Showing posts with label Break. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Break. Show all posts

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Chris Hansen Catches Break in Bad Checks Case ... Prosecutors Drop Charges

Chris Hansen is off the hook for allegedly bouncing checks — which got him arrested in Connecticut — because prosecutors dropped the charges … TMZ has learned. 
The former host of “To Catch a Predator” came up with the nearly $ 13,000 he owed to a mom...
Chris Hansen Catches Break in Bad Checks Case ... Prosecutors Drop Charges

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Chris Hansen Can"t "Catch" a Break ... Getting Evicted from NYC Apt.

Chris Hansen‘s appears to be having a rough time, at least financially — he’s getting booted from his home in Manhattan … TMZ has learned.
According to legal docs … the former host of “To Catch a Predator” last paid rent in August 2018, but...
Chris Hansen Can"t "Catch" a Break ... Getting Evicted from NYC Apt.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Squiggy From "Laverne & Shirley" Penny Marshall Gave Me My Big Break

David Lander will forever be indebted to the late Penny Marshall, because the beloved actress and director gave him his first major role in Hollywood. 
David, who played Squiggy on the 1970s hit show “Laverne & Shirley,” tells TMZ … Penny fought hard to get Dav...
Squiggy From "Laverne & Shirley" Penny Marshall Gave Me My Big Break

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Kaitlyn Bristowe and Shawn Booth Split, Break the Hearts of Fans

The Bachelor Nation is still reeling from the news that it"s over between Kaitlyn Bristowe and Shawn Booth.

They were together for so long!

They gave fans hope that love is real!

Now, after three years together, they"ve announced that they have broken up.

Here is why his breakup might be the hardest ever for fans of the Bachelor franchise.


1. It’s over!

Kaitlyn bristowe and shawn booth in bed

This week, Kaitlyn Bristowe and Shawn Booth broke off their engagement and their relationship.

2. They had been together for three years

Kaitlyn bristowe and shawn booth

Most couples on The Bachelor break up within a year — and plenty part ways after just a few months. Three years is like a lifetime for the Bachelor Fam.

3. Kaitlyn and Shawn even released a breakup statement

Bristowe and booth

“This difficult decision comes after thoughtful, respectful consideration,” the couple issued in a statement to People. “Even though we are parting as a couple, we’re very much committed to remaining friends.”

4. These things are always sad — and awkward

Shawn booth and kaitlyn bristowe

“We have both evolved as people, which is taking us in different directions, but with the hope that we will continue to support each other in new ways,” they said.

5. Breakups are personal, but breakup announcements are not

Shawn kaitlyn

“Due to the nature of how we met, our relationship has always been very public, and we have enjoyed sharing it with all of you,” they concluded. “But we ask that you respect our decision and our privacy at this time.”

6. A lot of fans were really rooting for them

Kaitlyn bristowe and shawn booth kiss

It’s about more than how long they’d lasted. Some folks were rooting for them from the start

View Slideshow

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Break Our Hearts, Delay Visit to America

Happy news for fans of the Royal Family and of Suits alike: Meghan Markle is pregnant, for real.

But there is less happy news for the Duchess’ fans who live in the United States, because she and Prince Harry are delaying their visit.

The delay is because of her pregnancy. It will be worth the wait, however.

TMZ reports that Meghan’s royal pregnancy is putting the couple’s plans to visit their fans across the pond on hold.

As you may remember, the two of them were originally planning to visit America in the spring of 2019.

Spring starts about five months from now.

Well, Meghan Markle’s due date has been vaguely announced as being some time in the spring of 2019.

She’ll want to avoid flying immediately before, during, and after giving birth — for medical reasons but also for social reasons.

She may be the first American “princess,” but actually giving birth stateside might be a little much for the British public.

Meghan and Harry’s visit to the U.S. isn’t being canceled, however — merely postponed.

TMZ reports that the new plan has them hopping across tha Atlantic in the autumn of 2019.

It’s not really a surprise that they’re reconsidering plans.

Though Meghan and Harry went on their 16-day tour of Australia, New Zealand, Tonga, and Fiji, they toned things down a little.

Of particular concern was Zika virus, which can be transferred via mosquito bites and cause devastating birth defects.

There is exciting news, however, because now, on their royal visit, they’ll be expected to have their baby in tow.

Next fall, this royal baby will not only be born, but they could be as old as six months old.

What’s more is that Meghan Markle is expected to still be an American citizen at that time.

She is still going through the process of becoming a British citizen.

Though there have been other Americans who have married into British nobility before, the process remains slow even for a Prince’s wife.

Meghan’s due date, though officially scheduled for the “spring,” is said to be some time in the viscinity of May 2.

As a general rule, you don’t want to fly within your first month after giving birth. These two are waiting longer than that for their journey.

But as eager as people are to see this very special royal baby, we hope that Meghan and Harry’s stateside fans will be willing to wait.

A royal baby is exciting, but newborns are generally kind of boring.

If we’re talking about a six-month old, though, fans could get to see a royal baby who is old enough to look around and understand a lot of what’s being said.

Of course, we imagine that a lot of their visit will be spent in Canada.

Canada still has official ties to the British Royal Family because Canada is part of the “Commonwealth of Nations.”

Visiting isn’t just a social call, it’s about affirming ties in part of one of the world’s oldest political associations between states.

(The United States would be in a similar position had it not been for the Revolutionary War)

This was also the reason for the couple’s visit to Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and Tonga.

Meghan and Harry’s visit to North America will be a big deal because of Meghan’s heritage.

Some, including TMZ, have pointed out that Meghan’s child could, in a very unlikely set of circumstances, become both British monarch and U.S. President.

Technically, this child will be in line to the throne.

Also technically, any American citizen — as this child is expected to be at birth — can become President.

But as entertaining as that idea may be, it would involve something unspeakably tragic happening to Prince William and all three of his children.

No one wants that.


Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Khloe Kardashian: If I Break Up With Tristan, He"ll ABANDON Our Baby!

Khloe Kardashian was swelling with both maternal and auntly pride when she shared a photo of five Kardashian babies in one spot.

But, according to a new report, it turns out that her private life is being dictated by her fears about True’s future.

Is Khloe clinging to Tristan because she worries that, if she leaves him, he’ll abandon True, too?

RadarOnline reports that Khloe is clingy with her cheating baby daddy for one reason and one reason only.

“Khloe’s worst nightmare is that Tristan will be an absent father to True,” the insider reveals.

The report is quick to make it clear that Khloe is still dating him for her own reasons.

“She loves him,” the source clarifies.

“But,” the insider continues. “The reason she’s clingy is because she doesn’t want him to be a part-time dad to True.”

Khloe’s fear is apparently that Tristan will be an absentee father to True “like he is to his son.”

Tristan’s son, of course, is one-year-old Prince.

Jordan Craig, pictured above wearing red, is Tristan’s ex.

This report claims that Tristan doesn’t make time for his ex’s kid in the way that he does for his current woman’s child.

The source says that Tristan only sees Prince “every now and then.”

Apparently, photos like this one of Tristan with both of his children, symbolize what is most important to Khloe.

“Every time Tristan brought gifts home for True,” the insider says. “Khloe reminded him to send some to Prince.”

It is heartbreaking to hear even an unverified report that a father had to be reminded about one of his children.

“She wanted him to spoil his son the same way he spoiled True,” the source explains.

Good for Khloe. You should always love your children, not just whichever one happens to be in front of you at the time.

Apparently Khloe’s concerns have a lot to do with her own issues.

We hate to call them “daddy issues” because it’s sounds dismissive, but … they’re daddy issues.

“Khloe was devastated when her dad died,” the source explains.

“And,” the insider continues, Khloe “wants True and Tristan to have a strong bond.”

Khloe wants Tristan and True to have a relationship “like she did with her dad, no matter what.”

Robert Kardashian’s death was heartbreaking for his entire family. He was a good man who adored his children.

Since the first — at the time, unfathomable — reports came out back in April that Khloe had not dumped Tristan’s cheating ass, people have wondered why.

Even then, people suspected that Khloe’s own issues related to her late father made her reluctant to break up with Tristan.

Some children are happy that their parents divorced, others simply adjust or cope. But others will spend their lives believing that it should never have happened.

Did Khloe refuse to break up in the first place because her own experience with divorce made her believe that True needs both parents?

We suspect that, on some level, even Khloe couldn’t answer that with absolute certainty.

Is this report true? We … kind of hope not.

Don’t get us wrong, it would totally explain why Khloe has remained with the man who humiliated her in front of the world at such a critical moment in their relationship.

But the report almost suggests that Khloe is using her affections to secure a father figure for True.

A real father — which we would like to believe that Tristan is — wouldn’t need Khloe’s smothering attention to remind him of either of his children.

If he really can’t be a good dad on his own, then tricking him into doing it isn’t doing True any favors.


Thursday, September 27, 2018

Ben Affleck Takes Studio Meeting During Break from Rehab

Ben Affleck’s not done with rehab yet, but he’s still squeezing in studio meetings … ‘cause a guy’s gotta make a living. Ben was spotted heading into a Warner Bros. office Wednesday, and looked like a man who means business. In Hollywood, that…


Sunday, September 23, 2018

Jay-Z & Beyonce Watch Break Dancers at OTR II Rose Bowl After Party

Jay-Z and Beyonce normally give folks a front row seat to a sick performance, but they switched it up Saturday after their Rose Bowl concert and became spectators themselves. Jay & Bey were seen at an after-party thrown on the heels of their…


Demi Lovato Seen Out in Public During Rehab Break 2 Months After Overdose

Demi Lovato looked relaxed and happy Sunday as she exercised her day pass from her rehab facility … nearly 2 months to the day after her near-fatal overdose. The “Sober” singer was seen out in public Sunday morning near the rehab facility,…


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Jamie Foxx and Katie Holmes Break a Sweat with Hotlanta Workout

Jamie Foxx and Katie Holmes have reached can’t-be-apart-for-too-long status as a couple — she flew out to Atlanta to meet him while he films there. Jamie and Katie busted a sweat Tuesday during a gym sesh in the ATL where Jamie’s…


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Tiki Barber Wants Saquon Barkley To Break His Giants Rushing Record, Here"s Why!

Nothing would make Tiki Barber happier than to see Saquon Barkley break his N.Y. rushing record this season … ‘CAUSE IT WOULD MEAN HIS GIANTS WOULDN’T SUCK ANYMORE!! “If he breaks my records, then that means good things,” the N.Y. legend tells…


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Bon Jovi"s Richie Sambora and Girlfriend Orianthi Taking a Break from Relationship

Richie Sambora and and his Australian rocker girlfriend, Orianthi, are splitting up — but they’re leaving the door open for a rekindling in the future … TMZ has learned. Richie and Orianthi — who began dating in 2014 and have performed…


Monday, July 30, 2018

Barack Obama and Joe Biden Break Bread in Washington

Barack Obama and Joe Biden’s bromance is back in full effect — as if it ever stopped — and they’re back in D.C. for a power lunch. The former Prez and Veep hit up Dog Tag Bakery Monday in the Beltway … surprising the hell outta…


Barack Obama and Joe Biden Break Bread in Washington

Barack Obama and Joe Biden’s bromance is back in full effect — as if it ever stopped — and they’re back in D.C. for a power lunch. The former Prez and Veep hit up Dog Tag Bakery Monday in the Beltway … surprising the hell outta…


"Will & Grace" Star Says Give Josh Hader a Break For "Silly" Homophobic Tweets

“Will & Grace” star Leslie Jordan is calling for people to FORGIVE Brewers pitcher Josh Hader for his homophobic and racist tweets … saying everyone’s guilty of saying dumb things when they’re young. Hader was booed in San Francisco this…


Charles Oakley Catches Break In Vegas Gambling Case, Not Off the Hook

Prison’s officially off the table for Charles Oakley in his casino cheating case –  but he ain’t outta the woods just yet.  TMZ Sports broke the story … the ex-NBA star was arrested at the Cosmopolitan in Vegas on July 8th after…


Monday, July 16, 2018

Anna Duggar Shares Rare Glimpses of Children, Continues to Break Out of Social Media Shell

Anna Duggar is starting to really take to this whole social media thing.

The beleaguered former reality star had been silent on Instagram between May 1 and July 5.

She had been similarly quiet on Twitter during this same time period, only re-sending a few messages from her family’s official account for over two months.

Not that we could blame her, of course.

Not that anyone could really blame her.

The 30-year old is trapped in a marriage to an ADMITTED child molester and an ADMITTED adulterer.

Josh Duggar has owned up to the fact that he inappropriately touched two of his sisters back when he was a teenager and also to having cheated on Anna via the infidelity website Ashley Madison.

It’s very ugly stuff all around.

So anyway. Our point is that we totally understand why Anna would stay as far away from the spotlight as possible.

For whatever reason, however, she has chosen to emerge a bit from her social media cocoon of late.

First, Anna gave props to John-David Duggar for courting.

Then, she gushed over her relationship with Josh and we threw up a lot.

Now, Anna has opened up about two of her kids, starting with eight-year old Mackynzie.

“Mackynzie, Jordyn and cousin Emily enjoyed attending a sewing camp this week!”

Yes, sewing camp.

Instead of rolling our eyes over this concept, however, we’ll simply echo the sentiment of most Instagram followers who think this is a very cute photo of young Mackynzie.

Because it definitely is.

Whatever issues we have with her father, they obviously do not apply to her or any of her siblings.

We just feel terrible for them.

Elsewhere, Anna also posted a video of her two-year old daughter Meredith belting out a tune.

Check it out here:

“She is adorable! And hearing her sing made me smile ear to ear. So precious!” reads one comment in response.

We don’t know why Anna has chosen to suddenly be so open about her kids, but perhaps she just needs some positive reinforcement in her life.

Any time Anna mentions Josh, she gets slammed online.

Folks wonder how the heck she can remain with such a disgusting cheater.

But the opposite takes place any time Anna shares a picture or video of her young children… and for an understandable reason:

They’re so very cute, young and innocent.

Anna is the mother of Mackynzie, Michael, Marcus, Meredith and Mason.

She met Josh in 2006 at a Christian homeschooling convention and the two got married two years later in Florida.

They have since welcomed the five kids cited above.

And while Anna and Josh will no longer appear on TLC because the original Counting On was canceled in the wake of Josh’s molestation scandal, it does look like we’ll be seeing a lot more of their kids going forward.

We just pray they grow up alright.


Friday, July 13, 2018

Duggar Family Members: Who Will Actually Break Free?

The notion of Duggar family members “breaking free” has been a topic of discussion for quite some time inside fan circles.

But will it actually happen, and who will be the one to do it? Moreover, what does it even mean to break free in their case?

Below, THG staff writers break down who they believe is most likely to escape the cultural shackles of the famous TLC family.

Some of our selections and reasons behind them may surprise you … or in the case of one recently-married Duggar, probably not.

JILL DILLARD by Emily Trainham

When you think about which Duggar might be most likely to break free from the chains of that oppressive, creepy, molester-friendly family, Jill may not be the first person that comes to mind.

But if you just think about it for a minute, it’ll all come together.

For one, Jill’s been rebelling quite a bit against Duggar tradition lately. Like, the girl wore shorts this summer. Ones cut above the knee, even.

She’s also been photographed in an actual swimsuit instead of the traditional Duggar swimsack. She’s practically a stripper now by Jim Bob’s standards.

For two – and this is the real reason we see Jill breaking free – have you been keeping up with the shenanigans of Derick Dillard?

The way he’s going, we imagine he’ll be officially starting his own cult soon, and she’ll be too busy mindlessly supporting her husband and insisting everything is fine to remain an active member of the family. 

This transition has already started, really, since Derick got himself and Jill fired from Counting On.

Since then, they’ve appeared to spend less and less time with the rest of the Duggars, for obvious reasons.

As such, it’s easy to imagine that soon they’ll cut ties completely.

After all, bashing transgender people, begging fans for money, and gallivanting around impoverished countries in an attempt to look like decent people doesn’t leave much time for extended family!

So will Jill leave the rest of the Duggars in some inspiring, badass way?

Nah. But trust, she’s on her way out.

JOSIAH DUGGAR by Tyler Johnson

When a young man gets married, folks often talk about him “settling down.”

But when Josiah Duggar married Lauren Swanson earlier this month, it may have been the beginning of his effort to break free from the constraints that have held him down so long.

For years, Josiah has been regarded as one of the most rebellious members of the Duggar clan.

As long as he was living under Jim Bob and Michelle’s roof, however, there were limits on how much he could flout their belief system.

But for the Duggars, getting married is second only to cranking out kids in terms of milestones that mark one’s passage into adulthood.

Certain freedoms are afforded to those who have carried have taken steps toward their God-given duty to sire a small army.

That’s why Jinger Duggar is allowed to wear pants and move to a different state, while her older sister Jana is forced to do her gardening in a floor-length denim skirt.

For the most part, acts of rebellion by married Duggars have been exceedingly mild.

But those who know Josiah best say he can’t wait to prove to the world that he’s his own man.

Our own Duggar insider has called Josiah “the most likely to break out” and defy his overbearing father.

My guess is that now that Josiah has found himself a wife, it won’t be long before he begins to assert his independence.

He’ll probably start with something rather subtle, a small tattoo of his favorite Bible verse, but even that will be enough to give Jim Bob conniptions. And I’m sure it will all be incredibly fun to watch. 

JINGER VUOLO by Free Britney 

Sometimes, the most obvious answer isn’t the best. Sometimes conventional wisdom needs to be challenged and paradigms reexamined.

Not here. It’s always been Jinger and always will be.

Card-carrying members of Duggar Nation have known this for years. She’s been the family rebel since the concept was a mere pipe dream.

Sensing her independent streak, fans started an online movement, Free Jinger. (Our only regret is that there is no sister site Free Jana.)

Jinger hasn’t and will probably never throw two middle fingers in Jim Bob’s face or flaunt her freedom in ways that will disrespect him. 

But make no mistake, she is her own woman. By design or serendipity, she has taken heed – with an assist from her husband, Jeremy.

Let Jinger Be Jinger. That might as well be Jeremy’s mantra, as he’s helped her push back against Duggar norms from the day they met.

Vuolo is former pro soccer player from the Northeast, and a pastor with less stringent lifestyle views (and a Calvinist, to Jim Bob’s dismay).

Our point? The proof is in the pudding, honestly.

Since marrying him, Jinger Duggar moved out of state, waited over a year to get pregnant, and started wearing whatever she wants.

Enough said.

JASON DUGGAR by Simon Delott

If you’re only a casual Duggars fan, you might be shuffling through the different Duggar offspring in your mind, trying to remember which one is Jason.

Jason, folks, only turned 18 in April. He is not yet married.

As of early 2017, he co-owns a house with his father (though he is of course not allowed to live there, as an adult living independently might make independent choices).

He also wants to be a videographer. This is why I’m just optimistic enough to say that Jason has a shot at breaking free. 

If he’s serious about this calling, the Duggars might actually let him receive a real education in the matter.

Even if they don’t send him off to college (where he might encounter different people and new ideas, the horror!), there is reason for hope.

Just the process of learning videography in any setting aside from a tech room at a megachurch could broaden his horizons.

If he’s really passionate about this, then once he’s married, he and his obedient, Jim Bob-approved Handmaid’s Tale reenactor of a wife could move anywhere to pursue his career. 

And even if Jason focuses exclusively on Christian organizations and Christian video projects, he could still realize that there’s more to the world than the ideological prison in which Jim Bob and Michelle kept him for the first two decades of his life.

Be free, Jason. Be free.


Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Dan Rather Says Thai Cave Rescue is a Feel-Good Break from the World"s BS

Dan Rather says he can handle a little Hollywood interference to make a Thailand cave rescue movie, because the story is just that great. We got the CBS News legend Tuesday in NYC hours after it was announced that all 12 boys from a youth soccer…
