Showing posts with label Shamers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shamers. Show all posts

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Grant Gustin Hits Back at Body Shamers After The Flash Costume Pic Leaks!

Fresh after the announcement that Ruby Rose will play Batwoman in the Arrowverse, a very unflattering photo of Grant Gustin in a new Flash costume leaked.

The The Flash star took to Instagram to assure concerned fans that no, that’s not the final look for the Season 5 costume.

But he also took aim at the hateful trolls who decided to body-shame him. Body-shaming is never okay.

After an unflattering photo of Grant Gustin posing in a new Flash costume was leaked, some fans were alarmed by the new costume’s look.

Worse, some trolls decided to body-shame Gustin for his narrow build.

In response to the backlash, Gustin took to Instagram, writing: “So here’s the thing about this bulls–t photo leak.”

“It’s a cool suit,” Gustin affirms about his actual costume. “There’s a terrible photo that I was unaware was being taken, much less being posted.”

“Some things need work and they will be worked on,” Gustin acknowledges. “We’ll get there.”

The Flash Costume Photo Leak

(So, again, this is not the final look — this is an image from a fitting)

“As far as the body shaming,” Gustin continues. “That’s what pisses me off. Not even just for my sake.”

“I’ve had 20+ years of kids and adults telling me or my parents that I was too thin,” Gustin shares.

That is awful. Unless someone is unhealthy, there is no such thing as too thin or whatever. And even if someone is unhealthily thin, that’s still nobody’s business.

“But there’s a double standard,” Gustin acknowledges. “Where it’s OK to talk s–t about a dude’s body.”

True. Though we should point out that, just weeks ago, other vicious trolls singled out his unbearably gorgeous costar, Candice Patton, and body-shamed her over an alleged weight gain.

“I do my best to stay in shape and add as much size as I can throughout these seasons,” Gustin shares.

Honestly, that’s really not necessary, and we’ll explain why in a bit.

“I’m naturally thin, and my appetite is greatly affected by stress,” Gustin explains. “Stress is something that ebbs and flows for me throughout a season.”

Some people stress-eat. Others can’t eat when they’re stressed.

Gustin explains: “Thus, gaining weight is a challenge for me.”

“I didn’t cast a slim actor as The Flash,” Gustin explains. “I went to an audition for a role I never dreamed I’d actually book.”

“But, here I am 5 seasons later,” Gustin affirms. “I’m happy with my body and who I am.”

That is great!

“And,” Gustin continues. “Other kids who are built like me and thinner than me should be able to feel the same way.”

He’s right!

Gustin adds: “Not only that, but they should be able to feel like THEY could be a superhero on TV or film or whatever it may be some day.”

“I love the suit that has been designed for me,” Gustin shares to reassure worried fans. “And I think when everyone sees it in its entirety, you will love it too.”

Remember when some snapshots of the Titans cast leaked and fans were worried, but the photos were misleading and the real looks were revealed to be much better?

It sounds like this is happening again.

“Things have been adjusted since that leaked shot was taken,” Gustin promises. “And more things will continue to be adjusted until it feels right.”

Gustin also took to his Instagram stories to say: “F–k whoever leaked that.”

Gotta be honest, I’m a little behind on my Arrowverse shows — though I still know the spoilers. (Honestly, who didn’t know who Jessica Parker Kennedy was playing?)

But this case of body-shaming is especially odd because Flash is always, always supposed to be slimmer. He should have a track team build.

Unfortunately, a lot of television shows present male bodies in only one form, whether we’re talking about Teen Wolf of Arrow. Anybody else, even if large portions of the audience would find them attractive, keeps their shirt on.

This perpetuates the idea that there’s only one acceptable way to be attractive on camera.

Well, Flash is not supposed to be a “hunk.” He’s supposed to be a slender speedster.

But even if that were not the case, that would still be no excuse to body-shame anyone. Grant Gustin is a real person with real feelings.

And so, by the way, is Candice Patton.

So not only is there zero reason to body-shame either of them, but even if their bodies didn’t “look right,” you don’t get to ruin somebody’s day because their flesh prison isn’t shaped like you wish it were.

Other people don’t exist merely for your viewing pleasure.

We’re reasonably confident that the finished costume will look great. Even if it doesn’t, that won’t be the fault of any of the actors. Please be nice.


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Rose McGowan Blasts Harvey Weinstein, Victim Shamers

Harvey Weinstein’s living in the lap of luxury — like nothing ever happened — while sexual harassment victims are facing unfair backlash … according to Weinstein’s archenemy, Rose McGowan. Rose was pretty fired up at LAX when we asked her…


Saturday, August 5, 2017

Hilary Duff: Kiss My Ass, Body Shamers!

Hilary Duff is one of those celebrities who is usually pretty great, but you never really get a chance to think about it because she’s not a gigantic star or a gigantic mess.

She’s adorable, talented, she brought so much joy to our childhoods with her remarkable work as Lizzie McGuire … what’s not to love?

Amazingly, it turns out that there’s more to love than we ever even imagined.

See, Hilary has always been beautiful, and for the past little while it seems like she’s been getting a little thicker, too.

She looks absolutely gorgeous, with or without the extra little bit of weight — make no mistake, she’s lovely no matter what.

But the point is that people have been noticing her changing appearance, which means that chances are she’s been noticing the kinds of comments her new look has been getting, too.

And while it seems like she’s fine with all the “damn, girl, you thicker than a bowl of oatmeal” comments, she’s got no time for the body shamers.

Last night, she shared this photo on Instagram:

That’s Hilary on vacation with her son, Luca, wearing a cute swimsuit and looking cute in general.

But the message she shared along with the photo … that’s where the magic is.

“I am posting this on behalf of young girls, women, and mothers of all ages,” she began.

“I’m enjoying a vacation with my son after a long season of shooting and being away from him for weeks at a time over those months.”

She wrote that “Since websites and magazines love to share ‘celeb flaws’ — well I have them!”

“My body has given me the greatest gift of my life: Luca, 5 years ago. I’m turning 30 in September and my body is healthy and gets me where I need to go.”

“Ladies, let’s be proud of what we’ve got and stop wasting precious time in the day wishing we were different, better, and unflawed,” she urged.

To her critics, she wrote “You guys (you know who you are!) already know how to ruin a good time, and now you are body shamers as well.”

And, to end her incredible tirade, she added the hashtag “Kiss my ass.”

See what we mean about how amazing she is?


Saturday, June 24, 2017

Aaron Carter Attacks Body Shamers, Ends Up in Hospital

The worst week of Aaron Carter’s life has concluded with him in the hospital.

On Thursday night, the singer went off on a Tweet storm in response to the influx of body-shaming he’s unfortunately experienced of late.

The artist jumped on his social media account following a concert in Syracuse that evening, during which he overheard fans making fun of his gaunt figure.

(Carter opened up last month about his diagnosis of a hiatal hernia at the age of 19, saying the medical condition makes it difficult for him to eat.)

“I’m entirely hurt by a so-called fan that I just encountered,” Carter wrote on Twitter, explaining in further detail:

“She wasn’t realizing I was listening, she said I look like I have cancer. This is body shaming. You guys are bullying me. I’ve already addressed my medical issues.”

The singer added the hashtag “#bodyshaming” to his message.

Not long after sending this Tweet, Carter provided followers with an update of his condition – and his whereabouts.

“Lots of shows lately, had to head up to ER just to get a little check up these shows are crazy lately gotta make sure I stay strong,” wrote Carter as a caption to the photo above.

He added another image of himself in a wheelchair and added:

“I’ll recover.”

Just a few weeks ago, Carter’s dad passed away.

This tragic event took place five years after his sister, Leslie Carter, died of a drug overdose at age 25.

The star referenced these sad developments in a follow-up Tweet, writing:

“I’ve literally had the hardest week of my life, my dad past [sic] away my late sisters birthday anniversary was June 6th & people #BodyShame me…

“I promise I’ll work on getting bigger physically I have medical issues I don’t want to discuss at this time. #GodBless.”

AC tweets

Carter’s diatribe continued throughout Thursday night and into most of Friday, as he re-Tweeted thoughts from supporters and shot back at others who questioned his weight.

“I’m sorry I’m not fat enough. For my fake fans,” he said.

“I’m sorry I’m not good enough or heavy enough to be attractive… I’m bullied and body shamed by the world… They literally won’t stop bullying me…

“They won’t leave me alone. I’m getting hate messages and death threats.”

Continued the angry and upset singer:

“Been in the hospital three times this month, dealing with health issues and broken fingers as well as things I can’t legally discuss.

“Do I have to do a spinal tap to prove to people? They’re trolling me and causing me so much insecurities.”

At times, Carter did appear hopeful.

He tried to remain upbeat.

“I’m not ashamed of my body,” he wrote on Instagram. “Maybe I’m too skinny, maybe I’m too short but the one thing I know is I love my fans my family my girlfriend and my friends. I’m #NotPerfect you never know what someone is going through.

“We are not immortal. #embracelove…

“All I can do is my best in my life with the conditions I have I need to stay strong, I’m so grateful for my fans, YOU mean the world to me.

“Progress is better than perfection. It’s OK to be on a self-love journey, so don’t beat yourself up if u have yet to reach your destination.”

Finally, on Friday, Carter shared the following picture:

“My appetite is coming back,” he wrote. “#StayingPositive.”

We’re glad to hear it!

Hang in there, Aaron. Ignore the haters, man.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Ireland Baldwin Slams Body Shamers, is Just So Wonderful

Isn’t Ireland Baldwin just the best?

Sure, we usually only ever hear about her when she’s nude or nearly nude, and yes, she’s the spawn of Alec Baldwin, which isn’t great, but still.

She’s a gem, and she deserves to be treated as such.

While Ireland gets the most attention for being super hot, it’s important to note that she’s got more going on than just her beauty — and she proved it in a moving Instagram post she made earlier this month.

Along with the photo above, she wrote “This is who I am, take it or leave. I am not going to be body shamed for being pale or not stick thin.”

“I’m not going to beat myself up for not looking like someone else. I’m not going to be told that I’m damaged goods because of my tattoos.”

Hold up, there are people in this world that actually have negative things to say about Ireland Baldwin’s appearance?

Who are these people and what is wrong with them? Should they even be allowed to live on this planet with us?

In the post, she admitted that “Most days I’m self conscious, but today I love every curve and edge.”

“Your body should be treated with the dignity and respect it deserves.”

She explained that she wanted to be “as real as possible” with her followers, because “what is even the point of social media if you can’t be who you truly are?”

“I’m not here to mindf-ck all of you into believing I am something that I’m not. I’m forever on a journey of finding my better self and I will continue to work as hard as I can to make MYSELF proud.”

She finished her lovely little message with “Today I hope everyone is proud of who they are and can recognize what they can accomplish!”

So sweet, right?

And in a new interview with Entertainment Tonight, Ireland decided to get even more outspoken about body shaming.

“I just think a lot of people get shamed for being who they are, and there’s nothing wrong with being who you are and looking the way you look, as long as you’re healthy and happy,” she says.

“So, I felt the need to say something that week, so I did.”

“I got a really positive response,” she continues. “A lot of poeple I know needed to hear it that week, for some weird reason.”

“So I don’t know. I was kind of a voice for some people, some friends of mine that were going through something personal, and I was like, I have to say something.”

And if you’re looking for some more words of wisdom from Ireland?

She says that she feels her best “Just when I’m in my happiest state.”

“When I’m doing yoga, when I feel good about my body. Not necessarily punishing myself, or doing anything to harm myself. Just when I’m in a really happy, healthy frame of mind, you know?”

Yeah, girl, we know.

But feel free to keep sharing selfies, just to drive the point home.


Monday, March 27, 2017

Christina El Moussa Slams Mom Shamers, Shares New Bikini Pic

For some reason, not everyone out there is excited to see Christina El Moussa in a bikini.

Late last week, the Flip or Flop co-host shared a number of revealing pictures on Instagram, flaunting her taut body for followers as part of a photo shoot for L*Space Swimswear.

Not up for debate was whether or not El Moussa looks terrific in a two-piece.

Because she very clearly does.

But some Internet users have taken public issue with the photos because they also featured El Moussa’s six-year old daughter, Taylor, in the very same two-piece bathing suit.

This is the World Wide Web.

So these users didn’t view the images as some nice mother and daughter bonding time. They viewed the image as example of Christina being an awful parent, of course.

El Moussa signed online in the days following the pictures going viral and saw that she was accused of exploiting her six-year old for fame.

Even worse, she was accused of doing so while inappropriately sharing photo of her six-year old in a bikini.

In response, El Moussa has chosen to go the sarcastic route over the irate route.

“Our first slumber party!! 6 kids, a dog and 2 moms,” the home designer captioned the following snapshot of some children playing in an above-ground pool in the backyard.

She added:

“So fun, crazy, but so fun… *sorry just realized kids in swimwear again.. it’s cali people it’s what we do*

That last statement was clearly a dig at parent shamers who really do need to get a life.

Mostly due to the Internet being a terrible place, even this seemingly innocent photo earned some criticism for El Moussa. 

A few women out there called Christina out for having a child who can’t swim standing so close to open water.

“No one is a hater, but as a mother it is scary to have a toddler being that close to a pool!” wrote Instagram user luvmyhub3.

Shot back El Moussa, rightfully peeved over this kind of analysis:

OMG 1. It’s a beach entry if he fell in it’s only a foot high, he would be ok 2. It’s not his first time in or around the pool,but thanks for your “concern” aka judgment 3. AND most importantly I am right there and could be to him in 3 seconds SMH at this …..!!!!

With the exception of these recent entries, El Moussa has mostly been in the news for her love life.

She and her fellow Flip or Flop host, Tarek El Moussa, filed for divorce in December.

Christina has said that she and her estranged husband are “getting along really, really well right now,” while the break-up may actually have helped their HGTV careers.

Meanwhile, Christina originally moved on from Tarek by dating her family’s contractor, a man named Gary Anderson.

With that romance now over, El Moussa was spotted at a hockey game last week and is rumored to be dating NHL player Nate Thompson.

“Honestly a relationship is the farthest thing from my mind right now,” she had told Entertainment Tonight earlier in the month “It’s not even on my radar.”

But when you look like Christina El Moussa, sometimes relationships find you even when you aren’t looking for them.

We’ll keep readers apprised of the status of El Moussa and Thompson, along with the status of Christina’s bikini body.

And those who have found fault in her recent kid photos?

Go outside. Take a deep breath. Relax. Get a life.


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Lady Gaga to Super Bowl Body Shamers ... Bite Me!

They called her “fat,” “flabby” and worse … but Lady Gaga has a message for all the trolls who body shamed her Super Bowl halftime performance … GO BACK UNDER YOUR BRIDGE!! The singer is finally firing back at the haters who pointed out that her…


Lady Gaga to Super Bowl Body Shamers ... Bite Me!

They called her “fat,” “flabby” and worse … but Lady Gaga has a message for all the trolls who body shamed her Super Bowl halftime performance … GO BACK UNDER YOUR BRIDGE!! The singer is finally firing back at the haters who pointed out that her…


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Blake Lively Lashes Out at Post-Baby Body Shamers

Blake Lively is on Team Anne Hathaway.

Not most decidedly not on Team Kim Kardashian

Allow us to explain…

Earlier this week, Hathaway took to Instagram in order to send a positive message to new mothers everywhere.

“There is no shame in gaining weight during pregnancy (or ever),” wrote the Oscar winner, who welcomed her first child in March.

She added:

“There is no shame if it takes longer than you think it will to lose the weight (if you want to lose it at all).”

We could not agree more.

And we’ve criticized Kardashian for several months because she has seemingly taken the opposite approach ever since giving birth in December.

All Kim has talked about online has been her absolute need to shed her pregnancy weight and return to her old figure. It’s been infuriating.

But at least some other big names in Hollywood are taking the opposite approach.

During an appearance on Australian morning show Sunrise, Lively tackled this same issue after the interviewer complimented her impressive bikini body in her latest film, The Shallows.

It was shot months after Lively welcomed her first child, daughter James, who is now 19 months old.

“It’s so unfair though, because it’s so celebrated,” the actress replied, adding:

“It’s like, this is what someone can look like after a baby. I think a woman’s body after having a baby is pretty amazing.”

In whatever shape or size it happens to be, absolutely. Preach on, Blake!

Lively went on, explaining that new mothers should NOT feel pressure to immediately bounce back to their pre-baby body.

Why? Because they’ve just created life. Give them a break!

“You don’t need to be Victoria’s Secret ready right away because you just did the most incredible miracle that life has to offer,” Lively said.

“I mean, you gave birth to a human being! So I would really like to see that celebrated.”

Seriously, can someone tell this to Kim Kardashian please? She’s setting such a bad example.

All she keeps discussing on social media is how she wants to lose 70 pounds, which is great and all. More power to her.

It’s the publicizing of this goal, the way she emphasizes its seeming importance, which drives us crazy.

Lively, meanwhile, is expecting her second child with Ryan Reynolds.

She hasn’t actually commented on this blessing yet, but multiple outlets have confirmed the great news.

“Blake is absolutely thrilled and so is Ryan,” a source tells People Magazine.

And we’re thrilled that celebrities are now coming down hard on body-shamers, choosing to celebrate their bodies after the miracle of child birth.

It’s an important message. It’s an inspiring message.

And it makes us love Blake Lively even more than we loved her before. Which we didn’t think was possible.

We send Lively and Reynolds our best wishes on their next child.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Explains Photoshop, Lashes Out at Body Shamers

Khloe Kardashian has come out with an admission… and a bunch of accusations.

Back in February, the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star snapped a selfie in the mirror, giving Instagram followers a look at her taut stomach after a workout.

No big deal, right?

Typical Kardashian move, right?

The problem was that astute viewers noticed a curve in the door jamb, screaming PHOTOSHOP! at the reality star and prompting her to delete the edited picture.

Here’s a look at the original alongside the doctored image. Can you even tell which is which?

Fast forward six weeks and Khloe has taken to her official website and app to explain why she used Photoshop on the scandalous snapshot in question.

“Whenever I post a picture of my legs on Instagram, everyone comments on how f—ed up my knees look,” she wrote.

“It’s because I’ve had reconstructive surgery, you a–holes! My right leg is an inch and a half thinner than my left because my muscles deteriorated and never recovered.”

Kardashian goes on to detail a car crash she got into on Venture Blvd. and Coldwater Canyon when she was 16 years old.

That’s why she wears a knee brace when she exercises.

According to Kardashian’s explanation, she was speeding and the other car ran a stop sign.

“I was was wearing my seatbelt but the strap was under my armpit,” she says.

“I was in a small Mercedes and it compacted in the wreck. My head and upper body went through the windshield and my legs were stuck under the steering wheel.”


After the accident, Khloe was on crutches for six months and had to wear a leg brace that ran from her ankle to her upper thigh.

“I still remember hitting the other car, feeling the car spinning, and hitting a pole,” she added.

“I had knee surgery the day of my accident and a couple more after that. Lord, help me! So next time you see me in a knee brace, you know why!”

In the end, Khloe admits to the use of Photoshop.

But says it’s just a body confidence issue.

“It’s funny because everyone made a big stink about this Instagram photo below because I Photoshopped it.

“Yes, I did Photoshop it, but I was trying to make my thinner leg look bigger to match my other leg!!!

“All I want are big, thick thighs and I hate how skinny my legs are.”

Khloe Kardashian Explains Photoshop, Lashes Out at Body Shamers

Khloe Kardashian has come out with an admission… and a bunch of accusations.

Back in February, the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star snapped a selfie in the mirror, giving Instagram followers a look at her taut stomach after a workout.

No big deal, right?

Typical Kardashian move, right?

The problem was that astute viewers noticed a curve in the door jamb, screaming PHOTOSHOP! at the reality star and prompting her to delete the edited picture.

Here’s a look at the original alongside the doctored image. Can you even tell which is which?

Fast forward six weeks and Khloe has taken to her official website and app to explain why she used Photoshop on the scandalous snapshot in question.

“Whenever I post a picture of my legs on Instagram, everyone comments on how f—ed up my knees look,” she wrote.

“It’s because I’ve had reconstructive surgery, you a–holes! My right leg is an inch and a half thinner than my left because my muscles deteriorated and never recovered.”

Kardashian goes on to detail a car crash she got into on Venture Blvd. and Coldwater Canyon when she was 16 years old.

That’s why she wears a knee brace when she exercises.

According to Kardashian’s explanation, she was speeding and the other car ran a stop sign.

“I was was wearing my seatbelt but the strap was under my armpit,” she says.

“I was in a small Mercedes and it compacted in the wreck. My head and upper body went through the windshield and my legs were stuck under the steering wheel.”


After the accident, Khloe was on crutches for six months and had to wear a leg brace that ran from her ankle to her upper thigh.

“I still remember hitting the other car, feeling the car spinning, and hitting a pole,” she added.

“I had knee surgery the day of my accident and a couple more after that. Lord, help me! So next time you see me in a knee brace, you know why!”

In the end, Khloe admits to the use of Photoshop.

But says it’s just a body confidence issue.

“It’s funny because everyone made a big stink about this Instagram photo below because I Photoshopped it.

“Yes, I did Photoshop it, but I was trying to make my thinner leg look bigger to match my other leg!!!

“All I want are big, thick thighs and I hate how skinny my legs are.”

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Melissa McCarthy Has a Message for Body Shamers

Melissa McCarthy recently showed off a 50-pound weight loss, but truth be told, she doesn’t really want to talk about it.

“If that is the most interesting thing about me, I need to go have a lavender farm in Minnesota and give this up,” she told Refinery29.

“There are so many more intriguing things about women than their butt or their this or their that. It can’t be the first question every time, or a question at all.”

Regrettably, women today are still being scrutinized for their weight, and today, the actress took to Instagram to vent her frustration.

She posted an image of a sign stuck to a mirror that reads, “WARNING: Reflections in this mirror may be distorted by socially constructed ideas of ‘beauty."”

Melissa McCarthy

Well said. 

In the caption, she included her own poignant message:

“We have to stop categorizing and judging women based on their bodies. We are teaching young girls to strive for unattainable perfection instead of feeling healthy and happy in their own skin. ‘Imagine we are linked not ranked.’ Gloria Steinem”

Looks like she’s ready to start a conversation, or more likely, end the one that’s been going on for far too long. 

The star is tired of women being valued solely for their bodies when they have so much more to offer.

“We’re always being ranked and when we come together, you know, women are amazing together,” she said in a recent interview.

“Women are friends. Women are not really competing with each other. I think everyone wants to make it seem that way with who wore it better, whose butt is better, whose glasses are crazier. I’ve never had any of those conversations in my life.”

For the record, we are fans of everything Melissa has to offer, whether she’s cracking us up in film and TV, designing a fashion line or demonstrating her newfound skill: straight up killing it in a lip sync battle.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Kesha Bikini Photo Sends Message to Body Shamers: F--K OFF!!

Kesha has a very clear message for all you body shamers out there, and she’s sending it with the aid of a sexy bikini photo on Instagram.

As every message should be conveyed, right?

The 29-year-old, who has earned some R&R in the midst of the drama surrounding her rape allegations against Dr. Luke, has a killer bod.

She’s not worried about being a Size 0, though.

Kesha looks incredible, but her captioned the Instagram pic “Not a slave to perfection right now. F**k it. Body shamers please f**k off.”

“Ain’t nobody got time for it.”

Amen, sister. Amen.

Personally, we have no idea who’s body shaming someone so hot, but since she told the haters to get lost, let’s assume someone did.

And eff them!

Kesha always been an outspoken advocate against bullying especially after a 2014 rehab stint to deal with her eating disorder issues.

Her “slave to perfection” word choice could also be interpreted as a dig at Dr. Luke, with whom she’s tried to get out of a contract with.

In other words, don’t expect to see her in a studio recording new material while her case is being appealed. You can find her at the pool!

No pressure to produce hit pop songs or look skinnier than she feels comfortable with. As her Instagram handle says perfectly, @iiswhoiis.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Emily Ratajkowski Takes Down Slut Shamers in Inspiring New Essay

If you’re a beautiful woman with large breasts, society often thinks that’s all you are. You’re advised to cover up or be branded a slut, and if you don’t, well you deserve what’s coming to you.

No one knows this better than Emily Ratajkowski, a beautiful woman with large breasts who gained worldwide attention as the model who appeared topless in Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines” video.

The model and actress describes her body-shaming experiences in an essay she wrote for Lenny, a newsletter produced by Lena Dunham.

In the essay, she writes about how she developed early and family members and friends were worried about the kinds of reactions she would receive from men.  

“You need to hide out, a girl like you, keep a low profile,” she was told.

Although she knew they were well-meaning, she contemplates what kind of damage we’re doing to women by telling them they must be defined by the way men see them – as sexual objects first and human beings second.

Last week, Emily publicly endorsed presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, then afterwards received a slew of attacks on social media, such as:

  • “I find it funny how we care about the opinion of someone who is famous for being naked in a music video,”

  • “Maybe if you put your tits away I could hear your voice,” and the contrary,

  • “Shut up and show us your tits.”

Basically, if you are pretty, and choose not to hide it, you must be stupid.

She said she hears voices in her head daily, reminding her “not to send the wrong message.”

“The implication is that to be sexual is to be trashy because being sexy means playing into men’s desires,” she explains.

“To me, ‘sexy’ is a kind of beauty, a kind of self-expression, one that is to be celebrated, one that is wonderfully female. Why does the implication have to be that sex is a thing men get to take from women and women give up?”

The message she is trying to convey is essentially the same as the sentiment held by anti-slut shamers everywhere:

“Don’t tell me how to dress, tell them not to rape” – or judge, or insult, or assume, or tell me my opinions don’t matter.

She sums it up beautifully, with some inspirational words of wisdom for girls and women:

“I refuse to live in this world of shame and silent apologies. Life cannot be dictated by the perceptions of others, and I wish the world had made it clear to me that people’s reactions to my sexuality were not my problems, they were theirs.” 

Bravo, Emily.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Carrie Fisher to Body Shamers: Blow Me!

The angry Force is with Carrie Fisher at the moment.

The 59-year old actress, who of course made her return to the big screen in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, ought to be celebrating that film’s enormous box office success and critical praise at the moment.

The blockbuster now ranks as the fifth-highest grossing movie of all-time in the United States and it has brought in over $ 1.16 billion around the globe.

It has also received mostly very strong reviews from critics.

Instead, however, Fisher took to her Twitter account yesterday in order to tell off those who are focusing more on her appearance than on anything Leia Organa actually does or says in the movie.

“Please stop debating about whether or not I aged well,” Fisher wrote.

“Unfortunately, it hurts all three of my feelings. My body hasn’t aged as well as I have. Blow us.”

The veteran actress – who joined Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford in her return to the beloved movie franchise for the first time since Return of the Jedi in 1983 – later gave her followers a few sage words of wisdom.

“Youth and beauty are not accomplishments, they’re the temporary happy by-products of time and/or DNA. Don’t hold your breath for either,” she Tweeted.

Speaking to Good Housekeeping earlier this month, Fisher honed in on the frustrations that face older actresses in Hollywood.

“I’m in a business where the only thing that matters is weight and appearance,” she said.

“That is so messed up. They might as well say get younger, because that’s how easy it is.”

Seriously, people. Lay the heck off Carrie Fisher.

And all women, for that matter.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Gigi Hadid Stands Up To Body Shamers In Heartfelt Post Addressing Those Who Think She Doesn"t Have The Right Body Type To Model!

She’s sexy and she knows it!

With Paris Fashion Week on the horizon, Gigi Hadid took a stand against all of her body shamers — HUH?!? She has figure critics? — once and for all.

The 20-year-old supermodel took to Instagram and Twitter on Monday morning to defend her flawless figure, saying:

“No, I don’t think I have the same body type as the other models in shows. No, I don’t think I am the best at any given show. Yes, I want a unique walk but I also know I have to improve. No, I’m not the first or last model of my type in this industry. You can make up all the reasons you think I am where I am, but really, I’m a hard worker that’s confident in myself, one that came at a time where the fashion industry was ready for a change.”

Never apologize for who you are, G!

Related: Bikinis For Every Body Type!

It’s only natural to be affected by negative comments, even if you are walking down all the major runways. But Joe Jonas‘ love isn’t going to let that stop her!

“Your mean comments don’t make me want to change my body, they don’t make me want to say no to the designers that ask me to be in their shows, and they definitely don’t change the designers opinions of me. If they want me in their shows, I’m in it; if they don’t, I’m not. That’s just how it is and how it will be. If you don’t like it, don’t follow me, don’t watch me, cause I’m not going anywhere.”

Bye, haters!

We love that Gigi is sending such a powerful message about loving yourself!

“If I didn’t have the body I do, I wouldn’t have the career I do. I love that I can be sexy. I’m proud of it.”

Werk it! Read the rest of her inspiring post (below)!

A photo posted by Gigi Hadid (@gigihadid) on Sep 28, 2015 at 4:25am PDT

What do U think about Gigi’s self-love message?? SOUND OFF in the comments!

[Image via Instagram.]