Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Lala Kent: Identity of Her Mystery Boyfriend Revealed?!

If you watch Vanderpump Rules online, you know that one of the seasons’ central storylines has been Lala Kent’s clandestine relationship with a man who’s rumored to be a married, middle-aged “sugar daddy” type.

Lala quit the show, and has rarely appeared on camera in recent weeks (She’ll reportedly return for at least one more episode, in order to provide some closure.), but the rest of the cast remains intrigued by her affair.

The big question that’s hung over this season, of course, is that of the mystery man’s identity.

So who is this well-heeled Range Rover-gifting two-timer?

It was beginning to look like we might never find out (and it’s still possible that we won’t), but in 2017, no mystery is too big for the amateur sleuths of the Internet, and some folks now believe they know who’s been putting Lala on all those private jets.

This is the part where we cover our asses by pointing out that this is pure speculation, and that we’re simply regurgitating unconfirmed rumors originally published by other media outlets:

It seems that many are convinced Lala is dating a successful film producer named Roland Emmett.

Emmett, 45, is indeed married (to actress Ambyr Childers) with whom he has a child, and he is very well-off – which means he fits the bill in terms of what we already know about Lala’s sugar daddy.

It seems the speculation began when former co-star Stassi Schroeder jokingly tweeted at Lala to “give Randall a big kiss for me.”

Given that nugget of information, Vanderpump obsessives quickly uncovered a number of clues pointing at links between Kent and Emmett.

The most damning connection may be that Kent appears to have landed a role in a Nicolas Cage movie on which Emmett is credited as a producer.

Lala and Randall have been photographed together on multiple occasions …

… and she recently deleted a photo of her kissing a man whose face had been blocked out after fans pointed out that the bracelets worn by the man look similar to the ones Emmett often sports.

Pretty damning evidence, but we’re guessing Lala won’t be issuing any sort of response or denial in the near future.

It seems the reason that she quit Vanderpump and has been slowly backing away from the spotlight has been to preserve her relationship with whomever it is that’s got her living the unemployed high life these days.

It makes sense for her from a monetary standpoint.

(Reality shows don’t tend to pay newer castmembers the big bucks, and her Lala seems to be doing better without the show.)

That said, she really needs to start holding out for better “gifts.”

A role in a Nic Cage movie? Have some respect for yourself, girl!
