Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Kailyn and Javi Clash Over Their Marriage: Who Said What?

Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin have not been husband and wife for a very long time.

They got divorced back in May of 2016.

But the reality star share a son named Lincoln and both appear on Teen Mom 2, so they remain very much a part of one another"s lives.

Sometimes, they are on such great terms that they have post-divorce sex.

Other times, they are on such awful terms that they fight on Twitter over why they got married in the first place.

The following back-and-forth represents one of these latter times…

1. How Did the Latest Flap Begin?


Innocently enough, sort of. A bunch of Twitter users were simply in a debate over Javi and whether he sucks as a person or whether it was meeting Lowry and appearing on Teen Mom 2 caused him to suck.

2. Enter Kailyn


Lowry inserted herself into this back-and-forth as follows: :When i met javi he lied to me and told me he didn’t know who i was… creeped his twitter and sure as shit he had tweeted me a week prior. That was after he got picked to do True life and the girl refused.”

3. Wait, Kailyn, We Have a Question for You:


“Why did you got married with him if you knew all of this,” an astute user asked Kailyn after Lowry admitted she knew Javi was sort of a liar when they met.

4. This is Why:

I was desperate

I was young and dumb and desperate, Kailyn says. Which may sound like a self-own, but it’s also clearly a shot at Marroquin.

5. Nothing Has Changed!

Still desperate

Lowry’s response elicited a few clap backs from critics online, such as this harsh reply: “Well you’re still desperate. Nothing has changed there. You’re just desperate for Chris now. I wonder how a Linc will feel one day knowing he was a product of a desperate marriage on his mother’s part.”

6. How Did Javi React?

Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin

That’s the real question, right? Lowry took an unprompted shot at her ex in this Twitter exchange, pretty much forcing Marroquin to respond in some way, shape or form.

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