Showing posts with label Sheryl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sheryl. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Sheryl Underwood Tears Up Over Kate Spade, Recounts Husband"s Suicide

Kate Spade’s suicide note will make her death infinitely harder for Kate’s daughter and family … according to Sheryl Underwood, who sadly knows exactly what they’re going through. Sheryl had an extraordinarily emotional moment on Wednesday’s…


Friday, October 6, 2017

Sheryl Crow"s Ready to Fire the Government If Gun Laws Don"t Change

Sheryl Crow is taking a bold stance in the country music world — saying it’s time performers and fans reconsider their outlook on guns, especially semi-automatic ones. We got Sheryl at LAX Thursday and asked her how the country music…


Thursday, August 3, 2017

Sheryl Underwood Applauds Taylor Swift for Taking "No Smack" In DJ Butt Grab Case

Taylor Swift is sending a strong message to women to stick up for themselves by going after the Denver DJ who allegedly grabbed her ass, according to comedian and “The Talk” co-host Sheryl Underwood. Underwood, who opened up earlier this year…
