Showing posts with label Said. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Said. Show all posts

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Skrillex Muting R. Kelly ... Easier Said than Done


require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
Skrillex Muting R. Kelly ... Easier Said than Done

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Monday, January 14, 2019

Chris Pratt, Katherine Schwarzenegger She Said Yes!!!

Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger are engaged!!!
Chris posted this Monday AM … “Sweet Katherine, so happy you said yes!  I’m thrilled to be marrying you.  Proud to live boldly in faith with you.  Here we go!”  
All the signs have been there for a few months R...
Chris Pratt, Katherine Schwarzenegger She Said Yes!!!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Tim Tebow "She Said Yes!" Engaged to 2017 Miss Universe

Breaking News

Tim Tebow is one step closer to swiping that V-card … he just got engaged to his insanely attractive beauty queen girlfriend, Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters!!!
“Thank you for saying YES and making me the happiest man in the world,” Tebow posted.

View this...
Tim Tebow "She Said Yes!" Engaged to 2017 Miss Universe

Dr. Bernice King Weatherman Who Said "Martin Luther Coon King" Should Not Have Been Fired


require(["tmz/shortcodes/1.0.7/shortcodes"], function (shortcodes) { ...
Dr. Bernice King Weatherman Who Said "Martin Luther Coon King" Should Not Have Been Fired

Friday, October 12, 2018

14 Things Kanye Actually Said Inside the Oval Office

Kanye West thinks he is doing his best to make America great again.

On October 11, the controversial rapper met with the even more controversial President to discuss…

… well, we have no idea, really.

At one point, Kanye confirmed that he wants to abolish the 13th amendment.

At another point, he bragged about how much money he"smade with his shoe deal.

It such a rant from West that Trump was actually left speechless. He had no idea what to say when it was all over.

And we can"t really blame him. How does anyone respond to the following Kanye West quotes?

1. On Wearing His MAGA Hat

Kanye with trump

“They tried to scare me into not wearing this hat. But this hat gives me power.”

2. More About His MAGA Hat:

Listen to me jared

“You made a Superman cape for me.”

3. On the Inspiration That Is Donald Trump:

Kanye in the white house

“You gave me the heart to go to Adidas.” (He then talked for awhile about how popular his shoes are and how he’s a billionaire.)

4. The Most Important Thing a President Can Do:

Mr maga

“It’s more important than any specific thing that we bring jobs into America.

5. Yes, He Wants to Abolish the Anti-Slavery Amendment:

Kanye with passion

“I did say abolish the 13th amendment because it’s a trap door… you gotta remove the trap doors.” (Oh, okay then.)

6. Trap Doors Suck!

Trap doors suck

“There’s a lot of things affecting mental health that makes us do crazy things that puts us back in that trap door called the 13th amendment.”

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Thursday, October 11, 2018

14 Things Kanye West Actually Said in His Meeting with Donald Trump

Kanye West thinks he is doing his best to make America great again.

On October 11, the controversial rapper met with the even more controversial President to discuss…

… well, we have no idea, really.

At one point, Kanye confirmed that he wants to abolish the 13th amendment.

At another point, he bragged about how much money he"smade with his shoe deal.

It such a rant from West that Trump was actually left speechless. He had no idea what to say when it was all over.

And we can"t really blame him. How does anyone respond to the following Kanye West quotes?

1. On Wearing His MAGA Hat

Kanye with trump

“They tried to scare me into not wearing this hat. But this hat gives me power.”

2. More About His MAGA Hat:

Listen to me jared

“You made a Superman cape for me.”

3. On the Inspiration That Is Donald Trump:

Kanye in the white house

“You gave me the heart to go to Adidas.” (He then talked for awhile about how popular his shoes are and how he’s a billionaire.)

4. The Most Important Thing a President Can Do:

Mr maga

“It’s more important than any specific thing that we bring jobs into America.

5. Yes, He Wants to Abolish the Anti-Slavery Amendment:

Kanye with passion

“I did say abolish the 13th amendment because it’s a trap door… you gotta remove the trap doors.” (Oh, okay then.)

6. Trap Doors Suck!

Trap doors suck

“There’s a lot of things affecting mental health that makes us do crazy things that puts us back in that trap door called the 13th amendment.”

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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Richie Incognito Wanted Funeral Home to Remove Dad"s Head, Witness Said

Richie Incognito was violent, incoherent and emotional before he was arrested at a funeral home in Arizona — with one witness saying the NFL lineman asked the staff to “cut his dad’s head off for research purposes.” It’s all in the police report…


Saturday, August 18, 2018

Ja Rule Guarantees Giants Will Make Super Bowl, "I Said It First!"

Did you know Ja Rule is a huge NY Giants fan?? Neither did we … but it’s true — and he’s guaranteeing his favorite squad will run through the NFC this season!! “G-Men going all the way this year,” he tells TMZ Sports. “We’re going to the Bowl! I…


Ja Rule Guarantees Giants Will Make Super Bowl, "I Said It First!"

Did you know Ja Rule is a huge NY Giants fan?? Neither did we … but it’s true — and he’s guaranteeing his favorite squad will run through the NFC this season!! “G-Men going all the way this year,” he tells TMZ Sports. “We’re going to the Bowl! I…


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Kailyn and Javi Clash Over Their Marriage: Who Said What?

Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin have not been husband and wife for a very long time.

They got divorced back in May of 2016.

But the reality star share a son named Lincoln and both appear on Teen Mom 2, so they remain very much a part of one another"s lives.

Sometimes, they are on such great terms that they have post-divorce sex.

Other times, they are on such awful terms that they fight on Twitter over why they got married in the first place.

The following back-and-forth represents one of these latter times…

1. How Did the Latest Flap Begin?


Innocently enough, sort of. A bunch of Twitter users were simply in a debate over Javi and whether he sucks as a person or whether it was meeting Lowry and appearing on Teen Mom 2 caused him to suck.

2. Enter Kailyn


Lowry inserted herself into this back-and-forth as follows: :When i met javi he lied to me and told me he didn’t know who i was… creeped his twitter and sure as shit he had tweeted me a week prior. That was after he got picked to do True life and the girl refused.”

3. Wait, Kailyn, We Have a Question for You:


“Why did you got married with him if you knew all of this,” an astute user asked Kailyn after Lowry admitted she knew Javi was sort of a liar when they met.

4. This is Why:

I was desperate

I was young and dumb and desperate, Kailyn says. Which may sound like a self-own, but it’s also clearly a shot at Marroquin.

5. Nothing Has Changed!

Still desperate

Lowry’s response elicited a few clap backs from critics online, such as this harsh reply: “Well you’re still desperate. Nothing has changed there. You’re just desperate for Chris now. I wonder how a Linc will feel one day knowing he was a product of a desperate marriage on his mother’s part.”

6. How Did Javi React?

Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin

That’s the real question, right? Lowry took an unprompted shot at her ex in this Twitter exchange, pretty much forcing Marroquin to respond in some way, shape or form.

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Friday, August 10, 2018

19 REALLY Mean Things Meghan Markle"s Family Has Said About Her

Meghan Markle may have married Prince Harry, but it"s become apparent by now that this is actually NOT the star"s most impressive accomplishment.

No, her most impressive accomplishment has been managing to continually take the high road in the face of one personal attack after another — but members of her own family!

Markle"s dad, Thomas, has lashed out at the new Duchess as selfish and ungrateful.

Her half-sister, Samantha, has basically said Markle wants to murder puppies and should be held responsible for their father"s death, whenever it happens.

These are cruel and terrible people.

But don"t take our word for it. Take their own words for it!

Scroll down for a look at the harshest things Thomas Markle and Samantha Markle have said about our dear Meghan…

1. "It would be easier for Meghan if I died."

The royal bride

Thomas said this about his daughter toward the end of July, whining on this occasion to The Times of London.

2. "They have Meghan treating her father in a way that Harry’s mother, Princess Diana, would have loathed. That’s not what Diana stood for."

Royally married

Yup, he went there. Thomas once said that the Royal Family should be ashamed for turning Markle into the anti-Princess Diana, who is considered to basically be the best person in human history.

3. "How tragic is that, to deprive a child of its grandfather because I said a few things critical of the royal family

Duchess of sussex

Thomas peered into the future for this quote to The Daily Mail, saying that Meghan and Harry will have a child someday and his daughter will keep his GRANDdaughter from him and that is (will be?) a shameful act.

4. "She became the woman that she is today thanks to everything I did for her."

Royal newlyweds together

This was a classic one, also told to The Daily Mail, adding in this summer 2018 interview: “Did I get any recognition for it? Any thanks? She doesn’t even speak to me now. How cold is that?”

5. "I’ve seen her smile for years. I know her smile. I don’t like the one I’m seeing now. This is a pained smile."

As a duchess

Thomas has made it a mission to say as often as possible that Markle is basically being tortured by the Royal Family. He’s convinced she is unhappy and has basically joined a cult.

6. "She’s not qualified to suggest that I don’t under any law in this country."

Samantha grant

Samantha said this after she was told that Markle preferred for her to zip her stupid mouth. She added: “This is not Great Britain. I am a United States citizen. And, that’s all there is to it. She’s way out of her league to tell me that I can’t speak.”

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Monday, June 18, 2018

Thomas Markle says Prince Harry Said to Give Trump a Chance in Revealing Interview

Prince Harry wanted his future father-in-law to give Donald Trump a chance … so claims Meghan Markle’s father. Thomas Markle gave a wide-ranging interview on “Good Morning Britain” and revealed Harry once tried talking him off…


Monday, May 21, 2018

Katy Perry Actually Said WHAT About Meghan Markle"s Wedding Dress?!?

Now that Katy Perry is done feuding with Taylor Swift, the singer has apparently chosen a new target for her wrath.

And that target is…

… Meghan Markle?!?

Apparently, yes.

Following Saturday’s royal wedding, the rare event met with universal approval across the Internet, Perry was asked for her reaction to Markle’s wedding down.

It was a pretty basic ensemble, designed by Givenchy and worn perfectly by the glowing bride.

Or at least that’s what we thought.

“I would have done one more fitting,” the American Idol judge told Entertainment Tonight about the gown, adding with a smile:

“I’m never not going to tell the truth! One more fitting, but I love you!”

Let’s keep in mind that this fashion assessment is coming from someone who went out in public looking like this recently:

Designed by Great Britain’s own Clare Waight Keller, Markle’s dress featured a sleek silhouette featured and an open bateau neckline, along with slim three-quarter sleeves.

Moreover, it expertly emphasized the bride’s slender sculpted waist, according to Kensington Palace’s official release.

Has the gown received the sort of praise bestowed upon Kate Middleton’s wedding dress in 2011? Which actually led H&M to come out with a much cheaper version that it now sells in storeS?

No. Not yet at least.

But why be so harsh, Katy Perry?!?

“Kate won! Kate won!” Perry added even more obnoxiously, making clear in this same interview that she preferred Middleton’s Alexander McQueen-designed frock.

(Do you agree? Vote below!)

Fashion Face-Off!

You must pick one: Who wore her Royal Wedding Dress best, Meghan Markle or Kate Middleton? View Poll »

Markle and Harry got married on Saturday, May 19, of course.

The ceremony was attended by several hundred guests, while thousands of people lined the London streets to cheer on the couple and millions more watched at home on television.

We’ve since learned that Harry gave a speech at the evening reception in which he said he cannot wait for him and Markle to be an official “team.’

He also praised his bride’s “grace and dignity,” both of which truly have been on display while she gets dragged left and right by her terrible family members.

In her speech, meanwhile, Markle reportedly thanked her mom (“You have always been there for me through everything…”) and the Royal Family for accepting her into their lives with open arms.

Markle and Harry remain in Great Britain right now, putting off their honeymoon for an undetermined period of time.

It’s unclear just when they’ll depart and it’s equally unclear just where they are actually going for this big trip.

What is VERY clear, however, is that these two deserve a very long vacation.

They’ve been in the public eye for a long time now and they don’t need to just sit back and take this sort of criticism from someone like Katy Perry.

We hope they get the chance to get far away from it all soon, to kick back, relax and makes all sort of sweet and passionate love.

Don’t you agree?


Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Pink DESTROYS Twitter Troll Who Said She Looks Old

Pink is not here to listen to haters, and she has never balked at speaking her mind.

When a troll decided to claim that she looks distractingly old, Pink roasted that troll on Twitter.

But, interestingly, just weeks after being named most beautiful woman in the world, she doesn’t necessarily disagree with the person’s opinion. Take a look:

Someone on the interwebs decided to diss the 38-year-old singer in a tweet … and, in the process, appeared in Pink’s Twitter mentions.

“Wow Pink looks so old that she should be named Purple instead.”

That’s one of those lines that feels like a sick burn unless you think about it … at all.

(Why is purple somehow older than pink? What does this person know about colors that we do not?)

Pink saw this and decided to call out the hater with a tweet of her own.

“You must be from la,” she writes.

Los Angeles has a reputation for an intense preoccupation with certain beauty ideals, including youth and fitness. It’s not just Hollywood, either.

“Well, there are a few people left in the world that choose to age naturally.”

To be clear, natural aging can be fast or slow, depending upon factors like childhood, genetics, sun exposure, becoming a parent, and facial expressions.

Pink continues to roast her hater, writing:

“And I’ve earned every f–king minute of my 38 years.”

She has led and continues to lead a very full life.

Then, she turns the tables.

“How you lookin though?”

She points out that it is easy to ridicule and attack famous people — and that her hater is nothing of the sort.

“Cause I never heard of ya til you put my name in your mouth.”

She decides on a name for the person who decided to ridicule her looks in her own mentions.

“I shall call you little purple troll.”

Pink put up a follow-up tweet for her followers, speaking much more generally.

“I am of the mindset that it’s a blessing to grow old.”

Well … I personally would agree that it is a blessing to live a long time. Forever, ideally.

But Pink says that the physical signs of aging are a badge of pride.

“That if your face has lines around your eyes and mouth it means you’ve laughed a lot.”

It certainly does. In fact, some actors find that their faces age prematurely because they spend every day at work making facial expressions on camera instead of staring into a screen with resting b–chface.

Pink says that she eagerly anticipates new signs of aging.

“I pray I look older in 10 years.”

That sounds like an odd statement coming from anyone over the age of 15, but Pink’s next line may jar your sense of perspective.

“‘Cause that will mean I’m alive.”


Fans cheered her on, with one writing.

“Cant wait to see you when you’re 80.”

They hope that she’ll still be doing shows as an octegenarian in the year 2060.

“And if you’re still doing aerial stunts, all the better.”

Pink responded, delighted.

“You know I will!”

She even has a name in mind.

“I’ll call it ‘the wrinkles and rolls tour."”

Obviously, a lot of people have a lot of opinions about the hideous and agonizing process of aging, with many seeing it as a disease that impacts all humans that, they hope, will one day be cured.

But this story is not really about your stance on wrinkles or other cruel failures of the flesh.

This is a story about not being f–king rude to celebrities on Twitter.

Especially when your tweet will show up in their mentions.

Oh, and especially when it’s Pink, who never hesitates to own pathetic trolls on Twitter.


Monday, May 14, 2018

Margot Kidder Said She Was Fighting the Flu Days Before Death

“Superman” star Margot Kidder was battling the flu just 4 days before she died, and talked about her struggle during what appears to be her final interview.  Kidder phoned in to “The Drew and Mike Show” in Detroit on May…


Margot Kidder Said She Was Fighting the Flu Days Before Death

“Superman” star Margot Kidder was battling the flu just 4 days before she died, and talked about her struggle during what appears to be her final interview.  Kidder phoned in to “The Drew and Mike Show” in Detroit on May…


Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Kim Kardashian: Forget What Kanye Said! Look How Cute My Baby Is!

As you’ve no doubt heard by now, Kanye West has been making headlines recently as a result of his social media activity.

Normally, that’s not a bad thing, especially for an artist with new music coming out.

But Kanye has always taken a … let’s say unique approach to public relations, and this time, he may have bitten off more than he can chew.

And by that, we mean, the formerly-beloved rapper basically seems hell-bent on torpedoing his own career.

You know things are bad when stealing the microphone from Taylor Swift as she attempts to accept an award looks like a good guy moment by comparison.

Anyway, it’s impossible to keep up with all of Kanye’s bonkers tweets and controversial comments these days, and it seems unlikely that his career will ever recover from the media frenzy of the past week.

On Tuesday, Kanye hit a new low when he remarked that the centuries of slavery in the United States were the result “a choice” made by blacks of those eras.

Yes, it was really that bad … fortunately, for the sake of his reputation, Kanye married into a family that understands the importance of PR better than the Kennedys and the Clintons combined, hence the well-timed photo above.

Now clearly, Kim doesn’t believe a few well-timed baby pics will make the world forget that Kanye said some profoundly ignorant sh-t just last night.

But she probably figures – rightly, as it happens – that come cute snaps of little Chicago can’t hurt the situation.

Kim even posted some video clips of little Chi, cooing to her youngest daughter, “Are you not the cutest?”

Naturally, fans loved the latest glimpse at Kim and Kanye’s third child, and thankfully, there was relatively little smack talk.

Kim should probably enjoy the moment, because amicable interactions with the public might be few and far between in the weeks to come.

In addition to Kanye’s slavery comments, yesterday saw a revelation about a controversial period in his past.

Back in 2016, Kanye suffered a meltdown that was blamed his reps blamed on exhaustion and stress.

Last week, he revealed the true cause of his hospitalization:

It seems Kanye was addicted to opioids and struggled mightily to kick the habit:

“I think I’m in a stronger place than I ever was after the breakdown, or I like to say the breakthrough,” West told Charlamagne tha God in a candid interview yesterday.

The comment was controversial, as many believe Kanye is currently in the midst of a second breakdown.

Often with West, it can be difficult to tell the difference between media-baiting and genuine emotion.

Whatever the case, here’s hoping Kanye gets help if he needs.

He’s got a beautiful baby girl to look after.


Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Derek Fisher Proposes to Gloria Govan, She Said "Yes!"

Good news for Derek Fisher … the ex-NBA star popped the question to his girlfriend Gloria Govan — AND SHE SAID, “YES!” We’ve learned … 43-year-old Fisher got down on one knee during a small shindig at their Los Angeles-area home on April 7,…
