Showing posts with label Name. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Name. Show all posts

Monday, January 21, 2019

Lady Gaga to VP Mike Pence You Give Christians a Bad Name ... Shame on Your Wife Too!!!

Lady Gaga went scorched earth on Vice President Mike Pence and his wife over the weekend … calling them terrible representations of what it means to be Christian.
Gaga was performing Saturday at the Park Theater in Vegas — as part of her new residency — and at one point as...
Lady Gaga to VP Mike Pence You Give Christians a Bad Name ... Shame on Your Wife Too!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Rihanna No Shade, but ... The Name is All Mine, Dad!!!

Rihanna‘s rubbing it in her father’s face — she’s the only one who’s gonna cash in on the family name … it’s as plain as the designer shades on her face.
Late Tuesday night she was strolling out of her dentist’s office rocking a pair of Fenty...
Rihanna No Shade, but ... The Name is All Mine, Dad!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Band Featuring Tito Jackson Sued Leave B.B. King"s Name Out Of This!!!

Tito Jackson and the band he played with negotiated in bad faith with the B.B. King Music Co. and profited off the jazz musician’s celebrity, so the company wants Tito and his bandmates to cut them a check and stop using his name … this according to a new lawsuit. 
The B....
Band Featuring Tito Jackson Sued Leave B.B. King"s Name Out Of This!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Holly Holm Files for Divorce Wants Maiden Name Back

UFC superstar Holly Holm has filed for divorce from her husband, TMZ Sports has learned. 
Holm filed court docs in Albuquerque seeking to end her marriage to Jeff Kirkpatrick … her college sweetheart at the University of New Mexico. 
The two were married in Cancun back in 2012 a...
Holly Holm Files for Divorce Wants Maiden Name Back

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Major League Eating We Wanna Eat That 2,800 Pound Steer ... in the Name of Sports!!

You know that big ass steer in Australia that went viral for being the biggest freakin’ thing you’ve ever seen?
Major League Eating — the competitive eating org that brought you food-guzzling superstars like Joey Chestnut, Matt Stonie and Takeru Kobayashi — wants to eat...
Major League Eating We Wanna Eat That 2,800 Pound Steer ... in the Name of Sports!!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Javi Marroquin Baby Name, Photo: REVEALED!

He has a name, folks.

And quite the adorable little face.

About a day after Javi Marroquin welcomed his second son into the world, the former Teen Mom 2 star has shared two critical pieces of information about the tyke:

1. His name.

2. His photo.

Upon first announcing the birth of his second child (Javi also has a five-year old son named Lincoln with Kailyn Lowry), Marroquin said he and girlfriend Lauren Comeau had not yet come up with a name for the newborn.

But that has now changed.

Along with the totally adorable snapshot below, Javi wrote the following caption on Instagram last night. 

Take note of the first word in it…

Eli Joseph Marroquin, I didn’t know I could love another human as much as I do your brother.

My heart only got bigger yesterday and now I have another little boy to help guide and mold to become a gentleman! I love you Eli so much!

How very sweet, right?

Comeau, meanwhile, shared this same photo (along with the others below) and wrote her own caption that address her first kid.

It reads as follows:

And just like that, my heart is completely full. Nothing will ever top this moment, a moment I’ve prayed for, for a very long time. I love you E.

And thank you my love for supporting me through the craziest two days of my life.

babgy pictu

Comeau and Marroquin dated for several weeks last summer and then rekindled their romantic flame late this past winter.

(While Javi was still dating Briana DeJesus, some people named Briana DeJesus might say.)

They announced they were expecting on May 30 and then revealed they were expecting a boy a couple months later.

Lauren was due on December 1, but had her labor induced on November 15.

In a chat with Radar Online, Comeau admitted that induction was a tad scary, but “it’s been incredible” overall to be a mother so far, adding:

“I was nervous about having to start from zero at the hospital, but we had a really great experience…

“His first overnight was amazing. We all three slept in between nurse visits. He’s latching great. He’s a happy, healthy boy!”

with eli

Marroquin also shared the above image of Eli asleep in his daddy’s arms.

Life doesn’t get much better than this.

In the wake of Javi become a dad again, Lowry Tweeted “congrats,” while DeJesus figured out some math in regard to when Comeau gave birth and when she split from Marroquin and basically accused him of cheating on social media.

But Javi doesn’t seem too concerned about that right now.

He has something far more important to focus on.

For the next few minutes, months and many years.

“I shed some tears,” Marroquin told Radar of his reaction when Eli was born.

“For those that don’t know, I’m not an emotional person anymore at all and just seeing my son come out really had me in my feeling.”

Well, yeah. Of course man! You’re only human.

In conclusion, the couple explained how they chose their little one’s name on Friday:

“Joseph after my dad, who goes by Joe, and my grandfather’s middle name,” Comeau told Radar, adding:

“We’ve been set on the middle name for months, but the first name has rotated like every month or so.

“I really wanted to name him something that could be shortened to a nickname, but we love Eli by itself.”


Saturday, November 17, 2018

Hailey Baldwin Takes Justin Bieber"s Last Name on Instagram

Hailey Baldwin is dunzo! Instead, Hailey Bieber is taking her place in the most meaningful way possible … on social media.  Justin Bieber’s wife just changed her Instagram handle to @HaileyBieber, a move Biebs himself put in motion. Our…


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Jon Bon Jovi Taunts Kim Kardashian: You Give Love (Making) a Bad Name!

According to Jon Bon Jovi, Kim Kardashian gives love making a bad name.

Her type of fan is akin to some kind of bad medicine.

While many hard-working families around the world are essentially living on nothing more than a prayer, Kim and her relatives are living off the lewd acts Kardashian went committed while naked on camera with Ray J.

What we’re saying is this:

Jon Bon Jovi is not a fan of Kim Kardashian.

The legendary musician made this as clear as he possible could while speaking this weekend to Australia’s The Sunday Project.

“I think it’s horrific that we live in that world,” the rock star said of how folks such as Kim and her family members can be famous, adding:

“I can tell you I’ve never given 60 seconds of my life ever to one of those Housewives of Blah Blah and Kardashians.”

It’s not evident what prompted this attack by Bon Jovi, but once the singer got going, he couldn’t get over how talented bands can make money by singing a song titled Bed of Roses…

… while untalented people such as Kim can make even more money by having sex on a bed in front of a video recorded and then releasing the footage online. 

“I don’t know their names, I’ve never watched 60 seconds of the show, it’s not for me,” he continued, prior to taking direct aim at the Kim Kardashian sex tape and asking Kim:

“What’s gonna be in your autobiography? ‘I made a porno and guess what, I got famous.’ F-ck, sorry, I’ll pass.”

The thing is, if Kim did write a biography with this title, you just know it would be a best-seller.

“Go and write a book, paint a painting, act, study, sing, play write,” Bon Jovi reportedly added, lamenting how reality stars and Instagram models don’t actually do anything to garner their fame and fortune.

As the saying sort of goes these days, they are famous just for being famous. 

This is a criticism that has followed Kardashian around ever since she got nude and straddled Ray J for Kim Kardashian Superstar.

She has insisited for years ever since that she actually works harder than most celebrities specifically to combat this assumption.

“I think that’s how I was definitely introduced to the world,” she told Oprah in 2012 of the sex tape, adding;

“It was a negative way, so I felt like I really had to work 10 times harder to get people to see the real me.”

The real Kim appears to be someone with very little personality or humor or ability to do much of anything aside from take off layers of clothing.

Despite this perception, though, Kim continues emphasize that she really does work hard on things such as fashion and her various business endeavors.

“It is a talent to have a brand that’s really successful off of getting people to like you for you,” Kardashian said on 60 Minutes in 2016.

“I would think that has to involve some kind of talent, you know?”

In ths same interview, Kim acknowledged the vital role Twitter and Instagram have played in her enormous success, but she also wanted credit for having figured out how to master those platforms to her benefit.

“I totally attribute my career to social media,” she said, confessing that she has “monetized the act of living.”

This is actually a very astute way of describing it.

The public can now choose to either side with Kim and praise her for figuring out how to do this…

… or with Bon Jovi and roll their eyes over it.


Monday, October 29, 2018

Meghan Markle Baby Name: What Should She Pick?!

Breaking news: Meghan Markle is pregnant with her first child! She and Prince Harry are expecting sometime next spring.

Okay, so you probably heard that last week. But speculation about the newest royal baby’s name is already heating up!

Despite unconfirmed reports that Meghan is having a boy, and that Harry wants a girl, they’ve yet to confirm their offspring’s gender.

That’s not about to stop us from weighing in on her child – specifically what the Duke and Duchess of Sussex should name it.

Let’s just say that if she listens to our staff writers, she’ll have plenty of options for an idea that … wait … wait … Suits her.


Suits has given Meghan Markle so much already: it was through the show that she first came to global prominence.

The Pearson Darby storyline from Season 2 guided her through her first British merger. And as she was born Rachel Meghan Markle, choosing to take her middle name professionally, the show even gave her the opportunity to reclaim her birth name as Rachel Zane.

It is only fitting, then, that Suits provide the Duchess with the name of her first child. But which name to pick?

Unfortunately, the show’s three mainstays are out, as Harvey, Donna and Lewis are terrible first names. How about finding inspiration in the last names, then?

After all, Markle’s love life has been bereft of last names: on Suits, she married Mike Ross, a man with two first names. And in real life, she married Prince Harry, a man with no last name.

Again, this is a no-go: Specter is out, as naming a child after the organization out to kill James Bond is probably not the best way for a foreigner to ingratiate one’s self with the British populace.

As is Zane, as the break-up of One Direction is a wound far too fresh for England to reopen, even with a slight spelling change. 

But perhaps there is something with Zane after all. Suits never lacked for drama, but it, like all shows, will eventually come to an end. The only drama that lasts forever is family drama. 

While Markle has largely stayed above the muck that her estranged family keeps wading into, the naming of her child provides an opportunity for her to end that drama once and for all: name the child “Robert” after Robert Zane, her father on Suits and the best father figure Markle has ever had. 


For a boy: Harvey.

Generally, royal babies are given traditional names like Henry or Aethelred, so that if they wind up ascending to the throne due to freak accident or bloody war of succession, they can just slap a Roman numeral on the end and be done with it.

I say that’s lame, and it’s for nerds.

It worked for centuries, because the royal family is comprised entirely of lame nerds. But Meghan Markle is cool and hot and she’s from Hollywood, which is why, if she has a son, she should name it … Harvey.

Hear me out!

It’s been rough year for that particular moniker, but not all Harveys are sexual predators. Before she became the Duchess of Sussex, Meg was best known for her role on Suits, and her boss on the show was named Harvey Specter.

Yes, her husband on the show was named Mike, but you can’t give a royal baby such a basic-ass name. No one wants to bow before King Mike.

So christening the wee lad Harvey would be a great way to honor Meghan’s past while also reclaiming what could be a cool name and preventing future generations from associating it with a sweaty scrotum monster.

I’d be lying if I told you I knew I’d end up using that phrase in an article about baby names.

For a girl: Tatiana.

Ha! All the Suits fans out there thought I was gonna go with Rachel, in honor of Meghan’s character on the show. Well, I’ve got a surprise for both of you!

Yes, I’m once again paying tribute to MegMar’s acting career, but unlike all you bandwagon-jumpers, I’m aware that her most essential contribution to the world of cinema is her uncredited role as Tatiana in the largely forgotten Russell Brand-Jonah Hill classic Get Him to the Greek.

(Her part as a Fed Ex girl who gets hit on by Jason Sudeikis in Horrible Bosses is a close second.)

If I’m being completely honest, I had no idea Meghan was even in that movie until I Googled her filmography five minutes ago, and it looks as though her scene has been buried by the sands of time – if it even made the final cut.

But that’s neither here nor there.

At its core, this idea is about my desire to see the look on the Queen’s face when Harry and Meghan tell her they’re naming their daughter Tatiana because of a Russell Brand movie, a moment that I hope they would capture on video and put on YouTube for the world’s amusement.

This has been the first installment in my series on the many ways in which the royal family could be way cooler.


If you grew up wanting to be a parent, there’s a good chance you’ve spent at least a little bit of time thinking about baby names.

And if you meet an actual prince then fall in love with him and decide to get married, and you have some weird obligation to make more little baby princes and princesses … You DEFINITELY have some names floating around in your head.

What we’re saying is that Meghan and Harry are probably way, way ahead of us in thinking of potential names for their baby.

So we have a lot of catching up to do! First of all, let’s go ahead and throw out the name everyone’s going to be thinking of: Diana.

Sure, William and Kate used it as like the third name for their daughter, but it’s not like they own the name, you know?

But then again, Meghan is pretty much the coolest thing that ever happened to the royal family, so that might not be hip or original enough for her.

Maybe they’ll go with something that ends in “-ayden,” right? A lot of people seem to be into that. Or just a random but adorable noun, like River or Olive or Lamp. 

Let’s see, one of her old dogs was named Bogart, so maybe they could reference some classic movie star? Hepburn? Monroe? Brando?

Ooh, ooh, or Grace Kelly, because she was a Hollywood star who became a princess, just like Meghan?! But you know what?

This whole thing would be way more fun if we all didn’t know that what’s going to happen is that they’re going to pick some old, boring name.

James, Mary, Victoria, Henry … Basically open up a history book, find the section about all the British kings and queens and their kids and dogs or whatever, and that’s where you’ll find your Harkle baby name. Such a waste.


What Harry and Meghan name their first child is a deeply personal choice that will reflect who they are as people as well as their child’s relation to the royal family.

So, naturally, I’m sure that they’d love to hear my opinion.

Alexander or Alexandra remain arguably great names, because they fall within the traditional names of British nobility and are also normal names.

William and Kate made similarly good choices with George and Charlotte but then stumbled on that front with Louis.

Louis is very royal but only a “normal” name if you are a duckling who wears green. But while variations of Alex may be good choices, they’re not super interesting.

We have already mentioned that Harry’s children will not have princely titles unless his grandmother intervenes to make it so.

By default, it is expected that Harry’s eldest son will be an Earl at birth. So Harry and Meghan should just name their son Earl.

It’s a dignified name and will effectively strong-arm the Queen into giving him a better title so that he doesn’t go around being called Earl Earl.

Instead, he’ll just grow up with resentments, like a normal child, and with no great love for the Dixie Chicks.

If they have a daughter, they should name her America. To be clear, that’s after America Chavez, a really great superhero.

By coincidence, it’ll be an eternal and glaring reminder of the land of Meghan’s birth. You know, in case anyone forgets.


Thursday, October 25, 2018

Audrey and Jeremy Roloff Announce New Podcast Name!

Audrey and Jeremy Roloff are no longer cast members on Little People, Big World.

But this doesn"t mean you"ve seen or heard the last from the former TLC personalities.

Far from it, in fact.

Aside from penning a memoir and constantly updating their social media feeds, Audrey and Jeremy will be coming out with a podcast.

They announced this big step several weeks ago, but didn"t reveal the name of the planned podcast…. UNTIL NOW!

Audrey has written a lengthy Instagram post in promotion of the endeavor, including with it the highly-anticipated name.

So, what are you waiting for?!? Find out below!

1. Audrey Builds the Hype…

Audrey and jeremy in autumn

She opened the Instagram post that confirmed the name as follows: “As Jer and I were talking about the kind of content that we gravitate to the most, it’s always the behind the scenes stuff. We love when people share the whys and hows of what they do and the struggle behind their success! We want our podcast to feel relatable, real and refreshing. We want it to inspire you, challenge you, relate to you, and defintely make you laugh”

2. Fair Enough. Go On, Auds…

Roloffs near church

“so….we are calling our podcast … BEHIND THE SCENES,” she then announced. Yup, that’s it. Just “Behind the Scenes.” No need for any confusing puns here!

3. Is There an Instagram Page for It Yet?

Happy fourth

Yup. Go ahead and follow @behindthescenespodcast if you so desire.

4. What Can Listeners Expect From It?

They just woke up

Teases Audrey: “We are going to share the messy, honest, unfiltered and not so curated parts of our life. We are going to share the behind the scenes reality of OUR life, AND the lives of the people who inspire us the most!”

5. What Else Can Audrey Say About It?

Jeremy and audrey roloff pic

“We are talking you behind the scenes of our social media feeds, blogs, and ministries. We are going to talk honestly and openly about relationships, family, faith, business and whatever we are learning about, fighting about, or laughing about lately. We’re going to share our failures, struggles, and embarrassing stories.”

6. Come On Over. Be Our Friend.

Happy bday audrey

“We hope this podcast will feel more like an invitation to our dinner table,” continued Audrey. “We’ll share what we are learning, who we are learning from, and our roses and thorns – aka highs and lows – from the week. Think of this podcast as a bunch of bloopers with some truth bombs sprinkled throughout.”

View Slideshow

Toronto Overwatch Team Reveals Official Name, "We"re Defiant!!"

The Toronto Overwatch squad finally has an official team name — TORONTO DEFIANT!!!  It’s a big deal in the eSports world — there are 20 teams from cities all over the world competing in the official Overwatch league.  Toronto was 1 of…


Friday, October 19, 2018

Hailey Baldwin Files for Husband Justin Bieber"s Last Name

Hailey Baldwin is taking getting “wifed up” to a whole new level … filing legal docs to possibly cash in on her hubby’s famous last name. Baldwin submitted an application — obtained by TMZ — to register the trademark for the name Hailey Bieber.…


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Kylie Jenner"s Milk Discovery Inspires Dairy Farmer to Name Baby Cow After Her

Kylie Jenner’s discovery — that putting milk on cereal is pretty fantastic — was so moooooving to a California dairy farmer, he decided to pay tribute … by naming his baby cow after her. David Jones — whose family owns Jones Farms in Stevinson,…


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Ariana Grande Wants to Trademark a New Perfume Line Using Her Name

Ariana Grande wants folks smelling sweet and dandy with a new line of perfume that’s got her name slapped all over it in GRANDE letters … TMZ has learned. AG’s company, GrandAri Inc., recently filed paperwork to lock up the rights to the phrase…


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Noah Brown: Rhain IS Taking My Last Name, No Matter WHAT My Family Says!

On Wednesday, August 15, Alaskan Bush People star Noah Brown married Rhain in a heartwarming wedding ceremony.

Some “fans” of the show and the family have never liked Rhain, and rumors began to surface that Rhain wasn’t allowed to take Noah’s last name.

Noah has come forward to clear things up, once and for all.

Noah Brown spoke to RadarOnline to lay this rumor to rest.

“Rhain is my wife,” Noah affirmed.

Not that there was any doubt — but, especially for newlyweds, that statement can feel powerful.

“And,” Noah continued. “She is my wife for life.”

Noah then makes it clear: “and of course she will be taking my last name.”

Noah cannot help but gush about his new life.

“It feels wonderful to be married,” Noah shares.

He mentions that his wedding date was a long time coming.

“Rhain and I were engaged for over a year,” he reminds fans, before repeating: “And we are finally married.”

He really loves saying it. That is so cute.

He says that the feeling of being married has really improved his life.

“It is like this huge weight has been lifted,” Noah says.

They’re no longer engaged and deciding when and where to get married or trying to work out any of those details.

Noah concludes: “We can finally focus on being husband and wife.”

Good for them!

Obviously, not ever woman who marries a man then goes and changes her last name to match his.

Some hyphenate. Some simply leave their names as they are. It depends on many factors, but ultimately comes down to personal preference.

Changing a name can be a troublesome and time-consuming and expensive process. It was probably a lot simpler a century ago when few women were gainfully employed or owned property.

Sometimes, it can take a new bride some time to change her name — remember, you have to change things like deeds and bank accounts in the process.

Just because someone hasn’t raced to do so instead of going on her honeymoon doesn’t mean that she’s never changing her name. We shouldn’t jump to conclusions.

Noah has been something of a black sheep in his family, which is probably why he gets more grief from fans and viewers than Bam Bam does.

Both sons fell in love and moved on with their lives, but Noah was always a little weird (yes, even weirder than his siblings).

The kid who’s a little goth isn’t going to thrive out in the wilderness, folks. He’s a grown man and he’s allowed to live his wife.

Some fans turned their ire on Rhain, even accusing her of “copying” Noah’s sister Rain’s name, because Rhain’s birth name is Ruth.

Folks, people can change their names any time that they like. 

We’re not sure why people think that Rhain would want to copy her now-husband’s sister’s name. Noah dragged Rain on Instagram just a couple of months ago.

Also, Rain Brown’s full name is Merry Christmas Kathryn Raindrop Brown. How would you even begin to “copy” that?

We’re so glad that Noah and Rhain found each other and we hope that they continue to enjoy their wedded bliss.

Fans (and so-called “fans”) will continue to say whatever they like about Noah and Rhain, but the further removed from reality television that Noah is, the less that these haters can touch them.


Thursday, September 6, 2018

David Beckham Celebrates New Inter Miami CF Name Poolside & Shirtless

David Beckham crushed this poolside pose and burger … after revealing the name of his brand spankin’ new MLS team. Becks ditched the shirt, grabbed some shades and headed to the pool Wednesday in Miami. A perfect way to celebrate the…


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Tekashi69 Asks Judge to Bar Prosecutors From Using Rap Name in Battery Trial

Tekashi69 does not want to be court shamed in his trial for allegedly choking someone at a mall … so he’s asking the judge to bar prosecutors from using his stage name during the trial. 6ix9ine, whose government name is Daniel Hernandez, filed…


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Madden 19 Puts Kaepernick"s Name Back In Video Game Soundtrack

EA Sports has fixed the Colin Kaepernick “mistake” — removing the edit that scrubbed the QB’s name from a song that’s on the soundtrack for the Madden NFL 19 video game.  As we previously reported, Colin’s name is a part of the original lyrics…


Friday, August 3, 2018

Colin Kaepernick"s Name Will Be Added Back to Madden 19 Soundtrack

Colin Kaepernick’s name will be added back to the soundtrack on Madden 19 … according to a statement by the video game’s developers. According to EA, it was all an unfortunate misunderstanding. The company’s taking the blame for Colin’s name being…
