Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Farrah Abraham Poses Like Kim Kardashian, Takes Break From Exploiting Sophia at Least

If you thought Farrah Abraham’s face and body were crazy out of control before, well, you were right … but it’s only getting worse now.

We know. It looks like an old, Photoshopped picture of Kim Kardashian. So much so that we thought it actually was the reality star.

Rather Ironic, since Farrah is better than Kim Kardashian in the opinion of Farrah, that she seems to emulate her non-idol so deliberately.

Then again, this is a young woman who adamantly insists that she is not a porn star pretty much every time she opens her mouth.

After starring in a pornographic film, natch.

Her relationship with the truth is as fractured as they come, which we suppose is what happens when you grow up in that environment.

Pregnancy. Abuse. Heartbreak. Death.

To say she’s been through a lot and has lacked for the parental guidance most stable people take for granted would be an understatement.

In that sense, we feel sympathy for Farrah.

Such a poor, broken bird forced to spread her wings to fly too soon; one whose innocence has been shattered and may never fully recover.

All we can do is hope for the best, hope she gains some self-awareness eventually, and look for the silver linings whenever we can.

Speaking of which, there is one here.

On the plus side, at least she took a break from posting inappropriate pics of her daughter, whose modeling career is really taking off!

You know, ’cause that’s what Sophia wants in life. Farrah’s just being a supportive mom who wants to help a seven-year-old get hers.

Such a modern woman and parent.

If Soph wants plastic surgery or to star in her own sex tape (NOT porno) someday, then Farrah will be there to support her ambitions.

Then again, Sophia wants to do her own thing sometimes while the Teen Mom cast member lives her own life. So you never know.

Seriously. Can’t make this stuff up.