rain can u share with me why u guys can’t go back to Alaska? Once u leave does that mean the land is no longer yours?”

The land in Alaska was leased by Discovery. The family had to move to the “lower 48” in order for Ami to battle cancer.

Some fans have been much less polite — even when writing to a young girl — and perceive the Brown family as frauds who have pulled the wool over the eyes of viewers.

To them, the fact that the Browns are possibly planning to build a mega-mansion in Washington, while presumably building a new “Browntown” that is little more than a set for their reality series, is the final straw.

It’s unfair, of course — the Browns are reality stars. It goes with the territory. But there’s no reasoning with some people.

Fans aren’t the only ones who are angry, though.

As we’ve mentioned before, the locals where the Browns are filming have not taken kindly to the presence of a reality TV crew and a family of television stars who, some feel, have just about taken over their tiny town.

That, we suspect, is what the county tax insider meant by the people knowing precisely who the Browns are and what they are up to.

We don’t know what the family’s Beverly Hills neighbors thought of them, but in the small town of Omak, they’re seen as unwelcome, urban outsiders.

Probably not universally — but some of the locals have voiced their displeasure with their town becoming a backdrop for a TV series.


Thursday, October 19, 2017

Prince Harry Cancels Royal Wedding, Angers British Peons

We have a new reason to believe that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle may be engaged.

According to what has been described as a “well-sourced report” in The Daily Mail on Thursday, Markle sat with the Queen of England for tea last week, conversing with Her Majesty for approximately an hour.

Naturally, this sit-down has only fueled speculation that Markle is very close to becoming a part of Great Britain’s most famous family.

Royal expert Richard Kay filed the aforementioned report and claims that “everything about the tea-time meeting was deliberately informal” in a bid to “settle any nerves Meghan might have felt.”

This is supposedly the first time Markle has ever visited the monarch’s official residence.

And it arrived about a month after she and Harry were all lovey dovey with each other in Toronto at the Invictus Games.

For the past several weeks, nary a day has gone by without some entertainment outlet alleging Harry has already popped the question.

We keep waiting for that Internet-shattering announcement to be made, but we keep being disappointed every time we fire up our Internet machines.

However, a separate report claims Harry and Markle aren’t only engaged, but are already discussing marriage plans.

And what they have in mind may very well crush the hopes, dreams and spirits of millions in Great Britain.

Unlike Prince William and Kate Middleton, Harry allegedly does NOT want to get married at Westminster Abbey.

In fact, he wants such a low key affair that the traditional Royal Wedding Bank Holiday across the region would not be needed.

This possibility has left many British people angry and concerned because it means they would have to go to school and/or work on the day Harry gets hitched.

“Pomp and pageantry is the last thing he would want,” a source says of this handsome Prince, adding:

“I can see him wanting to get married at St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle.

“It would stop it from turning into a total media circus and give the day a sense of privacy that Harry so badly craves.”

Moreover, yet another insider tells Us Weekly that Markle – who may be quitting USA Network smash hit Suits for her man – won’t make a giant deal out of their engagement, either.

“They will most likely hold a small photo call at Kensington Palace, with just one photographer and a journalist invited,” this tabloid writes.

“On the same day, they’ll do a TV interview that will be syndicated around the world.”

Perhaps they’ll also give The Hollywood Gossip an exclusive? Maybe there’s a small chance?

Okay, probably not.

But a website can dream, can’t it?


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Mayim Bialik Angers Most of Free World with Op-Ed on Rape and Feminism

Mayim Bialik has stirred up some MAJOR controversy via an op-ed she wrote this weekend for The New York Times.

The inspiration behind it? Numerous allegations of rape and sexual misconduct against Harvey Weinstein.

Bialik’s apparent stance on this topic? It’s largely the fault of victims in these situations because they care too much about how they look.

Wait… WHAT?!?

In a piece titled “Being a Feminist in Harvey Weinstein’s World,” The Big Bang Theory star wrote that she has “experienced the upside of not being a “perfect ten” and then went on to explain why.

“As a proud feminist with little desire to diet, get plastic surgery or hire a personal trainer, I have almost no personal experience with men asking me to meetings in their hotel rooms,” Bialik said, adding:

“Those of us in Hollywood who don’t represent an impossible standard of beauty have the ‘luxury’ of being overlooked and, in many cases, ignored by men in power unless we can make them money.”

Over the past several days, a multitude of actresses have come forward and said Weinstein either made an inappropriate pass at them…

Or, in the worst cases, the movie producer actually raped them.

“Women should be able to wear whatever they want,” Bialik continued.

“They should be able to flirt however they want with whomever they want. Why are we the ones who have to police our behavior?

In a perfect world, women should be free to act however they want. But our world isn’t perfect.

Nothing – absolutely nothing – excuses men for assaulting or abusing women. But we can’t be naïve about the culture we live in.”

This is the main part of her post about which so many people have taken issue.

She’s basically saying this is the way in which the world works – men are simply going to prey on attractive females – and it’s up to the women to accept it and adjust accordingly.

“I plan to continue to work hard to encourage young women to cultivate the parts of themselves that may not garner them money and fame,” the actress wrote.

“If you are beautiful and sexy, terrific. But having others celebrate your physical beauty is not the way to lead a meaningful life.

“And if – like me – you’re not a perfect 10, know that there are people out there who will find you stunning, irresistible and worthy of attention, respect and love.

“The best part is you don’t have to go to a hotel room or a casting couch to find them.”

This is all really horrible and ridiculous.

If Bialik’s only point is that superficial beauty shouldn’t be the most important thing in life… well, she’d be right and there would be little to quibble with.

Instead, however, she’s somehow making a connection between women wanting to look good and MEN SEXUALLY ASSAULTING THEM.

Qualify her point however she wants to try, this is 100% victim blaming.

And we obviously aren’t alone in thinking as much.

“@missmayim229 I have to say I was dressed non provocatively as a 12 year old when men on the street masturbated at me,” actress Patricia Arquette tweeted on Saturday in response.

“It’s not clothing.”

“It is also not outrageous for anyone to expected to be treated in a professional manner by anyone in a professional relationship,” Arquette added.

Said another well-informed and well-spoken Twitter user, quoting Bialik and then using her words against her: 

“I have decided that my sexual self is best reserved for private situations with those I am most intimate with. I dress modestly.”

This is disgusting. @missmayim is placing blame on victims and forgetting that rape and assault are about power, not about desire.


Bialik has not yet responded to the backlash.


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Jessa Duggar Reaffirms Anti-Gay Views, Angers Fans

It’s been a while since we’ve had a Duggar-related homophobia controversy, but it just wouldn’t be Christmas without a member of reality TV’s largest and most obnoxious family saying or doing something that alienates a large segment of the population.

This year, it’s Jessa Duggar’s turn.

Jessa, as you may know, has already shown a real talent in terms of pissing off people who aren’t exactly like her or who dare to have differing views.

Take the time Jessa compared abortion to the holocaust, for example.

With one social media tirade, the 24-year-old managed to offend countless groups. Impressive, in a terrible way.

You can’t teach that sort of thing, and Jessa’s parents no doubt beamed with pride over their daughter’s ability to use her religious beliefs to denigrate others.

Now, Jessa is proving once again that she’s the LeBron James of cultural insensitivity, coming through in the clutch to drain a pre-holiday buzzer beater of hate.

Jessa knows that she’s at a stage in her “career” where she’s vulnerable to being canned by TLC if she’s too outspoken in her ultra-right-wing views.

After all, the Duggars have been canceled once already for being atrocious, and their new series has consistently pulled in lackluster ratings.

Plus, she probably learned a thing or two about keeping her prejudices relatively low-key after Phil Robertson got fired from Duck Dynasty for his disgusting comments about the gay community.

That brings us to Jessa’s newest Instagram video, in which she subtly passes her bigotry on to the next generation:

The above video shows Jessa watching the HGTV home improvement series Fixer Upper.

That may seem innocent enough (and who knows? Maybe it is.), but fans have read a lot into this post.

The show’s stars, Chip and Joanna Gaines, were recently criticized for their alleged anti-gay views, and many are taking Jessa’s video as her way of throwing her support behind them.

This could be a case of social media users overreacting, but it does seem strange that Jessa never posted anything about the Gaines before they were involved in their current controversy.

If it were anyone else, perhaps we’d give them the benefit of the doubt.

But when the Duggars are involved, if it looks like their expressing some old-fashioned, ass-backwards prejudice, they probably are.
