Showing posts with label Cavallari. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cavallari. Show all posts

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Kristen Cavallari to Jay Cutler, I"m a Butt Model, Too!

Jay Cutler ain’t the only one in his family down to show off his ass …  Check out former NFL star’s wife Kristin Cavallari — who stripped down to some lacy black lingerie … to promote her jewelry line?  Hey, we’re not…


Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Justin Bobby is Happy Lauren Conrad & Kristin Cavallari Absent From "The Hills" Reboot

Justin “Bobby” Brescia is thrilled to be working with a smaller cast on “The Hills” reboot … ‘cause he says Lauren Conrad and Kristin Cavallari killed the good vibes on the original MTV series. We got Justin in NYC Monday leaving the Four…


Justin Bobby is Happy Lauren Conrad & Kristin Cavallari Absent From "The Hills" Reboot

Justin “Bobby” Brescia is thrilled to be working with a smaller cast on “The Hills” reboot … ‘cause he says Lauren Conrad and Kristin Cavallari killed the good vibes on the original MTV series. We got Justin in NYC Monday leaving the Four…


Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Kristin Cavallari to Jay Cutler, What The Hell Do You Do All Day?!

Kristin Cavallari put Jay Cutler on the hot seat — asking him straight up … now that you’re not playing football, what exactly do you DO all day long?! It’s all part of their new E! reality show, “Very Cavallari” — which follows KC as a working…


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Kristin Cavallari Claps Back at Mom-Shamers: I"m NOT Starving My Kids!

Kristin Cavallari is talking about her family again, though we bear the heartbreaking news that she is not posting more nude photos of Jay Cutler. Sorry.

This time, she’s talking about her three young children.

Fans had worried that she was starving them on some insane Hollywood diet. She’s shutting down those mom-shaming rumors.

Last month, Kristin came out with her very own cookbook.

The title, whose length alone was an act of almost unparalleled hubris, is: True Roots: A Mindful Kitchen with More Than 100 Recipes Free of Gluten, Dairy, and Refined Sugar.

There’s a lot to unpackage with that extensive title.

Obviously, some of the response had to do with the fact that so many people who avoid gluten do so due to pseudoscience rather than because of a genuine allergy to the gluten protein.

But others were concerned, because Kristin is a parent.

Together with Jay Cutler, she has three children: 5-year-old Camden Jack, 4-year-old Jackson Wyatt, and 2-year-old daughter Saylor James.

Fans worried that she was feeding them foods missing these often essential components, and perhaps subjecting them to an unhealthy strict diet.

Speaking to People, Kristin Cavallari says that there is no need for concern and even less need for mom-shaming.

“How I eat, I cook at home, and that’s what they eat.”

That is often how families work.

But you don’t need to worry that their kids are trapped in some tower somewhere, being fed only artisanal, organic acai or whatever.

As she explains, their kids also eat normal food that humans eat.

She gives an example of the kids eating normal food.

“But we go out to breakfast every weekend.”

That sounds very nice, actually.

“They get doughnuts every weekend.”

Ooooh, that sounds great. (Anyone else just remember that they haven’t had a doughnut since 2016?)

Kristin continues, dismissing the idea that she’s one of those moms who is going out of her way to impose her own bonkers dietary restrictions upon her children.

“It’s not like they’re on some stupid diet.”

There’s the Kristin Cavallari whom fans grew to know and love on Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County and on The Hills.

She highlights the absurdity of that idea.

“They’re kids.”

They sure are.

Kristin goes on to explain that, though she is clearing the air about things, she doens’t really care what people think.

“Getting backlash about anything I’m doing when it comes to parenting, I really don’t give a s–t about.”

That can be a great attitude or a terrible one, depending upon one’s parenting.

She explains why she is so dismissive of outside opinions.

“Because I’m so confident at what I’m doing as a mom that I don’t care.”

You know what? Considering that all that she’s doing is cooking with a few dietary restrictions at home, that attitude sounds just fine.

It’s especially good to hear that her kids are enjoying doughnuts.

Children can really appreciate doughnuts in a way that adults cannot. Once you hit your mid twenties, you can’t eat more than a few in a day. A kid can wolf down seven and experience true happiness.

Though we somehow doubt that Kristin and Jay are going quite that far on the weekends. Which is probably for the best.


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Kristin Cavallari Says Jay Cutler Has Offers, But Likely Retired

He’s not “officially” retired … but Kristin Cavallari says she’s pretty convinced her husband Jay Cutler is finished in the NFL.  “I think he’s done,” Kristin said on SiriusXM’s “The Jenny McCarthy Show” … “It’s not official. But…


Friday, February 9, 2018

Kristin Cavallari Starring In New Reality Show w/ Jay Cutler!

She’s baaaaack!  Kristin Cavallari is starring in a brand new reality show — but it ain’t exactly “The Hills.” Sources connected to the project tell us the show will focus on Kristin’s life in Nashville as she expands her fashion empire. …


Sunday, January 7, 2018

Kristin Cavallari Wants Jay Cutler to Retire

It’s time for: “Read Between the Lines” … starring Kristin Cavallari, who says she REALLLLLY likes having Jay Cutler at home instead of with an NFL team.  You know the background … Jay came out of retirement in 2017 to sign a 1-year deal…


Kristin Cavallari Wants Jay Cutler to Retire

It’s time for: “Read Between the Lines” … starring Kristin Cavallari, who says she REALLLLLY likes having Jay Cutler at home instead of with an NFL team.  You know the background … Jay came out of retirement in 2017 to sign a 1-year deal…


Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Kristin Cavallari: Jay Cutler Butt Pic Was Shot at Nude Beach!

There’s more to that Jay Cutler butt pic than meets the (brown) eye … so says Kristin Cavallari!  Turns out, the famous Jay Butt-ler pic was taken during an outing to a nude beach during a romantic trip to Mexico back in March. Cavallari…


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Kristin Cavallari Shares NUDE Photo of Jay Cutler!!!

Kristin Cavallari hasn’t really done much since her days on Laguna Beach and The Hills.

Or, well, OK, she’s gotten married to professional athlete Jay Cutler, and she’s had three children, so it’s not like she’s just been hanging out for the past seven years.

But besides milking her residual reality show fame, she really hasn’t done a whole lot to keep herself in the public eye in recent years.

Until now, that is.

Guys … Kristin just shared a nude photo of Jay Cutler on Instagram.

And we are, as the kids say these days, shook.

We’re not the only ones — judging by the comments on this photo, Kristin damn near broke the internet.

“Oh my damn,” one smitten person wrote, “And this is why they have three kids and probably just made one… @kristincavallari you are one lucky lady.”

“Way better naked than in a Bears uniform,” another commented. “Holy hot ass!”

Speaking of the Bears, a lot of people also took the opportunity to make jokes about the fact that Jay was recently cut from his position as quarterback for the Chicago NFL team.

“Maybe the NFL can kiss his ass!” one wise soul suggested, while another teased “So that’s what ya do when no NFL team wants to pick you up.”

Others took issue with Kristin for posting the photo in the first place, leaving comments like “Wonder if he knows his pic is on insta… I wouldn’t want the world to see my man’s behind that’s for me and privacy of our bedroom.”

And that’s a good example of why we can’t have nice things.

Another fun thing about this photo is that it could be considered a nice little “take that, haters!” message for that unbelievable fat-shaming controversy Jay went through a few months ago.

Remember that? Kristen posted a photo of him back in January, and it got a nasty response.

“WTF did he eat himself?” someone asked her, while another hateful jackass asked “Who’s the lesbian on the left?”

Kristin posted a different photo of Jay shortly after, admitting that she agreed he looked like “a 300lb lesbian” in the original photo, which is sort of disappointing.

But the point is that she does read the comments.

And if she’s as agreeable as she’s appeared to be in the past, this could just be the beginning of the Jay Cutler nudes.

God bless us, every one.


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Kristin Cavallari Announces She"s Leaving Chicago: Find Out Why!

Kristin Cavallari is packing up her bags and leaving Chicago in her rear-view mirror. 

The 30-year-old took to Instagram to confirm the news many had expected following her husband, Jay Cutler being dropped by the Chicago Bears. 

“So we’re moving from Chicago soon, and I gotta say, I’m really gonna miss this place,” Cavallari wrote.

“Not only were all three of my babies born here, it’s where it all began with Jay, it brought me closer to my mom who has become my best friend, I’ve made some amazing girlfriends, and I’ve really enjoyed being back here (a lot of people don’t know I lived here when I was younger).”

“Thanks for all the good times, Chicago,” she added. “This will always be a special place for us.”

We can’t help but imagine how awesome the post would have sounded if she narrated it like she did when she was the focal point on The Hills. 

Hey, at least she’s still keeping fans up to speed with what’s going on in her life. You could tell she was dressed for the occasion. 

You can be the judge of whether she got dressed up to the nines for her goodbye post. 

Kristin and Jay started dating in 2010 but cooled things off after getting engaged in early 2011. 

They rekindled their romance later in the year and got married in 2013. They have three children together: sons Camden, Jaxon and one daughter Saylor. 

Cutler had spent eight seasons with the Bears, before being cut earlier this month, so he’s currently looking for a new team to join. 

Cavallari shot to fame after appearing on Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County, in which she sparred with co-star Lauren Conrad over the affections of Stephen Colletti. 

Cavallari later took over Conrad’s role on The Hills, but the series only last two half seasons with Kristin stirring up the drama. 

Since then, Kristin has been a fashion designer and an actress. 

What do you think of all this?

Sound off below!


Friday, February 10, 2017

Kristin Cavallari: We Already Have a "NY Jets Connection!" (VIDEO)

Kristin Cavallari says she’s well aware of the “Jay Cutler-to-the-Jets” rumors … and says if that move actually goes down, they’ve already got friends on the team! With Jay Cutler’s days in Chicago likely over, there are reportedly several teams…


Kristin Cavallari: We Already Have a "NY Jets Connection!" (VIDEO)

Kristin Cavallari says she’s well aware of the “Jay Cutler-to-the-Jets” rumors … and says if that move actually goes down, they’ve already got friends on the team! With Jay Cutler’s days in Chicago likely over, there are reportedly several teams…


Thursday, January 19, 2017

Kristen Cavallari on Jay Cutler Haters: Stop Fat-Shaming My Husband!

Saying Jay Cutler and his Chicago Bears didn’t have the greatest season in 2016 would be putting it very mildly.

The Bears finished the year at 3-13 and would’ve had the worst record in the NFC, were it not for the lowly San Francisco 49ers.

There’s been talk that Cutler may not be returning to Chicago following a season-ending shoulder injury, and that would probably be just fine with many Bears fans.

Fortunately, the Cut still has at least one loyal fan in his corner.

Jay’s wife and former MTV reality star posted the above photo earlier this week, along with the following caption:

“I had the best birthday of my life and it was all thanks to this guy. Not only did he plan a huge surprise party, he planned a “surprise” trip to Mexico with some of my closest friends, too.

“Thanks, babe….you will probably never see this.”

Pretty innocuous stuff, right?

Unfortunately, Kristen posted it on Instagram, where the slightest hint of physical imperfection is enough to lure the trolls from their hiding places:

“WTF did he eat himself,” one hater commented.

“Who’s the lesbian on the left?” wrote another.

Husband and gusband. And since Jay looked like a 300lb lesbian in my last post, I felt I should do him justice by posting him looking hot AF in this one

Kristen may have laughed this one off, but in a recent interview with People, she made it clear that her family is strictly off limits to social media haters:

“I’ve been dealing with criticism since I was 17,” Cavallari said.

“When it’s me, I can handle it, I can take it. I have thick skin.

“When it’s about my kids or my husband, I get really defensive. And then I become a little fighter, and I’ve been known to get a little trigger-happy sometimes.”

Kristen has butted heads with trolls many times in the past, and she’s always been clear about the rules of engagement:

As with any turf war between dueling mafia factions, kids and spouses are off-limits.

Some have taken the fact that Cavallari comments on her marriage in interviews as an indication that they’re free to offer their own two cents on her family life.

Those people are wrong and dumb.

Don’t be like those people.

This has been your daily reminder to not be a jackass on the Internet.


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Kristin Cavallari -- Hey, Jay Cutler Haters ... SUCK IT!! (VIDEO)

Remember earlier this season when EVERYONE was saying the Bears should fire Jay Cutler and find a QB who isn’t a giant black hole of suck??? Yeah, well his wife Kristin Cavallari sure does — and Monday night she had a message for all the haters…


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Kristin Cavallari Defends Children Against Body-Shamers

There’s a fine line between being a helpful, interested party…

… and being an Internet troll who picks on children and parents trying their hardest to raise them properly.

Just ask Kristin Cavallari. She’s now very familiar with this line.

Over this past holiday weekend, the former Laguna Beach star shared what seemed to be an innocent photo of her sons, Camden and Jax, at the beach.

The three-year old and the two-year were just hanging out and playing, likely with their father, Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler.

But a few social media users out there decided to turn this sweet picture into something a lot more, coming down on Cavallari’s kids for being too thin.

Yes, some critics have now taken to body-shaming infants.

“Wow. I want to like this picture but for obvious reasons I cant. Please look into feeding your babies,” one follower wrote, while another added:

“I’m not hating but that little boys back does look really skinny. I have a kid and that just looks so skinny.”

Oh, well. You have a kid? That clearly makes you an expert!

We can’t pretend to know what is going on inside Cavallari’s’s household (which is why we’d never guess and never judge), but a couple facts to consider:

She and Cutler are not lacking for money. We’re sure they buy plenty of food for their adorable children.

Also: Cavallari is one of the more outspoken breast feeding advocates in Hollywood.

Just something to consider when choosing to criticize her parenting.

Fortunately, Cavallari responded to these trolls in a far more reasonable and mature way than we would have.

“Yep. I starve my children,” she wrote sarcastically, adding:

“Just blocked the most people I’ve ever blocked in my entire life. Happy 4th hahaha.”

Well played, Kristin. Way to ignore the haters.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Kristin Cavallari: Pumping Breast Milk in a Bikini!

Kristin Cavallari is on a mission to normalize breast feeding, no matter where you are.

In a new Instagram pic, the Laguna Beach alum and mother of three prepares to pump breast milk while lounging by the pool at a private club.

“Thank you @inspirato for this gorgeous view while I pump #DutyCalls #Inspirato,” she wrote in the caption.

While in the past, a photo like this would’ve drawn a number of angry comments from the anti-breast feeding brigade, but Cavallari’s pic generated mostly positive sentiments.

“Thank you for helping #normalizebreastfeeding I’ve always thought you were great. Now you are just top notch amazing!” wrote one fan.

“Awesome! You are such an inspirational mom!” said another.

Cavallari gave birth to her daughter Saylor in November, her third child with husband Jay Cutler.

However, Cavallari recently said that her baby-making days have come to an end.

She indicated that she and Cutler were now exploring permanent birth control measures, which might include a vasectomy for the NFL player.

“My philosophy is, we have to push the babies out,” she said. “We are the ones who have to go through everything. So you can do one little thing and get snipped.

“[I’ve] pushed three babies out the old hoo-ha. I’ve done enough.”

No complaints here.

Kristin Cavallari: Pumping Breast Milk in a Bikini!

Kristin Cavallari is on a mission to normalize breast feeding, no matter where you are.

In a new Instagram pic, the Laguna Beach alum and mother of three prepares to pump breast milk while lounging by the pool at a private club.

“Thank you @inspirato for this gorgeous view while I pump #DutyCalls #Inspirato,” she wrote in the caption.

While in the past, a photo like this would’ve drawn a number of angry comments from the anti-breast feeding brigade, but Cavallari’s pic generated mostly positive sentiments.

“Thank you for helping #normalizebreastfeeding I’ve always thought you were great. Now you are just top notch amazing!” wrote one fan.

“Awesome! You are such an inspirational mom!” said another.

Cavallari gave birth to her daughter Saylor in November, her third child with husband Jay Cutler.

However, Cavallari recently said that her baby-making days have come to an end.

She indicated that she and Cutler were now exploring permanent birth control measures, which might include a vasectomy for the NFL player.

“My philosophy is, we have to push the babies out,” she said. “We are the ones who have to go through everything. So you can do one little thing and get snipped.

“[I’ve] pushed three babies out the old hoo-ha. I’ve done enough.”

No complaints here.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Kristin Cavallari: I"m Taking Away Jay Cutler"s Manhood!

The woman gave birth to three children, so she’s ready to close up shop.

Kristin Cavallari recently went on SiriusXM’s Conversations With Maria Menounos to promote her book, Balancing in Heels, and talk turned to motherhood.

Cavallari and her husband, NFL star Jay Cutler are parents to three children – sons Cameron, 3 and Jaxon, 22 months, and 4-month-old daughter, Saylor.  

Cavallari declared during the interview that she was dunzo when it came to having more children, and that it was time for Cutler to get a vascetomy.

“We’re taking permanent [birth control] measures. We’ll just leave it at that,” Cavallari told Menounos, who jokingly pointed out that Cutler would never agree to getting snipped.

“We’ll see,” Cavallari said.

“My philosophy is, we have to push the babies out,” she added.  “We are the ones who have to go through everything. So you can do one little thing and get snipped.

“[I’ve] pushed three babies out the old hoo-ha. I’ve done enough.”

Seems fair.

Yesterday, Cavallari shared some exciting news about her book.

“Ahhhh I made The New York Times Best Seller list!!!!!” she postd to Instagram with a photo of cocktails.

“Celebrating tonight ✨🎉 thank you to everyone who bought the book…so happy u are loving it!”