Showing posts with label Spent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spent. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Trey Burton"s Chicago Debut Cost Him $5,500, Best Money I Ever Spent!

Trey Burton had to pay money to catch passes for the Bears on Monday … and he couldn’t have been happier — telling TMZ Sports he’s donating tons of cash to a great cause this season!! The ex-Eagle (and Philly Special star) says for every…


Friday, August 17, 2018

Billy Brown Reveals that Ami Brown Spent 20 Minutes in a Death-Like State

Thankfully, Alaskan Bush People star Ami Brown’s cancer is in remission again.

Now, she and her husband are speaking about her cancer and her health.

And, for the first time, they are revealing that she had a serious brush with death after she first went into remission.

RadarOnline spoke with Billy and Ami Brown about Ami’s cancer battle and one truly scary moment when she appeared to have lost her life.

“In November, when everything was over,” Billy says. “She was supposed to be healed.”

As we reported, Ami’s cancer went into remission early last November in what some fans described as a “Christmas miracle.

However, Billy shares that her battle was not over, even though her cancer had been beaten back.

“And,” Billy describes. “She fell over dead for like 20 minutes.”

That sounds so frightening, even though we know that she’s still alive and kicking nearly a year later.

“It was horror,” Billy shares.

He says that even after that terrifying incident, they worried for her health. Both cancer and chemo can be hell on the body.

“We sat there and watched her go down every day,” Billy describes. “And I didn’t know if I would lose her or not.”

For a time, it seemed certain that she would fail to beat the odds.

Billy summarizes the entire ordeal: “It was a real hard test of fate, I will tell you that.”

We can only imagine so. This was trying for the whole family.

The good news, however, is that despite Ami’s hospitalization back in May, she has beaten back her cancer yet again.

But that is not the same thing as saying that she is cancer-free.

“She still has stage 0 primary,” Billy shares. “And there are still traces.”

She has to return every few months for screenings so that they can monitor her health.

“But they took the majority out,” Billy says. “And the growth is really slow.”

Some cancers grow more quickly or more slowly than others. Each has its risks.

Ami also spoke about her experience with cancer.

“When I found out, we didn’t really know what it consisted of,” Ami says.

Ami frames her illness in a religious context, saying: “God gave me the cancer. I look at it as a blessing.”

Not everyone can do that. Some people find their faith rattled by a terminal illness.

“It has taught me to stay positive and lean on the Lord,” Ami shares. “And always let your loved ones know how much they mean to you.”

“Never give up and never surrender,” Ami advises.

We don’t think that she is deliberately quoting Galaxy Quest. It’s just good advice.

‘Be strong,” Ami counsels. “And live every single moment, every day to the fullest.”

That is great advice. We’re glad that she learned to approach life with these values.

But of course we hope that her cancer does not make another comeback. She’s already beaten the odds, and we would all prefer for it to remain that way.


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Ryan Edwards: I Spent Too Much Money on Heroin, Now I Owe the IRS $120,000!

Ryan Edwards is in big trouble, guys.

And not even for drug stuff this time.

Well, maybe for drug stuff … he did just get arrested a few weeks ago, and he’s still on probation.

But right now, for once, we’re not talking about Ryan’s heroin addiction.

And that’s because we’re talking about the ridiculous amount of money he owes the IRS!

Radar Online just revealed that the IRS filed a federal tax lien against Ryan back in March for $ 119,416.24.

According to a county clerk out in his neck of the woods, he hasn’t paid any of that, but a source close to Ryan claimed that he totally paid it off right after he heard about it.

Wonder who we should believe?

It might be hard to understand how Ryan, who reportedly made $ 325,000 for the latest seasons of Teen Mom OG, is in so much debt.

But if you break it down, it all starts to come together.

Cast members of Teen Mom are independent contractors, meaning MTV doesn’t withhold taxes from their paychecks.

A responsible person would set aside some money from those paychecks so they could pay their taxes every year, but we all know that Ryan is not a responsible person.

And Ryan did not set aside money to pay his taxes.

Remember, Mackenzie Standifer claimed last year that before he went to rehab, he was spending $ 10,000 a week on drugs, and if that’s true, it’s easy to see how he could have gone through his MTV money so fast.

But still … $ 120,000 is a lot of money, especially since Ryan was fired from Teen Mom.

How can he possibly pay that back now?

Don’t worry, Mackenzie is going to try her very best to provide for her family while Ryan continues to violate his probation and generally be a mess!

She recently revealed that she’s working an office job full-time, and she’s also been posting some ads on Instagram, so there’s quite a bit of income there.

There’s also that event planning business she just announced!

As she explained in a post on her website this week, “My personal mission is to see your dreams come to fruition.”

“Sometimes it can be hard to take all of the thoughts, dreams, and visions in your head and turn them into a reality. That is where I step in.”

She says that if you hire her as your planner, than she “will be here to help and guide you every step of the way.”

If you think about it, this is actually a very smart move — the girl had three weddings before her 21st birthday, so she probably knows what she’s talking about.

And sure, one of those weddings was in a parking lot by the river, and the only guests were the groom’s parents who sat quietly nearby and cried some not-so-happy tears during the ceremony.

And yeah, her groom was high as a kite as he said his vows.

But she’s probably going to do just fine at planning other people’s weddings!

Also on her site, she has different plans you can purchase, along with the prices.

The cheapest plan costs $ 150, and for that, you get 30 minutes for a phone call or a Skype session with Mackenzie herself, help with the itinerary, design, and concept, and a two hour session to “get your plan on paper.”

The most expensive plan runs for $ 1,500, and that includes multiple in-person consults with Mackenzie as well as unlimited texts, emails, and phone calls.

She’ll also coordinate and attend your rehearsal dinner, make sure everything runs smoothly on the day of the wedding, and come with you to meetings with your vendors.

We’re not sure how much wedding planners generally charge, but it seems like she’s got some pretty reasonable rates, right?

Especially since there have got to be Teen Mom fans out there who are also getting married and who have $ 150 to blow for a Skype call with Ryan Edwards’ wife.

So she’s doing event planning, an office job, and all kinds of ads on Instagram, all while seven months pregnant.

Hopefully she can help Ryan get his tax stuff sorted, or, at the very least, she can inspire him to get a job, since he doesn’t seem to be doing much besides getting arrested these days.

Seriously, get it together, Ryan.


Monday, July 9, 2018

Kim Kardashian Spent $10,000 on Fake Testicles for Her Dog; Here"s Why

Kim Kardashian may not be able to keep Kanye from blaming black people for slavery, but there’s still one man in her life she can control.

That man is her dog, Rocky, whom she had neutered, as any responsible pet owner would do.

Strangely, she has reportedly purchased fake testicles for him … for a whopping $ 10,000.

According to The New York Times, Kim Kardashian has spent $ 10,000 to purchase prosthetic testicles for her dog, Rocky.

Allegedly, she purchased the Neuticles and had them implanted because she wanted to help Rocky’s self-esteem.

Way back in the simpler times of 2012, Kim Kardashian told The Independent that she “doesn’t like big balls on dogs, or anything else.”

That’s sort of a weird comment in general. Some people are uncomfortable with the sight of their dog’s genitalia, which is a perfectly fine hang-up to have.

It’s the “anything else” line that’s weirder for her to include. Barring inconvenience during a couple of sex acts, who cares about testicle size?

Whatever. Maybe she was trying to be funny. It was 2012.

Regardless, people assume that she purchased Neuticles that were smaller than the originals.

Gregg Miller is the creator of Neuticles, and he does not mince words when advocating for people to purchase his very expensive product.

“Some have their dog turned into a eunuch because they don’t care,” Miller says, according to The Daily Mail.

First of all, who says eunuch unless they’re talking about Ancient Rome or Game of Thrones? Neutered is a perfectly good word, dude.

Second of all, you neuter your dog because you care very much. Responsible humans neuter their dogs.

“But there’s a certain segment of pet owners,” Miller says. “That do care and that’s where Neuticles come in.”

Miller sure has some opinions, folks.

Kim, as you may recall, got Rocky with then-boyfriend Reggie Bush way, way back in 2010.

“Rocky is most like me, his mommy,” Kim said at the time. “He’s really cool and calm, and goes with the flow.”

Kim is not really known for being a dog person, and with the exception of photoshoots and a few pomeranian photos from last year, you’re just not going to see dogs show up on her Instagram. It’s weird.

At the time, Kim revealed that she got into a bit of trouble with Kourtney over Rocky, but it was nothing like Kim and Kourtney’s recent klashes.

“Mason hasn’t really been around dogs that much,” Kim said. “Rocky was licking Mason in the face, and Kourtney was mad at me.”

That’s a weird thing to be mad about.

“I was like, “No, they need to meet!” It was really funny,” Kim described. “And Rocky did calm down after a little bit.”

As we mentioned, Kim is sort of weird about pets.

In fact, she has plainly stated that she forgot what became of various pets that have been gifted to her and her sisters over the years.

We’re talking about childhood pets. And no, not sea monkeys.

If it weren’t for the fact that Kim is clearly a good mother, we might worry that she’s some sort of unloving monster. Because, seriously, who does that?

Kim also doesn’t post many pet photos to Instagram. She’s posted more explanations of a strange mark in the marble of a hotel room in the past year than she has posted photos of Rocky.

Kylie, in the mean time, has made it clear on social media that she is obsessed with her dogs. Which is much, much more normal.

But it seems very clear that Kim cares about Rocky if she’s dropping what to mere mortals would be a sizable down payment on a car to give him fake testicles to help his self-esteem.

Some people just don’t show their love on social media.

Especially when they are celebrities trying to pick and choose what fits their brand.

For Kylie, who was until late last year, a teenager, showing constant dog photos and videos did zero harm to her absolute juggernaut of a brand.

Kim caters to a different, older crowd, and we’re not going to second guess the judgment of the woman who all but invented branding.


Saturday, March 31, 2018

Donald Trump Spent $27k In Taxpayer Money Tracking Media Stories after Stormy Daniels Sued Him

Donald Trump spent $ 27,000 of taxpayer money to monitor media reports … and it was done the day after Stormy Daniels sued the President. According to Federal Procurement documents obtained by TMZ, the payment was authorized March 7 by the…


Monday, February 12, 2018

Transgender Model Spent $75,000 to Look Like Kylie Jenner

Who is Kylie Jenner to you? A reality star from a famous family? A wealthy makeup mogul? A new mother who just gave birth at the beginning of the month?

To one trans woman, Kylie is an inspiration.

Kyleigh Potts is a model who’s spent $ 75,000 on 40 different procedures to look more and more like Kylie Jenner.

Kyleigh Potts tells The Daily Mail that she started using lip fillers a few years ago. Since then, she’s had 40 different procedures in order to attain her current look.

“I have spent the last four years perfecting my transition into the beautiful woman I always knew I was.”

Though she’s been intrigued by plastic surgery since well before her transition, Kyleigh points to the young reality star as her real inspiration.

“Kylie Jenner has always been my ultimate goal and inspiration, I feel like I have always emulated her and like her I didn’t start out beautiful, I built myself beautiful.”

You have to remember that, for the first few years of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Kylie faced nearly as many insults about her appearance as Khloe did.

And then Kylie got hot. More than that, she redesigned her body to look how she wanted it to. That really struck a chord with Kyleigh.

“When I saw her come into herself and transform from the ugly duckling to the b—h everybody wants to be – every girl wants to be her, and every guy wants to sleep with her.”

Well, everybody wants her bank account, anyway. Not sure that everybody wants to quantum leap into a 20-year-old mother.

“I resonated with that, I always thought I was unattractive, ugly and never enough through the trauma of being bullied that I found confidence through altering myself.”

Kyleigh, who chose to disclose that her deadname was Kyle Leigh — which is just incredibly serendipitous — talks about how she began undergoing procedures.

“I turned to dermal fillers in attempts to make everything better, I spent my first two years doing that extensively to the point where my lips were huge.”

Her lips are still pretty huge, actually.

“My facial structure is very similar to hers, when I had my recent surgeries they asked me to bring in pictures of my inspiration and desired look, every image was of Kylie Jenner.”

Go big or go home. And, speaking of going big. …

“I found Dolly Parton’s plastic surgeon, because I wanted the biggest breasts possible, to feminise my face by making my chin more rounded and alter my nose to look like Kylie’s.”

And she talks about exactly how far she went with her breasts.

“‘I went from no breasts at all, only developing small tissue from hormones, to 650cc implants that have given me 34DDD breasts.”

She says that the link between herself and Kylie has increased over the years.

“People tell me I look like Kylie Jenner a lot, it was always a joke among my friends and I refer to myself as King Kyleigh, I even have it tattooed on my bicep.”

We don’t know that we’d say that she actually looks like Kylie most of the time, but we’re glad that Kyleigh’s out there living her best life.

She is accustomed to getting a reaction in public, however.

“Whenever I go grocery shopping everyone’s heads turn that happens no matter what, I don’t pay a lot of attention to it – I’m used to walking into somewhere and having the whole room stare at me.”

Maybe we’ll one day live in a world where people aren’t so hung up on the appearances of strangers.

Though it’s no one’s business, Kyleigh has shared that she’s keeping her penis. Not all trans people want to play surgical roulette with their genitals. Not all trans folks experience dysphoria related to their genitals. 

“Unlike most transgender women, I am proud of the fact that I have male genitalia, I never wish to change them.”

Gender is who you are, not whether you stand or sit in the privacy of a bathroom stall.

“My doctors tailor my hormones so there is a high-enough testosterone level to allow me to still use my male genitalia during sex.”

It’s good that she can be herself and continue to live her life. Sadly, some trans folks feel forced to choose.

“I have no plans to remove them, there are too many constraints on gender where people believe they have to choose male or female.”

On Instagram, Kyleigh has shared a number of throwbacks of how her figure looked before surgery. This photo is one of them.

Also taking to Instagram, she has thanked her mother for helping her to transform her body.

“This Christmas I’d like to thank my Mother for going out of her way and making my surgeries a possibility, for helping me become me.”

It’s wonderful that she’s found support from her family and friends.

Obviously, Kyleigh Potts is an outlier among trans women. After all, for most women, the quest to be yourself doesn’t involve molding yourself to be more like someone else.

But it’s wonderful that she’s living her dreams.

Kylie Jenner is living some very different dreams these days.


Tuesday, July 25, 2017

This Woman Spent $470,000 on Plastic Surgery to Look Like Kim Kardashian

Move over, Human Barbie.

And make room for… Pretend Kim Kardashian.

A 24-year old named Jennifer Pamplona has become somewhat of an Internet sensation after word got out that she has spent nearly $ 500,000 on plastic surgery to make herself look like the notorious sex tape star.

In order to resemble the curvy reality sensation, Pamplona admits she’s had two boob jobs, liposuction, a nose job and four ribs removed in the past seven years.

The total cost for these operations?

$ 470,000.

“My doctors have asked me if I am scared to die from the surgeries, but, in my opinion, if it happens, I will die happy and beautiful,” Pamplona told Caters News Agency.

(This prompts us to wonder whether these doctors have also asked if Pamplona has ever considered professional help.)

“Before, whenever I looked in the mirror all I could think was that I needed a bigger butt,” Pamplona has said.

“Now I’m so much happier. Having surgery has changed my life and helped me to overcome depression.”

Over the years, Pamplona has modeled for Versace; launched her own cosmetic line; and will star in “Plastics of Hollywood,” a reality show that documents the lives of other plastic surgery-addicted individuals.

In addition to Pamplona, the program will feature 12 other “human dolls,” including Ken Dolls Rodrigo Alves and Justin Jedlica, Jessica Rabbit imitator Pixee Fox and alien lookalike Vinny Ohh

She’s managed to turn her Kardashian obsession into a living,

“We are the world’s first agency for the most modified human beings,” says Marcela Iglesia, a talent manager who also produces the show and who should probably be ashamed of himself.

“They are incredible characters who have had plastic surgery, cosmetic procedures or just have very extreme looks.

“From surgery and procedures, the dolls have spent over three million dollars altering how they look.”

Pamplona is proud of her procedures and life, but does admit to a some drawbacks.

For example, her mom wouldn’t talk to her for two weeks after she received her butt implants.

“People say I’m stupid, but I have achieved a lot,” she tells The New York Post. “I came from a poor Brazilian village . . . [now I’m] famous and [have] created a company.”

Concludes the 24-year old:

“I’m a good person, I support my family, support charities, I don’t drink or do drugs, I do my best for the world and try to be a better person every day.”

Moreover, as you can see below, Pamplona is far from alone in her desire to transform herself into an entirely different person:


Friday, May 12, 2017

Johnny Depp Is Broke. Here"s What he Spent His Money On

Johnny Depp is one of the most recognizable movie stars in recent history.

He anchored one of the most successful film franchises of the 21st Century, and he’s been a bonafide screen icon for most of his adult life.

So how is it that Depp is broke and fighting for his financial life in civil court?

The news of Johnny’s relative destitution (He still has tens of millions in property and other assets.) comes to us courtesy of an increasingly bizarre pair of court cases.

It all started when Depp sued his management group, TMG, alleging that his finances were mishandled and he was never cautioned about his reckless spending habits.

TMG counter-sued, claiming that Depp was warned and that he persisted in making extravagant purchases and living a cartoonishly lavish lifestyle despite foreknowledge that he was headed for ruin.

“Depp is responsible for his own financial waste,” TMG’s lawyers claim in court documents filed last month.

The legal wrangling has brought numerous details of the  spending and self-destructive behavior to light in a fashion that’s amusing from an onlooker’s standpoint, but probably deeply embarrassing for Depp.

Depp’s passion for privacy (he refers to one of his Bahamian properties ad “F–k Off Island”) is well-known, but these days, his finances are a matter of public record.

Revelations such as the actor’s habit of spending $ 30,000 a month on wine have been the stuff of tabloid headlines for several weeks now, and the mind-boggling figures just keep coming.

A scathing series of reports published by The Hollywood Reporter examines Depp’s decline in lurid detail, and the tale of the screen legend’s downfall is one of almost unimaginable excess.

According to the magazine, the expenditures outlined by TMG include:

-An estimated $ 200,000 for flying in private jets.

$ 400,000 on a diamond cuff estimated to be worth less than half that amount.

“Millions” on guitars and artwork. (Depp’s includes pieces by Modigliani and Warhol.)

-More millions on Hollywood memorabilia. (Depp reportedly pays rent on 12 storage facilities in order to store his film industry keepsakes.)

$ 5 million for an “ash cannon” to fire off the remains of legendary journalist Hunter S. Thompson.

$ 3.6 million annually for his personal staff. (In addition to his chef and security detail, each of Depp’s residences is fully staffed … even when the actor isn’t there.)

$ 5.35 million for his chain of islands in the Bahamas.

$ 18 million for a 156-foot yacht, which Depp’s financial planners have convinced him to sell to author J.K. Rowling.

-And of course, $ 75 million for the purchase and renovation of 14 residences worldwide, all but one of which the actor has reportedly refused to sell.

All of this splurging reportedly had Depp’s handlers in a panic, and a 2016 memo obtained by THR provides insight into how dire Depp’s financial situation has become:

“Did you tell [J]ohnny … he needs to make $ 25 million by the end of the year????? What are you doing?????"” his talent agent wrote to a TMG exec.

In addition to his spending, those closest to Depp say he’s been a personal tailspin since his divorce from Amber Heard, frequently partying late into the night and often failing to show to set on time … or at all.

Sadly, it sounds as though Depp’s financial irresponsibility may be a symptom of a much more dangerous disease.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.


Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Suri Cruise Spent Father"s Day Alone, Where Was Tom Cruise?

Suri Cruise may be grateful to her father for the wealth and life of privilege he’s provided her, but it likely ends there.

Tom Cruise has reportedly not seen his ten-year-old daughter in over 1,000, which may or may not be true.  What is true is that Suri was with her mom on Father’s Day.

Sources told Page Six that Katie Holmes took Suri to Italian eatery Serafina in East Hampton, where the youth “caused a fun ruckus” with her friends.

“They were there with a woman and two other kids. Suri and her friends were playing, and running around the restaurant,” a source recalled

“It looked like they were playing tag . . . Running from table to table, but the customers didn’t mind. They were just laughing and happy running around the patio.”

Suri didn’t just keep to her crew, either.  

The source noticed that she became friendly “with kids who were sitting at the next table. I don’t think they knew they were ‘famous.’”

From reading the story, it appears that Suri displays superb social skills, something that would shock anyone who has witnessed the rise and fall of her mom’s marriage to the Top Gun star.

“She was so chatty,” the source said of Suri.

“Suri and Katie were very friendly and said goodbye to the staff and a few customers on the way out.

Earlier this month, In Touch alleged that Tom doesn’t keep in touch with his daughter.

“They used to Skype and text, but that trailed off drastically,” a source told the tabloid, pointing out that the actor “uses his film commitments as an excuse” not to see Suri.

“The truth is that doesn’t hold much weight with Suri anymore,” the source added.

“Tom eats, breathes and sleeps Scientology,” another source said of Tom’s religious beliefs.

“He’s disconnected from Katie, and then de facto from Suri, because of her connection to Katie. He hasn’t seen her since she was 7.”

Tom is in Morocco shooting The Mummy with Russell Crowe.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

This Woman Spent $500,000 to Look Like Barbie

Move over, Valeria Lukyanova.

It"s time to make room for Nannette Hammond.

While Hammond certainly isn"t the first woman to take extreme measures in order to resemble Barbie, she may very well be the first mother of five to do so.

“I loved playing with those Barbies,” Hammond says for why she has spent $ 500,000 on plastic surgery.

“Growing up, I felt shy and self-conscious about my looks and wanted to be just like the dolls.”

Nannette adds that she collected over 50 of these items as a child.

Hammond, 42, says she is now "happy and secure" with her look… but that doesn"t mean she"s done changing it up.

“I want to age gracefully,” she explains. “When the time comes for me to have a facelift, I won’t hesitate to get one. It’s worth every penny to look like this.”

For the record, the new Human Barbie is 5’3” and has size 28H boobs.

What do her kids, ages 16 through five, think of their mother"s appearance?

“[They] are just so proud of me and what I’ve achieved through surgery,” Hammond says. “They think I look great.”

Learn more about Nannette Hammond below and sound off: What do you think of someone who does this?

Nannette hammond is the new human barbie

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Charlie Sheen Spent HOW MUCH on Hookers Last Year?!

As you’ve probably heard by now, Charlie Sheen revealed that he’s HIV positive during an interview with Matt Lauer yesterday.

The announcement set off a tidal wave of outrage from former sex partners of Sheen’s who say that he never disclosed his illness,  thus putting their lives at risk.

Ex-girlfriend Bree Olson says Sheen never told her he was HIV positive, even though they slept together every night for nearly a year.

Olson’s friend and fellow adult film star Lisa Ann called Sheen a “criminal” for allegedly putting dozens of sex workers at risk without their knowledge.

Now, a new report from Radar Online may corroborate Lisa’s story, as the website claims to have uncovered evidence that Sheen spent more than $ 1 million on prostitutes in one year

Sheen says he was diagnosed in 2011, but it seems he did little to change his ways after receiving the dire news.

The site claims that financial reports from Sheen’s production company show that the actor spent $ 1,629,507 in an 18-month period.

“The item was listed as ‘Friendly Entertainment,’ which was Charlie’s shorthand for sex workers,” says one insider.

The financial report also confirms that Sheen donated to AIDS charities on a regular basis.

Of course, if he really exposed hundreds of partners to the illness without their knowledge, it pretty much negates his philanthropic efforts.