Showing posts with label Photoshop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photoshop. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Dru Hill"s Smoke E. Digglera Breaks Down Sneaker Photoshop Fail

Dru Hill’s new member ain’t even tryin’ to lie … Smoke E. Digglera knows he and the group got busted — hilariously — for photoshopping his sneakers, but there’s a funny story behind the flub. Smoke, formerly lead singer…


Monday, August 13, 2018

Jenelle Evans: Hiding Baby Bump with Photoshop?!

Jenelle Evans … her whole entire life is just too much.

One day she’s being accused of abusing and neglecting her kids, the next she’s following strangers back to their houses and pulling guns on them

There’s always something going on with her, it’s never good, and it’s just. Too. Much.

Since Jenelle has three kids and has been pregnant at least two more times (her abortion with Courtland Rogers and her miscarriage before she got pregnant with Ensley), she’s pretty much constantly the subject of pregnancy rumors.

Except this time around, there’s a little more to the rumors than “hey, she sure is fertile!”

Last month, Jenelle posed for some photos with her husband, David Eason.

She was wearing a bikini, and her stomach wasn’t completely flat, which makes sense, because again, she’s had three kids.

So when they shared the photos on Instagram, their followers were quick to ask if she was pregnant again.

Then, over on Facebook, David actually confirmed the rumors, saying that she’s 13 weeks along, and they already know it’s another little girl.

Pretty wild, right?

Except David is fond of trolling Teen Mom fans, and also he originally commented that Jenelle was six months pregnant, not just 13 weeks.

We imagine that he realized someone would have noticed by now if she was six months pregnant, and being just 13 weeks along is a lot more believable.

But still, lots and lots of people believed him, and so now all those people are just going about their lives, thinking that Jenelle’s cooking up yet another kid.

So imagine their surprise when she shared this photo:

As you can see, it’s another ad for that detox tea she’s been promoting forever.

She looks great, doesn’t she? And her waist is so small!

Like, it looks like it’s just a little bigger than her arm there, which doesn’t seem very normal, but wow, that tea must be working!

Just kidding, the general consensus is that she Photoshopped the hell out of this picture.

“Omg that photoshopping is horrendous,” one of her followers wrote. “Even your leggings look screwed up like a skirt. Is there anything you can do right?”

“Your photoshopped photo doesn’t make you look very good,” another commented.

Someone suggested that she work on her photo editing skills because right now, her edits are “too obvious.”

And if you’re having trouble seeing exactly where the editing happened, one person pointed out “Where her tummy is you can see that wood line bending.”

But while many people were talking about whether or not she’d edited this photo, others were concerned about her unborn child.

“Can you take this if you’re pregnant?” one of those people asked. “Heard you were.”

Another said “Should you even be taking that aren’t you pregnant with another girl?”

So what’s actually happening here?

Is she really that thin these days?

Did she edit the photo to hide a baby bump?

Or did she edit the photo because in real life, her tummy is a little less flat than this?

We’re going to have to go with that last option.

Here’s a bikini photo that David posted last week — sorry in advance for the vulgarity and any potential scarring on your psyche this may cause:

If you look at her stomach there, it looks great, obviously, and it’s pretty clear it’s not edited.

You can see the loose skin she has from all those pregnancies and everything.

Again, she looks really good there, besides the super weird pose, and not the least bit pregnant, but there’s a clear difference between this picture and that ad.

Jenelle, girl, when are you going to learn that you’re perfect just the way you are?!

On the outside, at least.


Thursday, July 5, 2018

Farrah Abraham BUSTED In Hilarious Photoshop Fails!

It"s been seven months since Farrah Abraham was fired from Teen Mom OG, but she"s still finding new and creative ways to embarrass herself in public on a regular basis.

In June, Farrah was arrested after allegedly attacking a staff member at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

And July is already off to a very promising start thanks to some truly embarrassing Photoshop disasters on Farrah"s Instagram page.

We"re not sure what"s funnier — the fails themselves, or the brutal fashion in which Farrah is being roasted by her followers.

Check out the gallery below to decide for yourself:

1. Farrah Abraham Sucks at Photoshop

Farrah abraham sucks at photoshop

Farrah posted this pic to her Instagram page to celebrate Independence Day. Fans were quick to point out the irony of her obvious dependence on Photoshop.

2. Word Salad

Farrah abraham on insta

Farrah attempted to explain what her ass has to do with the Fourth of July with one of her classically nonsensical rants:

3. Shout Out To … Everyone?

Farrah abraham in underwear for some reason

“For the I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T,” Farrah wrote. “The leaders, the doers, the disrupters, no better way then celebrating your “survivor journey” on #independenceday stay true to your focus, your ambition, your drive your over coming is noticed and recognized on this very day. Cheers to the independent success stories GOD BLESS THE USA”

4. Hashtags Galore

Farrah abraham in a gold and black dress

Because of course she wasn’t done there, Farrah added: “#blessed #livingmybestlife #ilovemylife #survivor #independentwoman #independent #syrian #american #danish #sicilian #2018 #victor #victory #fireworks #firework”

5. The Real Issue Here

Farrah abraham in a bowtie

Obviously, fans were less focused on the ridiculous patriotic caption than on the botched retouching of Farrah’s butt.

6. A Valid Question

Farrah abraham face down

“Omg what’s wrong with your butt?” asked one fan. Needless to say, she wasn’t alone in her curiosity.

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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Sarah Stage: Still Think I Photoshop? Watch Me Work Out!

Fitness mom Sarah Stage still has a six pack at 8 months pregnant. In fact, every day she gets closer to the 9 month mark.

Though we"re sure that this, too, will bring in more criticism and controversy from mommy-shamers and body-shamers alike, Sarah Stage has posted a couple more updates.

And one of them is an exercise video showing exactly how she keeps those rock-hard abs. And yes, you can watch that video below.

Sarah stage bathing suit photo

Sarah Stage is such an inspiration.

Different pregnancies impact bodies differently.

(Actually, different bodies are designed to carry weight differently whether they"re pregnant or not — one gene turning on or off can make a world of difference between two people with similar diets and similar exercise habits)

It"s not that many people are likely to follow in her lead and try to keep a six pack throughout their entire pregnancy.

But … for many people who might struggle with their weight or with exercise or who tell themselves that getting a six pack of rock hard abs is just impossible, Sarah Stage represents hope.

After all, if she can do the "impossible," then someone who doesn"t have a fetus releasing hormones into their bodies and exhausting them for months on end might have a chance.

Sarah stage almost 9 months

Sarah Stage shared this mirror selfie last week.

She"s still, technically, 8 months along.

At present, she"s well into her third trimester. That 9 month milestone will be here before we know it.

She still looks absolutely incredible.

We used to marvel at "basketball pregnancies" — you know, those pregnancies where, like, a mom in the neighborhood doesn"t even look pregnant from behind, and when she turns around, she just looks like she"s stuffed a basketball up under her shirt.

Later, those can look less like basketballs and more like watermelons, but in general, these women"s figures hardly change.

Recently, Sarah Stage defended herself against accusations of photoshoping her abs.

We think that it"s safe to say that she chooses flattering angles and probably sucks in and tightens her abs before she snaps these photos.

We"d dare you to find anyone who doesn"t, unless they"re deliberately trying to take a "before" pic.

The video that we have for you below should wash away all doubt.

Sarah stage pic

In the video below, Sarah Stage can be seen exercising with her son.

She is expecting a second boy, and has expressed excitement about having two sons.

Sarah Stage first reached viral fame with that first pregnancy, whens he also had rock-hard abs and displayed them throughout.

At the time, she didn"t get to exercise with her adorable little son.

She"s clarified that she doesn"t work out like this just to maintain her appearance, but for health reasons.

But … let"s be honest. Nobody"s checking her Instagram with disbelief over her good health.

Sarah stage eight months pregnant

Anyway, we wish Sarah Stage all of the luck in the world.

She should be meeting her new baby within the next several weeks, we would imagine.

We hope that she has an easy time giving birth — her health is great, obviously, and this isn"t her first baby, so it shouldn"t be a problem.

More than anything, we hope that she doesn"t have to have a C-section.

With her abs, through which they"d have to cut … that life-saving operation sounds like a nightmare.

Sarah stage still think i photoshop watch me work out

Friday, August 25, 2017

Sarah Stage: I Don"t Photoshop These Abs!

People love to body-shame Sarah Stage, who doesn’t let pregnancy come between her and her six-pack of rock-hard abs.

Even when Sarah Stage reveals her pregnancy weight, people want to jump on her case and say that she can’t possibly be healthy.

But now people are attacking her from a different angle — claiming that the fit mom just edits her photos to look that way!

Sarah Stage made headlines in 2015 for her minor baby bump and clearly defined six-pack abs.

She delivered a healthy baby boy.

This year, she’s been making headlines again for, yet again, flaunting her killer abs throughout her pregnancy.

She’s due in October, which is getting closer and closer.

(We’re almost in September, you guys)

As you can see, she looks amazing for a woman 31 weeks into her pregnancy.




She’s only gained 18 pounds from her pregnancy, but we don’t have any reason to believe that this is an unhealthy weight.

Some people balloon up during pregnancy, and others just look like they’re smuggling a balloon under their shirts.

It mostly has to do with genetic predispositions, of the mother but also of the baby daddy (a lot of pregnancy’s less pleasant experiences are the result of the fetus hijacking the body)

Though, in Sarah Stage’s case, her insane workouts (even while pregnant) are obviously a major factor.

Recently, some fans spotted Sarah Stage out and about, wearing a pair of mom jeans and a billowy, comfy shirt with what looked like a more “normal” baby bump.

Not the sort of baby bump that you’d expect to see at 31 weeks, but more than you see in the white bikini photo that we showed you above, which was shared the same day that Sarah was spotted.

People started to whisper that maybe she uses photo editing software, because a lot of people are shockingly unable to grasp that makeup and posing have a massive impact on how somebody looks.

Sarah’s representative responded to the accusations by shutting them down:

“Sarah would never Photoshop any photo.”

Some fitness models might resort to photoshop, but that could ruin their reputation — so why risk it?

“She shares her images with her audience to embrace all different body types and her pregnancy. She’s been shamed through both pregnancies. She’s trying to put her journey out there to encourage others.”

She’s working to reduce body-shaming. We shouldn’t shame women for being large or small, when pregnant or not pregnant.

Specifically, on Sarah being spotted wearing normal clothes, like a human, her rep dismissed it pretty handily:

“This goes to show that Sarah is just a regular mom, on the go, wearing comfy clothing as she runs errands.”

Consider this: who out there has ever taken a bikini photo without sucking in their gut, or angling to look the best that they could?

Some people, probably.

But not, as a rule, fitness models.

Their abs are their moneymakers.

We have a feeling that Sarah Stage doesn’t do her bonkers workouts just to fake it for the camera.


Thursday, August 24, 2017

Khloe Kardashian: Obsessed with Plastic Surgery and Photoshop?!

It doesn’t take a Kardashian superfan to notice that Khloe Kardashian has been looking pretty different these days.

It actually only takes a person with functioning eyes and the cognitive ability to recognize when one thing is not like another.

Khloe’s transformation began a few years ago when she started working out to cope with the stress and pain from her divorce from Lamar Odom.

She put a lot of hard work in, and after she lost weight, she began toning up.

It was inspiring to see, it really was, especially now that we’re learning more about how devastating the issues that led to the divorce really were for her.

But after she got her body in tip-top shape, something strange began to happen.

Her ass got bigger — like, insanely bigger — and while she’s credited those new curves to squats, it still seems a little suspicious.

Her lips have also gotten much bigger, though she hasn’t listed an exercise that caused that yet.

There’s also been times when her face just looks completely different in a way that’s hard to explain, which has led many people to theorize that she’s been experimenting with Botox and/or fillers.

And that’s where these new photos come in.

Khloe shared a few new photos of herself on her Instagram page to show off some items from her clothing line (and also to show off her impressive liquor collection).

Unfortunately, most of her followers were too busy checking out her face.

Here, check this out and you’ll see what we mean:

Her lips are looking larger than ever, right? And her face is looking perhaps a little tweaked as well.

Not to mention the fact that there are some things going on in the photo that suggest she got some additional assistance from Photoshop — her impossibly tiny waist, for instance.

And, as always, her followers were quick to point all of this out.

“Listen,” one person told her. “I always thought you were pretty but your face is changing. Wtf is going on with your face?”

Another sweet soul said “You are beautiful. I hope one day you will find peace with your looks, and stop making changes to that amazing face!”

One of her fans wrote “I love love love u Khloe but u don’t need to do Kylie you look so much better with a little less… lips etc.”

And ain’t that the truth?

Some of her followers were less kind — many asked questions like “What the hell has she done with her face?”

“She looks sooo different it is kind of scary!” one person commented.

As for the possible Photoshop, someone asked her “You’re already skinny so why the need for Photoshop?? All those nips and tucks and you still not happy?!

It’s a lot for a few cutesy Instagram posts, huh?

Of course, it really does look like Khloe has at least had lip injections, and it’s not like this family is above editing photos to make themselves look better.

What do you think is going on with the former favorite Kardashian these days?


Sunday, May 21, 2017

Ariel Winter Slammed for Racy New Photo: Is Photoshop to Blame?!

Ariel Winter is a beautiful person. Really, just absolutely gorgeous.

She’s hotter than lava, friends, that’s the point we’re getting at here.

One of the nice things about Ariel is that she seems to be an “if you got it, flaunt it” type of lady — she has a killer body, and she’s not afraid to show it off.

We’ve seen in her more bikinis than we can count, and we’ve appreciated each and every one.

But for some reason, when Ariel shared her latest racy photo, she got a whole lot of hate for it.

Once you get over the beauty, see if you see any issue with what’s going on in this new pic:

It’s her leg! She’s got a wonky leg. Her left leg — the one on the right in the photo, if you get confused — is oddly blurry on the outside.

You can see it best on her calf and up towards her knee. It looks a little funny, right?

And Ariel’s followers were quick to point out the issue.

“Photoshopped thighs,” one person pointed out. “Come on now.”

Another person said Ariel was “doing a Beyonce with the photoshop fail,” because “no thighs are that wonky.”

Yet another perplexed follower wrote “But don’t remember you being so skinny, was this photo shopped? Either way, the real you is what I find amazingly pretty.”

And to that comment, Ariel herself responded with “This is the real me. I don’t photoshop my photos. People look different at different angles.”

Which is true, obviously, but it still doesn’t totally explain those weird blurry lines on her leg, does it?

Those lines weren’t all this girl got hate for, either — she also received comments about her clothes and her weight.

“Do you ever wear clothes that are your size and not the size of a 5 year old? I’m just saying,” one bitter soul wrote.

“What happened to your thickness??” another asked. “Don’t like skinny.”

“You might as well just walk around in a bra & thong or bikini at this point cause nobody is paying attention to your acting when you do this… it’s kind of sad almost, like don’t you get enough attention?”

“It’s a lucky angle. In all paparazzi pics of her out and about she always looks short, wide and stumpy with no neck.”


Ariel Winter is a gift to this world, OK? A gift.

Maybe she tweaks some of her photos a little, maybe she doesn’t. Maybe she’s lost a little weight, maybe she’s got a less conservative fashion sense than most.

But she is still a person. A super, super hot person.

And she deserves more respect than this.


Friday, April 28, 2017

Kourtney Kardashian: Did She Photoshop Those Hot Mexico Pics?

Kourtney Kardashian is frequently touted as the “real” sister in her famous family, a blessed reprieve from her plastic, pretentious siblings.

If this report regarding her smoking hot Mexico photos is any indication, however, Kourt’s pristine reputation could be in serious doubt.

Case in point, look at the photo above. You’re welcome.

Now, once you pry your jaw back up off the table …

Her Instagram followers were undoubtedly drooling over the shots of her derriere that made it to social media, but they did raise questions.

Is Kourtney, who just turned 38, doctoring images of herself in light of the Kim Kardashian cellulite photos that recently leaked online?

Celebrity photographer and Photoshop expert Alan Barry, quoted by venerable Internet celebrity gossip publisher Radar Online, says yes.

“Her upper left back has been edited in to a perfectly straight line,” Barry explained. “Both of her butt cheeks have been heavily edited.

“And badly at that.”

The gorgeous mother of three, he believes, went to town on that butt (digitally) “to remove all evidence of any kind of cellulite or marks.”

“I would think they would learn by now.”

Whether his analysis is true or not, and regardless of whether it matters, it’s not the first time she’s been accused of such not-so-handiwork.

Last year, Kourtney shared a hot tub photo in Iceland which many observers believed had also been altered to smooth out her backside.

Then there was the below shot featuring herself and daughter Penelope that was live for just a few short moments before she deleted it.

Why, you ask, would she – a Kardashian, and by definition an over-sharer – take down a seemingly harmless picture of herself? 

“Start at her waist,” Berry said. “When you come down she has altered what would be her hips down to where her hand is on one side.”

“And where the child is on the other side. I don’t know what applications they’re using, but in Photoshop you would actually use the clone tool.”

“There’s a jagged line. Her daughter’s face has actually been pulled over by the software. Her daughter’s head has been turned into an alien!”

“If you go above her waist to the bend in her right elbow alongside her body, below her right breast, if you look at that line that would be her torso.”

“That’s been played with. She had a little muffin-top thing going on there and that line has been altered extensively by trying to blur it out.”

“[She tried to] shrink it because you notice on that side her body doesn’t extend out. It’s a flat, straight line from her elbow to her torso.”

That’s quite the breakdown, and maybe has some merit to it, but let’s be honest, we’re willing to overlook a few photo alterations.

When Kourtney Kardashian takes a trip to celebrate her 38th birthday, and posts images like this, we are the ones who should celebrate.

As depicted in a number of photos and tweets from sister Kim, the sisters had a wild, crazy, borderline naked time south of the border.

Are we really worried about Photoshop?!

If she’s trying to sell products using bogus pics to influence fans, that would be one thing, but come on, who doesn’t edit their photos?

Exactly. So call her out if you want, but that doesn’t change the fact that the gallery below is a gift from the heavens. Or at least Mexico.


Thursday, April 27, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Did Fans Just Catch Her in MASSIVE Photoshop Fail?!

In this world, there are a few facts that are undeniable.

The earth is round. Climate change is real. Kylie Jenner loves a good belfie.

And today, we’re going to be talking about that last one.

Kylie Jenner has probably shared somewhere around three billion selfies in her nineteen years of life, and in the past couple of years, they’ve gotten more and more scandalous.

She particularly enjoys the previously mentioned “belfie,” but she’s also down for some lingerie selfies, some bikini selfies …

Really, if it’s a selfie that will showcase her ever-changing body, Kylie is down.

And that’s why we’re in the predicament we’re in right now.

Last night, our girl shared this new photo. She’s rocking a long-sleeved tee and some Puma underpants, and she looks great, right?

Of course she does. As ridiculous as she can be, she is attractive, that much is indisputable.

But while Kylie looks good, unfortunately we can’t say the same for the space around her.

If you can tear your eyes away for just a moment, check out that big white thing on the left. See the way it bulges out, right where her waist curves in?

That, friends, is a pretty tale-tell sign of some amateur Photoshopping.

And her followers were quick to point it out.

“Poorly photoshopped babe,” one person pointed out. “We’ve all been there — but girl — you’re always taking pictures — you should be the queen at it now.”

“Pretty bad photoshop with that curve in the wall,” someone wrote, and another said “The wall is bending but okay.”

One particularly savage Instagram user wrote “Hahahaha when you’re 19, rich, and had so much plastic surgery yet you still need to edit your pics.”

Several people pointed out the issue with this photo, but others jumped to Kylie’s defense, saying that the white thing to her left isn’t a wall or a door frame, but a curtain.

And that’s true: Kylie posted another photo in the same “outfit” in the same place, and in that one it’s clear that she’s standing by a curtain.

But still, curtains don’t bulge like that, either.

Also, upon comparing the photos, it’s clear that the curtains don’t curve like that, and while her waist is obviously small, it’s not as small as it is in the supposedly altered image.

It’s just strange, because why would she even bother with editing her photos?

Like we keep saying, she’s gorgeous, and she has a great body, so why bother to make her waist look even smaller, especially when she’s not even going to put in the effort to do it right?

Just … just chill for a little bit, Kylie.

Take a break from the selfies and the belfies and all of this. Get some perspective. And perhaps some Photoshop tutorials.


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Ariel Winter: Photoshop Fail Draws Criticism

If you follow her on Instagram, you that Ariel Winter likes to show off her curves.

Obviously, we have no complaints about that whatsoever.

Unfortunately, it seems she’s currently experiencing some fallout from what seems to be an inevitable hazard for Instagram-happy young celebs these days.

The photo above is latest Ariel’s selfie, uploaded last night.

That is to say, we think it’s a selfie…

As you can see, Ms. Winter’s head has been cropped out for reasons that remain unclear, but there’s an even more curious detail that has some fans scratching their heads:

It seems many of her followers are convinced that those are not Ariel’s legs.

Or at least that Ariel’s legs have been severely digitally altered.

Numerous fans called her out in the comments, but it’s a testament to how well-liked Ariel is by her IG followers that even the shade they throw is mostly supportive.

“Stop with the photoshop. You don’t need it!!” one fan commented.

“Obviously photoshopped plz stop you are perfect without it,” wrote another.

Most heavily-photographed celebs will be re-touched at some point in their careers, but Ari’s case is made particularly awkward by the context of the pic.

For one, it’s on her Instagram page, which means that if she didn’t do the retouching herself, she was at least aware of it.

We’re used to Lindsay Lohan photoshop fails, but we figured Ariel was better than that.

On top of that Ariel has been a vocal opponent of online shaming and an advocate of body positivity for people of all shapes, sizes, ages, genders, etc.

Some of her more impressionable fans might feel that altering her pics serves to undermine her message.

“I really had the greatest opportunity to have some wonderful role models, especially Sofia Vergara,” Ariel said in a recent interview.

“Working with a curvy beautiful woman that everybody looked up to and loved the way she looked.

“That was my inspiration to move forward and accept myself because that’s what matters.”

Of course, the most alarming thing about all of this is that Ariel’s bikini pics are flawless from the moment the digital shutter snaps, and altering them in any way is like adding one of those school photo day laser backgrounds to the Mona Lisa.

Yes, it’s amazing what technology can do these days.

But perhaps only nature can achieve true perfection. *wipes single tear from cheek* #Boobs


Monday, November 28, 2016

Mariah Carey Called Out for MASSIVE Photoshop Fail

If Mariah Carey is looking for a way to distract folks from her James Packer breakup and rumored relationship with a backup dancer, well…

… she has managed to do so successfully.

And also embarrassingly.

The singer spent Thanksgiving in Hawaii, alerting fans to her whereabouts via the Instagram photo featured above.

It depicts Care (and her ample cleavage) holding a pie and a can of whipped cream, while wishing followers a “#happythanksgiving” while she’s busy “#festivating.”

Is she under fire for making up a dumb word such as “festivating?” No, although we’d argue that she should be.

Instead, Carey is facing a lot of backlash for this image due to how clearly she has Photoshopped various parts of it.

“That’s got to be some of the worst photoshopping I’ve seen!” wrote one follower, specifically referring to the distorted mirror by Carey’s shoulder and the warped cabinet near her right knee.

maraiah evidence

“Should the cabinet door and mirror bend like that?” another person asked.

(We can tackle this one: No. They should not.)

Some fans did come to Carey’s defense (“Let her be she looks happy,” argued one very positive individual), while others simply want answers about her love life.

carey evidence

Carey and Packer called off their engagement a few weeks ago.

Initial reports alleged that Packer had grown sick of his fiancee’s notoriously diva-like behavior, but subsequent articles pointed to Packer’s mental instability.

There’s also been unverified talk that Packer is a violent individual and that he attacked one of Carey’s assistants on board a yacht in Greece.

Meanwhile, with the public wondering just why she called off her wedding, Carey has reportedly been spending a lot of time with backup dancer Bryan Tanaka.

A lot of naked time?

Was he with her on this holiday trip to Hawaii?

What, if anything, can Carey tell us about this alleged romance?

The artist sat down a few days ago with Entertainment Tonight to discuss. Watch and learn!

Mariah Carey will be starring in her very own reality show this December on E!.

Some say it is the reason why Packer called off their relationship; because he wanted nothing to do with such self-centered nonsense.

Will you be tuning in for it?


Wednesday, July 6, 2016

16 Celebrity Photoshop Fails: The Worst of the Worst!

Whether it"s for a magazine or social media, celebrities often Photoshop their pics. These are some of the most egregious examples.

1. Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay lohan photoshop fail

Doors just aren’t usually so… wavy.

2. Zendaya

Zendaya photos

Zendaya called out Modeliste magazine for significantly editing this photo to make her appear even slimmer than she already is. She shared the original photo (on the right) to Instagram, and blasted the publication, saying she was “shocked when I found my 19 year old hips and torso quite manipulated.”

3. Kim Kardashian

Kim kardashian photoshop fail

Kim has denied Photoshopping her pics a number of times, but we can’t explain the disappearance of her right arm in this one.

4. Caitlyn Jenner

Bruce jenner in touch cover

Months before Caitlyn Jenner made her official transition to womanhood, InTouch released this cover, with Bruce’s face superimposed onto Dynasty star Stephanie Beacham’s body.

5. Beyonce

Beyonce thigh gap photoshop pic

Beyonce was caught Photoshopping a thigh gap in this pic, with the oddly crooked step seen between her thighs as the giveaway.

6. Khloe Kardashian

Khloe kardashian

Khloe Kardashian came under fire when fans noticed a slight curve in the door jamb next to her thigh in this pic she shared to Instagram.

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16 Celebrity Photoshop Fails: The Worst of the Worst!

Whether it"s for a magazine or social media, celebrities often Photoshop their pics. These are some of the most egregious examples.

1. Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay lohan photoshop fail

Doors just aren’t usually so… wavy.

2. Zendaya

Zendaya photos

Zendaya called out Modeliste magazine for significantly editing this photo to make her appear even slimmer than she already is. She shared the original photo (on the right) to Instagram, and blasted the publication, saying she was “shocked when I found my 19 year old hips and torso quite manipulated.”

3. Kim Kardashian

Kim kardashian photoshop fail

Kim has denied Photoshopping her pics a number of times, but we can’t explain the disappearance of her right arm in this one.

4. Caitlyn Jenner

Bruce jenner in touch cover

Months before Caitlyn Jenner made her official transition to womanhood, InTouch released this cover, with Bruce’s face superimposed onto Dynasty star Stephanie Beacham’s body.

5. Beyonce

Beyonce thigh gap photoshop pic

Beyonce was caught Photoshopping a thigh gap in this pic, with the oddly crooked step seen between her thighs as the giveaway.

6. Khloe Kardashian

Khloe kardashian

Khloe Kardashian came under fire when fans noticed a slight curve in the door jamb next to her thigh in this pic she shared to Instagram.

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