Showing posts with label COSTUME. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COSTUME. Show all posts

Monday, November 12, 2018

Michael C. Hall"s "Dexter" Stalking Costume Up For Auction, Plus "Star Trek" Props

There’s an online bidding war about to erupt, and “Dexter” fans will have the opportunity to take home Michael C. Hall’s famous stalker getup from the psychological thriller … if they have the cash.  The Dexter Morgan stalker ensemble from…


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Russell Crowe in Full Costume as Roger Ailes for "Loudest Voice" TV Series

Russell Crowe is pulling a Christian Bale … fully immersing himself in his role as late Fox News chief Roger Ailes, and doing such a great job at it, you’d never recognize him on the street. Crowe was seen shooting Tuesday in NYC for the…


Thursday, November 1, 2018

O.J. Simpson"s Halloween Costume, Killer Gynecologist

Here’s the scariest thing we’ve seen this Halloween — O.J. Simpson.  Oh, also he’s dressed up as a gynecologist.  The ex-con spent his Halloween evening at the Blue Martini Lounge in Las Vegas, Nevada — one of his haunts — dressed…


Heidi Klum Rocks Insane "Shrek" Costume In Front of Mike Myers!

Heidi Klum’s incredible Halloween party is like an onion — it’s got layers of awesomeness, baby — starting with the fact she rocked an amazing “Shrek” costume … in front of Mike Myers!!!! Klum used a team of makeup artists and prosthetics…


Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Tom Brady Says Gisele"s Picking His Halloween Costume, She Calls the Shots!

It’s the day before Halloween and Tom Brady still has NO IDEA what his costume’s gonna be … but TB12’s keepin’ calm in the pocket, ‘cause he’s leaving it all up to Gisele!! ICYMI … the superstar couple went viral with their avocado toast…


Kate Hudson"s "Wild Wild Country" Costume Gets Thumbs-Up from Cult"s Ex-Lawyer

Kate Hudson’s catching some flak for dressing up as a follower of Bhagwan Rajneesh – the cult leader in the Netflix docuseries, “Wild Wild Country” — but one of his former disciples LOVES it. We talked to Philip Toelkes — who used to go by…


Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Shaun White Apologizes for "Insensitive" Halloween Costume

Shaun White can pull off a Double McTwist 1260 better than maybe anyone who has ever lived.

But the world famous snowboarder still needs help in the Halloween costume department.

On Monday evening, the athlete expressed regret and issued a mea culpa after dressing up this week as Simple Jack, Ben Stiller’s disabled character in the 2008 comedy Tropic Thunder.

The three-time Olympic gold medalist shared his outfit (below) on Instagram prior to making his statementm drawing a harsh rebuke from The Special Olympics in the process.

“We are truly disappointed that Shaun White, an acclaimed Olympian, would choose this costume which is so offensive and causes so much pain,” one of the organization’s cofounders, Soeren Palumbo, said.

Speaking to The Huffington Post, he added:

“Disability is not a joke nor should it be a punchline.

“We hope that Shaun White and others learn that this just continues stigma, stereotypes and discrimination.”

The image has since been deleted and White has now said the following in response to the backlash:

I owe everyone in the Special Olympics community an apology for my poor choice of Halloween costume the other night.

It was a last minute decision. It was the wrong one.

The Special Olympics were right to call me out on it. They do great work supporting so many athletes and I am sorry for being insensitive.

Lesson learned.

Upon its release, once the depiction of Still’s controversial character was viewed by the public, Tropic Thunder was widely criticized and even boycotted by disability advocacy groups.

The movie repeatedly and excessively used the R-word to describe Stiller’s character.

In a statement to The New York Times in 2008, a spokesperson for DreamWorks Pictures said the film “satirizes Hollywood and its excesses and makes its point by featuring inappropriate and over-the-top characters in ridiculous situations.”

The company added that it did not intend to “disparage or harm the image of individuals with disabilities.”

This is a photo of Stiller in the role:

In this case, however, it looks like White’s scandal will be short-lived.

He acknowledged the mistake he made in dressing as Simple Jack and the Special Olympics then replied in appreciation.

“Thank you @shaunwhite for listening to our community.

“You always have an invitation to shred with our athletes at #XGames Aspen!” the organization wrote on Twitter.

Do you think White should have apologized in the first place?


Monday, October 29, 2018

Shaun White"s "Simple Jack" Halloween Costume Slammed By Special Olympics

Shaun White is under fire from special needs parents AND the Special Olympics over his Halloween costume — “Simple Jack” from “Tropic Thunder.”  Remember, when the movie came out back in 2008, several disabilities groups blasted Ben Stiller…


Sunday, October 28, 2018

TMZ"s Pet Costume Photo Gallery -- Scary Good!

The TMZ newsroom got slammed with your freaky photos for our Pet Costume Photo Gallery, and now’s your chance to see who made the creepy cut! We’ve collected a bunch of your dressed up pets like cops, ghosts, witches and even real…


Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Caitlyn Jenner Halloween Costume: Harmless or Horrible?

For the second time in just a few years, controversy has erupted over the selling of a Caitlyn Jenner Halloween costume.

Back in 2015, shortly after the ex-reality star fully revealed herself to be transgender, folks were given the option of going out in the dress Caitlyn wore to make this groundbreaking announcement.

At the time, the costume came with a sash that read “Call Me Caitlyn.”

A debate quickly ensued over whether this was a harmless bit of fun…

… or if the costume was using Jenner’s lifestyle as a source of mockery.

For whatever it was worth back then, Caitlyn said she did NOT find the costume to be offensive.

Now, however, she may need to issue a new statement in regard to a new Halloween get-up.

A new Caitlyn Jenner costume has hit the market, this one taking potential customers back to the days during which Jenner was known as “Bruce” and was considered, literally, as the greatest athlete in the world.

Bruce Jenner was the gold medal in the decathlon at the 1976 Olympics.

As you can see above and below, this costume comes replete with a decathlete’s jersey (with Bruce’s number 935); a gold medal; and a pair of teeny tiny shorts.

It also comes with a wig.

Because Jenner identifies as a woman now… get it? HILARIOUS!

Really, jusy so very witty, isn’t it?

eBay originally sold the outfit for $ 44.95 prior to removing the item from its collection.

But it remains available on Amazon and on the website for Costume Agent, which is the company responsible for this idea.

A rep tells TMZ that the organization has no plans to remove the costume from its inventory; not as long as it continues to sell well.

Caitlyn Jenner wig

“It’s a costume. It’s funny,” says this rep.

However, someone from the charity Stonewall – which fights for the rights of members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community in the United Kingdom – says differently.

“This is a reminder of how much is left to do to combat the abuse trans people face every day,” explains this rep, adding:

“This costume reduces a marginalised group to the butt of a joke. It should be taken off the shelves.”

This seems like a reasonable point of view in our opinion.

Then again, it also seems reasonable to let someone buy the costume and then mock the heck out of them on Halloween.

For being insensitive? Yes.

But also for being boring and unoriginal.

Who purchase a Caitlyn Jenner transgender costume and thinks it’s remotely creative in the year 2018?!?

charity in the United Kingdom named after the Stonewall Inn of Stonewall riots fame in New York City’s Greenwich Villag


Friday, September 28, 2018

Tom Hanks in Full Costume as Mr. Rogers for First Time

We promise … this is actually Tom Hanks and not an old pic of the real Mr. Rogers, but the transformation is pretty uncanny.  Sony Pictures released the first image of Hanks Thursday in full sweater mode as Mr. Rogers ……


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Grant Gustin Hits Back at Body Shamers After The Flash Costume Pic Leaks!

Fresh after the announcement that Ruby Rose will play Batwoman in the Arrowverse, a very unflattering photo of Grant Gustin in a new Flash costume leaked.

The The Flash star took to Instagram to assure concerned fans that no, that’s not the final look for the Season 5 costume.

But he also took aim at the hateful trolls who decided to body-shame him. Body-shaming is never okay.

After an unflattering photo of Grant Gustin posing in a new Flash costume was leaked, some fans were alarmed by the new costume’s look.

Worse, some trolls decided to body-shame Gustin for his narrow build.

In response to the backlash, Gustin took to Instagram, writing: “So here’s the thing about this bulls–t photo leak.”

“It’s a cool suit,” Gustin affirms about his actual costume. “There’s a terrible photo that I was unaware was being taken, much less being posted.”

“Some things need work and they will be worked on,” Gustin acknowledges. “We’ll get there.”

The Flash Costume Photo Leak

(So, again, this is not the final look — this is an image from a fitting)

“As far as the body shaming,” Gustin continues. “That’s what pisses me off. Not even just for my sake.”

“I’ve had 20+ years of kids and adults telling me or my parents that I was too thin,” Gustin shares.

That is awful. Unless someone is unhealthy, there is no such thing as too thin or whatever. And even if someone is unhealthily thin, that’s still nobody’s business.

“But there’s a double standard,” Gustin acknowledges. “Where it’s OK to talk s–t about a dude’s body.”

True. Though we should point out that, just weeks ago, other vicious trolls singled out his unbearably gorgeous costar, Candice Patton, and body-shamed her over an alleged weight gain.

“I do my best to stay in shape and add as much size as I can throughout these seasons,” Gustin shares.

Honestly, that’s really not necessary, and we’ll explain why in a bit.

“I’m naturally thin, and my appetite is greatly affected by stress,” Gustin explains. “Stress is something that ebbs and flows for me throughout a season.”

Some people stress-eat. Others can’t eat when they’re stressed.

Gustin explains: “Thus, gaining weight is a challenge for me.”

“I didn’t cast a slim actor as The Flash,” Gustin explains. “I went to an audition for a role I never dreamed I’d actually book.”

“But, here I am 5 seasons later,” Gustin affirms. “I’m happy with my body and who I am.”

That is great!

“And,” Gustin continues. “Other kids who are built like me and thinner than me should be able to feel the same way.”

He’s right!

Gustin adds: “Not only that, but they should be able to feel like THEY could be a superhero on TV or film or whatever it may be some day.”

“I love the suit that has been designed for me,” Gustin shares to reassure worried fans. “And I think when everyone sees it in its entirety, you will love it too.”

Remember when some snapshots of the Titans cast leaked and fans were worried, but the photos were misleading and the real looks were revealed to be much better?

It sounds like this is happening again.

“Things have been adjusted since that leaked shot was taken,” Gustin promises. “And more things will continue to be adjusted until it feels right.”

Gustin also took to his Instagram stories to say: “F–k whoever leaked that.”

Gotta be honest, I’m a little behind on my Arrowverse shows — though I still know the spoilers. (Honestly, who didn’t know who Jessica Parker Kennedy was playing?)

But this case of body-shaming is especially odd because Flash is always, always supposed to be slimmer. He should have a track team build.

Unfortunately, a lot of television shows present male bodies in only one form, whether we’re talking about Teen Wolf of Arrow. Anybody else, even if large portions of the audience would find them attractive, keeps their shirt on.

This perpetuates the idea that there’s only one acceptable way to be attractive on camera.

Well, Flash is not supposed to be a “hunk.” He’s supposed to be a slender speedster.

But even if that were not the case, that would still be no excuse to body-shame anyone. Grant Gustin is a real person with real feelings.

And so, by the way, is Candice Patton.

So not only is there zero reason to body-shame either of them, but even if their bodies didn’t “look right,” you don’t get to ruin somebody’s day because their flesh prison isn’t shaped like you wish it were.

Other people don’t exist merely for your viewing pleasure.

We’re reasonably confident that the finished costume will look great. Even if it doesn’t, that won’t be the fault of any of the actors. Please be nice.


Monday, April 23, 2018

Scarlett Johansson"s "Ghost in the Shell" Costume is Up For Grabs

Scarlett Johansson’s “Ghost in the Shell” was a total flop in theaters, but her costume from it is expected to have a killer opening at auction. Several props from the film — including the white Stage Three Thermoptic Suit ScarJo…


Scarlett Johansson"s "Ghost in the Shell" Costume is Up For Grabs

Scarlett Johansson’s “Ghost in the Shell” was a total flop in theaters, but her costume from it is expected to have a killer opening at auction. Several props from the film — including the white Stage Three Thermoptic Suit ScarJo…


Monday, January 15, 2018

Philadelphia Costume Shops Scrambling For Dog Masks

The hottest item in Philly is a DOG MASK … with costume shops throughout the city scrambling to stock up so fans can wear K9 heads to the NFC title game this weekend.  TMZ Sports spoke with the 5 top costume shops in the Philly area … and…


Sunday, December 17, 2017

French Soccer Star Antoine Griezmann Apologizes for Full Blackface Costume

A French soccer player went full-on blackface for an ’80s costume party … and quickly apologized for thinking it was okay. Antoine Griezmann – a star striker for Spain’s Atletico Madrid — posted a photo and video of himself Sunday…


Thursday, November 2, 2017

We Never Thought We"d Cry Over a Costume, But...

Imgur user BScribbs has shared a post titled "I"m just really proud."

Who is she proud of? Why might her story make you cry all the happy tears?

Scroll down to learn why (and prepare to cry all the happy tears as you do)…

1. This is the User’s Son

This is the users son

We don’t know his name. But he’s about to earn a standing ovation.

2. This Was His Halloween Costume

This was his halloween costume

Writes the users: “No one knew what my son was for Halloween and he didn’t care. He had a hard time picking out a costume this year. We walked out of two Halloween stores empty handed, he didn’t wanna be any of the characters…”

3. Who Do You Admire Most, Son?

Who do you admire most son

“Finally, Sunday night, I just told him to pick his FAVORITE HERO and I’d make the costume the next day. His eyes lit up and he yelled ‘Dad"” she explains. So she made him a costume of his father. AWWW, right?!?

4. Now the Dad is Our Hero, Too

Now the dad is our hero too

Continues the user: “His dad works long hours and rarely gets a day off. He runs a kitchen in a restaurant and comes home greasy, stinky, and exhausted every night. He works really hard to take care of his family.”

5. We Love This Story

We love this story

And, as you can tell by these reactions, we aren’t alone.

6. So Much Pride All Around

So much pride all around

So much deserved pride all around.

View Slideshow

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

LeBron"s Disturbing Pennywise Costume Highlights Cavs Halloween Party

LeBron’s a nightmare to opponents on the court … but he was even more frightening at the Cavs Halloween party, ‘cause the King’s Pennywise costume is sure to keep you up at night. The Cavs always go over-the-top for their annual team…


Monday, October 30, 2017

Colin "Krapperdick" Costume Wins Louisiana Casino Halloween Contest

It pays to mock Colin Kaepernick … just ask the guy who walked away with a cash prize at a major Louisiana casino for being “Colin Krapperdick.”  It all went down at the Horseshoe Casino in Bossier City — a hotel owned by Caesars…


Colin "Krapperdick" Costume Wins Louisiana Casino Halloween Contest

It pays to mock Colin Kaepernick … just ask the guy who walked away with a cash prize at a major Louisiana casino for being “Colin Krapperdick.”  It all went down at the Horseshoe Casino in Bossier City — a hotel owned by Caesars…
