Showing posts with label Criticism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Criticism. Show all posts

Thursday, August 9, 2018

LeBron James" Fashion Clapback After "I Promise" School Criticism

LeBron James is clearly unmoved by the criticism of his new I Promise school in Ohio — at least judging by his shirt.  After Bron announced the opening of the district school in Akron, reports came out showing James is not covering the full…


Monday, July 30, 2018

Demi Lovato"s Backup Dancer Defends Herself after OD Criticism

The backup dancer who has been attacked online for allegedly bearing some responsibility in Demi Lovato’s overdose says she had nothing to do with it.  Dani Vitale posted her denial after some of Demi’s fans claimed she was a bad influence on…


Wednesday, August 30, 2017

TMZ Live: Joel Osteen: Responds To Hurricane Harvey Criticism

ON TODAY’S SHOW Kanye West: Drugs & Booze Allegations Star-Studded Hurricane Benefit Concert  Master P Goes After Kevin Hart Kathy Griffin: I’m Not Sorry Anymore!


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Stephen Colbert Ignores "Homophobic" Criticism, Slams Trump and Putin Again (VIDEO)

Stephen Colbert launched back into his verbal assault of President Trump … the day after he caught some heat for calling Trump “Vladimir Putin’s c**k holster.” Colbert didn’t address any of the backlash against, or support for, his…


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Kylie Jenner: Facing Criticism for Her Cosmetics Line AGAIN?!

Oh, that Kylie Jenner.

It’s almost like a 19-year-old girl without any real education or knowledge about anything other than how to take a good selfie is having a hard time running an entire business.

Because — surprise, surprise — poor Kylie has once again angered the masses with a business decision she’s made with her popular makeup line, Kylie Cosmetics.

And this time, it’s pretty darn gross.

Kylie recently announced that she plans on adding blush to her company’s line. Five matte blushes, to be exact.

And that’s wonderful, right? She’s already got her super popular lip kits, lip gloss, eye shadow palettes, eyeliner, and highlighters. Blush is the next logical step.

But then she revealed the names and shades of the blush. And that’s when things took a turn.

As you can see, Kylie decided to name these new products X Rated, Barely Legal, Virginity, Hot and Bothered, and Hopeless Romantic.

Bet you can’t guess the issue here!

Virginity is kind of a creepy name, and some people aren’t too pleased with it, but Barely Legal? Yeah, this is a dumb move, Kylie.

And her fans and critics alike were quick to call her out for it.

One woman tweeted “Can Kylie Jenner not sexualize young women with her blush names like ‘Virginity’ and ‘Barely Legal’ like ……..”

Another person was a little more pointed with her criticism, writing “How could you call a makeup product ‘Barely Legal’? Kylie Jenner should be f-cking ashamed of herself.”

“Seriously Kylie Jenner,” one girl urged, “choose better names for your products. You have 12+ year old fans!”

And thankfully, several people pointed out what we were all thinking — is Kylie for real trying to sell a product called “Barely Legal” when enough people think something shady was going down between her and Tyga before her 18th birthday?

But the thing is that Kylie isn’t dumb — at least not when it comes to courting controversy for profit.

Many, many makeup lines before hers have been criticized for racy names.

Kat Von D has had a few questionable names for her products: a couple of years ago, she released a lipstick named Underage Red, and a couple of years before that, another lipstick called Celebutard was pulled from shelves.

Two of NARS Cosmetics’ cult favorite products are called Orgasm and Deep Throat, and while they’ve never been pulled, they’ve definitely been side-eyed.

Even MAC has come under fire for their sketchy lip gloss named Underage.

So Kylie isn’t alone, not even a little bit, for choosing questionable but memorable names for her makeup products.

Though she is the only one who’s had a well-documented “barely legal” relationship.

Congrats, girl.


Friday, February 10, 2017

Ashley Graham Lands First Vogue Cover, Receives So Much Criticism!

Ashley Graham is such a beautiful, bright light in this dumb world, isn’t she?

So her very first Vogue cover has been a long time coming

Unfortunately, instead of just a lovely cover featuring a lovely person, we got this great big mess instead.

So that’s the cover. From left to right, we have models Liu Wen, Ashley Graham, Kendall Jenner, Gigi Hadid, Imaan Hammam, Adwoa Aboah, and Vittoria Ceretti.

As Vogue says about the cover, “In a climate of immigration bans and building walls, the biggest names in 2017 make the case that there isn’t just one type of American girl — nor has there ever been.”

And there is a fair bit of diversity here, Adwoa’s father is from Ghana, Imaan is of Egyptian and Moroccan descent, Liu is Chinese, and Gigi’s parents, of course, are Dutch and Palestinian.

But to many people, it just isn’t diverse enough.

One person took to Twitter to complain “While they may be different ethnicities, they all have the same facial features & structure so is that even real diversity?”

Another simply asked “Where are the dark skin girls?”

But while there are definitely some weird things going on with this cover, the thing that really stood out to a lot of people is Ashley Graham’s appearance here.

Notice how she’s the only plus size model, and she’s the only one covering up her thigh?

Oh, and check out Gigi’s arm and hand there. See how long it is — unnaturally long, some might say — and how it’s just long enough to cover up Ashley’s waist?

Yeah, that’s where a lot of people are getting hung up.

Ashley shared the cover on her Instagram page, and her followers were quick to point out the issues.

“No one else has their hand on their thigh,” one person complained. “Girl you better show the world your thick thighs!

Another said “I’m so disappointed with the obvious photoshopping of Gigi’s arm/hand and the fact tht they only made you as the plus size rep put your hand down covering the thigh. Nobody else had that pose. That’s on Vogue but it’s frustrating.”

“They are missing representing curvy,” someone told her. “You’re one person and you can see like 25% of you. You’re also the only one in all black. I saw this and was soooo disappointed. Such a missed opportunity.”

But Ashley saw all the criticism, and she wasn’t having it.

She replied to one of the comments, explaining that “I chose to pose like that.. no one told me to do anything.”

And that may be true, but even so, there’s no denying that it looks a little questionable.

Oh, and hey, Vogue, next time how about you give Ashley her very own cover? She can handle it.


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Leah Messer Faces New Criticism: Is She Back on Drugs?!

At this point, it’s probably safe to say that for the rest of her whole entire life, Leah Messer will be criticized for her parenting choices.

Seriously, girl could donate a kidney to one of her children and people would still find an issue.

“There’s probably drugs in there,” some would say, or “she’s just doing it to make herself look good for MTV.”

It’s sad.

And what’s even sadder is that right now, Leah is facing a boatload of criticism — several boatloads, actually — for what Teen Mom 2 fans believe are wrongdoings.

There’s a lot to get into here, so let’s break down Leah’s latest sins, one by one.

The first one is that Leah is in L.A. right now, doing some filming for some Teen Mom 2 specials. She left her three little girls at home, and apparently that was wrong of her.

“Leaving your kids behind super mom,” one of her followers commented sarcastically.

How ridiculous is that? Because Leah is a mother, she’s never, ever allowed to leave her children? Is that how this works?

Fortunately, several of Leah’s followers stood up for her on this point, but unfortunately, this next point is even worse.

You know how Leah has been looking a bit thinner than usual lately? According to these strangers on the internet, her weight loss could actually be because of drugs.

She went to rehab in 2015 for what she said were mental health issues, but for what everyone else claimed were drug issues. And some people think those issues might be making a comeback.

“I sincerely hope you’re off the pills,” one person told her. “Your children need you, and the last few months you’ve looked dangerously thin.”

“Take care of yourself, so you can be a role model for your girls.”

One person wrote that Leah “looks buzzed” in recent photos, while another stated that “Leah comes from dysfunction she can only do what she was taught.”

“I have noticed some signs of possible medication use. It could be prescribed,” another person pointed out.

“Please take a look at yourself,” yet another commenter said. “Be realistic. In the beginning of the season you looked like you were on something, you still look like you’re on something.”

“The reality is you look like you’re on drugs or something worse!!!”

It’s all very dramatic, right? Not to mention dumb.

Leah has always been thin. She was thin before she got pregnant at 16, she was thin again about two seconds after giving birth to twins.

If she’s thinner now, perhaps it’s from the stress of being a single mother to three young children, one with a debilitating disease.

But — and this is the third issue — some people are also saying that Leah’s sister, Victoria, is struggling with an addiction of her own these days.

So basically everything is a mess.

As one of her faithful commenters wrote, “Looks like your sister is on drugs now! She seems so out of it when filming.”

“Her sister is the one on pills now,” another claimed. “She looks and acts just like Leah did last season. And she’s a new mom. I sincerely hope Leah gets her some help.”

Apparently if Victoria really is on drugs, it’s Leah’s fault — another of her followers told her “Not to be rude but you need to get your sister Victoria some help.”

“Any idiot can see she’s high in every episode so far and she looks terrible. You battled an issue and seem to be doing great. She just had a baby and it doesn’t deserve to have a brand new mom high on pills! Help her!”

So to recap, Leah is a bad person for leaving her kids for a few days while she goes on a business trip, for being back on drugs, and for not helping her sister with her own drug addiction.

She sure does lead a busy life, huh?


Thursday, January 12, 2017

Ariel Winter: Photoshop Fail Draws Criticism

If you follow her on Instagram, you that Ariel Winter likes to show off her curves.

Obviously, we have no complaints about that whatsoever.

Unfortunately, it seems she’s currently experiencing some fallout from what seems to be an inevitable hazard for Instagram-happy young celebs these days.

The photo above is latest Ariel’s selfie, uploaded last night.

That is to say, we think it’s a selfie…

As you can see, Ms. Winter’s head has been cropped out for reasons that remain unclear, but there’s an even more curious detail that has some fans scratching their heads:

It seems many of her followers are convinced that those are not Ariel’s legs.

Or at least that Ariel’s legs have been severely digitally altered.

Numerous fans called her out in the comments, but it’s a testament to how well-liked Ariel is by her IG followers that even the shade they throw is mostly supportive.

“Stop with the photoshop. You don’t need it!!” one fan commented.

“Obviously photoshopped plz stop you are perfect without it,” wrote another.

Most heavily-photographed celebs will be re-touched at some point in their careers, but Ari’s case is made particularly awkward by the context of the pic.

For one, it’s on her Instagram page, which means that if she didn’t do the retouching herself, she was at least aware of it.

We’re used to Lindsay Lohan photoshop fails, but we figured Ariel was better than that.

On top of that Ariel has been a vocal opponent of online shaming and an advocate of body positivity for people of all shapes, sizes, ages, genders, etc.

Some of her more impressionable fans might feel that altering her pics serves to undermine her message.

“I really had the greatest opportunity to have some wonderful role models, especially Sofia Vergara,” Ariel said in a recent interview.

“Working with a curvy beautiful woman that everybody looked up to and loved the way she looked.

“That was my inspiration to move forward and accept myself because that’s what matters.”

Of course, the most alarming thing about all of this is that Ariel’s bikini pics are flawless from the moment the digital shutter snaps, and altering them in any way is like adding one of those school photo day laser backgrounds to the Mona Lisa.

Yes, it’s amazing what technology can do these days.

But perhaps only nature can achieve true perfection. *wipes single tear from cheek* #Boobs


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Leah Messer: Partying in Miami Following Parenting Criticism

If you watch Teen Mom 2 online, you’re probably aware that Leah Messer has been having a tough time in recent years.

Leah seemed to hit rock bottom when her divorce from Jeremy Calvert exacerbated her substance abuse issues, a situation made worse by the fact that the drama played out in front of MTV cameras.

Eventually, Leah lost custody of her twins to her first husband, Corey Simms, a development she would probably describe as her rock bottom.

Fortunately, Leah was able to bounce back.

She regained partial custody of her kids, bought a house in her native West Virginia, and seemed raring to go for another season of the reality series that made her famous.

Unfortunately, fans seem to have made up their mind about Leah’s fitness as a parent, and at this point, no matter what she does, she’s certain to face criticism.

Leah has been criticized for her parenting rather harshly in recent weeks, with many of the complaints coming from a scene in which she seemed to suffer a panic attack that upset her children:

Perhaps viewers are unaware that reality shows typically film several months before they air, or maybe TM2 viewers simply believe that all moms should dedicate every moment of their life to hovering over their children.

Whatever the case, Leah is getting slammed once again this week, this time for daring to take a vacation in Miami without her daughters.

It seems that Leah’s kids are with their respective dads, but even so, fans were quick to shame the 24-year-old when she began posting vacation photos on Instagram.

Fans on social media have criticized everything from Leah’s weight loss to the fact that she took a trip without her kids.

Fortunately, she’s also received a good deal of support.

“You are definitely the strongest mom on both shows!! Having a disabled child is emotionally and physically draining plus your other 2. I have 3 as well and my youngest is disabled. Keep up the good work,” commented one fan.

“It’s your comeback year and you look great and radiate happiness! Everyone falls once in a while even the queen,” wrote another.

Leah has yet to respond, but after the year she’s had, we’re sure she appreciates the support. 


Friday, December 9, 2016

Jenelle Evans Responds to Parenting Criticism With a Baby Bump Selfie

Earlier this week, a photo of Jenelle Evans’ son, Kaiser, playing near a bonfire outraged Teen Mom 2 fans, who once again called for the Carolina Hurricane to lose custody of her second son.

(Jenelle already lost custody of her first son to her mother, and she seems to be on the verge of giving up the fight to win him back.)

Of course, the situation is made more troubling by the fact that Jenelle is currently pregnant with her third child, a daughter whom she plans to name Ensley.

Fortunately, it seems at least one person is totally unconcerned about Jenelle’s ability to raise three kids without any of them bursting into flames:

Yes, Jenelle herself is completely confident that there’s still a Mom of the Year trophy somewhere in her near future.

While the haters hate, Jenelle continues to shake it off, but hopefully not too hard, because, ya know … she’s pretty pregnant at this point.

In fact, instead of responding to the controversy over her latest photo of Kaiser, decided to post a bump selfie to let everyone know she’s totes hype about bringing another human life into the world:

Almost 33 weeks ! #FallWeather #TheBump #BabyFever

Obviously, the pic prompted comments about Jenelle’s negligent parenting, and expressions of hope that she’ll be more mindful with her third child.

No surprise there, as that’s basically the case with everything Jenelle posts online, even when she’s not in the midst of a controversy (which is rare).

But it also sparked an unexpected debate:

Who tags a photo with “#FallWeather” in the middle of December?

We know in the meteorological sense it’s still fall, but Christmas is in like two weeks, and according to the official Calendar of Basicness, pumpkin spice season ends on Thanksgiving Day.

A weird case of hashtag abuse that highlights how weirdly out of touch Jenelle is, or another case of the Internet nitpicking her every move?

You be the judge.

Before you answer, watch Teen Mom 2 online to remind yourself that Jenell has done so many drugs that she might only be vaguely aware of what month it is.


Monday, July 25, 2016

Leah Messer Bikini Photo Draws Concern, Criticism

Leah Messer is no stranger to criticism.

The Teen Mom 2 star has been lambasted on social media for everything from her prescription drug abuse to rushing her daughters off to school without breakfast.

So in a way, we guess it might be something of a relief for Leah to be ridiculed for something that has nothing to do with her allegedly unfit parenting.

But of course, it’s much more likely that this latest round of abuse from random strangers on social media is just as nightmarish as all the others.

Leah went swimming in an above-ground pool that appears to be in a parking lot over the weekend, because West Virginia. (Just kidding, WV peeps!)

And it seems a lot of her social media followers feel that Leah is looking unhealthily gaunt these days:

“Jesus! eat a burger gf!” wrote one fan.

“Leah has always been thin, but she was a healthy thin,” another commented.

“This is just too thin especially with her bones sticking out in her chest.”

It’s true that Leah has always been thin, but she does seem to be skinnier than usual these days.

Of course, this is social media we’re talking about, so it wasn’t enough for fans to make that observation, they also had to follow it up with absurd conclusions.

Some believe that Leah’s drug problems are back.

Others speculated that criticism she received during the past season of TM2 coupled with the recent pressures of buying and moving into a new home are taking their toll on Leah.

Frankly, we have no idea, but we’re gonna go ahead and say it:

Leah looks just fine.

It’s the people clogging up her comment board with body-shaming hate that we’re really worried about!

Leah Messer Bikini Photo Draws Concern, Criticism

Leah Messer is no stranger to criticism.

The Teen Mom 2 star has been lambasted on social media for everything from her prescription drug abuse to rushing her daughters off to school without breakfast.

So in a way, we guess it might be something of a relief for Leah to be ridiculed for something that has nothing to do with her allegedly unfit parenting.

But of course, it’s much more likely that this latest round of abuse from random strangers on social media is just as nightmarish as all the others.

Leah went swimming in an above-ground pool that appears to be in a parking lot over the weekend, because West Virginia. (Just kidding, WV peeps!)

And it seems a lot of her social media followers feel that Leah is looking unhealthily gaunt these days:

“Jesus! eat a burger gf!” wrote one fan.

“Leah has always been thin, but she was a healthy thin,” another commented.

“This is just too thin especially with her bones sticking out in her chest.”

It’s true that Leah has always been thin, but she does seem to be skinnier than usual these days.

Of course, this is social media we’re talking about, so it wasn’t enough for fans to make that observation, they also had to follow it up with absurd conclusions.

Some believe that Leah’s drug problems are back.

Others speculated that criticism she received during the past season of TM2 coupled with the recent pressures of buying and moving into a new home are taking their toll on Leah.

Frankly, we have no idea, but we’re gonna go ahead and say it:

Leah looks just fine.

It’s the people clogging up her comment board with body-shaming hate that we’re really worried about!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Bristol Palin Posts Photo of Baby With Gun, Draws MAJOR Criticism

Bristol Palin is no stranger to controversy.

The daughter of former Alaska governor and VP candidate Sarah Palin is still stirring the pot on a daily basis, but these days, the controversies have more to do with Palin’s personal life than her politics.

The latest rash of WTF? news to emerge from Wasilla involved Bristol’s surprise wedding to Dakota Meyer.

The nuptials came as a shock to many, as Bristol and Dakota had bitterly parted ways just a few months prior. 

But Bristol and her baby daddy became close during his visitations with their daughter, Sailor Grace.

(We call that a “Wasilla Courtship,” by the way.)

Now, they’re a full-blown, old-school nuclear family.

(Forget for a moment that her other kid is with a dude who posed nude for Playgirl.)

Anyway, these days, Bristol, Dakota and Sailor Grace can be spotted out and about doing all the things families do:

Taking strolls through the park, sporting genuinely bizarre names, posing with high-powered firearms…

In fairness, little SG is clearly having her picture taken with some sort of antique weaponry, and we’re sure it’s perfectly safe.

That said, you might have noticed that gun violence is something a hot-button issue these days.

So when Bristol posted the pic (and captioned it, “Future member of the NRA!!”), it’s not like she didn’t know what she was doing.

Predictably, her comments section exploded into an intense debate within minutes, with keyed-up Bristol Pistols easily outgunning the generally more level-headed “Whoa, maybe not the best time for this sort of thing, right?” crowd.

Of course, we’re pretty sure Bristol has reached the point where as long as people are talking about her, she doesn’t care what they’re saying.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Kaley Cuoco Draws MAJOR Criticism For Photo of Dogs

If you follow her on social media, you’re probably aware that Kaley Cuoco loves dogs and can do no wrong in the eyes of her many fans.

So we were surprised to learn that this photo of her beloved pups sparked a heated controversy over the weekend.

As you can see, Kaley is one of the many celebs who celebrated the Fourth of July by posting patriotic pics.

Unfortunately, the Big Bang Theory star committed a major flag faux pas by having one of her pooches sit on the stars and stripes.

Protocol dictates that any flag that touches the ground should be burned, so needless to say, placing it on the pavement so that that your pet can have a cool place to relax is a major no-no.

Several of KC’s fans expressed their displeasure on Instagram.

Some choice comments:

“That is not a towel. I believe in the right to burn the flag in protest as long as it is in context, that’s why so many gave their lives, for freedom. But this is not that, this is simply disrespectful. That’s a flag. A symbol of what people have sacrificed.”

“Why the f–k is your dog running its a–hole on the f–king flag?!?! I get that your trying to act patriotic but this is definitely in VERY bad taste!!!”

“I thought you love your country but this ain’t love if you disrespect it’s flag by keeping it down on the ground … let me remind you that lot of blood was sacrificed just to keep the flag high … If you have lil bit of respect for it you should not only remove this picture but also apologize to the people whose feeling must have got hurt.”

“A reasonable person would say ‘my dogs look cute but having that flag there could cause a misunderstanding, I should take it down’  Do the right thing, please. You can put up lots of other pictures of your dogs looking cute.”

Like we said, people were not happy.

To be fair, Kaley stated in the caption that the photo was taken by the person who was dog-sitting for her, and she has taken the pic down following the uproar.

Just goes to show that even a star as beloved as Kaley can incur the full wrath of the Internet when she posts before she thinks.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Jenelle Evans: Photo of Son Kaiser Draws HARSH Criticism

Jenelle Evans may not be winning any Mother of the Year Awards in the near future (Hell, she may not even be winning any custody battles!), but when it comes to trolling celebs on social media, it’s important to adhere to strict Mafia rules and leave kids and civilians out of it.

Unfortunately, some of Jenelle’s followers violated the unwritten code of comments section conduct when she posted this photo of her 1-year-old son Kaiser on Instagram yesterday:

Things started out with the usual concern trolling:

“I just can’t with this ‘life vest’! Also being from Canada these aren’t regulated or approved. Maybe we care about our kids here more in Canada.”

Yes, Jenelle even brings out the rudeness in Canadians. That’s how hated this girl is!

Several commenters pointed out that lil Kai is actually sporting US Coast Guard-approved flotation devices, but the floodgates of hate had already been opened – and that’s when things got really ugly:

“Why is he so huge?!” wrote one follower.

“Because Jenelle stuffs him with food/bottles when she doesn’t want to deal with him….which is often… And he should’ve lost that weight by now if he was an active baby,” another responded.

Yep. Things really got that ugly that fast.

Look, we love making fun of Jenelle. We do it just about every day.

But her daily insanity gives us so more than enough to work with, so we really don’t understand the need to attack her kids.

So please, stick to Jenelle’s many arrests, her awful taste in men, her hilariously dysfunctional relationship with her mother, heck – even her own crappy parenting!

Just don’t drag her kids into it.

Jenelle Evans: Photo of Son Kaiser Draws HARSH Criticism

Jenelle Evans may not be winning any Mother of the Year Awards in the near future (Hell, she may not even be winning any custody battles!), but when it comes to trolling celebs on social media, it’s important to adhere to strict Mafia rules and leave kids and civilians out of it.

Unfortunately, some of Jenelle’s followers violated the unwritten code of comments section conduct when she posted this photo of her 1-year-old son Kaiser on Instagram yesterday:

Things started out with the usual concern trolling:

“I just can’t with this ‘life vest’! Also being from Canada these aren’t regulated or approved. Maybe we care about our kids here more in Canada.”

Yes, Jenelle even brings out the rudeness in Canadians. That’s how hated this girl is!

Several commenters pointed out that lil Kai is actually sporting US Coast Guard-approved flotation devices, but the floodgates of hate had already been opened – and that’s when things got really ugly:

“Why is he so huge?!” wrote one follower.

“Because Jenelle stuffs him with food/bottles when she doesn’t want to deal with him….which is often… And he should’ve lost that weight by now if he was an active baby,” another responded.

Yep. Things really got that ugly that fast.

Look, we love making fun of Jenelle. We do it just about every day.

But her daily insanity gives us so more than enough to work with, so we really don’t understand the need to attack her kids.

So please, stick to Jenelle’s many arrests, her awful taste in men, her hilariously dysfunctional relationship with her mother, heck – even her own crappy parenting!

Just don’t drag her kids into it.

Monday, April 18, 2016

LeAnn Rimes Responds to "Kardashian Attitude" Criticism

Last week, songwriter and radio personality Billy Mack slammed LeAnn Rimes for what he called her “Kardashian attitude” after she was allegedly rude to audience members (including Billy’s father, country legend Bill Mack) at a performance in Texas.

LeAnn has more haters than fans these days (due in no small part to her notorious ego), and she can’t really afford any more negative press.

So instead of just ignoring Mack’s comments in hopes that the story would go away, LeAnn got in front of it.

Or more accurately, she had her publicist get in front of it with a lame, awkwardly-worded statement in LeAnn’s defense:

“In hindsight, Bill Mack and his son’s desire to see LeAnn on their time frame with no regard for the time frames that are part of every artist’s protocol before shows was the only ‘diva’ attitude going on,” the statement reads.

“LeAnn and her family love Bill Mack. She has no idea why he would harbor such intense ill feelings about her and why he could talk as if he knew anything about her personal life.”

Well, if she’s trying to prove that she’s above the drama, calling out an aging country icon as a “diva” is probably not the way to go about it.

Reports of LeAnn delaying a flight with her bratty behavior don’t help either. 

Perhaps Ms. Rimes should just give up on touring and stick to something she’s better at – like feuding with Brandi Glanville.

LeAnn Rimes Responds to "Kardashian Attitude" Criticism

Last week, songwriter and radio personality Billy Mack slammed LeAnn Rimes for what he called her “Kardashian attitude” after she was allegedly rude to audience members (including Billy’s father, country legend Bill Mack) at a performance in Texas.

LeAnn has more haters than fans these days (due in no small part to her notorious ego), and she can’t really afford any more negative press.

So instead of just ignoring Mack’s comments in hopes that the story would go away, LeAnn got in front of it.

Or more accurately, she had her publicist get in front of it with a lame, awkwardly-worded statement in LeAnn’s defense:

“In hindsight, Bill Mack and his son’s desire to see LeAnn on their time frame with no regard for the time frames that are part of every artist’s protocol before shows was the only ‘diva’ attitude going on,” the statement reads.

“LeAnn and her family love Bill Mack. She has no idea why he would harbor such intense ill feelings about her and why he could talk as if he knew anything about her personal life.”

Well, if she’s trying to prove that she’s above the drama, calling out an aging country icon as a “diva” is probably not the way to go about it.

Reports of LeAnn delaying a flight with her bratty behavior don’t help either. 

Perhaps Ms. Rimes should just give up on touring and stick to something she’s better at – like feuding with Brandi Glanville.