Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Duggar Family to Endorse Donald Trump?!

They say politics makes strange bedfellows, and it doesn’t get any stranger than the rumored alliance between a massive clan of Arkansas evangelicals and an Ivy League-educated New York City billionaire who likes to brag about his Hollywood connections and massive dong.

Yes, despite the fact that the man has shown little interest in religion for the majority of his 70 years, it looks as though Donald Trump may soon receive the support of the pious and scandal-plagued Duggar clan.

The family has made no official endorsement, and it’s possible they never will, but the Duggar family is so massive it’s basically its own voting bloc … and it seems they have every intention of casting their ballots for the Donald.

In the past, the family has been very active in politics, with Jim Bob serving in the Arkansas House of Representatives for three years and making an unsuccessful bid for U.S. Senate in 2002.

Disgraced eldest son Josh Duggar was briefly a lobbyist for the arch-conservative Family Research Counsel, but we’re guessing his short-lived career in Washington isn’t a favorite topic at the family dinner table. 

In the past, the Duggars have supported Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum and other candidates, but this year they’ve been slow to make an endorsement because they’re upset with the way the DNC clearly favored Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders throughout the primary process.

Just kidding, it’s because there are no Bible-thumpers in the race.

But apparently Trump encouraging his base to pick up the good book if they can’t get their hands on a copy of The Art of the Deal is good enough for the Duggars.

So how do we know the Dugz are Trumpeters?

Well, if they are supporting Trump, they’re keeping it on the down-low, but eagle-eyed Duggar supporters took notice of an interesting tweet that Jill’s husband, Derick Dillard, posted yesterday:

“Jill and I enjoy staying connected with our home church and watching our weekly service live #rogers #centralamerica.”

Along with the text, Derick tweeted this photo of Duggar family minister Ronnie Floyd:

Granted, neither candidate is mentioned by name, but we think it’s safe to say ol’ Fire-and-Brimstone Floyd prooooobably won’t be voting for Hillary.

And it looks like as Floyd goes, so go the Duggars.

Several Duggars are over 18, and none of them have been convicted of any felonies (yet) so it looks live the Donald can’t count on a few more votes coming his way in Arkansas (which he’s all but guaranteed to win anyway).