Showing posts with label Clash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Clash. Show all posts

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick Clash After the Kids Meet Sofia Richie!

Last week, we got a little hint of what was to come on Keeping Up With The Kardashians, with Scott Disick calling Kourtney crazy.

In this new clip, teasing Sunday"s episode, we see a lot more about Scott"s clash with Kourt.

Scott introduced their children to his then-teenage girlfriend Sofia Richie, and Kourtney was not having it. 

Kourtney vs scott on kuwtk sept 9 01

In real time, Scott Disick and Sofia Richie are roommates. Back when these episodes of KUWTK were being filmed, however, Scott had just introduced her to his kids.

It was … contentious. But his on-camera conversation with Kourtney about it starts off being just awkward.

"How do you feel like today went?" Scott asks.

"It"s, like, hard to communicate, in that way," Kourtney says, grinning at what an odd sentence she"s constructed even as the words leave her mouth.

"What? Normal?" Scott replies.

Kourtney vs scott on kuwtk sept 9 02

"You were pretty annoying for a little bit," Scott admits.

"Why?" Kourtney asks.

"It was really sweet when you told me that you allow me to be friends with your family," Scott informs Kourtney.

Just for the record, folks, it"s normal and even healthy to set boundaries between your family and your ex. Clearly, Scott does not think so.

Kourtney vs scott on kuwtk sept 9 03

"I"m saying," Kourtney tries to clarify. "Be appreciative of what you have."

"Hey, you don"t think I"m extremely appreciative?" Scott asks.

"Not when you just do whatever you want," Kourtney explains.

"What"s whatever I want?" Scott asks. "Live my life the exact same way you"re living it?"

Kourtney vs scott on kuwtk sept 9 04

"It"s called giving someone a heads up," Kourtney explains. "And having a respectful conversation. Giving someone the respect."

In this case, given the context, it seems clear that she means that she would have loved a little notice before he introduced their children to his teenage girlfriend.

"Sometimes," Scott says, mustering a defense. "You want to do certain things, or you map out certain things, but they don"t always go as planned."

"Yeah," Kourtney acknowledges. "But that could also just be an excuse."

Kourtney vs scott on kuwtk sept 9 05

"I make sacrifices all the time," Kourtney says. "And you"re not following through with the things you say you"re gonna do."

"You just go and do what you want," Kourtney accuses. "And I"m not okay with it."

Scott, who had just spent that past several months reportedly binge drinking and banging a series of teen models, then tries to deflect to Kourtney"s own shortcomings.

"Do you think you"re difficult or no? Do you think you"re overly controlling?"

Kourtney says no to both, but then acknowledges that "I did have to be with you, in our relationship."

Kourtney vs scott on kuwtk sept 9 06

This is a complicated situation. Sooner or later, the kids had to meet Sofia. But it"s fair that Kourtney would have liked a heads up, you know?

Scott sort of warms up during the conversation. He"s a handsome guy and he"s also funny, so he is accustomed to charming people in order to win arguments.

That no longer works on Kourtney, and you can almost see the frustration in Scott"s eyes.

Even so, Kourtney has been adopting a villainous role in recent episodes.

It will be interesting to see where Sunday"s arc takes her.

Kourtney kardashian and scott disick clash after their kids meet

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Kailyn and Javi Clash Over Their Marriage: Who Said What?

Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin have not been husband and wife for a very long time.

They got divorced back in May of 2016.

But the reality star share a son named Lincoln and both appear on Teen Mom 2, so they remain very much a part of one another"s lives.

Sometimes, they are on such great terms that they have post-divorce sex.

Other times, they are on such awful terms that they fight on Twitter over why they got married in the first place.

The following back-and-forth represents one of these latter times…

1. How Did the Latest Flap Begin?


Innocently enough, sort of. A bunch of Twitter users were simply in a debate over Javi and whether he sucks as a person or whether it was meeting Lowry and appearing on Teen Mom 2 caused him to suck.

2. Enter Kailyn


Lowry inserted herself into this back-and-forth as follows: :When i met javi he lied to me and told me he didn’t know who i was… creeped his twitter and sure as shit he had tweeted me a week prior. That was after he got picked to do True life and the girl refused.”

3. Wait, Kailyn, We Have a Question for You:


“Why did you got married with him if you knew all of this,” an astute user asked Kailyn after Lowry admitted she knew Javi was sort of a liar when they met.

4. This is Why:

I was desperate

I was young and dumb and desperate, Kailyn says. Which may sound like a self-own, but it’s also clearly a shot at Marroquin.

5. Nothing Has Changed!

Still desperate

Lowry’s response elicited a few clap backs from critics online, such as this harsh reply: “Well you’re still desperate. Nothing has changed there. You’re just desperate for Chris now. I wonder how a Linc will feel one day knowing he was a product of a desperate marriage on his mother’s part.”

6. How Did Javi React?

Kailyn lowry and javi marroquin

That’s the real question, right? Lowry took an unprompted shot at her ex in this Twitter exchange, pretty much forcing Marroquin to respond in some way, shape or form.

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Monday, August 13, 2018

T.J. Dillashaw and Henry Cejudo Clash, Trash Talk In TMZ Newsroom

Two UFC champs came face-to-face in the TMZ newsroom on Monday — talking all sorts of smack to each other … and begging Dana White to let them settle their beef in the Octagon.  Henry Cejudo had called out T.J. Dillashaw at UFC 227 –…


T.J. Dillashaw and Henry Cejudo Clash, Trash Talk In TMZ Newsroom

Two UFC champs came face-to-face in the TMZ newsroom on Monday — talking all sorts of smack to each other … and begging Dana White to let them settle their beef in the Octagon.  Henry Cejudo had called out T.J. Dillashaw at UFC 227 –…


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Little People, Big World Couples (Sort Of) Clash, Awkwardness Ensures

Last Friday night should have been an occasion to celebrate for the Roloffs.

As documented on Instagram, family-member-to-be Isabel Rock was fortunate enough to have some of her work included in an art show, which prompted nearly the entire Roloff clan to stop by Abbey Creek Vineyard & Winery in Portland in a show of support.

But this was the entire problem:

Nearly the entire Roloff clan stopped by Abbey Creek Vineyard & Winery in Portland in a show of support.

Those in attendance included Isabel’s fiance, of course, Jacob, along with the relatives from whom he is no longer estranged.

Audrey Roloff was on hand. So was Tori Roloff. And so were Amy Roloff and Matt Roloff, the anchors of TLC’s Little People, Big World who got divorced in May of 2016.

Both Amy and Matt have moved on to new significant others and they get along pretty well on camera.

However, Amy made it pretty clear last season that she doesn’t want her boyfriend, Chris Marek, to ever have to mingle with Matt’s girlfriend, Caryn Chandler.

It would just be very awkward, you know?

But this unwanted situation couldn’t be avoided over the weekend, as you can see in the photos above and below.

Way up top is a picture of Matt, Caryn, Jacob and Isabel.

Immediately above is a picture of Amy, Chris, Jacob and Isabel.

Sources say the couples didn’t really interact much, keeping their distance from each other for most of the night.

But have you ever been to an art gallery?

It’s not typically a very large space, meaning there must have been at least a few instances in which small talk had to be exchanged.

Which is a shame, really, because this evening really should have been all about Rock. Her dad even stopped by!

“I am just so abundantly grateful for the opportunities that art has given me,” Rock wrote on Instagram, adding:

“Also the outpouring of love and support from my friends and family. This feels right. I am exactly where I’m supposed to be.”

While Amy and Matt have always said the right things about each other in public, there have been Internet rumblings that tension does exist, largely because Chandler knows Amy pretty well and has for awhile.

She met Matt because she formerly worked as a manager at the family farm.

Back in October, Chandler hosted a party for her boyfriend and allegedly snubbed Amy, causing a near-riot among fans online.

So, again, we can only imagine how awkward things were late last week when everyone came together.

Fortunately, it does seem as though all Roloffs absolutely adore Isabel, who confirmed her engagement to Jacob in January.

She fits right in with the family and we’d have to assume most members put aside any differences in order to celebrate this pretty cool milestone with her.

At least we hope that was the case.

In related news, TLC made it official this week: Little People, Big World returns with new episodes on April 3!


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Farrah Abraham & Tyler Baltierra Clash Over Claims That He"s Gay

Farrah Abraham is essentially a bratty child with a social media following in the millions.

And as she"s demonstrated many times, that can be a very dangerous thing.

Earlier this week, Farrah went off on ALL of her Teen Mom: OG co-stars for reasons that still aren"t entirely clear.

Without citing any evidence, she suggested that Catelynn Lowell"s husband, Tyler Baltierra, is secretly gay.

Now, Tyler is clapping back in a way that"s sure to get Farrah"s goat…

1. The Pettiest Mom

Farrah abraham up close personal

Farrah has long been the most irritable, petty cast member on Teen Mom: OG, but this week she reached a new low, attacking all of her co-stars on social media for no apparent reason.

2. One-Woman Roast Battle

Farrah abraham in greece

“I’m just happy amber stays In bed, Maci sits on the couch, Catelynn smokes weed in her car , Tyler’s gays still doesn’t admit it, I travel the world & know how to run businesses #teenmom @mtv all I can say is #WOW,” Farrah tweeted Monday night.

3. Apropos of Nothing

Farrah abraham blonde for single af

The tweet followed an episode of Teen Mom: OG, but seemed to have nothing to do with what transpired on the show. In fact, as with most episodes of TM: OG, Farrah in no way interacted with her co-stars over the course of the hour.

4. Feeling Threatened?

Catelynn lowell and tyler baltierra snuggles

Farrah doubled-down in her criticism of Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra. No other couple on the show was subjected to TWO Farrah burns. The question is, why?

5. The Reason

Catelynn lowell with tyler baltierra photo

Many fans have speculated that the reason Farrah seems especially pissed at Tyler and Catelynn is the episode focused on their business ventures, and Ms. Abraham likes to think of herself as the only true mogul on the cast.

6. Only Farrah

Farrah abraham models lingerie

Very few people think it’s an insult to be called gay or a pothead in 2017, and those who do are unquestionably morons. So it’s not surprising that Farrah is one of them. Fortunately, Tyler didn’t shy away from the conflict.

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Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Ciara Poses Topless and Pregnant; Haters, Fans Clash on Twitter

Two and a half years have passed since Ciara and her rapper ex-fiance Future split, but still, Internet trolls love to evoke that relationship.

Especially when the former couple"s child is involved.

To wit, one photo in particular among the many images of Ciara topless and pregnant in Harper"s Bazaar has people all kinds of fired up.

Even though she"s married to Russell Wilson, and expecting a new baby with him, every single move is supposedly directed at Future.

At least if you believe some of her online critics … but fortunately, plenty of fans came to Ciara"s defense regarding the photos as well.

See a sampling of the Twitter debate that erupted:


1. Ciara: Topless and Pregnant

Ciara topless and pregnant

This is a revealing picture to be sure, and one that some people deemed to be a little much. But that’s not even close to the most controversial image from the shoot …

2. Just the 4 of Us

Ciara russell wilson and baby future

Ciara, Russell Wilson, baby Future and future baby Wilson pose for a photo that has fans all kinds of worked up. Her caption: “Just the 4 of Us.” For many people on Twitter, it’s just 2 many nude limbs.

3. SO Disrespectful

So disrespectful

Is it, though?

4. Baby Future is Too Old!

Baby future is too old

This was a common theme among Twitter critics.

5. This is Weird

This is weird

More than a few memes popped up to that effect.

6. Conspiracy Theory

Conspiracy theory

What if I told you … she’s pushing his buttons as part of a passive-aggressive naked war of words and pics?!

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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Kate Upton: Clash of the Sports Illustrated Covers!

As previously reported, Kate Upton has been chosen as the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition cover model.

Yes, you’ve likely read that sentence before.

Because this is the third time Upton has been honored with this special issue’s cover, having flaunted her body for the magazine’s feature photo in 2012 and 2013 as well.

Despite being named Rookie of the Year in 2011 by Sports Illustrated editors – following her first set of bikini photos within the publication’s pages – Upton wasn’t very well know five years ago.

“If I got the cover, I would be really excited. It would be really amazing,” Kate said while shooting for the 2012 issue, adding at the time:

“It’s always what I’ve talked about. I grew up in an American family, so it always was on the coffee table and to be that girl on the magazine on the coffee table would just be really groundbreaking for me.”

The dream became a reality shortly after Upton sat down for this interview.

And the following 2012 cover launched her into superstardom:

A year later, it was off to Antarctica for Upton and her fellow models.

“When you think you’re going for a Sports Illustrated shoot, you think beach – sometimes it can be chilly and there’s going to be wind, but when you know you’re going to Antarctica, you know you’re going to be freezing and half naked,” Kate said that year.

“And I was very nervous because I grew up in Florida and I don’t do well in the snow when I’m fully dressed.”

Upton was anything but fully dressed for this pictorial.

Yes, she donned a winter jacket for the occasion.

But she didn’t wear a top of any kind!

Those enormous breasts were exposed to all the winter elements, not to mention a readership of millions.

“This specific shot was on the boat,” Upton explained back then of the cover, adding:

“It was the last shot of the round and the gave me coat, which, at the time, I thought was a miracle. At one point, I was sitting on the railing and then came down.

“The wind was blowing and they let me put my hood up and who’ve known that would’ve been the cover?”

After being featured on a pair of covers, word spread this year that Upton would not pose for SI at all unless she was given yet another cover.

We can’t confirm if that diva-like demand actually went down.

All we can say for certain is that Upton is, indeed, covering the Swimsuit Edition once again. And we don’t think any guy out there is complaining.

So there you have it.

Now you’ve ogle Kate Upton bikini photos from 2012, 2013 and 2017.

Take as long as you need or want to compare, contrast and wipe the drool off your keyboard and then VOTE: 


And the Winner is?

Kate Upton has graced the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition cover three times. Vote above and decide on her hottest photo. View Poll »


Monday, October 31, 2016

Halloween Costume Clash: Which Kardashian Wore It Best?

A slight damper was placed on Halloween this year for the Kardashians and Jenners.

Why? Because Kim Kardashian did not get dressed up and hit the town.

Over the years, Kim had rocked some memorable Halloween costumes, sometimes more than one per holiday.

But she’s still recovering from the trauma of this month’s armed robbery in Paris, avoiding the press and the public in general. We don’t blame her.

Fortunately, Khloe Kardashian, Kourtney Kardashian and Kylie Jenner stopped up their costume games in Kim’s absence over the weekend.

First, there was Khloe, who stirred up quite a literal Storm on Saturday night, going to a party dressed as the X-Men character made famous by Halle Berry.

She also made out big time with boyfriend Tristan Thompson at a party.

Then there was Kourtney, who has never been married…

… and maybe we now know why!

Because if this is Kourtney’s idea of wedding fashion, then not even Scott Disick would be desperate enough to exchange vows with her:

Finally, Kylie hearkened way back to the days of Christina Aguilera.

And we know what you’re thinking: these are the days of Christina Aguilera.

But we’re talking about old school Christina Aguilera. The 2002 version of Christina Aguilera. The Dirrrty version of Christina Aguilera, the sexy artist who sky-rocketed to fame due to one of the sexiest music videos in recorded history.

Isn’t that right, Kylie?

So there you have it.

There you have your options.

Which of these sisters wore her 2016 Halloween costume best?

And the Winner is?

Khloe, Kourtney or Kylie? Which member of this famous family dressed the best for Halloween in 2016? View Poll »

Compare. Contrast. And vote above.

And then take a look below at many, many other outfits donned by other famous people for Halloween this year:


Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Blac Chyna vs. Kim Kardashian: Nude Cover Clash!

Blac Chyna made like Kim Kardashian this week.

No, she didn’t stick her world famous booty in the air and balance a champagne flute on its sizable cheeks.

But she did take all of her clothes off and pose naked for Paper Magazine.

Kim, of course, did this very same thing toward the end of 2014, prompting an obvious question: Whose naked spread is more alluring?


And the Winner is?

Blac Chyna and Kim Kardashian have BOTH posed naked for Paper. Which of these magazine covers would you rather keep under your mattress for when you’re alone? View Poll »

Paper Magazine has turned itself into a household name by featuring an endless array of famous women in states of undress.

Or, really, just one state of undress.

Which is to say: they are entirely undressed.

Earlier this year, Paris Hilton tried to get back into the mainstream news by gracing the publication’s cover.

So let’s cast another vote, shall we?

These are two women sort of named after famous places in the world. Inside which would you prefer to spend more time?

And the Winner is?

Blac Chyna or Paris Hilton? If you could only choose one Paper Magazine cover, which would it be? View Poll »

Meanwhile, Miley Cyrus mixed things up with her Paper Magazine cover.

She also got naked, but she did so alongside one of her pet pigs.

No, really!

Feast your eyes below on Miley’s Paper photo, compare it to one of Chyna in her birthday suit and click away:

Would you rather hide Chyna’s issue under your mattress for when you are alone or Miley’s issue?

And the Winner is?

Both are naked, but only one is holding a pig. Whose Paper cover do you like best, Blac Chyna or Miley Cyrus? View Poll »

Finally, Kylie Jenner did NOT bare it all for Paper.

But she did bare a whole lot, including a unique wig that made her look nearly unrecognizable.

So while we’re on this topic and while we’re comparing Blac Chyna with other Paper Magazine subjects, it’s only fair to include Kylie.

What do you think of her hair color here? Of her seductive attire?

Do you wish she had also posed with a pig? Should that just be a rule for all Paper Magazine covers going forward?

Compare. Contrast. Decide.

And vote one more time below:

And the Winner is?

Blac Chyna went naked for Paper, while Kylie Jenner wigged out. Whose photo do you like best? View Poll »