Thursday, June 30, 2016

Jenelle Evans Addresses Pregnancy Rumors With Bikini Pic!

When someone mentions Jenelle Evans, top-notch parenting probably isn’t the first thing to pop into your mind.

In fact, it sometimes seems that in Jenelle’s book quantity is more important than quality when it comes to raising kids.

Despite the fact that her mother is the legal guardian of her eldest son, Jace, Jenelle wasted no time having a second child with her then-boyfriend, Nathan Griffith.

Little Kaiser turned 2 yesterday, and Evans and Griffith are currently in the throes of an ugly custody battle.

Despite the fact that she’s currently fighting two custody battles at once (as she proudly reminds us on Twitter), there’s been talk of Ms. Evans expanding her family even more.

Yes, rumors that Jenelle is pregnant with her third child have been circulating on social media for months.

Jenelle has repeatedly denied the reports, and today she decided to prove the tabloids and twitterers wrong with a bikini pic and a healthy dose of sarcasm:

We’ve seen Jenelle in a bikini many, many times before, but this time she’s out to prove a point, dammit!

Not only did she Snapchat the above pic (with caption, “I’m soooooo pregnant!” in case anyone missed the point), her boyfriend David Eason posted it on Instagram with the following not-at-all-written-by-Jenelle comment:

“More like soooooo sexy! Haha im glad everyone thinks they know you better than you know yourself!”

Sure, we guess this is one way to deny pregnancy rumors.

Although we can’t help but think this is more about Jenelle proving that her beach body is on point after being called a fat heroin addict on national TV by her ex.

We suppose anyone would need a self-esteem boost after that.