Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Matt Baier: Estranged Son Calls Teen Mom Star "The Ultimate Con Artist"

Welp, it’s official: The guy’s a creep.

Ever since Matt Baier showed up on Teen Mom, he’s been plagued with story after story regarding arrests and angry baby mamas wanting child support.

The latest victim of Matt’s mess is one of his sons, Chris, 26.

Chris confirmed to Radar Online what everyone has suspected: Matt Baier is a deadbeat dad.

“I had no father figure in my life,” Chris told the publication.

I hate that man, for everything he is and isn’t.”

Chris explained that Matt knocked up his mom, Sarah shortly after their wedding in North Dakota.

When Chris was a baby, Matt headed for the hills, and since then hasn’t paid a dime of child support.

“He owes us thousands and thousands of dollars, for 18 years of support,” Chris explained.

“We struggled like dogs with money when I was growing up.”

“I wanted a father, needed a father. I begged him to be my father the few times I talked to him on the phone,” Chris admitted.

“It was always a big fat nothing with him.”

Chris, who admits that he battles drug addiction, told Radar that Matt contacted him at one point to talk about his son’s drug problem.

Chris thought that perhaps they were turning a corner in their relationship, but then he watched Teen Mom.

“He asked me to tell him all about my problems with drugs,” Chris said.

“When I saw him on MTV, he was talking about all of my drug problems that I told him about, and made believe they were his problems.”

Chris believes Matt pretended to have a drug problem in order to connect with fiance Amber Portwood, who is a recovering addict.

“The truth of the matter is, he’s an evil, evil man, and when he did evil things, he was stone cold sober,” Chris alleges.

“All he does is use people and hurt them. He’s a horrible, nasty person, the ultimate con artist.

“I hope I’m nothing like him, I would never do what he’s done.”