Showing posts with label America. Show all posts
Showing posts with label America. Show all posts

Monday, December 31, 2018

President Trump The Obamas Have a Wall ... Now America Needs Its Own Too!!!

This is bonkers … President Trump is using a brick wall the Obamas built outside of their D.C. rental home as justification for his own southern border wall. Seriously.
Trump tweeted out the strange logic Sunday, saying … “President and Mrs. Obama built/has a ten foot Wall...
President Trump The Obamas Have a Wall ... Now America Needs Its Own Too!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry Break Our Hearts, Delay Visit to America

Happy news for fans of the Royal Family and of Suits alike: Meghan Markle is pregnant, for real.

But there is less happy news for the Duchess’ fans who live in the United States, because she and Prince Harry are delaying their visit.

The delay is because of her pregnancy. It will be worth the wait, however.

TMZ reports that Meghan’s royal pregnancy is putting the couple’s plans to visit their fans across the pond on hold.

As you may remember, the two of them were originally planning to visit America in the spring of 2019.

Spring starts about five months from now.

Well, Meghan Markle’s due date has been vaguely announced as being some time in the spring of 2019.

She’ll want to avoid flying immediately before, during, and after giving birth — for medical reasons but also for social reasons.

She may be the first American “princess,” but actually giving birth stateside might be a little much for the British public.

Meghan and Harry’s visit to the U.S. isn’t being canceled, however — merely postponed.

TMZ reports that the new plan has them hopping across tha Atlantic in the autumn of 2019.

It’s not really a surprise that they’re reconsidering plans.

Though Meghan and Harry went on their 16-day tour of Australia, New Zealand, Tonga, and Fiji, they toned things down a little.

Of particular concern was Zika virus, which can be transferred via mosquito bites and cause devastating birth defects.

There is exciting news, however, because now, on their royal visit, they’ll be expected to have their baby in tow.

Next fall, this royal baby will not only be born, but they could be as old as six months old.

What’s more is that Meghan Markle is expected to still be an American citizen at that time.

She is still going through the process of becoming a British citizen.

Though there have been other Americans who have married into British nobility before, the process remains slow even for a Prince’s wife.

Meghan’s due date, though officially scheduled for the “spring,” is said to be some time in the viscinity of May 2.

As a general rule, you don’t want to fly within your first month after giving birth. These two are waiting longer than that for their journey.

But as eager as people are to see this very special royal baby, we hope that Meghan and Harry’s stateside fans will be willing to wait.

A royal baby is exciting, but newborns are generally kind of boring.

If we’re talking about a six-month old, though, fans could get to see a royal baby who is old enough to look around and understand a lot of what’s being said.

Of course, we imagine that a lot of their visit will be spent in Canada.

Canada still has official ties to the British Royal Family because Canada is part of the “Commonwealth of Nations.”

Visiting isn’t just a social call, it’s about affirming ties in part of one of the world’s oldest political associations between states.

(The United States would be in a similar position had it not been for the Revolutionary War)

This was also the reason for the couple’s visit to Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, and Tonga.

Meghan and Harry’s visit to North America will be a big deal because of Meghan’s heritage.

Some, including TMZ, have pointed out that Meghan’s child could, in a very unlikely set of circumstances, become both British monarch and U.S. President.

Technically, this child will be in line to the throne.

Also technically, any American citizen — as this child is expected to be at birth — can become President.

But as entertaining as that idea may be, it would involve something unspeakably tragic happening to Prince William and all three of his children.

No one wants that.


Friday, October 12, 2018

Kanye West Gifted Trump A "Make America Great" Hat and Yeezys

Kanye West may have heard the outcry over his MAGA hat, because we found out he changed it up after the media left the Oval and gave Trump a cap, sans the word, “again.” Check out the embroidery on the hat the Prez is wearing  … “Make…


Monday, September 10, 2018

Miss America 2019: Who Took Home the Crown?

Miss America looked and sounded a tad different this year.

Gone was the swimsuit competition, for instance.

Very much present, however, was a focus on the ongoing political climate in this country.

miss americas

Miss Michigan, Emily Sioma, went viral and earned Internet acclaim by introducing her as “from the state with 84% of the US fresh water but none for its residents to drink.”

This is a reference to the lead water crisis in Flint, Michigan… which started in 2014 and which still has residents forced to drink only bottled or filtered water.

But the judges perhaps were not looking to delve into such topics in depth, considering Sioma did not make the Top 15.

As for who came out on top of the entire thing?

Let’s build the drama and first note that Carrie Ann Inaba and Ross Mathews hosted the event, which aired live from Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic City.

It featured Miss Connecticut Bridget Oei taking runner-up and Miss Louisiana Holli’ Conway taking third place…

… and Miss New York Nia Franklin being crowned the champion!


“It took a lot of perseverance to get here, and I want to thank my family, my mom and dad, who is a survivor of cancer. And all my sisters behind me, I love each and every one of you,” she said upon earning the honor.

Is she a deserved Miss America?

For her talent portion, Franklin showcased her vocal abilities by performing part of an opera.

The contestant actually composed her first song was she was just six-years-old. Which is insane!

During the question-and-answer segment, Franklin was asked how she would promote positive body image as Miss America. She replied:

“I grew up in a school with only 5% minority, but growing up, I found my love of arts and through music, I felt positive about myself and who I was.

“That’s what I would encourage young girls to do, find who you are.”


Frankln became the first winner in the 98-year history of the contest to NOT be forced to get into a bathing suit on stage and strut around, showing off her boobs, stomach and rear end.

How did she feel about that development?

“These changes, I think, will be great for our organization,” she told reporters after she won, adding:

“I’ve already seen so many young women reaching out to me personally as Miss New York asking how they can get involved because I think they feel more empowered that they don’t have to do things such as walk in a swimsuit for a scholarship.”

Amen, right?

It’s sort of stunning this event even takes place in 2018, but the swimsuit elimination is a nice start.

she won

Explained Gretchen Carlson, the newly minted chair of the Miss America Organization’s Board of Trustees, in June:

“We are no longer a pageant. We are a competition.

“We will no longer judge our candidates on their outward physical appearance. That’s huge! And that means that we will no longer have a swimsuit competition.”

Added Franklin of this evolution:

“I’m happy that I didn’t have to do [wear a bikini] to win this title tonight because I’m more than just that. And all these women onstage are more than just that.”

Congratulations again to Miss America 2019, Nia Franklin!


Thursday, September 6, 2018

Roy Moore Sues Sacha Baron Cohen for $95 Million Over "Who Is America?" Stunt

Roy Moore followed through on his threat — he’s suing Sacha Baron Cohen for portraying him as a pedophile on national TV … and he’s gunning for tens of millions of dollars. Moore and his wife, Kayla, filed suit against Sacha, Showtime and…


Sunday, August 26, 2018

NBA"s Ben McLemore, Kneeling NFL Players Aren"t Representing America

Ben McLemore has strong words for kneeling NFL players … telling TMZ Sports they’re not only disrespecting the nation — but their message is getting lost in the controversy too!! The Sacramento Kings guard opened up about the issue outside of…


NBA"s Ben McLemore, Kneeling NFL Players Aren"t Representing America

Ben McLemore has strong words for kneeling NFL players … telling TMZ Sports they’re not only disrespecting the nation — but their message is getting lost in the controversy too!! The Sacramento Kings guard opened up about the issue outside of…


Thursday, August 23, 2018

Miss Denver Kayla Kline Resigns in Support of Miss America Cara Mund

Miss America Cara Mund allegedly getting bullied by her own org is NOT okay with Miss Denver’s Kayla Kline … so Kayla is showing her solidarity by giving up her crown. Kayla — who not that long ago earned the Mile High City’s honor — tells TMZ…


Friday, August 17, 2018

Miss America Cara Mund Says Org Bullied, Silenced Her in Favor of Gretchen Carlson

The reigning Miss America is railing on the org, saying they have silenced and ignored her and instead focused all of their attention on former Miss America and whistleblower Gretchen Carlson. Cara Mund is outraged that the Miss America CEO as well…


Monday, July 30, 2018

LeBron James Says Trump Is Using Sports to Divide America

LeBron James says Donald Trump is using sports create a racial divide in America … and he won’t sit back quietly anymore.  “What I’ve noticed over the last few months that he’s kinda used sport to kinda divide us, and that’s something that I…


Thursday, July 26, 2018

Sacha Baron Cohen Sends "Who Is America?" Art Dealer a Letter and Gift

Sacha Baron Cohen doesn’t dupe and ditch when it comes to the art dealer he made look foolish on his show, “Who Is America?” — instead he sent her some real sh***y art. Christy Cones is the art expert at Laguna Beach’s Coast Gallery who met…


Saturday, July 21, 2018

Deontay Wilder Wants To Pummel Anthony Joshua For America

Deontay Wilder might be called the bronze bomber but the reasons he wants to beat the hell out of Anthony Joshua are red, white, and blue … telling TMZ Sports he’s doing it for the honor of America. The super fight’s on hold right now … with…


Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Henry Winkler Talks Miss America Changes, Gets Screwed at CA Polls

Henry Winkler was fired up about Miss America right before he went to cast his ballot in the California primaries … and ended up having even more reason to get ticked off. We got the Fonz Tuesday as he was leaving e. Baldi in Bev Hills, and asked…


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Miss America Cara Mund Approves of Scrapping Swimsuit Competition

Miss America Cara Mund hasn’t put on a swimsuit since winning the crown in September, and says that proves the swimsuit competition is no longer necessary to get the job done. The Miss America Org announced Tuesday it’s scrapping…


Friday, May 18, 2018

YouTube Star Nicole Arbour Apologizes for Appropriating "This Is America"

YouTube star Nicole Arbour finally realizes her timing was total crap when she released her version of “This Is America” … and she’s apologizing to Donald Glover – aka Childish Gambino. We got Nicole at The Laugh Factory on…


Thursday, May 17, 2018

Virgin America Sues Todrick Hall Over Annoyingly Catchy Safety Video

Virgin America says it got screwed on that safety video — that’s definitely still stuck in your head if you’ve ever flown the airline — because the guy who produced it, got sloppy … legally speaking. The airline’s super-bouncy little ditty…


Thursday, May 10, 2018

Donald Glover Won"t Reveal Meaning Behind "This Is America" Music Video

Donald Glover is taking an equivocal approach on the meaning behind his new music video, saying it’s not up to him to tell you what message to extract … so, figure it out yourself. We got Donald — aka Childish Gambino — Wednesday night at…


Monday, May 7, 2018

Marlon Wayans Says Childish Gambino"s "This Is America" Moves are Strip Club-Ready

Marlon Wayans is a huge fan of the “This Is America” video Childish Gambino, aka Donald Glover, just released — not only for its message, but for what he calls Donalds’ stripper-inspired choreography. When we got Marlon at LAX Monday he…


Marlon Wayans Says Childish Gambino"s "This Is America" Moves are Strip Club-Ready

Marlon Wayans is a huge fan of the “This Is America” video Childish Gambino, aka Donald Glover, just released — not only for its message, but for what he calls Donalds’ stripper-inspired choreography. When we got Marlon at LAX Monday he…
