Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Suri Cruise Spent Father"s Day Alone, Where Was Tom Cruise?

Suri Cruise may be grateful to her father for the wealth and life of privilege he’s provided her, but it likely ends there.

Tom Cruise has reportedly not seen his ten-year-old daughter in over 1,000, which may or may not be true.  What is true is that Suri was with her mom on Father’s Day.

Sources told Page Six that Katie Holmes took Suri to Italian eatery Serafina in East Hampton, where the youth “caused a fun ruckus” with her friends.

“They were there with a woman and two other kids. Suri and her friends were playing, and running around the restaurant,” a source recalled

“It looked like they were playing tag . . . Running from table to table, but the customers didn’t mind. They were just laughing and happy running around the patio.”

Suri didn’t just keep to her crew, either.  

The source noticed that she became friendly “with kids who were sitting at the next table. I don’t think they knew they were ‘famous.’”

From reading the story, it appears that Suri displays superb social skills, something that would shock anyone who has witnessed the rise and fall of her mom’s marriage to the Top Gun star.

“She was so chatty,” the source said of Suri.

“Suri and Katie were very friendly and said goodbye to the staff and a few customers on the way out.

Earlier this month, In Touch alleged that Tom doesn’t keep in touch with his daughter.

“They used to Skype and text, but that trailed off drastically,” a source told the tabloid, pointing out that the actor “uses his film commitments as an excuse” not to see Suri.

“The truth is that doesn’t hold much weight with Suri anymore,” the source added.

“Tom eats, breathes and sleeps Scientology,” another source said of Tom’s religious beliefs.

“He’s disconnected from Katie, and then de facto from Suri, because of her connection to Katie. He hasn’t seen her since she was 7.”

Tom is in Morocco shooting The Mummy with Russell Crowe.