Showing posts with label Much. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Much. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Antonio Gates Not A Lock To Retire ... This Is Too Much Fun!!


require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
Antonio Gates Not A Lock To Retire ... This Is Too Much Fun!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Jon Stewart Says Mets Won"t Sign Bryce Harper Because They Suck Too Much

Jon Stewart REALLY wants the Mets to be good — and REALLY wants ‘em to sign Bryce Harper — but he’s also been around long enough to know they’ll bungle it.  “There’s no way Bryce Harper is coming to the Mets,” Stewart told us in…


Saturday, October 20, 2018

Farrah Abraham: Daughter Shares SUPER Creepy Video, Gets So Much Hate!

OK, so pretty much no one likes Farrah Abraham, right?

Well, besides her dad, and maybe some misguided Teen Mom fans.

If you check out the comments on any of her Instagram posts, you’ll see what we mean.

There are people calling her a whore, making fun of her plastic surgery, pointing out how truly unhinged she always appears to be.

Every once in a while, you’ll see someone say something like “if you don’t like her, why do you look at her posts?”

But for the most part, it’s nothing but hate as far as the eye can see.

Farrah gets so much hate that it’s even spread to her daughter, Sophia.

It’s actually pretty sad.

Sophia is only nine years old, and she’s been criticized for her appearance, the way she talks, the way she behaves …

She’s a cute kid, and it’s not her fault that her delusional mother has pulled her out of school, you know?

That goes for many other things in her life, too: it’s not her fault Farrah has raised her the way she has.

And it’s important to remember that Sophia has been through a lot in her short life.

Her father passed away before she was born, and she’s never had anybody in her life to fill that role.

Ever since she was a baby, Farrah’s been feuding with her own mother, and sometimes it’s even gotten physical.

And then there were the times that she left Sophia with her parents so she could move to Florida on her own or film a reality show overseas.

Basically what we’re saying is that Sophia has experienced a lot of craziness and very little stability over the years, so maybe a little compassion would be nice.

And again, the girl is nine years old.

Still, all of that never stops the grown ass people who feel comfortable bashing her.

And when Sophia shared this new video in celebration of Halloween, those people went wild:

Is the video creepy?

Uh, yeah. Very much so.

That’s kind of the point.

But let’s check out what her followers had to say about it.

“WOW YOUR TRUE FORM!!!” one person wrote.

Someone else called this video “never before seen footage of Sophia relaxing at home.”

There were actually several comments like this — like this is how the girl truly is, and everything we’ve seen on Teen Mom OG has been a lie.

And yeah, it’s a joke, but … come on.

One person said that this video “is beyond disturbing,” and even went so far as to add “@cps.”

Because that’s how contacting child protective services works.

It’s just sad because Sophia is obviously having fun here, and even if you don’t personally like it or think it’s acceptable for a kid her age to be acting like this, there’s nothing really wrong with it.

Kids do act in horror movies all the time, and lots of them like horror, too.

With something this mild, it’s not like she’s going to get scarred for life over it or anything.

So maybe let’s just congratulate her on succeeding in being absolutely horrifying and move on, all right?


Saturday, October 13, 2018

Catelynn Lowell: My Kid Needs Me Too Much!

OK, so Catelynn Lowell spent a good long while in rehab a while back.

We all remember how this went down, but just in case your memory is a little fuzzy, let’s do a quick little recap.

Last fall, she and Tyler Baltierra decided it was time to have another child, and she got pregnant pretty fast after they made that decision.

Unfortunately, she had a miscarriage.

And it was very, very hard on her.

She began contemplating suicide, but before acting on anything, she told her family, and they helped her check into a treatment center in Arizona.

She spent about six weeks there, missing Thanksgiving and Christmas, then came home.

But as we saw last season on Teen Mom OG, she really wasn’t feeling much better.

In one scene, Catelynn explained to Tyler that she was still very depressed and anxious, and that she felt like she needed to go back to Arizona.

The choice caused a bit of strain on their marriage, from what was shown on Teen Mom.

He tried to convince her to do some therapy and stay at home instead, but she refused to do that.

Instead, she dropped their daughter, Nova, off at daycare without telling her that she’d be gone again, then left.

After six more weeks, she came home, and that’s a bit of what we’ll see in the next episode.

In the beginning of this new sneak peek, Catelynn explains in a voiceover that she’s only been home for a few days at this point.

“It’s been an adjustment,” she admits, “but I really appreciate Tyler taking care of everything while I was gone.”

Then we see Catelynn and Tyler playing with Nova, and he asks Cate if anything’s different now that she’s home.

“She won’t leave me alone,” Catelynn says, referring to Nova.

It’s not the greatest thing to say, especially considering that so many fans thought she seemed too detached with her kid in earlier episodes.

Tyler doesn’t seem to love the comment either.

“Mom comes back and it’s like ‘Dad who? That guy who has all the stupid rules?"” he says.

“‘Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom,” Catelynn mocks.

Yeah, it’s really not sounding so good.

Later, Catelynn visits with a friend named Hayley who kicks off their chat by asking her how she’s been. 

She reveals that she has been a bit anxious, but that she feels it’s normal in life to feel a little anxiety from time to time.

Hayley tells her that she seems happier than ever, and she agrees, which is nice.

She also tells Catelynn that she’s probably more in love with Tyler than ever, after how much he’s supported her.

“Oh my god, yeah,” she agrees. “As a husband and wife, man, you say it in your vows, through sickness and in health, for richer or poorer.”

“It’s like, you gotta stand by each other, and he totally did.”

Hayley pumps Tyler up even more — he’s not even there, by the way.

“Yeah, he’s awesome,” Cate replies.

Except she doesn’t sound super convinced.

We know that Catelynn and Tyler went through some things after she came back from rehab.

He’s said that he was “repulsed” by her behavior while she was in treatment, and that couldn’t have been easy for her to hear.

We imagine that as the season goes on, we’ll see more of their issues, but so far …

It’s honestly looking kind of bad.

And, judging by the comments left when MTV shared this sneak peek on Facebook, most Teen Mom fans are just completely over Catelynn in general.

“She is a horrible human,” one person wrote. “To complain how your daughter is showering you with attention because you left her for months on end, how pathetic.”

And that was the top comment, so …

Another commenter asked “How many times does Tyler have to stand by you before you act on his feelings instead of it being all about you?”

One person said that they were “glaring at how Nova noticed her mom mocking her desperate need for attention and validation.”

Things got especially savage when someone else said that “I think she’s just a failure of a mother and uses her illnesses as a way to escape to rehab.”

The comments go on and on and on like that, about what an awful mother she is and how Tyler needs to leave her.

Lots of people also seem concerned that she’s expecting another child now, since they think she’s so cold with Nova already.

Honestly, it’s a real bad time to be Catelynn Lowell right now.


Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Real Housewives of Atlanta: How Much Are the Stars Paid?

The Real Housewives of Atlanta returns in early November, and there have been some casting shake-ups.

After a year of suspense, Kenya Moore is off the show.

It doesn"t pay to hide your wedding from the cameras, folks. Not when you"re a Real Housewife.

But Kenya"s vacancy doesn"t just make room for new faces — it also frees up some cash.

Season 10 had some incredible ratings, so a lot of these Housewives got raises for Season 11.

How much are the stars raking in?

1. Which Housewives are making bank?

Three real housewives

And which Housewives are just getting by? (Just kidding, even the ones making the least are still raking in the dough)

2. Kandi Burruss

Kandi and her boobs

Kandi has gotten a raise thanks to some savvy dramatics last season. Her $ 2 million salary has gone up to $ 2.2 million.

3. Cynthia Bailey

Cynthia bailey and peter thomas on the red carpet

Cynthia is raking in $ 1.75 million, which is a six-figure raise from her previous salary of $ 1.6 million.

4. Porsha Williams

Porsha williams has cleavage

Porsha Williams got a massive bonus to go with her baby bump. Her salary went from $ 800,000 to $ 1.25 million. That is a raise of nearly half a million, folks.

5. Marlo Hampton

Marlo hampton

Marlo is technically just a “friend” of the Housewives, but few people’s friendships turn out to be so lucrative. Marlo is drawing in $ 275,000 for her recurring role.

6. NeNe Leakes

Nene leakes reaction image

NeNe has been raking in the biggest paycheck of any of the Housewives, and that doesn’t look like it’s going to change any time soon. She was making $ 2.5 million last season. Now, she’s making $ 2.75 million. Being a living meme pays off.

View Slideshow

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Alexis Bellino: How Much Is She Getting in the Divorce?

Divorce tends to be a painfully slow process, but since we learned of Alexis Bellino’s divorce in June, she and her husband, Jim Bellino, have already reached a settlement.

Despite Alexis’ tearful divorce confession, it looks like things worked out alright for both parties — and for their kids.

We now know the details on how much the former Real Housewife is getting. 

RadarOnline gots their hands on the Bellino divorce documents.

In addition to child support and spousal support payments, the court has ordered a one-time payout from Jim to Alexis to the tune of $ 250,000.

Per the documents, the overall agreement is effective “upon the signing of the Judgment by both parties.”

While a quarter of a million dollars is definitely a lot of money, it’s only about one-sixth of Jim Bellino’s net worth, and would only support someone (even someone living modesty) for a matter of years, not decades.

Don’t worry — Alexis is getting a lot more than that.

According to the documents obtained by RadarOnline, though the couple is sharing custody, Alexis will receive child-support.

“Petitioner shall pay to Respondent as and for child support the sum of $ 2,000.00 per month per child for a total of $ 6,000.00 per month,” the court documents read.

It says that this amount is “payable one-half (1/2) on the first and one-half (1/2) on the fifteenth days of each month, commencing August 1,2018.”

Naturally, “This duty of support continues as to an unmarried child who has attained the age of 18 years, is a full-time high school student, and who is not self-supporting.”

And it must continue “until the time the child completes the 12th grade or attains the age of 19 years, whichever occurs first.”

That’s just what’s mandated by the court, of course; Jim and Alexis love their children and we’re sure that they’ll make sure to provide for their children through college and beyond.

Alexis is also getting spousal support, on top of the one-time payment of $ 250,000.

“Petitioner shall pay to Respondent, as and for spousal support,” the documents read. “The sum of $ 10,000.00 per month.”

This amount is “due and payable one-half on the first and one-half on the fifteenth days of each month commencing August 1,2018.”

As is fair for spousal support, the document continues: “and continuing thereafter until the death of either party, or further order of the Court, whichever first occurs.”

So Alexis gets ten grand a month, forever.

“Everything we do is about the kids,” Jim Bellino has assured those concerned about their divorce. “Everybody’s getting along great.”

As we mentioned when we brought up that Jim is suing Shannon Beador and Tamra Judge, Jim and Alexis released a statement.

“We would like to thank the many individuals who have expressed support for us as we worked through one of the most difficult times of our personal lives,” the statement began.

“To those who have shown that they truly care, we are happy to report that we have reached an amicable resolution of our divorce proceedings, which we expect to keep confidential in order to protect our privacy,” they continued.

“And,” they added, they intend to “keep the most sensitive and intimate details of our lives from becoming grist for a malicious ‘rumor mill.’”

The statement continued, pointing out that the couple had heard rumors about them … and were not amused.

“We have been unfairly and viciously targeted by certain individuals in recent weeks,” the couple said.

They then blasted those “who have severely aggravated the pain we have had to endure through false, defamatory, and highly objectionable statements to the media.”

“We look forward to holding those individuals fully accountable,” the statement added. “Through the legal process for the substantial damages that they have caused and continue to cause to our family.”

It’s good that they were able to reach a reasonably fair-sounding arrangement. Some divorces end with one party reduced to abject poverty. That should never happen.


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Ryan Edwards: I Spent Too Much Money on Heroin, Now I Owe the IRS $120,000!

Ryan Edwards is in big trouble, guys.

And not even for drug stuff this time.

Well, maybe for drug stuff … he did just get arrested a few weeks ago, and he’s still on probation.

But right now, for once, we’re not talking about Ryan’s heroin addiction.

And that’s because we’re talking about the ridiculous amount of money he owes the IRS!

Radar Online just revealed that the IRS filed a federal tax lien against Ryan back in March for $ 119,416.24.

According to a county clerk out in his neck of the woods, he hasn’t paid any of that, but a source close to Ryan claimed that he totally paid it off right after he heard about it.

Wonder who we should believe?

It might be hard to understand how Ryan, who reportedly made $ 325,000 for the latest seasons of Teen Mom OG, is in so much debt.

But if you break it down, it all starts to come together.

Cast members of Teen Mom are independent contractors, meaning MTV doesn’t withhold taxes from their paychecks.

A responsible person would set aside some money from those paychecks so they could pay their taxes every year, but we all know that Ryan is not a responsible person.

And Ryan did not set aside money to pay his taxes.

Remember, Mackenzie Standifer claimed last year that before he went to rehab, he was spending $ 10,000 a week on drugs, and if that’s true, it’s easy to see how he could have gone through his MTV money so fast.

But still … $ 120,000 is a lot of money, especially since Ryan was fired from Teen Mom.

How can he possibly pay that back now?

Don’t worry, Mackenzie is going to try her very best to provide for her family while Ryan continues to violate his probation and generally be a mess!

She recently revealed that she’s working an office job full-time, and she’s also been posting some ads on Instagram, so there’s quite a bit of income there.

There’s also that event planning business she just announced!

As she explained in a post on her website this week, “My personal mission is to see your dreams come to fruition.”

“Sometimes it can be hard to take all of the thoughts, dreams, and visions in your head and turn them into a reality. That is where I step in.”

She says that if you hire her as your planner, than she “will be here to help and guide you every step of the way.”

If you think about it, this is actually a very smart move — the girl had three weddings before her 21st birthday, so she probably knows what she’s talking about.

And sure, one of those weddings was in a parking lot by the river, and the only guests were the groom’s parents who sat quietly nearby and cried some not-so-happy tears during the ceremony.

And yeah, her groom was high as a kite as he said his vows.

But she’s probably going to do just fine at planning other people’s weddings!

Also on her site, she has different plans you can purchase, along with the prices.

The cheapest plan costs $ 150, and for that, you get 30 minutes for a phone call or a Skype session with Mackenzie herself, help with the itinerary, design, and concept, and a two hour session to “get your plan on paper.”

The most expensive plan runs for $ 1,500, and that includes multiple in-person consults with Mackenzie as well as unlimited texts, emails, and phone calls.

She’ll also coordinate and attend your rehearsal dinner, make sure everything runs smoothly on the day of the wedding, and come with you to meetings with your vendors.

We’re not sure how much wedding planners generally charge, but it seems like she’s got some pretty reasonable rates, right?

Especially since there have got to be Teen Mom fans out there who are also getting married and who have $ 150 to blow for a Skype call with Ryan Edwards’ wife.

So she’s doing event planning, an office job, and all kinds of ads on Instagram, all while seven months pregnant.

Hopefully she can help Ryan get his tax stuff sorted, or, at the very least, she can inspire him to get a job, since he doesn’t seem to be doing much besides getting arrested these days.

Seriously, get it together, Ryan.


Luann de Lesseps: You Will Not BELIEVE How Much I Drank When I Relapsed!

Money can"t buy you class. Fortunately, money can buy you a second stint in rehab in case you fall off the wagon.

That second scenario is exactly what happened to The Real Housewives of New York City star Luann de Lesseps.

Now, she"s revealing exactly how much she drank in one night when she unfortunately relapsed. And the details may shock you.

Luann de lesseps season 10 pic

Luann sat down with noted talk show villain Megyn Kelly to reveal exactly what prompted her return to rehab.

Like most people who abuse any kind of substance, she was self-medicating. In this case, to cope with a very unpleasant instance of the past haunting her.

See, her ex-husband Alexandre de Lesseps was suing her, accusing her of stealing from their children. And she found out about it in the worst way.

"I found out about this whole story," Luann told Megyn. "That I was getting sued, in the press."

"That was devastating," Luann explained. "I felt betrayed, I felt so hurt by that. I had my heart set on that house, my heart. I was devastated and I lost it."

Luann de lesseps is looking good

Luann told Megyn and also E! about how she coped with that heartbreak by drinking.

You can see her say this in the video that we"ve included.

"When I fell off the wagon," Luann says. "I mean, I think I had two watermelon martinis."

That doesn"t sound like much at all — but she was only just beginning.

"I had at least two bottles of rosé," Luann reveals. "And I got into a six-pack of beer in one night."

Despite all of that, Luann enjoyed herself at the time: "I mean, and I was still dancing in the kitchen in a bikini."

Luann de lesseps in cowboy hat

Luann knows that alcohol has a devastating impact on her health, her mental state, and even on her looks.

"At this point, I feel like I’m almost allergic to alcohol," Luann told Megyn.

Luann feels this way "ecause I can’t be like most normal people and have a glass or two of wine."

"I’m like, I’ll drink the whole bottle and then I’m looking, where can I get another bottle?"

Drinking a bottle at a time on its own isn"t necessarily a warning sign, but feeling like they then need more? That"s not healthy.

"It just doesn’t work for me," Luann says of cutting herself off. "I’m just not wired that way."

Luann de lesseps mug shot

Luann also spoke about how her life has been transformed by her sobriety.

"I have this whole new life now," Luann gushes.

This is why, even if she enjoys drinking when she does it, she wants to leave it as part of the past.

“I go to AA meetings, and I follow up my treatment now that I’m back from rehab," Luann says. "I take it very seriously."

It"s good that she takes it seriously. Luann was arrested for kicking a police officer last year. That could have ruined her whole life.

Luann de lesseps a selfie

Now, what Luann had to drink would leave some people passed out and sick.

Others could drink it without any memory loss or a hangover. Why? Because people"s bodies are different.

What makes drinking dangerous for Luann isn"t the amount, but the fact that she cannot stop. As she says, she can"t just have two drinks.

This is not uncommon in addictive behaviors. There are people who can gamble and stop, and there are others who lose control. 

That Luann realizes this about herself and treats alcohol as an allergy and is so honest and direct about confronting this tells us that she will hopefully be alright.

Luann de lesseps you will not believe how much i drank when i re

Friday, August 3, 2018

Tom Hanks and Bruce Springsteen Hit the High Seas, Much Different Vessels

Here’s Tom Hanks being the Captain, now — but apparently, being the Boss carries more weight in the waters off Italy. Tom and Rita Wilson were doing the dinghy thing Friday off the island of Capri while, not too far away, their…


Thursday, August 2, 2018

Judge Jeanine Pirro Says President Trump"s Words Don"t Matter as Much as His Results

Judge Jeanine Pirro says she does disagree with some of President Trump’s tactics — though she won’t say which ones — but adds his words don’t matter as much as what he does. The Judge was on TMZ Live to talk about her bestselling book,…


Saturday, July 28, 2018

YouTuber Mark Dohner Says Logan Paul"s Too Much for KSI

KSI is in some SERIOUS trouble come August 25 … so says Logan Paul’s old roommate, Mark Dohner, who tells TMZ Sports he knows firsthand what the social media star is capable of doing. Dohner — who has more than 2 MILLION subscribers on…


Friday, July 27, 2018

Ryan Edwards Facing HOW MUCH Time in Jail?!

Things aren’t looking too good right now for Ryan Edwards.

But then again, have they ever?

Still, things are looking especially bleak for him right now, considering he’s been in jail for the past few days.

There have been a few conflicting reports about what happened, but we do know that Ryan’s legal troubles started last year, when he was arrested for possession of heroin.

He was sentenced to a year of probation, which he broke back in March by failing a drug test — for that, he was sentenced to six more months of probation.

On Monday, he was arrested for a third time.

There have been conflicting reports about what happened, with some outlets claiming he was arrested for possession again and others claiming the arrest was for failing to appear in court back in May.

Either way, it’s bad news for Ryan — bad enough that he’s being held without bond.

That means that he’ll be hanging out in jail until his next court date, which is on August 6th.

And after that?

Well, it’s not looking great.

Nashville attorney Ben Raybin is speaking out about Ryan’s case, and although he’s not working for Ryan or connected to him at all, he does have a good idea about how the law works, and especially how it works in Tennessee, Ryan’s home state.

About the possibility of Ryan spending any real time in jail, he says “It really depends on the case, as far as whether somebody would be going to jail or rehab after getting busted for heroin possession.”

“Usually in this state we do try to send people to treatment for when they’re found with drugs,” he explains.

But in cases like Ryan’s, when a person has violated probation multiple times, “then at that point the judge says enough is enough and says they are going to jail and at that point they can put all the offender’s sentences into effect.”

For Ryan specifically, he says “I can tell you he is facing up to 11 months and 29 days in jail just on this most recent charge of simple heroin possession.”

“But that’s not all because he has a prior suspended sentence as well as probation that the judge could choose to add to his sentence.”

“To break it down,” he continues, “Ryan has the six months of probation he was sentenced to (in March 2018) as well as a suspended sentence of 11 months and 29 days stemming back to his very first arrest.”

“He was able to get that sentence suspended but that does not mean it’s gone.”

“It’s hanging over his head,” he says, “and since he has violated probation, if the judge chooses to he can do what I call un-suspend it.”

Essentially, a judge could take all that time, add it up, and Ryan could spend two and a half years in jail.

Ben does add that he thinks “it’s probably unlikely that he would get totally maxed out on all of that but he is potentially facing two and a half years total in jail at this point.”

We’re not lawyers, of course, but it does seem unlikely that a judge would just throw a few more months of probation to Ryan at this point.

Which is especially unfortunate, considering his wife, Mackenzie Standifer, is pregnant with his child and is due in just over two months.

It’s also a little embarrassing, considering Ryan and Mackenzie were going on and on last week about how sober he is and how hard he’s been working on his recovery.

Remember, Mackenzie said that MTV told them that they were letting them go because “they don’t want to show Ryan as a recovering addict.”

But reports claimed that what actually happened was that Maci Bookout told the network that she refused to film if Ryan was filming — Bristol Palin was hired while MTV tried to figure out what to do.

Maci’s reasoning behind her demand was allegedly that she believed Ryan was still on drugs and she didn’t want Bentley to be able to watch his father spiral even further out of control.

Knowing what we know now, it seems like there’s quite a bit of truth to that.

Whatever happens, whether it turns out to be years in jail, we hope Ryan is able to get clean, for real this time.

Goodness knows we love Teen Mom drama, but this is just too much.


Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Offset Arrested for Gun Possession; How Much of His Baby"s Life Will He Miss?

You know, there are constantly storries about celebs getting secretly married. They sound fake … until we remember Cardi B marrying Offset in a secret ceremony and waiting like a year to tell the world.

Well, we wonder if Cardi might B having some second thoughts about that union … because Offset, the father of her child, was just arrested.

We hate to sound judgmental, but … why did he need to drive around with all of these guns?

TMZ reports that Offset was arrested on Friday. The arrest followed the vehicle being pulled over just outside of Atlanta.

We should note that, while TMZ reports that the Migos rapper was pulled over for tinted windows, CBS 46 reports that the vehicle was pulled over for an improper lane change.

Whatever the reason, officers discovered three firearms in the vehicle — alarming under any circumstances, but worse for Offset who is a convicted felon.

Offset now faces four charges, two of which are felonies.

The charges include possession of a firearm by a felon and possession of a weapon during a crime, which are both felonies.

Offset is also charged with possession of marijuana (one ounce or less) and an improper lane change.

Offset is reportedly being held without bond.

It is probably important to note that Offset has a lengthy criminal history.

At only 26 years of age, he has posed for more than a dozen mugshots since he turned 18. He is currently serving 5 years of probation.

One would hope that a successful career as a hip hop artist and, more importantly, welcoming the birth of his daughter with Cardi B just two weeks ago would have discouraged him from further criminal activity.

Unfortunately, based upon the charges that have been filed against him, it does not appear that he has learned that lesson.

(That said, obviously the marijuana charge, like all marijuana charges, is bogus in that plants shouldn’t be illegal — and, though we don’t have all of the details, some say that a lane change should not land a guy behind bars)

Offset, whose real name is Kiari Kendrell Cephus, was pulled over with his bodyguard.

In addition to the three guns, he was in possession of $ 107,000 in cash.

That isn’t criminal and may be standard in the hip hop world, but it’s something that many police are trained to consider suspicious.

The traffic stop took place in Jonesboro, which is about 20 minutes or so outside of Atlanta.

The vehicle in question was a 2014 Porsche 911 Carrera.

Cardi B and Offset just welcomed the birth of their daughter, Kulture Kiari Cephus, earlier this month.

And … we might not love Wendy Williams, but we absolutely believe in giving credit where credit is due.

Months ago, Wendy Williams predicted that Cardi B would be raising her baby alone.

As heartbreaking as it sounds, a lot of fans cannot help but wonder if Wendy was right after all.

Being charged with two felonies and a couple of other charges while on probation is … not ideal. Especially when you have a rap sheet like Offset’s.

That said, Cardi B is a rising star, and Offset is no pauper, either.

It seems likely that his attorneys will be able to get the charges reduced, at the very least.

In fact, if it weren’t for his status as a felon on probation, we would predict that he wouldn’t serve a day in jail after bond is posted.

But he is a felon, he is on probation, and he’s being held without bond.

This situation may be familiar to Offset, but our hearts go out to Cardi and to their daughter.


Friday, July 20, 2018

Ariana Grande & Pete Davidson: Wedding Happening MUCH Sooner Than Expected?!

As you’ve likely heard by now, Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson are engaged, and they really, really enjoy telling the world just how in love they are.

But for all their gushing about the loveliness of love, the couple has been silent about certain key details of their relationship.

For one, they refuse to reveal exactly when they began dating, which has prompted rumors that Pete and Ariana cheated on their exes with one another.

The other big secret they’re keeping from fans is how soon they’re planning to tie the knot.

We know that the preparations are already underway, and it was previously reported that the couple is planning to exchange vows before Pete heads back to work at SNL in September.

Now, it seems these two are planning to make it legal even sooner than expected.

Fans believe that Grande and Davidson will get married in two weeks, on August 4, due to the numerical significance of the date.

(The FDNY badge number of Pete’s late father began with the digits and eight and four. Both Pete and Ari have tattoos of the number.)

Now, the above photo of Ari is being interpreted as yet another sign that there’s a wedding just around the corner.

Ari recently posted the pic below in order to show off her new hair color. 

Fans think the lavender shade is part of the color scheme for her wedding ceremony.

It’s a bit of a stretch, but nothing this couple does surprises us anymore.

The theory conflicts with another recent rumor about Ari and Pete, this one claiming that they’re on the verge of calling it quits for all the reasons that everyone assumed they would call it quits:

“Ariana didn’t know who Pete really was and fell in love with the idea of being in love,” says one insider.

“Her friends and family, as well as her team, are already starting to see this relationship fall apart.”

Pete’s joke about the Manchester bombing that remains a fresh source of trauma for Ariana reportedly caused the singer to engage in some serious self-reflection.

“Ariana wants the fairytale so bad, but Pete has already started to take a toll on her image, and she’s tired of constantly having to stick up for him,” 

Further complicating the matter is the issue of Pete’s sobriety … or lack thereof.

Just months after checking into rehab for substance abuse issues, Davidson is proudly off the wagon, and many within Ari’s inner circle see that as a major red flag.

For one thing, Ari cited the rapper’s addiction troubles as one of the major reasons she decided to end her relationship with Mac Miller.

Her brother, Frankie, who recently celebrated one year of sobriety, has reportedly made it clear that he does not approve of the relationship and believes that Pete needs to sober up before he can be the sort of husband Ari deserves.

Sounds like a complicated situation —  no wonder these two have (allegedly) decided to just elope.


Thursday, July 19, 2018

Matt Lauer Has to Pay HOW MUCH in Annette Roque Divorce?!

In November of 2017, Matt Lauer was accused of serious sexual harassment in the workplace, which included an allegation of rape. He was fired.

Annette Roque is divorcing him, and now we know what she’ll be getting in this hefty settlement.

Lauer is absolutely furious over how much he’s losing.

Us Weekly has the scoop on how much Matt Lauer’s divorce will cost him.

“He’s going to be forking out around $ 50 million in a settlement,” the insider reveals.

That is not the same thing as receiving $ 50 million in liquid currency. Only about half of that is cash.

“She will receive the horse farm,” the source explains.

Roque will also receive “their current residence and a one-time payment of $ 25 million.”

That’s a nice sum. It’s no surprise that Roque is keeping the house after she booted Lauer out of it.

“There will be no child or spousal support and they will split the costs for the kids,” the insider adds.

Lauer and Roque have three children together.

Jack is 16. Romy is 14. Their youngest, Thijs, is 11.

(Please do not make fun of kids’ names — they did not choose them)

So it sounds like they’ll be working hard to co-parent on an equal basis.

Incredibly, Lauer apparently feels like he got a raw deal.

“Matt is furious,” the insider reports. “He is essentially handing over half of his net worth to Annette.”

Isn’t that literally how divorce is supposed to work?

“He could fight for a better deal in court,” the source admits.

Lauer knows that he could contest this arrangement, “but that would only result in dragging this out longer.”

He wants to avoid a (divorce) war of attrition, the source says, “and negative headlines.”

Ugh. This isn’t the first time that we’ve heard people say that Lauer is obsessed with media coverage of his divorce.

But it gets worse.

“He is ready to move on with his life,” the insider reveals.

We’re sure that the various women at NBC whose careers may have been discouraged or sabotaged by his sexual harassment wish that they had so easily been able to move on.

What’s worse, though, is that Lauer actually thinks that people want to see him on TV again, the source says, “and truly believes that a television comeback is possible.”

Well, that’s gross. Remember, Lauer didn’t get fired for being a serial cheater. He was fired for sexual harassment. He was accused of rape.

There are a lot of people who believe that all rapists belong behind bars — at least.

It takes a hell of a lot of audacity for someone who has tens of millions of dollars and his freedom (post-divorce) to whine about dividing assets.

It takes nothing short of hubris to try to restart your television career after you’ve been exposed as a sex monster.

Good for Annette Roque for getting what was owed to her, though.


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Shannon Beador Divorce: David Surrenders, Agrees to Pay HOW Much?!

Shannon Beador’s acrimonious divorce continues. Recently, it was reported that David Beador was trying to weasel out of spousal support.

These two have had another hearing, but there was a somewhat shocking twist.

David isn’t challenging his current, very hefty payments. Has he had a change of heart, or is there something else going on here?

On Monday, July 9, Shannon Beador and David Beador appeared in front of a judge as part of their ongoing divorce, reports RadarOnline.

This hearing was specifically on spousal support — and attorney fees.

Last month, it was reported that David was planning to challenge the current spousal support order.

(David, as you may recall, has been paying Shannon $ 10,500 a month since March)

So color us surprised when David did not challenge those payouts on Monday. And that’s not all that he’s agreed to keep paying. …

Not only did David not challenge that order, he agreed to a few more things.

First of all, he’s still paying out $ 12,000 a month in child support for the couple’s three children.

Sophie is 17. Twins Stella and Adeline are 14. That comes out to $ 4,000 a month for each girl, which we certainly hope is enough.

On top of that, David will pay out $ 10,000 to Shannon Beador’s divorce attorney, John Benedict Phillips.

The couple has also agreed to attend mediation, alongside a forensic accountant and a retired judicial officer.

If they still can’t come to an agreement, then they’ll appear back in court on October 15.

“It’s all going to wash itself out,” David told RadarOnline after announcing that he was doing “fantastic.”

David reports: “I just want what best for our kids.”

“Divorce is never fun and it’s hardest on the kids,” David admits. He’s absolutely right.

Their three daughters are feeling the strain and stress of having their parents divorce, David says, “but they seem to be moving along.”

“I look forward to when this is over,” David concludes. “I think we both do.”

So, what does this mean?

Maybe David really had a change of heart. After all, it happens. If love can turn into unmitigated hatred, maybe that enmity can become peaceful.

Considering that it wasn’t so long ago that he was reportedly cursing out Shannon in the courthouse and having the water turned off at her house — where his own daughters live — it would still be a surprise.

It is also possible that Shannon somehow got the upper hand in a way that made David unwilling to challenge the current status quo.

We heard that Shannon accused David of hiding money to avoid having to pay her.

If her attorneys were able to find some of those alleged hidden assets, it might make David eager to leave things be and not have it brought up in court.

But let’s not give in to conspiracy theories and imagined blackmail scenarios.

It really seems more likely that David just realized that all of this animosity wasn’t doing any good — and was doing real harm to his family.

And perhaps having his antics reported by entertainment news media helped to make him take a long, hard look in the mirror.

Maybe his kids got through to him. Or maybe his young, hot girlfriend helped him see reason.

Either way, we’re glad that David and Shannon at least appear to be able to agree on things for the moment. That’s progress.
