Thursday, June 30, 2016

Taylor Swift: Butt Implant Rumors Confirmed?!

It’s the great question of 2016.

No, not “which presidential candidate will we be blaming for all the world’s problems this time next year?” We’re talking about the really important question. You know:

“What’s going on with Taylor Swift’s butt?”

Last time we checked in on it, Taylor’s ass was hanging out with Lil Romeo for some reason.

Remember Lil Romeo?

Neither do we. We also don’t remember Taylor rocking a Kardashian-esque backside:

Naturally, the photo above sparked rumors that Taylor had gotten butt implants.

It’s tough to tell what’s going on from that pic alone.

It could just be the angle or the skirt.

Maybe Taylor decided to rock some pads that particular evening.

We have no idea, but this is the Internet in 2016 – a land where there is no room for uncertainty – so the Swift Butt Veterans for Truth were on the case immediately.

Thousands took to Twitter and concluded that Taylor has indeed had a Khloe-ectomy. 

(Not the official word for a butt implant surgery, but it should be, dammit!)

This may come as a shock, but the average schmuck on Twitter is not actually a medical professional, so Radar Online consulted a real-live plastic surgeon to ask his opinion on the matter:

“The photos do seem to suggest that Taylor may have had a buttock enhancement,” says Dr. Anthony Youn.

“But as thin as she is, the only way this could be possible is if she had solid silicone buttock implants placed.”

The doc goes on to warn that the procedure is risky due to the high likelihood of butt infection. No, really:

“It’s not a very common surgery, and many plastic surgeons don’t perform the procedure due to the risks that buttock implants can have, such as infection,” says Youn.

Dr. Zara Harutyunyan (yes, they asked two doctors about Taylor Swift’s ass) had a difference of opinion, and believes Taylor may have undergone any number of procedures:

“The transformation from picture one to picture two could be the results of a Brazilian butt lift, Silicon implants, or fat transfer,”  Harutyunyan says.

So what’s the takeaway from all this?

Well, we know Taylor has a butt. 

We do not know, however, if she did anything weird to it.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this scintillating and thoroughly intellectual installment of Taylor Swift’s Butt: Sup With That?