Showing posts with label Butt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Butt. Show all posts

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Mariah Carey Assistant Fires Back with Lawsuit Alleged Butt Slapping, Racist Language

Mariah Carey‘s former assistant has just fired back at the singer’s blackmail allegation with her own lawsuit, claiming she was the victim of horrible abuse by one of Mariah’s key people, and the singer did nothing about it.
Lianna Azarian claims in a new lawsuit, ...
Mariah Carey Assistant Fires Back with Lawsuit Alleged Butt Slapping, Racist Language

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Karrueche & Victor Cruz Muscles and Butt Cheeks!

Breaking News
New year, same ol’ smokin’ hot physiques for Karrueche Tran and her boyfriend, ex-NFL player Victor Cruz!
The couple hit the beach in Miami on Wednesday to take in some sun and surf while showing off their insanely toned bods. 
KT and VC have been dating since December ...
Karrueche & Victor Cruz Muscles and Butt Cheeks!

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Kristen Cavallari to Jay Cutler, I"m a Butt Model, Too!

Jay Cutler ain’t the only one in his family down to show off his ass …  Check out former NFL star’s wife Kristin Cavallari — who stripped down to some lacy black lingerie … to promote her jewelry line?  Hey, we’re not…


Thursday, October 4, 2018

Cop at Drake and Migos Concert Busted Taking Pic of Woman"s Butt

A Houston cop working the Drake and Migos concert got caught in the act … of snapping a cell phone pic of a woman’s ass. Little did the officer know another concertgoer was recording him during the show at Houston’s Toyota Center — and you can…


Thursday, September 27, 2018

Kim Zolciak: Photoshopping Her Four-Year-Old Daughter"s BUTT?!

It feels pretty safe to say that Kim Zolciak cares about her appearance.

And that’s fine, if that’s what you’re into.

She’s typically in a full face of makeup with her hair done, and we all know she’s very, very serious about her lip injections.

She also had a breast reduction recently — but remember, she’s always insisted she’s never gotten any plastic surgery on her face.

(Sure, Kim Zolciak of 2018 barely resembles Kim Zolciak of 2008, but that’s her story and she’s sticking to it.)

There have even been some more controversial moments that have highlighted the importance she places on appearances — for example, she’s publicly encouraged her oldest daughter, Brielle Biermann, to get lip injections.

And a boob job, too, because why not?

All of her talk about Brielle’s body has been a little uncomfortable, but honestly, it doesn’t even touch this new thing.

Because if you can even believe it, a lot of people think that Kim edited a photo of her four-year-old daughter, Kaia.

Here’s the picture of Kaia with her twin, Kane:

“Have you ever seen a cuter duo?” Kim asked in her caption.

And it’s true, they are pretty cute, but that’s not the only thing people are noticing about the photo.

If you look at Kaia specifically here, you may be able to see some telltale signs of poor Photoshopping.

Or you could just check out another version of the photo that Brielle shared in her Instagram story:

If you look back and forth between the two images, you can see that in Kim’s photo, Kaia’s nose is smaller.

But — and this is honestly, truly wild — her butt is bigger.

It just is, guys.

You can even see the background all altered in Kim’s photo where she enlarged her kid’s backside.

And, as you may have guessed, Kim’s Instagram followers were not having this, not one bit.

“You’re genuinely sick to edit your daughter’s body,” one person told her. “You obviously have issues with body image, don’t perpetuate them on your baby girl.”

Someone else pointed out “You can see the bend in the wall from where you were EDITING a photo of your children who are perfect on their own. Your daughter is going to be so messed up in the head because of you.”

So, so many people said that Kim is “disgusting” for this, and many thought the editing was very clear.

One of her followers wrote that she has “serious, deep seated issues,” and another advised that she shouldn’t “edit your insecurities onto children.”

A particularly disturbed Instagram user told Kim that her daughter “is a beautiful little girl just the way she is,” and that “it’s disturbing to see what you altered in this photo vs. the original.”

“What kind of message are you trying to send? It’s very concerning behavior.”

And honestly, it really is.

Because whatever you want to say about Kim, whether you love her or hate her or are perhaps just indifferent to her, it’s obvious that her photo of her children is edited.

Maybe it was some kind of mistake, maybe she was trying to do some different kind of editing and this just happened.

But that’s the thing — this happened.

Whether it was intentional or not, Kim’s four-year-old daughter’s butt got edited to look bigger in this photo.

And that is simply not OK.


Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Joakim Noah Strips Butt Naked In Venice Street

Here’s Joakim Noah proving he’s got nothing to hide when it comes to getting naked — stripping off his pants in the middle of the street in Venice Beach … and yeah, dude’s in great shape.  The New York Knicks player was leaving a vintage…


Joakim Noah Strips Butt Naked In Venice Street

Here’s Joakim Noah proving he’s got nothing to hide when it comes to getting naked — stripping off his pants in the middle of the street in Venice Beach … and yeah, dude’s in great shape.  The New York Knicks player was leaving a vintage…


Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Genie Bouchard Bikini Butt Shakin" In Africa After Swiss Open Withdrawal

Genie Bouchard injured her groin last weekend … but she clearly didn’t hurt her butt — ‘cause the tennis star was shakin’ it all over the place in Morocco on Wednesday!! The 24-year-old cruised over to Africa after an injury cut her run in the…


Monday, July 23, 2018

Maria Sharapova"s Butt Gets Pampered by Boyfriend"s Face

Maria Sharapova’s professional season might be winding down, but her boyfriend is kicking off ass-eatin’ season … in a big way!  The Russian tennis star was lounging in a bikini Sunday in Positano, alongside her millionaire bf, Alexander…


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Younes Bendjima Doesn"t Want Anyone Else to See Kourtney Kardashian"s Butt!

In a bizarre display of apparent jealousy, Younes Bendjima slammed Kourtney Kardashian over a simple thong photo that she shared to Instagram.

He quickly deleted the comment, but not in time to prevent the whole world from seeing him bite the hand that feeds him.

Now, we’re learning that he wasn’t joking — as well as the reason for which he lashed out.

Kourtney looks great in this pic, right?

Too great, if you ask Younes Bendjima.

In a now-deleted Instagram comment, Younes wrote: “That’s what you need to show to get likes?”

At first, most people — including us — assumed that he was probably joking. An insider even suggested as much.

It turns out that his comment was fueled by genuine feelings of jealousy. This sounds so unhealthy.

Sources tell E! that Kourtney is frustrated with Younes’ comment.

(Keep in mind that E! is the very same network that airs Keeping Up With The Kardashians, so we’re inclined to give these words their due weight)

“Kourtney doesn’t appreciate Younes posting his feelings in a public forum and being impulsive,” the insider shares.

We would imagine not. He may be her boy toy, but he should act like a grown-up.

“She’s frustrated,” the source continues. “That he continues to get upset about it.”

And by it, the source means Kourtney having a but and showing it off.

“She isn’t going to stop doing what she’s doing,” the insider reassures the world. “And feels like he needs to understand and deal with it.”

“Younes gets jealous and can be possessive of Kourtney,” the insider explains.

Apparently, that was his motivation for commenting. Ridiculous.

“When she posts half naked pictures,” the source continues. “He gets very upset.”

Not only is modeling a huge part of her brand, but Younes also has a modeling career. He should know better.

This is such an absurd reaction to a fairly tame pic.

The insider says: “He wants her for himself and doesn’t want to share her with the world.”

Good thing for him that Kourtney is just a rich model taking photos in her bikini, and not the sex worker equivalent of Santa Claus, visiting every home on the planet in a single night.

But the source does reveal what may have been really going on with Younes to make him lash out.

“It was sad when they had to say goodbye,” the source explains. “And she returned to the States.”

So he’s not with her at the moment.

“He’s been missing her like crazy,” the insider says. “And got emotional.”

That’s not an excuse, but it might explain it.

It sounds like Younes needs some emotional hand-holding.

“Kourtney has explained its part of her job and it’s not going to change,” the source says firmly.

Good. No woman, and especially no Kardashian, should give up her career in favor of her boyfriend’s ego.

The insider admits: “but it still makes him uncomfortable and upset.”

The source does acknowledge: “He overreacted and put up a comment without thinking it through.”

“Then,” the insider says. “He realized [that] what he did made it even worse.”

Feeling bad is one thing. Embarrassing your girlfriend in front of the whole dang planet is worse.

“He was just not thinking in the moment,” the source explains. “And got emotional.”

It’s unfortunately not uncommon for men to experience possessiveness or other irrational feelings towards their partners.

This is part of why some say that men are in general too emotional to be President, but that’s beside the point.

Though some Instagram commenters engaged in gleeful slut-shaming of Kourtney for daring to have a butt, others were firmly on her side.

“Aye tbh he sayin she thirsty and other people are too,” one commenter wrote. “But I promise she ain’t thirsty bc the girl can get any guy she wants.”

The wise commenter continues, saying: “So her bf need to chill out bc she ain’t thirsty bro she with u bc she wants you so calm down for you catch these hands.”

That was all good except for the part about catching hands. Please do not threaten violence, even in jest.

“It still isn’t appropriate to post,” another wrote of Younes’ comment. “He isn’t her boss. She is her own boss.”

She sure is.

We hope that Younes can put on his big-boy pants and accept his wildly successful girlfriend for who she is.


Monday, July 16, 2018

Floyd Mayweather Gets His Butt Kicked In Court Over Katie Couric Interview

Floyd Mayweather just got ripped a new one in appeals court — with a panel of judges saying there’s a ton of evidence showing the boxer lied to Katie Couric in a ’15 interview about his domestic violence case.  Remember, Floyd’s ex Josie…


Friday, July 6, 2018

Ariel Winter: Everyone Watch My Boyfriend Grab My Butt!

There was a time when Ariel Winter’s boobs were the star of her Instagram page (and, arguably, the entire internet), but lately, the Modern Family star has been posting much more subdued content.

Maybe it’s the fact that she’s in a committed relationship with Levi Meaden.

Or maybe Ariel feels that the focus on her racy pics distracts from her acting career.

Or maybe she finally got sick of constantly battling trolls, and you incel nerds ruined the best thing the internet has given us since the block button on Twitter!

Sorry, we got a little carried away there.

Fortunately, Ms. Winter still makes time to flaunt her assets for the benefit of her 3.9 million followers.

Of course, these days, she tries to involve her boyfriend in her glorious thirst traps.

As you can see, Ariel and Levi attended celebrated the Fourth of July by attending one of those rich people parties where everyone dresses the same.

Because getting dressed for a massive gathering isn’t stressful enough, some people feel the need to make up ridiculous dress codes for their parties because apparently they miss prep school or something.

Sorry, got carried away again.

Anyway, Levi and Ariel are participating in what appears to be a rather joyless public butt grab.

Seems like one of those photo concepts that sounded like a good idea and didn’t really work out in execution, but someone decided to post it anyway.

Adding to the weirdness is the fact that Ariel’s dad was in attendance at this soiree:

Look, she’s a grown woman.

We suppose it’s fine if she wants to have her boyfriend grope her in broad daylight with her dad standing a few feet away.

But it sort of seems like one of those behaviors that’s acceptable coming from a celebrity but would earn any normal person some serious side-eyes.

But hey, what’s the point of being rich and famous if you can’t engage in behavior that would be weird for anyone else?

Ariel’s 20 years old and loaded in a way that few us can imagine. 

We should count ourselves lucky that she’s not, like, covered in Pokemon tattoos or spending all her money on thetan readings or some crap.


Friday, June 1, 2018

Donald Trump Jr: Hey, Kim Kardashian is More Than Just a Butt!!

People can’t get over Kim Kardashian meeting with Donald Trump. She did it for a good cause, but it’s a weird situation.

One magazine cover in particular decided to go all in, and may have crossed the line between what is tasteful and what is not.

Donald Trump Jr. rode to Kim’s defense. And … he may actually have a point?

We’re not saying that everyone will — or even should — agree with everything that Don Jr. has to say.

But the New York Post‘s cover may have had a little too much fun with Kim’s meeting with Trump.

The cover featured lines like:

“The Other Big Ass Summit.”

Arguably the worst but also most informative:

“Kim Thong Un pitches prez on prison reform.”

And finally:

“Trump Meets Rump.”

We get it, folks. Kim Kardashian has a prodigious posterior. We been knew, as they say.

New York Post Kim Kardashian Donald Trump

Donald Trump Jr. was so offended by this cover that he quickly posted it to his Instagram for all of his followers to see.

He starts his lengthy caption with what is essentially just whining.

“Hate to always have to point out the obvious but you never got this kind of hate Obama did his parading of celebs through The White House.”

Though Obama was and remains a very popular President, he certainly received no shortage of hate.

“When he did it they were all amazingly subject matter experts.”

He believes that there is an unfair media bias that is overly critical of Trump, though many have noted that the mainstream media seems to dance around direct accusations against Trump.

And also that the mainstream media is largely responsible for Trump’s election.

Don Jr. laments:

“Why the continued double standard?”

This is where Don Jr. transitions from whining to actually defending Kim.

“Here a woman @kimkardashian who happens to be a celeb has spent years on one case researching it funding legal defense funds.”

She really has.

Some people have dismissed Kim’s activism, but she is serious about prison reform.

Kim spoke about Alice Marie Johnson, a grandmother condemned to life in prison for a non-violent drug offense. Our justice system is broken.

Don Jr. says that the “unfair” media treatment of Trump rubbed off on Kim by association.

Or, as the New York Post might phrase it, by ass-ociation.

“But because she met with @realdonaldtrump about the issue that she’s taken very seriously, she’s mocked and criticized.”

Of course, Don Jr. then goes back to complaining about how everyone was so nice to Obama all of the time.

“If she did the same under the prior admin it would have been lauded.”

Would it?

“It’s time to open our eyes. The BS from the media and left wing agenda really needs to stop.”

That plays into the narrative that the media is, rather than an embarrassing mess, a massive coordinated effort to smear the Trump administration.

“Just look at he numbers. @potus is crushing it.”

We don’t know which numbers he means, but that’s probably the point. Anyone can point to anything positive and attribute it to Donald Trump’s “genius.”

“Imagine what he could do without the noise and with 1/10th the support from the MSM and others that Obama got.”

Probably just more golfing.

“It would be truly remarkable … and that’s precisely what the other side is afraid of. #usa #america”

Kim, who is accustomed to being the subject of cheap shots, has not responded to the New York Post cover.

She did put out a statement about her meeting.

“I would like to thank President Trump for his time this afternoon.”


“It is our hope that the President will grant clemency to Ms. Alice Marie Johnson who is serving a life sentence for a first-time, non-violent drug offense.”

That would be very nice. No one should be in prison for non-violent drug offenses.

“We are optimistic about Ms. Johnson’s future and hopeful that she — and so many like her — will get a second chance at life.”

Of course, some reports say that Kim’s visit was just a test run for becoming First Lady when Kanye is elected. 

What has our world become.


Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Jen Selter All Greece"d Up In New Bikini Butt Pics

Fitness model Jen Selter has taken her divine derriere to Greece where she posed up in a tiny bikini — and, praise the booty gods, TMZ Sports has the pics. Selter has been traveling all over the world lately — modeling, working out and taking in…


Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: Yuck, My Butt is Huge!!!

In many ways, Khloe Kardashian’s life after giving birth is different from that of her sisters.

Neither Kim Kardashian nor Kourtney Kardashian nor Kylie Jenner had to deal with a cheating, terrible, dishonest baby daddy.

However, in one significant and very irritating way, Khloe is just like her siblings in the weeks following this momentous life change:

She’s all about losing weight and resurrecting that bikini body!

“When I saw myself in those first post-pregnancy paparazzi photos, I couldn’t believe how big my booty looked!” wrote the 33-year old new mom on her official app yesterday.

She then added, naturally:

“I can’t wait to tone up again and get my body back to where it was.”


Khloe, of course, gave birth to a daughter named True Thompson back on April 12.

She did so under the most unusual and awful of circumstances, considering stories went viral a day before about Tristan Thompson cheating on Kardashian throughout the duration of her pregnancy.

We can’t imagine what Khloe is going through these days and we really don’t want to pile on.

We’ve also given the speech many times on this website about how Khloe and her sisters set a very poor example for other new mothers by talking SO extensively in public about shedding their baby weight.

So we don’t need to go on that same diatribe again now.

We just wish Khloe would realize that she has the luxury of personal chefs and personal trainers and a lot of time on her hands, things most new mothers must do without.

But anyway. We’re digressing again.

Added Khloe in this post:

“I’m super excited because my doctor finally cleared me this week to work out and I’m going to meet with Coach Joe! I’ve literally been counting down the days.”

Well, sure.

What else would Khloe be doing, spending quality time with Thompson?

Wait… WHAT? She has been doing that?!?

Yes. Kardashian was spotted last weekend at a Cavs basketball game, ostensibly to cheer on Tristan and other Cleveland players.

An Us Weekly insider has said that Khloe and Tristan are all the way back together, despite Khloe’s loved ones pushing her to move to Los Angeles and to leave Thompson behind.

The Revenge Body now says she’s “proud” of herself “for not being as big as I assumed I would be” so soon after delivering her first kid.

“But I’m ready to start getting my body back and feeling mentally clear again,” Kardashian writes. “Bring on summer and the hard work – I got this!”

Here’s the thing, though:

Thompson allegedly likes women with big butts.

So while she may be with Tristan right now, perhaps this weight loss mission is her subtle way of letting everyone know that she does plan on moving on from him soon.

And if this is the case, we take back all of our aforementioned criticism.

Go do the damn thing, Keeks!


Friday, April 27, 2018

Eric Bellinger"s Pet Goats Butt Heads While Wearing Gucci

Singer-songwriter Eric Bellinger just outdid everyone who dresses their kid in designer duds by dressing up his pet goats in Gucci … horn-to-toe! Eric, who’s written hits for Usher, Justin Bieber and Chris Brown, was on his way to the Gucci store…


Eric Bellinger"s Pet Goats Butt Heads While Wearing Gucci

Singer-songwriter Eric Bellinger just outdid everyone who dresses their kid in designer duds by dressing up his pet goats in Gucci … horn-to-toe! Eric, who’s written hits for Usher, Justin Bieber and Chris Brown, was on his way to the Gucci store…


Saturday, April 14, 2018

Farrah Abraham Gets Butt Injections, Has Daughter Film It, Is Still the Worst

Warning: this is weird. This is really, really weird.

But we’re talking about Farrah Abraham, so hey, you probably figure that out already.

And if you happened to read the headline before mindlessly clicking on the photo of Farrah because you knew that whatever the story was about, it would be entertaining and ridiculous?

Well, then you know that we’re in for a wild and crazy time.

Before we get into it though, it feels important to note that Farrah has never really understood that Sophia is a child and not a tiny adult.

She was waxing Sophia’s eyebrows when she was three years old, and when she was four, she spent a lot of time away from her promoting her sex tape and getting heavy into the adult industry.

At the time, she explained that it was OK because Sophia “has her own life and is doing her own thing,” and “it’s healthy that we have a break” from each other.

Again, Sophia was four.

Farrah often has very adult conversations with her daughter present, and she pulled her out of school so she could “homeschool” her, which seems to have meant getting her into modeling and bringing her along to places she has no business being.

And that’s what we’re talking about now.

Farrah gets lots of plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures, just in case you missed the memo or if you haven’t seen her face in the past few years.

She gets vaginal rejuvenation, she’s had a few boob jobs, that sort of thing.

But this week, she decided to get some butt injections, you know, since summer is coming up and all.

Which would have been fine, but she went and brought poor Sophia along for her appointment.

And she brought her in there when she was actually getting the injections. And made her stand behind her. And film it.

As you can see in the video above, Sophia was right there to witness the whole thing, which is just not great.

The whole thing is basically an ad, so we won’t bother transcribing the video — it’s just information about the injections, pretty boring stuff.

She did use a “mom life” hashtag in her caption though, which is pretty precious.

But obviously the thing everyone is zeroing in on with this video isn’t the injections or the details about the procedure or anything like that — it’s long-suffering Sophia there in the back.

Farrah injections

And boy, do people have a lot of feelings about it.

“Your daughter should not think she has to do this stuff to her body,” one person told her. “Keep her mind like a child as long as you can which u don’t.”

Can’t argue that.

Someone told her that she’s “the most disgraceful role model to that little girl,” and another said that “teaching your daughter about ruining her body at such a young age is very improper.”

“She doesn’t see the damage she’s causing to her child, consumed by money and greed,” one of Farrah’s followers wrote. “Sad.”

Believe it or not — just kidding, you’ll definitely believe it — there were several, several comments about how someone should call child protective services over this video.

Don’t worry though, Farrah herself jumped in the comments to explain everything.

“This is non-invasive just like blood work or getting shots,” the former Teen Mom OG star said.

She added that the person doing the injections “did an amazing job and our children our curious so more power to Sophia learning about aesthetics and health.”

Does she … does she think that this is part of educating Sophia? Is this one of her homeschool activities?

Also, let’s take a moment to consider the fact that the woman who wrote “our children our curious” is in charge of this kid’s entire education.

As for Sophia herself, she commented on the video as well, writing “This was weird. I would do squats my momma.”

Is this not the most bizarre story you’ve ever heard?


Friday, April 13, 2018

Farrah Abraham Gets Butt Filler While 9-Year-Old Daughter Watches

Nothing says mother-daughter bonding like a trip to get butt fillers — that is if you’re Farrah Abraham who did just that with her 9 year-old daughter, Sophia.  The ex-“Teen Mom” shared a kinda graphic video of her butt getting…


Thursday, April 12, 2018

Kylie Jenner Posts Butt Pics While Khloe Deals With Cheating Drama

Right now, most of the Kardashian family has put a halt to their perpetual posting on social media. Why? Because Khloe Kardashian is in labor.

Oh, and she’s embroiled in a scandal because her baby daddy Tristan Thompson was caught cheating on her.

But unlike her sisters, Kylie Jenner keeps posting pics like nothing’s happening. What gives?

Kylie and Khloe have always been close, right?

Both of them found themselves being the subject of terrible jokes based upon their appearances years ago, in the early days of Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

And both of them underwent radical body transformations that not only changed their looks and self esteems but revolutionized their brands.

These days, Khloe is known for her fitness obsession.

And Kylie is known for her epic curves and serious booty.

Kylie Jenner succinctly captioned this epic booty pic, shared on Wednesday, writing:

“Hump day.”


The next photo was taken in the same place but at a different angle.

This time, she’s advertising all of her curves … even though she is thoroughly covered from head to toe.

And speaking of “advertising,” she’s also showcasing Kylie Cosmetics, as she reveals in her captions:

“Wearing DOLCE matte lip today just in case you were wondering.”

Kylie looks great, but that’s not the issue.

Kourtney and Kim have both taken their endless barrage of bikini pics to a grinding halt.

Khloe is in labor with her first child.

Unlike most of the family, Khloe has been living out in Cleveland. That’s not a choice that many would make, but that’s where Tristan Thompson lives.

And Khloe thought that the two of them would be spending their lives together.

TMZ reports that Kris Jenner is already in Cleveland to be with Khloe while she goes through labor and gives birth. Kris is also likely there to console Khloe in the face of this horrible cheating scandal.

Kim and Kourtney are reportedly ready to fly out at a moment’s notice. For the birth of their niece, but also for the 

But … why isn’t Kylie focusing on Khloe?

One explanation may be that Kylie just can’t up and fly out to Cleveland, even if Khloe is giving birth right this minute.

Because Kylie has her own baby, Stormi Webster. Kim has a husband — and Chicago is her third child. Kylie is a first-time mom, and can’t like the idea of flying out without her baby.

(Khloe of course cannot fly at this stage of pregnancy, assuming that she hasn’t already given birth)

So maybe Kylie figures that, if she can’t be there for Khloe in person and doesn’t have any bags to pack, she might as well keep promoting her brand on social media.

There’s a more worrisome possible explanation, however.

Perhaps Kylie believes Khloe’s baby daddy when he claims that he never cheated on Khloe.

If so, she must figure that she shouldn’t stop posting to Instagram because of “fake news” about Khloe.

Let’s hope not, but we should remember that Kylie has displayed some worrisome naivete in recent years.

Honestly, you can see vapor trails in the sky under that booty pic, which reminds us that it was just a couple of years ago that Kylie would post “chemtrails” conspiracy theory material on social media.

So … yes, Kylie might be gullible enough to doubt multiple videos from multiple sources that appear to show Tristan Thompson cheating on a very pregnant Khloe Kardashian.

But we sure hope not. Kris, at least, should talk this out with her daughters.

And maybe Kylie had scheduled those posts but, if so, she might want to pausa the rollout of more posts for a day or two or she might come across looking insensitive to her sister’s plight.

But we’re sure that she cares about Khloe more than she cares about posting pics.
