Thursday, January 19, 2017

Kristen Cavallari on Jay Cutler Haters: Stop Fat-Shaming My Husband!

Saying Jay Cutler and his Chicago Bears didn’t have the greatest season in 2016 would be putting it very mildly.

The Bears finished the year at 3-13 and would’ve had the worst record in the NFC, were it not for the lowly San Francisco 49ers.

There’s been talk that Cutler may not be returning to Chicago following a season-ending shoulder injury, and that would probably be just fine with many Bears fans.

Fortunately, the Cut still has at least one loyal fan in his corner.

Jay’s wife and former MTV reality star posted the above photo earlier this week, along with the following caption:

“I had the best birthday of my life and it was all thanks to this guy. Not only did he plan a huge surprise party, he planned a “surprise” trip to Mexico with some of my closest friends, too.

“Thanks, babe….you will probably never see this.”

Pretty innocuous stuff, right?

Unfortunately, Kristen posted it on Instagram, where the slightest hint of physical imperfection is enough to lure the trolls from their hiding places:

“WTF did he eat himself,” one hater commented.

“Who’s the lesbian on the left?” wrote another.

Husband and gusband. And since Jay looked like a 300lb lesbian in my last post, I felt I should do him justice by posting him looking hot AF in this one

Kristen may have laughed this one off, but in a recent interview with People, she made it clear that her family is strictly off limits to social media haters:

“I’ve been dealing with criticism since I was 17,” Cavallari said.

“When it’s me, I can handle it, I can take it. I have thick skin.

“When it’s about my kids or my husband, I get really defensive. And then I become a little fighter, and I’ve been known to get a little trigger-happy sometimes.”

Kristen has butted heads with trolls many times in the past, and she’s always been clear about the rules of engagement:

As with any turf war between dueling mafia factions, kids and spouses are off-limits.

Some have taken the fact that Cavallari comments on her marriage in interviews as an indication that they’re free to offer their own two cents on her family life.

Those people are wrong and dumb.

Don’t be like those people.

This has been your daily reminder to not be a jackass on the Internet.
