Showing posts with label Arbour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arbour. Show all posts

Friday, May 18, 2018

YouTube Star Nicole Arbour Apologizes for Appropriating "This Is America"

YouTube star Nicole Arbour finally realizes her timing was total crap when she released her version of “This Is America” … and she’s apologizing to Donald Glover – aka Childish Gambino. We got Nicole at The Laugh Factory on…


Friday, January 13, 2017

Nicole Arbour Slams Scheana Shay: She"s SO Mean!

Between Donald Trump and Nicole Arbour, 2017 is looking to be huuuuuge for terrible blondes who have made careers out of talking sh-t.

If you’re not familiar with Arbour, you’ve enjoyed a blessed existence, and you should read no further, so that you might live the rest of your days unsullied by the knowledge of this angry comments section come to life.

If you are familiar with Arbour, then we don’t have to tell you she’s the absolute worst.

Arbour became “famous” for her noxious screed of a YouTube video, “Dear Fat People” back in 2015.

Like Martin Shkreli and countless toddlers before her, Arbour can’t distinguish between positive and negative attention, so she fed off the Internet’s contempt and stuck around well beyond her allotted 15 minutes.

So why are we talking about the Carlos Mencia of social media this week?

Well, like a parasite attached to a host, Arbour has managed to remain relevant by sinking her teeth into a slightly better-known Z-lister, former Vanderpump Rules star Mike Shay.

If you’re a fan of the the show, you know that Mike was married to Scheana Marie for about four seconds (or 18 months, whatever).

Mike and Scheana broke up recently, and portions of the drama will reportedly be featured in the latter half of Vanderpump‘s current season.

These days, Mike is in a hip hop group with Arbour called Dat Dope Group, because apparently Nicole is capable of being funny, but only when it’s unintentional. 

Because dat group has a total of 96 Twitter followers, which is decidedly un-dope, Nicole is drumming up publicity the best way she knows how – by being horrendous!

According to Arbour, Scheana basically sabotaged her marriage for the sake of Vanderpump‘s ratings, which seems like a pretty hefty price to pay for a storyline that the show rarely focuses on.

“Scheana and Shay were told if they didn’t cause more drama that she would be fired because she wasn’t interesting enough,” Arbour recently told Radar Online.

“They needed more drama from her. And that’s what started causing so many problems in their marriage.

“Mike wasn’t into it and Scheana was like, ‘Well, this is my job and you have to support me and cause more drama with me.’”

She added:

“He always spoke so highly of her, like, ‘I love my wife. My wife is amazing. I love her so much.’ But none of us ever saw that. We never saw them being in love.

Arbour went on to reiterate that she believes Scheana was lying when she claimed that Mike went missing and appeared to relapse back in November:

“One time he accidentally locked himself out of the studio and he wasn’t actually missing,” she said.

“He locked himself out and had to walk home. He was missing for a couple of hours because he didn’t call her back.”

Since Scheana has yet to take the bait and feed Arbour the troll pellets that she needs to survive, Nicole decided to go all-in by slamming the entire Vanderpump cast:

“It’s sad that this is what these people have to do,” she said.

“They have to make up lies and try to run with them so they have a career next year because they’re desperate for storylines.”

We never saw it that way, but Arbour is something of an authority on resorting to sad, desperate measures to guard her precious nugget of fame like some sort of angry blonde Gollum, so maybe she knows what she’s talking about. 


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Nicole Arbour: Alan Thicke Was an Ass-Grabbing Perv!

Last night, the world received news that beloved sitcom star Alan Thicke had passed away after suffering a heart attack while playing  ice hockey with his son.

Millions have mourned Thicke on social media, many of them celebrities who knew the actor personally and shared firsthand of accounts of his warmth and generosity.

Nicole Arbour was not one of those celebrities.

You might remember Arbour from her vile attempt at viral fame, “Dear Fat People“, which earned her the title of “deplorable” months before racists in red baseball caps brought the word back into fashion.

Arbour has spent the past year doing everything in her power to claw her way up from Z-list obscurity, including trash-talking actual celebrities and forming unintentionally hilarious hip hop groups with obscure reality stars.

She’s never one to let a trending hashtag slip through her fingers, so it’s not surprising that she tweeted about the passing of Alan Thicke.

What is surprising is the alleged nature of her sole encounter with Thicke:

Nicole Arbour Tweet

This morning, Arbour tweeted and deleted the above allegation that Thicke sexually harassed while she was working as a model.

Obviously, this is a complex issue.

Matters of sexual assault and harassment should always be brought to light, but maybe leveling an accusation via hashtag less than 24 hours after the alleged perpetrator’s death isn’t the best way to handle the situation?

Of course, Arbour’s ongoing attempts to make a career out of online trolling and harassment likely won’t help her case in the court of public opinion.

But should the timing of the tweet and Arbour’s past have any impact on her right to share her experience? 

Absolutely not.

But that doesn’t mean that you’re victim-shaming if Arbour’s need to hashtag Thicke’s name and level the charge while he’s still a trending topic leaves a bit of a bad taste in your mouth.

Given her well-established desire for online fame, it’s likely that many will question Arbour’s motives in going public with allegations against Thicke.

We’d like to caution against that, as it’s an extremely slippery slope that leads to the sort of disgusting incentive-questioning we saw in the cases of Bill Cosby and Donald Trump.


Instead, we prefer to think that Arbour quickly realized there was something vaguely skeevy about the tweet, hence why she quickly deleted it.

Again, it’s her right to  state her case however she sees fit.

But we can’t help but think there are better ways for Arbour to make her accusation.


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Nicole Arbour Turns Unfunny Attention to Abortion

There"s a rule most comedians try to follow: nothing is off-limits as long as one is being funny.

Apparently no one explained this rule to Nicole Arbour.

The controversial vlogger, who rose to Internet infamy due to a fat-shaming video she recorded last month, is now back with her take on abortion.

Arbour makes it clear right away that she"s both pro-choice and also pro-say-whatever-I-can-to-sound-edgy-and-interesting.

"Abortions are wrong, said no smart person ever," she begins the video, later saying that sex is sometimes just for "fun," not for procreation, and explaining that some people out there SHOULD have been aborted.

Like Hitler. And also like any parents whose five-year old is on ADD medicine.

"I have a theory that some kids were supposed to be aborted," Arbour says. “And the ones who weren"t turned into murderers and crazy people."

Apparently being destroyed as a guest on The View did little to damper Arbour"s taste for the spotlight.

Nicole arbour turns unfunny attention to abortion

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Fat Shaming YouTuber Nicole Arbour Alleges Michelle Collins Secretly Bad-Mouthed Nurses Backstage On The View: "They"re Wannabe Doctors"

Get your popcorn!

Nicole Arbour, the YouTube fat-shamer who produced the video Dear Fat People, went on The View this week to discuss her controversial viral video — and when she was there, she claims she witnessed another controversy on set!

Related: Nicole Does Not Apologize For Her Video On The View!

The hosts of The View are of course in some hot water over comments they made recently about nurses, and now Arbour is inserting herself right into the middle of this controversy, too!

On Thursday night, Arbour went on SiriusXM Radio’s Opie and Jim Norton Show, where the revealed that the hosts of The View had been discussing nurses backstage after the show:

“Backstage, I heard the girls being like, ‘Oh yeah, our nurse jokes didn’t go over well so we have to apologize because they’re Tweeting us too much.’ And I’m like, ‘Y’all are p*****s.’ See, I can sit in my jokes and be like, yeah, I made them, I think it’s funny. Whatever. But they go on there and make a fake apology.”

More shockingly than that, Arbour alleges that Michelle Collins specifically bad-mouthed nurses back stage, away from the cameras:

“When when the cameras weren’t rolling, Michelle [Collins] was like, ‘Yeah, that’s not a real profession. They’re wannabe doctors."”

Wait, WHAT?!?!

Check out the interview in question where Arbour alleges these stories:

WOW… we’re skeptical on this one, but what do U think about this shocking allegation about Michelle Collins??

[Image via YouTube.]

Friday, September 18, 2015

Nicole Arbour Gets DESTROYED on The View

Dear Nicole Arbour: You may want to just go far away for awhile.

The so-called comedian, who has come under major fire for a video titled "Dear Fat People" that called out overweight individuals for their smell and laziness, appeared on The View this week.

And got utterly destroyed.

She tried to tell jokes… no one laughed. She tried to defend herself… and each panelist shot her down with a well-reasoned argument

Arbour once again tried to claim she isn"t a bully, though her basis for this claim made little to no sense.

Considering she"s a comedian, however, the most important thing in this appearance and in her original video is this: she simply is not funny.

Watch her cringeworthy View interview here and take special note of Raven-Symone"s reactions throughout.

Nicole arbour gets destroyed on the view

Friday, September 11, 2015

Nicole Arbour Fired from Movie Due to "Cruel Fat-Shaming Video"

You know what they say about Karma, right?

YouTube star Nicole Arbour came under major fire last week for posting a video that called out fat people, saying in the footage that body shaming does not exist and that obese individuals should just shut up and work out.

The video was removed by YouTube for a brief period of time before being reinstated.

Many (including THG) were appalled by Arbour’s comments, but believed she should be permitted to make then. Freedom of speech and all.

But what goes around often comes around… and director Pat Mills says he’s dropped Arbour as a choreographer from his upcoming movie due to her controversial viewpoint.

“She seemed like a perfect fit for the project. I shared the script with her,” Mills tells Zap2It.

“She said she dug it and was excited to come on board…and then a crazy thing happened on Saturday – I saw something on the Internet that made me never want to see her again.”

The film, titled “Don’t Talk to Irene,” centers on 16-year old who dreams of being a cheerleader but who is bullied for being fat.

So, yeah. It’s not hard to see why Arbour didn’t make sense for the project.

“I’m gay, I was bullied a lot as a kid,” Mills adds.

“I’m no stranger to ridicule and loneliness. [Her video] is an unfunny and cruel fat-shaming video that guises itself about being about ‘health.’ It’s fat phobic and awful…I was so upset I was shaking.”

That pretty much says it all, doesn’t it?