Showing posts with label 'Mean. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Mean. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Kailyn Lowry Shares Rare Photo of Lux. What Does It Mean?

Kailyn Lowry continues to confound her Instagram followers.

The famous Teen Mom 2 star has said many times of late that she"s single, yet one would be forgiven for thinking the opposite.

She keeps mentioning Chris Lopez. She keeps sharing photos of Chris Lopez. She has even now included one of Chris Lopez and the ex-couple"s son, Lux.

What might this mean? Is Lowry purposely dropping hints? Or is she simply content that she and her third baby daddy are on good terms?

Scroll down to see the latest photo and to delve into this confusing issue…

1. Chris Lopez and Lux! Together!

Chris lopez and lux together

We don’t get to see this very often. But Lowry posted this picture of Lopez and Lux together along with the caption “Twinzzz.” It’s just the latest example of Lowry and Lopez spending more time together.

2. See! Here They are Again!

Kailyn with chris

This picture was shared on October 9, 2018. “Phillies n shit,” Kailyn penned as a message along with it, despite the baseball season being over for this squad.

3. Is Kailyn Trying to Tell Us Something?

With little lux

We mean, she’s done more than merely TRY in the past. She’s come right out and referred to Lopez as her “first love,” adding in a blog post this summer: “I know, weird, when I had two kids with two other people. Breaking up with Isaac and Lincoln’s dads was upsetting because I felt like my kids lost the family aspect that I craved so badly for them. But this was different.”

4. Knock Me Up, Dude!

Kailyn and her family

As loyal Teen Mom 2 fans likely know by now, Lowry has also said she wants Lopez to impregnate her again. No, really. We are not making this up.

5. Right, Kailyn?

Chris lopez with baby lux

“I would definitely have more, but I also know that my life isn’t really set up for another right now,” she previously told Us Weekly about adding to her family, dropping the bombshell as follows: “Ideally I would have liked Chris to be the father of my next child.”

6. Does This Mean She Wants to Get Back Together?

Kailyn lowry and 2 sons

Not necessarily. There’s articficial insemination and other ways to accomplish the pregnancy goal without a romance. Lowry just maybe wants a fourth child and wants this child to be biologically related to her third child.

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Wednesday, October 3, 2018

"Mean Girls" Cute Kids -- Guess Who!

It’s October 3 … and we’re celebrating “Mean Girls” day by doing more than just wearing pink on Wednesdays! To honor the movie masterpiece we’ve gathered fetch photos of the cast from a time before army pants and flip-flops were in style for your…


Friday, September 14, 2018

Danielle Mullins" BFF: I Didn"t Mean to Say Muslim People Have Sex With Goats

Danielle Mullins and Mohamed Jbali are one of 90 Day Fiance‘s most controversial couples — even though they’re now bitter exes.

Back when they were together, one of Danielle’s friends made a joke about Mohamed having lost his virginity to “his family goat.”

Because many viwers pointed out that her jab appeared to have bigoted undertones, she is finally explaining herself to Danielle’s fans.

Danielle’s friend Beth Mahar took to Danielle’s Facebook page to set the record straight.

“Ok folks,” Beth writes. “Since my comment to Mohamed about his family goat is still such a hot topic for some people I am taking this opportunity to explain it”

“I am not racist in any way, shape or form,” Beth insists.

“I am married to a Muslim immigrant from Pakistan,” she shares, adding that she has been married “for the past 7 years now.”

She even notes that “My husband is a much more devout practicing Muslim than Mohamed Jbali.”

Obviously, friendship or even marriage does not preclude someone from being a bigot. But that doesn’t mean that Beth is a bigot, either.

“This TV show, 90 Day Fiancé, etc, etc, is strictly for entertainment purposes only,” Beth points out.

Beth says: “My comment to him about the family goat insinuating basically that the family goat was his first sexual experience was for entertainment value only”

“Was it inappropriate or in bad taste?” Beth asks. “Yes, probably so, and I sincerely apologize to anyone who it may have offended.”

After that very reasonable apology, she writes: “(except Mohamed…LOL)”

“But seriously,” Beth continues. “I truly am not racist and no TV show whether reality or not should be taken so damn seriously.”

“By the way just for everyone’s information,” Beth explains. “That comment and filming of this particular scene was filmed over a year ago.”

“Again,” Beth continues. “I didn’t mean to offend anyone other than ‘s–t head’ and I certainly do not have anything against Muslims.”

That is very reassuring to hear!

Beth concludes: “I hope this helps to clarify my comment for those who got the impression that I am a racist, Muslim hater.”

This is a complicated topic!

On the one hand, it’s absolutely a reality television show. No one should seek to emulate the behavior that they see from random reality stars.

On the other hand, the words that we say have impact, especially when those words are broadcast to millions of TV screens.

Inside jokes or personal jabs don’t translate well through television.

Some people may be offended, while others may parrot those insults to others who are not Mohamed Jbali but merely share his skin tone.

It is great that Beth Mahar came forward to clear the air about this, even though it is admittedly pretty weird that she did it on Danielle’s Facebook page.

(She could have made it on her own page and then let Danielle share it)

But it’s important to remember that making fun of a bad person for something like weight, accent, or cultural differences doesn’t just impact them — it impacts entire communities.

You can poek fun at Mohamed’s misdeeds if you like, but leave his culture out of it.


Thursday, August 30, 2018

Hannah Gosselin Deletes Instagram; What Might It Mean?

We have a new twist in the decade-long, never-ending, nausea-inducing saga of Jon and Kate Gosselin.

What does this latest scoop mean for their future relationship and, more importantly, for their future relationship with 14-year old daughter Hannah?

It’s unclear at this time.

But the development itself is quite clear:

Hannah has deleted her Instagram page.

Typically an active user of social media, the teenager has chosen to shut down her account for at least the time being, prompting speculation over what this could mean and why she would have done so.

What 14-year old girl, some might reasonably ask, does not want to be a part of the Instagram world these days?

The kind of 14-year old girl, we must sadly report, who is stuck in an endless tug of war between her awful parents.

This very much appears to be what’s taking place between Hannah, Jon and Kate, the latter two of whom rose to fame as the anchors of Jon and Kate Plus 8 on TLC and who divorced back in 2009.

It looked for years as if Jon was off doing his own thing (yes, he really did work as a DJ at one point), basically ignoring his kids and leaving Kate to try and make money off raise them on her own.

Earlier this summer, however, Jon surprised fans by sharing a picture with Hannah on Father’s Day

… and then Hannah surprised everyone even more when she said that Jon was the “best dad anyone could ask for.”

Since that time, Jon has shared other pictures of himself with his daughter; on July Fourth, for instance, and also on her first day as an eighth grader.

He’s also stated, very simply, that Hannah lives with him “permanently,” a declaration that came as a total stunner to those who have been closely following the lives of the Gosselins over the years.

(Editor’s Note: If you are one of these people, it may be time to re-evaluate your life choices.)

Kate Gosselin, however, has labeled Jon a liar and insisted that she still has primary custody of all her kids.

Based on recent court filings, however, it’s evident that there’s been some sort of battle over Hannah for months now.

Where does Hannah’s Instagram deletion fit into this gigantic and unfortunate mess? We have no idea.

It may mean nothing at all.

It may mean that Kate is still involved in her child’s life and ordered Hannah to take down her account, considering she’s anti-social media and that she blasted a fan who posed as daughter Alexis on Instagram this summer.

Meanwhile, Hannah isn’t the only Gosselin child about which folks have concerns.

Her brother, Collin, remains in a treatment facility for what sources have said is some kind of anger or behavioral problem.

He’s been there for at least two years and is never pictured with his siblings anymore.

It’s a very sad situation, one that leaves us simply praying that Jon and Kate have the best interests of their son in mind.

Based on their many heinous actions over the years, however, we tragically cannot be confident this is the case.


Friday, August 10, 2018

19 REALLY Mean Things Meghan Markle"s Family Has Said About Her

Meghan Markle may have married Prince Harry, but it"s become apparent by now that this is actually NOT the star"s most impressive accomplishment.

No, her most impressive accomplishment has been managing to continually take the high road in the face of one personal attack after another — but members of her own family!

Markle"s dad, Thomas, has lashed out at the new Duchess as selfish and ungrateful.

Her half-sister, Samantha, has basically said Markle wants to murder puppies and should be held responsible for their father"s death, whenever it happens.

These are cruel and terrible people.

But don"t take our word for it. Take their own words for it!

Scroll down for a look at the harshest things Thomas Markle and Samantha Markle have said about our dear Meghan…

1. "It would be easier for Meghan if I died."

The royal bride

Thomas said this about his daughter toward the end of July, whining on this occasion to The Times of London.

2. "They have Meghan treating her father in a way that Harry’s mother, Princess Diana, would have loathed. That’s not what Diana stood for."

Royally married

Yup, he went there. Thomas once said that the Royal Family should be ashamed for turning Markle into the anti-Princess Diana, who is considered to basically be the best person in human history.

3. "How tragic is that, to deprive a child of its grandfather because I said a few things critical of the royal family

Duchess of sussex

Thomas peered into the future for this quote to The Daily Mail, saying that Meghan and Harry will have a child someday and his daughter will keep his GRANDdaughter from him and that is (will be?) a shameful act.

4. "She became the woman that she is today thanks to everything I did for her."

Royal newlyweds together

This was a classic one, also told to The Daily Mail, adding in this summer 2018 interview: “Did I get any recognition for it? Any thanks? She doesn’t even speak to me now. How cold is that?”

5. "I’ve seen her smile for years. I know her smile. I don’t like the one I’m seeing now. This is a pained smile."

As a duchess

Thomas has made it a mission to say as often as possible that Markle is basically being tortured by the Royal Family. He’s convinced she is unhappy and has basically joined a cult.

6. "She’s not qualified to suggest that I don’t under any law in this country."

Samantha grant

Samantha said this after she was told that Markle preferred for her to zip her stupid mouth. She added: “This is not Great Britain. I am a United States citizen. And, that’s all there is to it. She’s way out of her league to tell me that I can’t speak.”

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Thursday, July 19, 2018

Mark Zuckerberg: I Didn"t MEAN to Defend Holocaust Deniers!

Remember in late 2016 when it looked like Mark Zuckerberg was testing the waters for an eventual Presidential run? That ship has clearly sailed.

In a recent statement, Zuckerberg seemed to make excuses for Holocaust deniers on Facebook, claiming that the classic neo-nazi talking point is just an honest misunderstanding.

Now, he’s trying to walk back his statements … but not doing a great job of it.

On a Wednesday appearance on the Recode Decode podcast, Mark Zuckerberg reminds listeners: “I’m Jewish.”

That is definitely relevant to the conversation of Holocaust denial and other abhorrent content that spreads via Facebook.

“And there’s a set of people who deny that the Holocaust happened,” Zuckerberg admits.

“I find that deeply offensive,” he says.

For the record, saying that Holocaust denial is offensive kind of misses the point.

‘But at the end of the day,” Zuckerberg continues. “I don’t believe that our platform should take that down.”


He does explain his point of view.

Zuckerberg says that he doesn’t want to block thta content “because I think there are things that different people get wrong. I don’t think that they’re intentionally getting it wrong.”

Some would argue that people who believe evil, untrue things are never intentionally getting it wrong. Other say that most Holocaust deniers are deliberately lying.

“It’s hard to impugn intent,” Zuckerberg says. “And to understand the intent.”

Many would say that the intention behind spreading such misinformation doesn’t really matter.

“I just think, as abhorrent as some of those examples are,” Zuckerberg says. “I think the reality is also that I get things wrong when I speak publicly.”

Zuckerberg sent a follow-up email to clarify his wildly controversial statements.

“I enjoyed our conversation yesterday,” his email begins. “But there’s one thing I want to clear up.”

A lot of people are better-spoken in emails than they are in interviews.

“I personally find Holocaust denial deeply offensive,” Zuckerberg repeats. “And I absolutely didn’t intend to defend the intent of people who deny that.”

That’s … reassuring?

“Our goal with fake news is not to prevent anyone from saying something untrue,” he clarifies. “But to stop fake news and misinformation spreading across our services.”

That sounds like a subtle distinction for those who don’t actively work in social media.

He goes on to explain how he hopes that Facebook will accomplish this goal.

“If something is spreading and is rated false by fact checkers,” Zuckerberg describes. “It would lose the vast majority of its distribution in News Feed.”

“And of course,” Zuckerberg continues. “If a post crossed line into advocating for violence or hate against a particular group, it would be removed.”

That is probably welcome news to the people who have reported direct threats against them on Facebook only to have Facebook respond with the formal equivalent of a shrug.

“These issues are very challenging,” Zuckerberg admits. “But I believe that often the best way to fight offensive bad speech is with good speech.”

“I look forward to catching up again soon,” he concludes. “Mark.”

There are a few issues with his statement.

First of all, addressing direct and explicit violent threats just allows people to play word games. Holocaust denial is a popular word game.

A number of white supremacist groups enjoy presenting the Holocaust as a fabrication, concocted by an all-powerful Jewish cabal in order to procure international sympathy.

Zuckerberg himself is unlikely to be impacted by the spread of anti-semitism, because his status as a billionaire means that he does not face the everyday experiences that non-billionaire minorities do.

And that goes for his entire family.

He might be offended by their rhetoric, but he is not the person who is likely to have his home or place of work vandalized by someone who worked themselves into a frenzy after consuming hour after hour of conspiracy theories.

Many have pointed out that Zuckerberg cares more about making money off of avowed racists on his platform than he is about the real world consequences of helping nazi ideology to spread.

In Zuckerberg’s defense … he’s not the best at public speaking.

Also, YouTube’s video suggestion algorithm, which points so many teens to a cesspool of conspiracy theoriest and white nationalist media, is definitely worse.

Still … defending Holocaust deniers isn’t a great platform for a political run. Unless you’re Trump, apparently.


Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Zach and Tori Roloff are Selling Their Home: What Does It Mean?!?

Little People, Big World…

… Major Changes Ahead?

According to Radar Online, Tori and Zach Roloff are the latest cast members of this popular TLC series to take a significant step toward their future, one that leaves us wondering what it will mean to the future of their program.

Before we wildly speculate, however, this is what has gone down:

Property records indicate that Tori and Zach have placed their Portland-area home on the market.

This residence – which has been featured on Little People, Big World plenty of times – was purchased in 2013 for $ 260,000. And it’s now on sale for $ 429,500.

That would be quite the handsome profit for the reality stars if they sell anywhere close to asking price.

Many questions naturally abound from this news, starting with the following:

Where are Tori and Zach headed?!?

We presume someplace nearby, if only because we’d have heard otherwise if they were planning some huge move far away that would impact both their show and their relationship with their relatives.

But even if it is nearby, we must then wonder:

Why? Why are Tori and Zach moving?

The home that’s now for sale isn’t huge; it has three bedrooms and two bathrooms.

Might they be upgrading to a larger house because they plan on soon having a larger family?

It’s no secret that one-year old son Jackson will have at least one sibling at some point, as Tori and Zach openly discussed the possiiblity on last week’s episode of Little People, Big World.

“We’ll probably be having our second kid here very soon,” Zach told the TLC cameras, visibly stunning his wife, who chimed in as follows:

“Ooh, nope. We’re not having kids for a while. We’re gonna get a dog.”

Later on, Tori admitted she would like to have a daughter, but also said she’s not in a huge rush to do so.

“After Jackson, I definitely want more kids,” she said on air. “But I want like six months to be independent and then I definitely want another one. And I want to get a dog first.”

Jackson was only born last May. The Roloffs certainly have a whole lot of time to wait, be patient and then still have multiple kids down the line.

“Being a dad’s been great. Jackson’s the cutest little thing,” Zach said, clearly anxious to procreate again. “I would love to have a little pack, so I definitely want to have more kids.”

Meanwhile, fans of this long-running TLC program are also curious whether Zach and Tori’s move will impact the series itself at all.

Remember: Matt Roloff is moving to Arizona for part of the year.

And Amy Roloff has admitted that she may sell the farm at some point and start anew with boyfriend Chris Marek.

It’s hard not to be afraid that the end may be near for Little People, Big World.

Zach and Tori have lived in their current home since they got married.

We’ve never seen Amy nor Matt reside anywhere but on their farm.

It makes perfect sense that things would change and evolve and that life would take various family members in various directions.

We’re just curious if this is all leading to the end of one of the most enjoyable reality shows out there. Let’s hope not.


Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Scott Disick and Sofia Richie: We"re Back Together! I Mean, We Never Broke Up!

Over the weekend, news broke that Scott Disick and Sofia Richie had broken up.

Fans feared that Scott would fall off the wagon. Reports claimed that Scott had done the unthinkable and cheated on Sofia.

But maybe it was a false alarm? Scott and Sofia say that they’re back together … and would have us believe that they never even split in the first place.

Sources tell Us Weekly that Scott and Sofia are back together after some weekend awkwardness.

“They are now back together and Scott isn’t done with her.”

She’s 19 and gorgeous and he’s, well, older and thirsty. No one really imagined that he was over her.

The source lends some insight into how they believe that Sofia viewed things.

“Sofia had a strange weekend and Scott and her are working through things.”

Yeah, a weekend where you come to realize — or at least believe — that your boyfriend allegedly cheated on you would be strange, to say the least.

For his part, Scott took to his Instagram stories to mock the very idea of a breakup.

“We had no idea we even broke up.”

Scott’s message continued, ostensibly showing that there were no hard feelings over the split reports.

“But thanks for thinking of us.”

it sounds like either some very reputable sources were “confused” or misled over the weekend — which can happen to anyone, we suppose.

Or, and perhaps more likely, it sounds like Scott is doing his best to put that particular genie back into the bottle by laughing off the idea of cheating and a breakup.

So … what happened?

Kanye celebrated his new album in Wyoming with a listening party. Though many people are done with him, he still has a lot of friends and family.

(Scott is the father of three of Kanye’s niblings, and was basically his brother-in-law)

Scott was spotted, according to reports, looking “really sloppy” and all but unable to speek while allegedly with another woman at Kanye’s Ye listening party.

This came after reports that Scott had dallied with another woman while in Miami.

A source claimed that Sofia’s family, in particular, was upset at the claims.

“[Lionel] said he is going to cut her off and write her out of his will if she continues her relationship with Scott.”

From the beginning, Lionel Richie has been honest about the fact that he’s “scared to death” by Sofia dating Scott.

“As he thinks he’s extremely toxic for her.”

A lot of people have felt that way about this pairing.

It does seem clear that Scott and Sofia are together.

They reunited for lunch on Monday and one might assume that they are both eager to put this “strange weekend” behind them.

Sofia wants to forget the unpleasant revelations.

Scott presumably wants to forget the contents of Ye.

And they’re happy together.

Does this mean that Lionel Richie is totally fine with them continuing to date?

Because, if he really did make an ultimatum, that’s a no-brainer. He’s worth about $ 200 million. No man on the planet is worth that much, no matter what Disney movies might claim.

If Lionel really did demand that Sofia break up with Scott, though, he may have changed his tune. Sofia is an adult, after all.

She’s entitled to make her own mistakes.

Besides, she may have convinced him that Scott didn’t really cheat. Celebrities know better than anyone that sometimes, stories don’t reflect the whole truth.

So, like it or hate it, Sofia and Scott are together.

How long will they stay that way? We can only guess.


Monday, June 4, 2018

Israel Claps Back at Ayatollah with "Mean Girls" Scene

Iran’s dictator went off on Israel by calling it a “malignant cancerous tumor” … but Israel took the pop culture route and responded with an EPIC “Mean Girls” GIF. A Twitter account believed to belong to the Ayatollah tweeted to its nearly 500k…


Saturday, May 19, 2018

Meghan Markle Stuns (And We Mean STUNS!) in Wedding Reception Dress

Here comes the bride, ladies and gentlemen.

For the second time in just a few hours.

Indeed, not long after getting married in front of millions of people around the world, and then proceeding around London in a horse and carriage, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry embarked on Saturday evening for a special reception in their honor.

It was hosted by Prince Charles and cameras caught the newlyweds as they embarked for a wild night of celebration.

Harry looked perfectly handsome in his tuxedo, of course, but all eyes were on Markle, who changed out of her Givenchy wedding dress and into a smoking hot and sleek white gown.

This one was designed by Stella McCartney and it featured a bespoke, lily white high neck and was made of silk crepe.

As you can maybe make out a little bit in the images above and below, Markle also donned matching white pumps from Aquazurra made in silky satin, with nude mesh and baby blue soles.

She looked simply gorgeous.

Back in 2011, both Prince William and Kate Middleton also changed outfits for the night-time portion of their big day.

Elsewhere, keen eyes spotted a somewhat subtle tribute to Princess Diana as part of Markle’s look:

She actually wore Princess Diana’s aquamarine ring on her right hand for this evening out.

It was visible to fans and photographers while she waved at everyone in the passenger’s seat of the silver-blue Jaguar E-Type Concept Zero Harry was driving.

Diana famously wore the emerald cut Aquamarine beauty to an auction of her own clothes at Christie’s in 1997

You can see the accesstory pretty clearly here:

For those who missed a couple key notes from the Royal Wedding, Kensington Palace made official Harry and his wife’s new titles via the following statement:

“The Queen has today been pleased to confer a Dukedom on Prince Henry of Wales.

“His titles will be Duke of Sussex, Earl of Dumbarton and Baron Kilkeel.

“Prince Harry thus becomes His Royal Highness The Duke of Sussex, and Ms. Meghan Markle on marriage will become Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Sussex.”

The couple also kissed for the first time as husband and wife on the chapel steps, following a ceremony that lasted approximately one hour.

As for who attended and what everyone wore…

And as for the vows that were uttered, we have them both for you below:

MARKLE: I Meghan, take you, Harry, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part; according to God’s holy law. In the presence of God I make this vow.

HARRYI Harry, take you, Meghan, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward; for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part; according to God’s holy law. In the presence of God I make this vow.

As for who wore her wedding dress better, Kate Middleton or Markle, you can vote HERE.

As for reaction across the globe to this wildly anticipated event, click around below and then join us in sending a hearty congratulations to the Royal Newlyweds!


Monday, May 14, 2018

Kim Kardashian: Kris Jenner is the Best Momager ... I Mean, Mom!

Last week, Kim was trying to explain away Kanye’s MET Gala absence. This weekend, however, was all about her.

Because Sunday was Mother’s Day, folks! Kim posted a sweet tribute to celebrate Kris Jenner for Momager’s Day.

She then shared a wonderful and rare family photo that included all three of her young children. Awww!

Kim shared this platinum selfie, and gave her momager an epic shout-out.

“Happy Mother’s Day to the best mom in the entire world!”

You know, from a lot of people, this would be hyperbole. But she’s talking about Kris Jenner.

Someone has to have the best mom in the world, and Kim and Kourtney and Khloe and Rob and Kylie and Kendall might just be those lucky someones.

“You’ve taught us all how to live life to the fullest and work hard for what you want.”

Kris has certainly done that.

A lot of people may not consider being a reality star to be “work,” but when you’re on camera for as much as 14 hours in a day, that is exhausting.

But the results for the Kardashians speak for themselves.

Kim’s Mother’s Day tribute to Kris continues.

“You’ve always taught us that family above everything!”

The Kardashians are all about family. That has been a huge element of their success and it’s key to their brand.

Kim has more to say to Kris than thanks for making sure that most of her children are money-making machines.

“Thank you for being the best grandma to my kids!”

Kris is now grandmomager to a growing brood of grandchildren, three of whom are Kim’s — North, Saint, and Chicago.

“I love you.”

That is so sweet and the whole note seems to come straight from the heart.

Kim wasn’t done, however, and shared this photo on Instagram with the following message.

“You don’t even understand how many lollipop bribes this pic cost me…”

Those of us who were additional primary caregivers to our younger siblings and anyone who is a parent understands how much work that can take.

Young children are very restless.

“But it was so worth [it].”

It clearly was! This is a precious pic.

“Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there.”

Kim is using her own day to celebrate other moms.

“I’m the luckiest mom in the world to have these three babies in my life!”

And let’s talk about those three babies for a moment, because it is so rare for fans to see them all together.

Chicago … well, she’s still a baby. She’s like … half a year old? So she has a sense of object permanence but, if my understanding of normal child development is correct, is probably not saying more than a few words yet.

Then we see North off to the side.

The way that she’s posing coyly … reminds us so much of not just her mother, but of a few of her aunts. She’s not just posing for the camera, she’s modeling.

It’s adorable.

And then, of course, there’s Saint.

He looks so much like Kanye in this photo.

Let’s not give him a hard time about it. Not only is Saint a little kid, but he shouldn’t be blamed for his father’s dumb slavery comments.

Some commenters expressed confusion over Kim’s remark about lollipop bribes. They may not realize that family photos don’t always happen organically.

We can only guess how many attempted photos they took and never ended up using.

Honestly, Kim and Kanye should count themselves lucky that lollipops are still effective bribes for their kids. That won’t work forever.

Fortunately, human motivations don’t end with positive rewards like lollipops, so Kim and Kanye aren’t going to have to promise North her own flying car or whatever when she’s 12 and they want her to do her homework.

The best and most powerful form of motivation is intrinsic motivation, when you do something because you want to.

Judging from the way that North is posing like her model aunts in this picture, we’d say that she’s not going to need to be bribed for photos much in the future.

At the moment, though, she’s still very young and probably struggles to sit still. Even on Mother’s Day.

Kim Kardashian also took to her app to speak about motherhood to her fans.

“I have always been really honest about my struggles with pregnancy.”

She reminds them of exactly why she opted for a gestational carrier.

“Preeclampsia and placenta accreta are high-risk conditions, so when I wanted to have a third baby, doctors said that it wasn’t safe for my — or the baby’s — health to carry on my own.”

She made the right call.

“Having a gestational carrier is definitely different, but anyone who says or thinks it’s the easy way out is completely wrong.”

For some people, it’s a luxury. For her, it was a necessity — but she was reluctant to go through with it.

“People assume it’s better because you don’t have to deal with the physical changes, pain or complications with delivery, but for me it was so hard to not carry my own child, especially after I carried North and Saint.”

We’re glad that things worked out for the best for their family. Chicago is a precious little baby.


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

WWE"s "Mean" Gene Okerlund Says Andre the Giant Crushed Him in Drinking Contests

Andre the Giant was a booze-swillin’ LEGEND — so says WWE Hall of Famer “Mean” Gene Okerlund, who tells TMZ Sports there were times he tried matching the Giant drink-for-drink! Yeah … you can guess how that turned out.   We…


WWE"s "Mean" Gene Okerlund Says Andre the Giant Crushed Him in Drinking Contests

Andre the Giant was a booze-swillin’ LEGEND — so says WWE Hall of Famer “Mean” Gene Okerlund, who tells TMZ Sports there were times he tried matching the Giant drink-for-drink! Yeah … you can guess how that turned out.   We…


Monday, April 2, 2018

The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 14 Recap: Still Gotta Mean Something

Jadis is probably one of the smartest survivors in the wasteland that is The Walking Dead. 

When The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 14 kicked off, we learned just how Jadis managed to survive the attack Simon ordered on her people a few weeks back. 

She played dead when the kills were coming fast and furious before deciding it was time to find and kill the leader of the Saviors: Negan. 

Negan tried to tell Jadis he was not the one who gave the order to kill her people. 

“That was the work of someone not following the program,” the villain said as Jadis prepared to take him down. 

Jadis threatened to destroy Lucille because she was the one in control and it was time to dole out a nice dose of revenge to those who had wronged her. 

Negan managed to overpower her in one of the most predictable scenes of the entire series. 

“You took away everything — you took away me,” Jadis wailed at Negan, but in a rare moment, Negan opened up about how he named the bat after his wife when she died. 

Things took a dramatic turn when the chopper appeared once again, and Jadis tried to send a flare towards it. But Negan stopped her from doing anything … even killing him. 

Jadis was all talk, but very little action and that’s what was more frustrating. She let Negan leave after he asked her to join his cause, but he said he would return. 

Negan picked someone up from the side of the road, and we never got to see who it was, but the pair returned to the Sanctuary and went into hiding. 

Meanwhile, Rick continued to struggle in the aftermath of Carl’s death. Michonne admitted that she moved from place to place after the death of her kids, and Andrea stopped her. 

Michonne wanted to be that person for Rick. Ultimately, Rick went on a mission to round up the escapees with Morgan, and they both struggled to come to terms with everything. 

They were caught by the inmates, and while things were more subdued than we expected, the inmates decided to cut the crap and talked to the men. 

But Rick and Morgan were not taking any chances and murdered them all without so much as a second thought. 

Rick and Morgan chatted a lot about what had been happening to them over the years and how they were different now. It seemed to foreshadow Morgan’s exit as he moves over to Fear The Walking Dead. 

All told, “Still Gotta Mean Something” was all about character development, but it set up the final two episodes really well. Negan looks set to change things up at the Sanctuary and that might include killing Simon for going behind his back. 

What did you think of the episode?

Sound off below. 

The Walking Dead continues Sundays on AMC. 


Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Jose Altuve Wasn"t Mean Mugging Trump, "I Was Just Listening"

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Oprah"s No Presidential DNA Remark Doesn"t Mean She Won"t Run

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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Kim Kardashian Reads a Kanye Mean Tweet to Jimmy Kimmel!

We all love those "celebrities read mean tweets" segments that Jimmy Kimmel does. Honestly, we sometimes wonder if some of the hateful tweets are really just attempts to get on TV.

Well, to celebrate Jimmy Kimmel"s birthday, the show put together mean tweets about Jimmy Kimmel — giving him a taste of his own medicine — and had his various celebrity friends read them to him.

There are a lot of gems, here. But what might be the best one is Kim Kardashian reading a mean tweet about Jimmy … written by Kanye West.

Kimmel mean tweets chris hemsworth

Ray Romano is Kimmel"s birthday guest, and the tweet that he read was:

"Jimmy Kimmel needs a kick to his d–k hole."

That would take some impressive aim.

Michael Keaton, one of those rare actors who"s played both a superhero and supervillain (Batman and also The Vulture), read the first of many tweets that shame Jimmy"s appearance.

"I thought I saw Jimmy Kimmel @ Home Depot. Turns out it was just a sloppy dude with big dimples."

That"s not actually one of the meaner ones.

Halle Berry, who is looking jaw-droppingly gorgeous as always, reads: 

"@jimmykimmel you are a jackass d–k sucker keep your mouth shut and do your little Tv show or get the f–k out of our country."

That bit of nuanced opinionating sounds political in nature.

Blackish star (and former Law & Order star) Anthony Anderson shared a strangely introspective hateful tweet:

"@jimmykimmel you represent everything I hate about myself. You bloated douche bag."

Kimmel mean tweets kristen bell

Controversial radio host Howard Stern jumps in, after wondering how he managed to get roped into doing this bit:

"Is Jimmy Kimmel crosseyed or just ridiculously ugly?"

He dismisses that particular mean tweet as "stupid." He"s right.

David Spade seems a little too enthusiastic as he reads:

"@jimmykimmel go suck a gorilla d–k u dumb fatass."

Honestly, all that we can think about when we see David Spade is his feud with Danielle Bregoli.

Kimmel mean tweets larry david

Chris Hemsworth reads a backhanded compliment, though he"s distracting in his handsomeness … and in that he trips over one word.

"@jimmykimmel is a comedy god. Like a deformed, lame, hideous god, such as ancient Greece"s Hephaestus. But that ugly bozo was still a god."

As you"ll see in the video below, Chris really struggles with the name Hephaestus. Way more than anyone should, since most people learn about the Olympians in elementary school. Maybe not in Australia?

(Since Thor: Ragnarok was absolutely incredible and probably the best MCU film to date, we"ll give Chris a pass on that)

Speaking of stars of excellent media, Kristen Bell reads a tweet that body-shames Jimmy Kimmel in more ways than one:

"@jimmykimmel R u kidding me w that flabby body? What the f–k – get 2 the gym man. Do u really shave ur pits??? Scary!"

That"s rude. Also hair-removal doesn"t have to be gender-based.

(You know she"s starring on The Good Place, which was so good that I binged the first season in one day … whoops)

Kimmel mean tweets jon stewart

Jon Stewart, who"s not doing much recently other than getting roasted by Kathy Griffin on Twitter over his response to the Louis C.K. revelations, reads:

"Jimmy Kimmel is that same fat kid from Win Ben Stein"s Money who grew up to become that fat kid from Win Ben Stein"s Money."


Larry David"s might be the funniest (as you"ll see, he just about loses it) but also one of the meanest:

"This is going to sound fantastic, but I forgot Jimmy Kimmel"s name so I googled "Ugly late night talk show host" and I got him, top link."

Kimmel mean tweets kim kardashian

There are plenty of others, including actors Liam Neeson and Jennifer Lawrence and convicted rapist Mike Tyson.

But who really got our attention was Kim Kardashian.

Most of these stars were reading tweets from random, quasi-anonymous internet strangers.

Kim Kardashian, however, was reading a tweet from a fellow celebrity … who is also her husband.

Kanye West"s words, as read by Kim:


Kim seems to think that it"s a fair point.

Watch the full video below!

Kim kardashian reads a kanye mean tweet to jimmy kimmel