Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Teen Mom 2 Season 8 Episode 5 Recap: So. Much. Heartache.

On Teen Mom 2 Season 8 Episode 5, Jenelle Evans’ pregnancy was finally out in the open, but her mixed feelings about it were obvious.

Meanwhile, Javi and Kailyn got into yet another massive argument, and Chelsea and Cole wrestled with the idea of postponing the wedding. 

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, or even if you don’t but you read celebrity gossip, you know that Kailyn and Javi have a strained relationship.

That was on display like never before Monday night.

It was so bad that the episode began like this, with just audio from Kail: “I’m not filming about it. I’m not filming for the rest of the day.”

“Like, I cannot. I physically cannot.”

She’d just gotten into a fight with Javi Marroquin and sent her older son Isaac away to be with his father, Lowry’s other ex, Jo Rivera.

Isaac cried as Jo came to take him away while Kailyn melted down in the driveway, then cried some more at the implications of it all.

Little Isaac had a great relationship with stepdad Javi, and it was heartbreaking to watch him break down to Jo about the whole thing.

Later, Javi revealed that he’d gone over to Kailyn’s place (his former place) to get some of his things, and he saw another man there.

He was not happy.

Javi and his friends felt they had caught Kailyn lying about where she was and who she was with, and all hell broke loose in the driveway.

More than anything, Marroquin was hurt to return from deployment to find his stuff in the garage, and other guys hanging around his kids.

With the divorce’s impact on the children, Javi wondered how Kailyn could possibly be focused on other men, which may be a bit hypocritical.

Obviously, whether significant others around the kids or not is a separate issue, but he’s the one who went public dating Cassie Bucka.

Also, there’s the whole Javi Marroquin nude photo scandal and allegations that he, too, was unfaithful … whatever that might be worth.

A little further south in North Carolina, Jenelle finally admitted that she was pregnant after that leaked police report confirmed it for her.

Evans admitted that the online “haters” get to her.

Jenelle said, “Everyone was happy for Chelsea [Houska], then everyone’s like, ‘Why is Jenelle embarrassed to come out with it?"”

“‘Chelsea did it right the first time.’ Well, I mean we all are on a show called Teen Mom 2, so no, we didn’t do it right the first time.”

NOTE: Nobody said that Chelsea did it right the first time … just the second time after she got her life together and married Cole DeBoer.

Anyway, we saw Jenelle’s ex (and the father of her second son) Nathan Griffith talking about the pregnancy with his friends this week.

The conversation wasn’t exactly positive.

Speaking of Chelsea, she and Cole decided to have a civil ceremony to get married, so that her pregnancy wouldn’t impact the event.

Then, on the couple’s first anniversary, they could throw the wedding they originally planned. Sounds like a terrific idea if you ask us.

Everything’s going really well in Chelsea’s world, except for the fact that her daughter Aubree’s dad is still that derelict of society Adam Lind.

Dude is still causing producers headaches and threatening to walk away from filming the reality show like it’s just job … which ironically it is.

“I can do whatever I want,” he told them.

Insisting that the producers and their “editing room” make him look bad, Lind drove away and locked them out on planned filming days.

Not helping his own cause, is he?

In West Virginia, Leah Messer’s daughters’ school was closed for an unknown amount of time due to flooding, causing a lot of stress.

Rather than sending them to a nearby school with other displaced kids, she considered asking Corey Simms to move them to her district.

Ultimately, she decided against this to keep her co-parenting relationship friendly and not inconvenience Corey, which was a net positive.

You have to pick your battles.
