Monday, January 30, 2017

Lindsay Lohan: Back on Instagram, Still Trying to Be Angelina Jolie

We’re used to unpredictable behavior from Lindsay Lohan, but it seems that more than a decade into her career as a professional trainwreck, the actress-turned-professional-world-traveler still has the ability to surprise us.

The good news is, she’s doing so by dialing down the partying and calling attention to important human rights issues.

The bad news is, there’s considerable reason to question her motives.

Last week, Lindsay deleted all her Instagram photos and left an Arabic greeting commonly used by Muslims in their place.

The move prompted speculation that Lohan converted to Islam, but that doesn’t appear to be the case.

Or if it is, she’s one of those Secret Muslims that your racist brother-in-law is always ranting about on Facebook.

Lindsay says she finds comfort and wisdom in the Quran, but has not converted and doesn’t have any immediate plans to.

But while she remains a free agent in terms of her spirituality, Linds is making some firm commitments with regard to her politics – and many believe she’s forged some questionable alliances.

That’s Lindsay with Turkish President Recep Erdogan, his wife, and a Syrian girl named Bana Alabed.

We’ve told you about Bana before.

She’s the 7-year-old who’s devastating tweets about life in war-torn Aleppo have gained her millions of followers.

Any effort to bring more attention to her cause is laudable, and Lindsay deserves credit where it’s due.

Her relationship with Erdogan, however, is not so black-and-white.

There’s substantial reason to believe that Lindsay is on Erdogan’s payroll (her sudden interest in Turkey’s standing in the global community, her frequent parroting of his “the world is bigger than five” slogan, etc.).

It’s even been rumored that Lindsay is spying for the Turkish government, but we doubt she’s gone quite that far.

(Of course, the evening news drops our jaws on a nightly basis these days, so we wouldn’t rule anything out.)

Lindsay might be under the impression that because Erdogan isn’t one of the bad guys in the Syria situation (Assad, Putin, etc.) he must be one of the good guys.

Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.

Erdogan’s own people attempted to overthrow him over the summer, and he wears the label of dictator with pride.

These days, he’s working on patching up his relationship with Putin, and has been described as the Russian president’s puppet.

Not the kind of guy that Hollywood actresses with image problems usually align themselves with.

Of course, Lindsay probably doesn’t know all this – or she’s being paid so much that she doesn’t care.

Lindsay’s social media profiles are entirely devoted to expressing her allegiance to Erdogan and Turkey (which is strange, to say the least), and she uploaded this photo of a meeting with the Turkish president and his staff over the weekend:

“This. Now. This moment. A moment in time. Is to forever exist,” Lindsay captioned the photo.

She added:

“#peace #2017 #theworldisbiggerthan5 hashtag yourself to help the Turkish people and what they do everyday. #theyearoflindsaylohan #sevenwonders @rterdogan #lohanclub is a form of making others happy

Yes, Lindsay has apparently taken to using the hashtag “#theyearoflindsaylohan.”

She also managed to slip in a plug for her Greek nightclub.

And then she wonders why so many believe that she’s more concerned with saving her career than with saving refugees.
